19 research outputs found

    Comparative study of the physicochemical quality of water of wells and drilling consumed in the commune of Sinthiou Maléme in the area of Tambacounda (Senegal)

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    In Senegal, the majority of the regions are not served by the drinking water supply networks. The phenomenon is more pronounced in rural areas, particularly in Sinthiou MalĂ©me commune. For example, communities living in these areas often use well water and borehole. This work has been undertaken to evaluate the physicochemical quality of the water resources consumed by these populations. A total of 24 water samples were taken from the single borehole and 02 publics wells, let be 8 samples per source of water. To assess the quality of these different sources, the physical parameters (electrical conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids and hardness) and chemical parameters (F-, SO42-, PO43-, Fe and NO2-) were analyzed by the photometric method. The results obtained show that, from the physical point of view, drilling water is highly mineralized, slightly hard and has a basic tendency, unlike wells. Chemical analysis shows that well waters are heavily loaded with phosphate ions and nitrites. Based on the parameters analyzed, the quality of the drilling water is chemically acceptable. Studies on the elements of metallic traces will be envisaged to better assess the quality of this drinking water. Au SĂ©nĂ©gal, la majeure partie des rĂ©gions n’est pas desservie par les rĂ©seaux d'adduction d’eau potable. Le phĂ©nomène est plus accentuĂ© en milieu rural notamment dans la commune de Sinthiou MalĂ©me. Ainsi, les communautĂ©s qui vivent dans ces zones ont souvent recours Ă  l'eau des puits et des forages. Ce prĂ©sent travail a Ă©tĂ© entrepris en vue d’évaluer la qualitĂ© physico-chimique des ressources en eaux consommĂ©es par ces populations. Au total 24 Ă©chantillons d’eaux ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s de l’unique forage et de 02 puits publics, soit 8 prĂ©lèvements par sources d’eaux. Pour apprĂ©cier la qualitĂ© de ces diffĂ©rentes sources, les paramètres physiques (conductivitĂ© Ă©lectrique, pH, totale des solides dissous et duretĂ©) et chimiques (F-, SO42-, PO43-, Fe and NO2-) ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s par la mĂ©thode photomĂ©trique. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que, du point de vue physique, les eaux de forage sont fortement minĂ©ralisĂ©es, lĂ©gèrement dures et prĂ©sentent une tendance basique contrairement Ă  celles des puits. L’analyse chimique montre que les eaux de puits sont fortement chargĂ©es en ions phosphates et nitrites. Sur la base des paramètres analysĂ©s, la qualitĂ© des eaux de forage est chimiquement acceptable. Des Ă©tudes sur les Ă©lĂ©ments des traces mĂ©talliques seront envisagĂ©es pour mieux apprĂ©cier la qualitĂ© de ces eaux de consommation

    Contamination Métallique D’une Espèce De Poisson (Brama Brama) De La Côte Dakaroise

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    Pollution of metal origin constitutes one of the major risks in the world today. The metal elements can be very dangerous to human health when they are present in the environment at high concentrations. Thus, the evaluation of the metal contamination in marine organisms, especially fish, makes it possible to predict a possible contamination of humans. This paper focuses on studying the metal contamination of the beach of Soumbédioune, located at the western frontage of the area of Dakar. This site, where fish products are offloaded, is the home to Canal IV (West Canal), which drains urban wastewater. In this study, we evaluated the concentrations of the metal elements (Fe, Zn 2+ , Cr 6+) in the bodies of Brama brama using a visible spectrophotometry UV. The results obtained show a strong concentration of chromium plates of 24,5 µg/g which is obtained at the level of the liver. Zinc presents a content of 16,7 µg/g at the level of the skin, but it was not detected at the level of the liver and the flesh. The maximum iron content was recorded at the level of the liver with a value of 77,5 µg/g. However, the values obtained were definitely higher than the standards established by FAO and the CEE

    Détermination du débit de filtration glomérulaire au cours de la drépanocytose au Sénégal: Schwartz, Cockcroft et Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI ou JSCCS ?

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    La dĂ©termination du DĂ©bit de Filtration GlomĂ©rulaire (DFG) est importante chez les drĂ©panocytaires du fait qu’ils constituent un groupe de patients chez lesquels des atteintes rĂ©nales sont frĂ©quemment dĂ©crites notamment l’hyperfiltration glomĂ©rulaire. Dès lors, Ă  une Ă©poque oĂą les calculateurs en ligne proposent simultanĂ©ment diffĂ©rentes formules de dĂ©termination du DFG, il serait important d’évaluer au sein d’une population noire africaine drĂ©panocytaire l’équivalence entre ces formules qui ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es et validĂ©es sur des populations caucasiennes et afro-amĂ©ricaines Ă  DFG normal ou diminuĂ©. Ainsi cette Ă©tude avait pour but d’évaluer l’interchangeabilitĂ© des diffĂ©rentes formules de dĂ©termination du DFG en les appliquant Ă  des drĂ©panocytaires. Des enfants et adultes sĂ©nĂ©galais drĂ©panocytaires homozygotes ont Ă©tĂ© alors recrutĂ©s et leur DFG calculĂ©. La frĂ©quence de l’hyperfiltration glomĂ©rulaire et celle de l’insuffisance rĂ©nale ont Ă©tĂ© calculĂ©es Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats obtenus avec les formules de Schwartz et du CKD-EPI. La concordance des diffĂ©rentes formules a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e avec la mĂ©thode Bland-Altman. Au total 56 adultes et 62 enfants ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude. L’insuffisance rĂ©nale a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e chez 1,78% des adultes et 9,68% des enfants ; l’hyperfiltration glomĂ©rulaire chez 66,10% des adultes et 25,8% des enfants. Par rapport aux formules de rĂ©fĂ©rence (CKD-EPI, Schwartz), tous les biais relevĂ©s Ă©taient significativement diffĂ©rents de zĂ©ro Ă  l’exception de celui de Cockcroftet Gault qui Ă©tait statistiquement nul. Les limites de concordance Ă©taient toutes inacceptablement larges par rapport aux limites attendues Ă  l’exception de celles du CKD-EPI sans ajustement sur la race. Ainsi, la formule de Schwartz n’était pas interchangeable avec celle du JSCCS chez les enfants, tout comme celle du CKD-EPI ne l’était pas non plus avec celles du JSCCS, de Cockcroft, du MDRD ou du CKD-EPI sans ajustement sur la race chez les adultes drĂ©panocytaires.   English title: Determination of glomerular filtration rate in sickle cell disease in Senegal: Schwartz, Cockcroft and Gault, MDRD, CKD-EPI or JSCCS? Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is important in patients living with sickle cell disease (SCD) because they constitute a group of patients where kidney dysfunction is frequently described, in particular glomerular hyperfiltration. Therefore, at a time when online calculators simultaneously propose different formulas to estimate GFR, it would be important to evaluate in a black African population living with SCD the equivalence between these formulas which have been developed and validated on Caucasian and African American populations with normal or decreased GFR. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate interchangeability of different GFR formulas in a group of patients living with SCD. Homozygous Senegalese sickle cell children and adults were then recruited and their GFR computed using Schwartz and JSCCS in children, Cockcroft and Gault, CKD-EPI with and without adjustment for ethnicity, MDRD and JSCCS formulas in adults. The frequency of glomerular hyperfiltration and renal failure was computed based on the results generated using Schwartz and CKD-EPI formulas. The agreement between formulas was assessed with BlandAltman method. A total of 56 adults and 62 children were included in this study. Renal failure was observed in 1.78% of adults and 9.68% of children; glomerular hyperfiltration in 66.10% of adults and 25.8% of children. Compared with reference formulas (CKD-EPI, Schwartz), all biases found were significantly different from zero except for Cockcroft and Gault formula bias, which was statistically zero. The limits of agreement were all unacceptably wide compared with the expected limits with the exception of CKD-EPI without adjustment for ethnicity. Thus, Schwartz formula would not be interchangeable with JSCCS formula in children, nor was the CKD-EPI formula interchangeable with the JSCCS, Cockcroft and Gault, MDRD or CKD-EPI without adjustment for ethnicity formulas in adults living with sickle cell anemia

    Acute mesenteric ischemia: A case report

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    Acute mesenteric ischemia is a rare life-threatening diagnostic and therapeutic emergency. Lack of clinical and biological specificity makes the diagnosis difficult. Imaging, particularly computed tomography can help confirm the diagnosis. An underlying cause is identified in about 30%-70% of cases and should always be sought. We report a case of a 51-year-old man with chronic alcoholic liver disease admitted to the emergency department for abdominal pain. Computed tomography showed mesenteric venous thrombosis with signs of small bowel ischemia and cirrhosis with portal hypertension. Through this observation, we describe the imaging aspects of mesenteric ischemia and emphasize the necessity of seeking underlying pathological condition

    Cysticercose disséminée à localisation neurologique, oculaire et cutanée chez une patiente sénégalaise

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    La cysticercose est une maladie tropicale négligée prioritaire pour l´Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. La plupart des cas rapportés sont des formes cutanées, oculaires ou neurologiques isolées. Les formes disséminées restent cependant rares. Nous rapportons un cas de cysticercose disséminée à localisation neurologique, oculaire et cutanée chez une patiente sénégalaise de 66 ans reçue pour des céphalées et des crises convulsives chroniques et chez qui l´examen clinique avait objectivé un syndrome cérébelleux associé à des lésions nodulaires sous-cutanées généralisées et indolores. Le diagnostic a été confirmé par la mise en évidence des cysticerques à l´examen histopathologique de la pièce biopsique cutanée. La patiente avait bien évolué sous Albendazole

    FairEmbo Concept for Arterial Embolizations: In Vivo Feasibility and Safety Study with Suture-Based Microparticles Compared with Microspheres

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    International audiencePurpose Microspheres are effective embolic agents, especially for the management of bleeding and oncologic lesions. The first FairEmbo study reported the effectiveness of embolization using suture fragments. The effectiveness and safety of arterial embolization with suture-based microparticles (SBM) were assessed in a swine model.Materials and Methods In this ethical-approved animal study, a polar artery in each kidney was embolized in four swine: one side with hand-cut non-absorbable SBM (Flexocrin 2®) and the contralateral side with Embozene® 900 for comparison. Swine were followed for 3 months (M3) to evaluate the effectiveness and the safety of SBM. Follow-up protocol included clinical monitoring, computed tomography (CT) control and digital subtraction angiography (DSA), followed by histological analyses. The SBM confection parameters were evaluated by automatic microscopic sizer. RStudio software and Mann–Whitney test (significance at P < 0.05) were used for statistics.Results The average size of SBM was 1002 μm (SD = 258). All targets were effectively embolized by SBM with an angiogram defect estimated at 45.6% (95% CI [35.9–55.2]), compared to 40.5% (95% CI [30.6–55.5]) for Embozene® group (P = 0.342). The average duration of SBM embolization procedure was significantly increased compared to Embozene® embolization (1202 s versus 222 s, P = 0.029). There were no statistical differences in M3 DSA and CT for SBM and Embozene®, with persistence of partial arterial occlusion and atrophic embolized area. No postoperative complications were observed on clinical and CT controls.Conclusion This experimental study suggests that embolization with SBM is feasible, safe and effective in short- and medium-term follow-up as compared to microspheres

    Volvulus du mesentere sur lipome mesenterique: à propos d’un cas

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    Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 7 ans qui a consulté pour une douleur abdominale aigue paroxystique siégeant au niveau de l'épigastre associée à des vomissements sans arrêt des matières et des gaz. L'examen clinique ainsi que le bilan biologique étaient sans particularité. L'échographie abdominale demandée en première intention a montré une masse du flanc et de la fosse iliaque droite échogène, homogène à contours réguliers sans signal vasculaire au Doppler associée à un signe du tourbillon des vaisseaux mésentériques. A la tomodensitométrie cette masse correspondait à une formation lipomateuse, bien limitée, exerçant un effet de masse sur le cœcum avec volvulus du mésentère au contact. La disposition des vaisseaux mésentériques à leur origine était normale. Le diagnostic de volvulus du mésentère sur lipome a été retenu. La prise en charge chirurgicale et l'analyse anatomopathologique de la pièce opératoire a confirmé le diagnostic. Nous allons à travers ce cas clinique revoir l'apport de l'échographie et du scanner dans le diagnostic de volvulus du mésentère.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2