75 research outputs found

    Foliar abscisic acid content unterlies genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness after growth at high relative air humidity

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    Background and Aims Stomata formed at high relative air humidity (RH) respond less to abscisic acid (ABA), an effect that varies widely between cultivars. This study tested the hypotheses that this genotypic variation in stomatal responsiveness originates from differential impairment in intermediates of the ABA signalling pathway during closure and differences in leaf ABA concentration during growth.Methods Stomatal anatomical features and stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, feeding with ABA, three transduction elements of its signalling pathway (H2O2, NO, Ca2+) and elicitors of these elements were determined in four rose cultivars grown at moderate (60 %) and high (90 %) RH. Leaf ABA concentration was assessed throughout the photoperiod and following mild desiccation (10 % leaf weight loss).Key Results Stomatal responsiveness to desiccation and ABA feeding was little affected by high RH in two cultivars, whereas it was considerably attenuated in two other cultivars (thus termed sensitive). Leaf ABA concentration was lower in plants grown at high RH, an effect that was more pronounced in the sensitive cultivars. Mild desiccation triggered an increase in leaf ABA concentration and equalized differences between leaves grown at moderate and high RH. High RH impaired stomatal responses to all transduction elements, but cultivar differences were not observed.ConclusionsHigh RH resulted in decreased leaf ABA concentration during growth as a result of lack of water deficit, since desiccation induced ABA accumulation. Sensitive cultivars underwent a larger decrease in leaf ABA concentration rather than having a higher ABA concentration threshold for inducing stomatal functioning. However, cultivar differences in stomatal closure following ABA feeding were not apparent in response to H2O2 and downstream elements, indicating that signalling events prior to H2O2 generation are involved in the observed genotypic variation

    Pore size regulates operating stomatal conductance, while stomatal densities drive the partitioning of conductance between leaf sides

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    Leaf gas exchange is influenced by stomatal size, density, distribution between the leaf adaxial and abaxial sides, as well as by pore dimensions. This study aims to quantify which of these traits mainly underlie genetic differences in operating stomatal conductance (gs) and addresses possible links between anatomical traits and regulation of pore width. Stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, gs-related anatomical traits of each leaf side and estimated gs (based on these traits) were determined for 54 introgression lines (ILs) generated by introgressing segments of Solanum pennelli into the S. lycopersicum ‘M82’. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for stomatal traits was also performed. A wide genetic variation in stomatal responsiveness to desiccation was observed, a large part of which was explained by stomatal length. Operating gs ranged over a factor of five between ILs. The pore area per stomatal area varied 8-fold among ILs (2–16 %), and was the main determinant of differences in operating gs between ILs. Operating gs was primarily positioned on the abaxial surface (60–83 %), due to higher abaxial stomatal density and, secondarily, to larger abaxial pore area. An analysis revealed 64 QTLs for stomatal traits in the ILs, most of which were in the direction of S. pennellii. The data indicate that operating and maximum gs of non-stressed leaves maintained under stable conditions deviate considerably (by 45–91 %), because stomatal size inadequately reflects operating pore area (R2 = 0·46). Furthermore, it was found that variation between ILs in both stomatal sensitivity to desiccation and operating gs is associated with features of individual stoma. In contrast, genotypic variation in gs partitioning depends on the distribution of stomata between the leaf adaxial and abaxial epidermis

    Co-ordination of hydraulic and stomatal conductances across light qualities in cucumber leaves

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    Long-term effects of light quality on leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) and stomatal conductance (gs) were studied in cucumber, and their joint impact on leaf photosynthesis in response to osmotic-induced water stress was assessed. Plants were grown under low intensity monochromatic red (R, 640 nm), blue (B, 420 nm) or combined red and blue (R:B, 70:30) light. Kleaf and gs were much lower in leaves that developed without blue light. Differences in gs were caused by differences in stomatal aperture and stomatal density, of which the latter was largely due to differences in epidermal cell size and hardly due to stomatal development. Net photosynthesis (AN) was lowest in R-, intermediate in B-, and highest in RB- grown leaves. The low AN in R-grown leaves correlated with a low leaf internal CO2 concentration and reduced PSII operating efficiency. In response to osmotic stress, all leaves showed similar degrees of stomatal closure, but the reduction in AN was larger in R- than in B- and RB-grown leaves. This was probably due to damage of the photosynthetic apparatus, which only occurred in R-grown leaves. The present study shows the co-ordination of Kleaf and gs across different light qualities, while the presence of blue in the light spectrum seems to drive both Kleaf and gs towards high, sun-type leaf values, as was previously reported for maximal photosynthetic capacity and leaf morphology. The present results suggest the involvement of blue light receptors in the usually harmonized development of leaf characteristics related to water relations and photosynthesis under different light environments

    The Role of Proteases in Determining Stomatal Development and Tuning Pore Aperture: A Review

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    Plant proteases, the proteolytic enzymes that catalyze protein breakdown and recycling, play an essential role in a variety of biological processes including stomatal development and distribution, as well as, systemic stress responses. In this review, we summarize what is known about the participation of proteases in both stomatal organogenesis and on the stomatal pore aperture tuning, with particular emphasis on their involvement in numerous signaling pathways triggered by abiotic and biotic stressors. There is a compelling body of evidence demonstrating that several proteases are directly or indirectly implicated in the process of stomatal development, affecting stomatal index, density, spacing, as well as, size. In addition, proteases are reported to be involved in a transient adjustment of stomatal aperture, thus orchestrating gas exchange. Consequently, the proteases-mediated regulation of stomatal movements considerably affects plants’ ability to cope not only with abiotic stressors, but also to perceive and respond to biotic stimuli. Even though the determining role of proteases on stomatal development and functioning is just beginning to unfold, our understanding of the underlying processes and cellular mechanisms still remains far from being completed

    Threshold response of stomatal closing ability to leaf abscisic acid concentration during growth

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    Leaf abscisic acid concentration ([ABA]) during growth influences morpho-physiological traits associated with the plant’s ability to cope with stress. A dose–response curve between [ABA] during growth and the leaf’s ability to regulate water loss during desiccation or rehydrate upon re-watering was obtained. Rosa hybrida plants were grown at two relative air humidities (RHs, 60% or 90%) under different soil water potentials (–0.01, –0.06, or –0.08MPa) or upon grafting onto the rootstock of a cultivar sustaining [ABA] at elevated RH. Measurements included [ABA], stomatal anatomical features, stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, and the ability of leaves, desiccated to varying degrees, to recover their weight (rehydrate) following re-watering. Transpiration efficiency (plant mass per transpired water) was also determined. Soil water deficit resulted in a lower transpiration rate and higher transpiration efficiency at both RHs. The lowest [ABA] was observed in well-watered plants grown at high RH. [ABA] was increased by soil water deficit or grafting, at both RHs. The growth environment-induced changes in stomatal size were mediated by [ABA]. When [ABA] was increased from the level of (well-watered) high RH-grown plants to the value of (well-watered) plants grown at moderate RH, stomatal responsiveness was proportionally improved. A further increase in [ABA] did not affect stomatal responsiveness to desiccation. [ABA] was positively related to the ability of dehydrated leaves to rehydrate. The data indicate a growth [ABA]-related threshold for stomatal sensitivity to desiccation, which was not apparent either for stomatal size or for recovery (rehydration) upon re-watering