23 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kualitas Nutrien Dedak Gandum Hasil Olahan Enzim yang Diproduksi Aspergillus niger dan Trichoderma viride pada Ransum Ayam Broiler

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    An addition of crude enzyme from A. niger and T. viride was done to increase nutrien quality of wheat bran with an addition of commercial enzyme as a comparison. Nutrient composition, metabolizable energy and performance of broiler were parameters observed to evaluate the improvement. Enzymes from A. niger, T. viride and commercial enzyme were capable of decreasing fiber and increasing metabolizable energy of wheat bran. Crude fiber content of wheat bran decreased by 14.86%, 8.24% and 0.36%, true metabolizable energy increased by 8.25%, 7.98% and 2.22% when wheat bran was treated with enzymes from A. niger, T. viride and commercial enzyme, respectively. Except for wheat bran treated with commercial enzyme, utilization of wheat bran-treated enzymes from A. niger and T. viride could increase feed intake, daily gain and final weight of broilers. However, the enzyme addition did not improve feed conversion. It is concluded that the addition of enzymes from A. niger and T. viride could improve nutrient quality of wheat bran. Key words : wheat bran, crude enzymes, T. viride, A. niger, broiler


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    ABSTRACTUtilization of Cattle Feces for Bali Male Ducklig Feed.  One of the issues in duck farming is the high cost of feed. On the other hand, cattle feces has a potencial as a cheap feed source. The research was conducted to determine the utilization of cattle feses for Bali male duckling feed. Three hundred of one day old male ducklings were used in this research for 8 weeks. This study was arranged in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. Treatments were P0 (feed without cow feces) and feed with fermented cow feces on the level of 10% (P1), 20% (P2), and 30% (P3). Parameters of growth, mortality, feed consumption, Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR), and physical body composition were observed. The results indicated that the use of fermented cow feces in duck feed up to level of 20% (P2) had the same growth and mortality rate as conventional diet. However it could increase the percentage of carcass of P2 66.65% was significantly higher than P0 which is equal to 64.33%. The utilization of fermented cow feces at a level of 10% (P1) was benefit economically. This study suggests that use of fermented cow feces up to level 20% in the diet of Bali drakes gives the benefit economically and health safety. Key words: Cattle feces, duck, feed ABSTRAK Salah satu masalah dalam pengembangan itik potong adalah mahalnya biaya pakan. Di sisi lain terdapat produksi limbah berupa kotoran sapi yang murah dan berpotensi sebagai sumber pakan. Suatu penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui komposisi kotoran sapi terfermentasi yang optimal pada pakan itik Bali jantan. Penelitian dilakukan selama 8 minggu dengan menggunakan 300 ekor itik umur 1 hari. Penelitian menggunakan Rancakan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Adapun perlakuan yang diberikan adalah ransum tanpa feses sapi (P0) dan ransum yang mengandung feses sapi terfermentasi masing-masing dengan level 10% (P1), 20% (P2), dan 30% (P3). Parameter yang diamati meliputi: pertumbuhan, mortalitas, konsumsi pakan, Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR), dan komposisi bagian tubuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa itik yang mendapat feses sapi terfermentasi hingga level 20% (P2) memiliki pertumbuhan dan mortalitas yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan ransum konvensional. Bahkan dapat meningkatkan persentase karkas pada P2 yakni sebesar 66,65% nyata lebih tinggi daripada P0 yakni sebesar 64,33%. Secara ekonomis penggunaan feses sapi sebanyak 10% dalam ransum (P1) paling menguntungkan dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan feses sapi terfermentasi hingga 20% dalam ransum secara ekonomis menguntungkan dan aman dari aspek kesehatan ternak. Kata kunci: Kotoran sapi, itik, paka

    Identifikasi Kerentanan Longsor Daerah Pangalengan Dengan Metode Slope Morphology

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    Pangalengan is located between 107o29'-107o39 'BT and 7o19'-7o6' LS. Based on its topography and geological condition, Pangalengan has steep slopes and lies between two strike-slip faults. Average annual rainfall of this area is about 1,996 mm with 5.47 mm of average daily rainfall. The area is about 27294.79 hectares with population of 148353 inhabitants. According to these data, Pangalengan has high risk of landslide. Landslide occurred in Pangalengan on 05-05-2015 at 14:00 pm, caused 9 fatalities, 4 people seriously injured, 134 people evacuated, 10 houses buried, geothermal steam flow pipe of Energy Star damaged. It is necessary to analyze slope morphology and study the potential hazard areas of landslide. The result shows that Cibitung which has steep (35o-45o) and very steep (45o-65o) slope  is prone to landslide with an area of ± 3038 hectares spread to the south.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um024v2i12017p001

    Best practices and software for themanagement and sharing of camera trap data for small and large scales studies

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    Camera traps typically generate large amounts of bycatch data of non-target species that are secondary to the study’s objectives. Bycatch data pooled from multiple studies can answer secondary research questions; however, variation in field and data management techniques creates problems when pooling data from multiple sources. Multi-collaborator projects that use standardized methods to answer broad-scale research questions are rare and limited in geographical scope. Many small, fixed-term independent camera trap studies operate in poorly represented regions, often using field and data management methods tailored to their own objectives. Inconsistent data management practices lead to loss of bycatch data, or an inability to share it easily. As a case study to illustrate common problems that limit use of bycatch data, we discuss our experiences processing bycatch data obtained by multiple research groups during a range-wide assessment of sun bears Helarctos malayanus in Southeast Asia. We found that the most significant barrier to using bycatch data for secondary research was the time required, by the owners of the data and by the secondary researchers (us), to retrieve, interpret and process data into a form suitable for secondary analyses. Furthermore, large quantities of data were lost due to incompleteness and ambiguities in data entry. From our experiences, and from a review of the published literature and online resources, we generated nine recommendations on data management best practices for field site metadata, camera trap deployment metadata, image classification data and derived data products. We cover simple techniques that can be employed without training, special software and Internet access, as well as options for more advanced users, including a review of data management software and platforms. From the range of solutions provided here, researchers can employ those that best suit their needs and capacity. Doing so will enhance the usefulness of their camera trap bycatch data by improving the ease of data sharing, enabling collaborations and expanding the scope of research

    Pengaruh Latihan Plyometrics terhadap Kemampuan Long Passing Pemain Sepakbola

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan plyometrics terhadap kemampuan long passing pemain sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci yang berjumlah 18 orang. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara total sampling karena populasi kurang dari 30 orang, jadi sampel berjumlah 18 orang yakni pemain dengan usia 16 sampai dengan usia 18 tahun. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh latihan plyometrics terhadap kemampuan long passing pemain sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci. Instrument yang digunakan adalah tes passing lambung dari Bobby Charlton dalam buku Mielke (2007 : 26). Analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan uji-t dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh latihan plyometrics terhadap kemampuan long passing pemain sepakbola SMA Negeri 4 Kerinci dengan thitung (2,86) > ttabel (1,74), serta terjadi peningkatan long passing dari rata-rata 158,33 menjadi 189,4


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    To overcome the difficulties in calibrating a hot wire anemometer the equation E2 = A+BU0.45, as the reference equation in making hot wire anemometer, was changed to U = (1/ B (E2-A))2.22 to produce linear calibration curve. To realize this idea then an electronic circuit was designed with IC AD 534 and AD 538 as the main components. IThe hot-wire anemometer was made based upon the above principles then used to measure velocity components of swirling flow, which has two components of velocity, i.e.: axial (normal) velocity and tangential velocity. In measurement of swirling flow the probe-X was used to measure axial velocity and tangential velocity simultaneously. Magnitude and direction of swirling flow were determined from those velocity components