64 research outputs found
Nutrition education in portuguese medical students: impact on the attitudes and knowledge
Nutrition has been underrepresented in the curriculum of many medical schools and therefore physicians do not feel adequately prepared to provide dietary counselling. The aim of the present study is to determine the impact of a Nutrition and Metabolism curricular unit on nutrition attitudes, knowledge and confidence on future clinical practice of medical students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole in the adult zebrafish : a detailed behavioral characterization
Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) is a common convulsant agent used in animal models to investigate the mechanisms of seizures. Although adult zebrafish have been recently used to study epileptic seizures, a thorough characterization of the PTZinduced seizures in this animal model is missing. The goal of this study was to perform a detailed temporal behavior profile characterization of PTZ-induced seizure in adult zebrafish. The behavioral profile during 20 min of PTZ immersion (5, 7.5, 10, and 15 mM) was characterized by stages defined as scores: (0) short swim, (1) increased swimming activity and high frequency of opercular movement, (2) erratic movements, (3) circular movements, (4) clonic seizure-like behavior, (5) fall to the bottom of the tank and tonic seizure-like behavior, (6) death. Animals exposed to distinct PTZ concentrations presented different seizure profiles, intensities and latencies to reach all scores. Only animals immersed into 15 mM PTZ showed an increased time to return to the normal behavior (score 0), after exposure. Total mortality rate at 10 and 15 mM were 33% and 50%, respectively. Considering all behavioral parameters, 5, 7.5, 10, and 15 mM PTZ, induced seizures with low, intermediate, and high severity, respectively. Pretreatment with diazepam (DZP) significantly attenuated seizure severity. Finally, the brain PTZ levels in adult zebrafish immersed into the chemoconvulsant solution at 5 and 10 mM were comparable to those described for the rodent model, with a peak after a 20-min of exposure. The PTZ brain levels observed after 2.5-min PTZ exposure and after 60-min removal from exposure were similar. Altogether, our results showed a detailed temporal behavioral characterization of a PTZ epileptic seizure model in adult zebrafish. These behavioral analyses and the simple method for PTZ quantification could be considered as important tools for future investigations and translational research
Serviço Escola Interdisciplinar: perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes assistidos
Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of the patients who attended the Interdisciplinary Service School. Methods: It is a retrospective study with descriptive analyzes of the sociodemographics, clinical, physical therapy, and pharmacy variables obtained from the medical records of the patients attended between 2016 and 2019. Results: Most of the patients were female (57,65%), adults (58,98%), brown-skinned (16,41%), married (33,70%), employed (38,14%), and the comorbidities most frequent were systemic arterial hypertension (58,70%) and diabetes mellitus (21,30%). The physical therapy attendance was mostly for chronic conditions (58,29%) and in traumatic-orthopedic (67,09%) and neurofunctional areas (23,37%). The problems related to medications most identified were the presence of adverse effects (26,85%) and misprescribed doses (20,00%). Conclusions: The analysis of the panorama regarding the prevalence of conditions and population characteristics allows the planning and direction of strategies to adapt the service, in order to offer more integrated care, aiming patient health as a whole and offering improved quality services to the population attended.Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço Escola Interdisciplinar, desde o início de seu funcionamento. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo que analisou de forma descritiva as variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas, de atendimentos fisioterapêuticos e farmacêuticos dos prontuários dos pacientes atendidos entre 2016 e 2019. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes atendidos foi do sexo feminino (57,65%), adultos (58,98%), pardos (16,41%), casados (33,70%) e empregados (38,14%) e as comorbidades mais frequentes foram hipertensão arterial sistêmica (58,70%) e diabetes mellitus (21,30%). Os atendimentos da fisioterapia foram, sobretudo, de condições crônicas (58,29%) e nas áreas traumato-ortopédica (67,09%) e neurofuncional (23,37%). Os problemas relacionados aos medicamentos mais identificados durante os atendimentos farmacêuticos foram presença de efeitos adversos (26,85%) e doses muito baixas (20,00%). Conclusões: A análise do panorama relativo à prevalência de condições e de características da população permite o planejamento e o direcionamento de estratégias para adequação do serviço, a fim de oferecer atendimentos mais integrados, voltados à saúde do indivíduo como um todo, e de melhor qualidade
Perfil de morbimortalidade por queimadura em crianças e adolescentes no Brasil e seus impactos econômicos: uma análise da última década
Fundamento: Queimaduras corresponde a quarta maior causa de morte e segunda maior de hospitalização na faixa etária de 0 a 14 anos, além de potencial de causar sequelas importantes que serão carregadas ao longo da vida. Objetivo: Descrever o perfil de morbimortalidade por queimadura em crianças e adolescentes no Brasil e seus impactos na saúde pública e na economia entre o período de 2008 e 2021. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo de cunho epidemiológico descritivo, com dados obtidos utilizando o aplicativo TABNET, desenvolvido pelo DATASUS. Foram incluídos pacientes de ambos os sexos, da faixa etária pediátrica, que foram internados por queimaduras, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a outubro de 2021. Os dados foram estratificados considerando sexo, faixa etária, etnia/raça declarada, valor médio por internação, tempo médio de permanência, taxa de mortalidade e a quantidade absoluta de internamentos e de óbitos. Resultados: Um total de 139.105 pacientes foram internados no período, a maioria das internações ocorreram em 2010 com 11.566 internações (8,31%), com valor médio de internação estimado em R$ 1.808,25, representada pelo sexo masculino 85.362 (61,36%), com faixa etária predominante entre indivíduos de 1 a 4 anos 63.589 (45,7%), de etnia parda 45.932 (33,01%) e tempo médio de permanência de 6,1 dias. Conclusões: Queimaduras são eventos que levam a uma elevada morbimortalidade nas pessoas acometidas, como sequelas importantes e morte. Dessa forma, é fundamental o investimento em centros de tratamento especializados com uma equipe multidisciplinar além de campanhas de conscientização com foco na prevenção dessas ocorrências
Correlation between fear of falling, eye-segmental coordination and dynamic balance in the elderly
Falls are well documented as being a major cause of accidental injury and deaths worldwide, especially among the elderly, with a higher probability of occurrence in the population over 60 years of age (WHO, 2021). Falls are preventable, but the consequences of falls can lead to injuries and may result in loss of independence. Decreased overall motor skills of the elderly, such as muscle strength, power, flexibility, agility, and endurance, cause walking difficulty (Spirduzo et al., 2005; Jeon M-Y, Choe M, 2002; Salzman, 2010), nevertheless, physical activity and exercise can contribute to maintaining the quality of life, health, physical function and reducing falls among older people (Gillespie et al., 2012; Tricco et al., 2017). Thus, the present study aims to analyse the association between fear of falling, eye-segmental coordination and dynamic balance in participants in a physical exercise program for the elderly. The sample consisted of 103 individuals (22 men and 81 women) with a mean age of 71.3 (±5.9) years, participants of a gerontomotricity municipal program from 5 different locations in the central region of Portugal. Wall Drop Punt Kick and Catch test was used to assess eye-segmental coordination, the Foot Up and Go test was used to assess dynamic balance, and the Falls Efficacy Scale International questionnaire was used to assess the fear of falling. Results confirm that higher levels of eye-segmental coordination are correlated both with dynamic balance and the fear of falling (r = - 0.39, p 0.05). With this study, it could be confirmed that higher levels of fear of falling in the older population are related to lower levels of eye-segmental coordination and lower levels of dynamic balance, emphasising the need to maintain or adopt active lifestyles that promote the development or at least, avoid the decrease of human motor skills performance
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