249 research outputs found

    Globalno tržište organske hrane

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    Organic agricultural production enables the production of controlled, certified, safe, and high-quality food, and at the same time it provides high economic and ecological profit and preserves a healthy environment. Consumer interests in products of organic origin have been steadily growing for twenty years. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the situation in the global organic food market, as well as to point out the most important motives for consumers to decide on the consumption of organically produced foods. All countries around the world record a trend of continual organic food and beverage market growth. In some countries this growth is expressed with doubledigit numbers. The United States is the largest organic food market, with a total of 35.8 trillion euros. Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, drinks, milk and meat have the biggest share in the organic food market in all countries of the world. Fresh fruits take the first position in international trade. Although the production and sale of organic food is concentrated in highly developed countries, less developed countries are becoming important producers and exporters of organic products.Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja omogućava proizvodnju kontrolisane, sertifikovane, zdravstveno bezbedne, a pritom jako kvalitetne hrane, uz ostvarenje visokog ekonomskog i ekološkog profita i očuvanja zdrave životne sredine. Interes potrošača za proizvode organskog porekla permanentno raste već dvadeset godina. Cilj ovog rada je da dâ pregled stanja na globalnom tržištu organske hrane, kao i da ukaže na najvažnije motive zbog kojih se potrošači odlučuju za konzumaciju organski proizvedenih namirnica. Sve zemlje širom sveta beleže trend kontinuiranog rasta tržišta organske hrane i pića, dok je u nekim zemljama ovo povećanje dvocifreno. Sjedinjene Američke Države predstavljaju najveće tržište organske hrane, sa ukupno 35,8 milijardi evra. Vodeću ulogu na tržištu organske hrane u svim zemljama sveta imaju voće i povrće, hleb, žitarice, piće, mleko i meso. U međunarodnoj trgovini, sveže voće zauzima prvu poziciju. Iako je proizvodnja i prodaja organske hrane koncentrisana u visoko razvijenim zemljama, i manje razvijene zemlje postaju značajni proizvođači i izvoznici organskih proizvoda, u prilog čemu ide činjenica da je izvozni potencijal na tržištu organske hrane neograničen

    Podsticanje inicijative, saradnje i stvaralaštva u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti

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    Instruction in Serbian language and literature serves to prepare and in a certain way enable the students to follow other school subjects, which points to its special relevance for total education. Unfortunately, research results indicate that students' knowledge in this field is not entirely satisfactory. One of the reasons maybe the fact that this knowledge is not sufficiently used in practice, which can have an unfavourable impact on students' response to more and more complex demands set by the education system of the 21st century. Additionally, the problem can also be related to the fact that dogmatic-reproductive and reproductive-explicative methodical approaches are still used in the classes of Serbian language and literature, while less attention is paid to creative work, cooperative learning and students' initiative, the competences that should be developed first and foremost during the initial education. This paper aims at pointing to the methods and procedures that contribute to the encouragement of initiative, cooperation and creativity in primary school students in the instruction in Serbian language and literature. Among other tings, we point out to the innovation of the drama method as an integral approach to teaching contents, which serves to adopt more quality knowledge via focused role-playing activities and drama techniques, primarily in the field of literature, and enables the durability and quality of the aesthetic perception and the reception of literature. It is also pointed to the fact that instruction that includes creative work, initiative and cooperative relations enhances student competences not only in knowledge and skills in Serbian language and literature, but also at the level of emotional and social relations between students.Nastava srpskog jezika i književnosti priprema i na izvestan način osposobljava učenike da prate ostale školske predmete, što upućuje na njen poseban značaj u celokupnom obrazovanju. Rezultati istraživanja, nažalost, pokazuju da nije sasvim zadovoljavajuće znanje učenika iz ove oblasti. Jedan od razloga može predstavljati podatak da ova znanja učenici nedovoljno primenjuju u praksi, što može nepovoljno uticati na njihove odgovore na sve složenije opšte zahteve koje obrazovni sistem u 21. veku postavlja. Takođe, problem može biti povezan i sa činjenicom da se na časovima srpskog jezika i književnosti još uvek primenjuju dogmatsko-reproduktivni i reproduktivno-eksplikativni metodički sistem, a da se kreativnom radu, kooperativnom učenju i inicijativnosti učenika, kompetencijama koje je neophodno razvijati najpre tokom inicijalnog obrazovanja, posvećuje manje pažnje. Cilj rada jeste da se ukaže na metode i postupke koji doprinose podsticanju inicijative, saradnje i stvaralaštva kod učenika osnovnoškolskog uzrasta u nastavi srpskog jezika i književnosti. Ističe se, između ostalog, inovativnost dramskog metoda kao integralnog pristupa nastavnim sadržajima, u kome se kroz usmerene igrovne aktivnosti i dramske tehnike usvaja kvalitetnije znanje prevashodno iz oblasti književnosti i obezbeđuje trajnost i kvalitet estetskog doživljaja i recepcije književnog dela. Ukazuje se na to da nastava kojoj su imanentni stvaralački rad, inicijativnost i saradnički odnosi unapređuje učeničke kompetencije ne samo u znanjima i umenjima iz predmeta Srpski jezik i književnost, nego i na planu emocionalnih i socijalnih odnosa učenika

    Filozofski aspekti problema Maksvelovog demona

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    In this thesis, we will analyze Maxwell’s thought experiment from few different points of view. First, we will analyze the relation of Maxwell’s demon with the causality on the one side and indeterminism on the other. Then, we will examine it from the point of view of philosophy of time, thermodynamics, information theory, biology and quantum mechanics. The central part of the thesis will be the analysis between entropy and information in which we will conclude that information and entropy cannot be the same, and that any exorcism that counts on this relationship must be invalid. We will make several conclusions on different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon. We explore these different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon through chapters that can be read independently, but they also form a bigger picture by showing us the heuristic value that Maxwell’s thought experiment bears for both philosophy and physics, but also biology, quantum computation, history of science, cosmology, etc. Instead of exorcising the demon, we can continue Maxwell’s project of analyzing validity of second law through this thought experiment, by using it much wider, in many other fields to draw some new conclusions and pay attention to some unperceived aspects of old phenomena.U ovoj disertaciji analiziraću Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment sa nekoliko različitih tački gledišta. Najpre ću analizirati odnos Maksvelovog demona i pojma kauzalnosti na jednoj strani, kao i pojma indeterminizma, na drugoj. Nakon toga ću analizirati problem Maksvelovog demona sa tačke gledišta filozofije vremena, termodinamike, informatike, biologije i kvantne mehanike. Centralni deo teze biće analiza odnosa entropije i informacije u okviru koje ću zaključiti da informacija i entropija nisu i ne mogu biti isto, kao i da egzorcizam koji se oslanja na izjednačavanje ova dva pojma ne može biti validan. Doneću još neke zaključke koji se tiču raznih aspekata problema Maksvelovog demona. Istražiću ove različite aspekte kroz odeljke koji se mogu čitati nezavisno, ali koji takođe zajedno čine širu sliku, ukazujući nam heurističku vrednost koju ovaj Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment donosi kako na polju filozofije fizike, tako i na polju biologije, kvantne fizike, istorije nauke, kosmologije i tako dalje. Umesto da prognamo demona, mi možemo nastaviti Maksvelov projekat analiziranja validnosti drugog zakona termodinamike, koristeći ga mnogo šire, kao i u mnogim drugim poljima kako bismo došli do novih zaključaka i obratili pažnju na neke nove, ranije neopažene, aspekte starog fenomena

    Biljna proizvodnja po konceptu organske poljoprivrede u svetu i Republici Srbiji - istorijat i trenutno stanje

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    Unlike conventional agriculture, organic farming, as a form of sustainable agriculture, and its production methods preserve and upgrade biodiversity of the soil and biodiversity of the entire ecosystem by protecting the environment, plants, and human health. It appeared at the beginning of XX century in Poland and has been spreading in many countries worldwide ever since. In 2015, this type of agricultural production was implemented at a global level on an area of 50.9 million ha. The largest areas are located in Oceania (22.8 mil. ha) and Europe (12.7 mil. ha), whereas grass areas make up the most, and arable land makes up only 15% there of. In the period 2014-2015, the area increased by 6.5 mil. ha at the global level. In 2015, the largest increase was recorded in Oceania (23.2%) and in 98 countries around the world, while a decrease was recorded in 32 countries. Europe performs ¼ of the world's organic production. In Serbia, organic production makes up 15298 ha (13398 ha belongs to arable land, 1899 ha to meadows and pastures). The largest number of producers is located in Vojvodina, and in Western and Southern Serbia. Cereals have a leading role with a production area of 2182.89 ha. Having in mind the great potentials for organic production in Serbia, experts' plan for the next decade is to increase the area for this type of agricultural production by 20%.Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja, kao vid održive poljoprivrede, za razliku od konvencionalne poljoprivrede, svojim metodama proizvodnje povećava plodnost zemljišta, čuva i unapređuje njegov biodiverzitet, kao i biodiverzitet čitavog ekosistema, štiteći životnu sredinu, zdravlje biljaka, životinja i čoveka, uz primenu najviših standarda kvaliteta proizvodnje. Pojavljuje se početkom dvadesetog veka u Poljskoj, nastavljajući širenje u mnogobrojnim zemljama širom sveta do današnjih dana, te tako, u 2015. godini zauzima površinu od 50.9 miliona ha na globalnom nivou. Najveće površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje nalaze se u Okeaniji (22.8 miliona ha) i Evropi (12.7 miliona ha), pri čemu u strukturi površina dominiraju travne površine, a obradive čine svega 15%. Na globalnom nivou, u toku perioda od 2014-2015. godine, površine su uvećane za 6.5 miliona ha. U 2015. godini, najveće uvećanje zabeleženo je u Okeaniji (za 23.2%), kao i u 98 zemalja širom sveta, dok je pad zabeležen u 32 zemlje. U Evropi je skoncentrisana ¼ svetske organske proizvodnje. U Srbiji, organska proizvodnja se odvija na površini od 15298 ha (13398 ha pripada obradivom zemljištu, a 1899 ha livadama i pašnjacima), pri čemu se najveći broj proizvođača nalazi u Vojvodini, a zatim u Zapadnoj i Južnoj Srbiji. Žita, sa proizvodnim površinama od 2182.89 ha, zauzimaju vodeću ulogu. S obzirom na izuzetne potencijale za organsku proizvodnju u Srbiji, plan stručnjaka je da se u narednoj deceniji površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje uvećaju za 20%

    Indukcija i reindukcija eksperimentalnog alergijskog encefalomijelitisa u DA pacova - uticaj starosti i encefalitogena

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    Susceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) was investigated in DA rats of both sexes, aged 5, 8 or 27 weeks. Guinea pig or Lewis rat spinal cords (GPSC or RSC) emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant were used for both induction and reinduction of EAE. The results showed that: a) sex has no influence on clinical signs of EAE in young DA rats aged 5 or 8 weeks; b) susceptibility to EAE induction increases with age; c) RSC is a more potent encephalitogen than GPSC; d) GPSC is a more effective antigen for anti-MBP antibody production than RSC; e) anti-MBP antibody levels are not correlated with clinical score of EAE; f) EAE can be reinduced in 27-week- old rats if RSC is used for induction and/or reinduction; and g) anti-MBP antibodies are not related to resistance to EAE reinduction in DA rats.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja osetljivosti na indukciju i reindukciju eksperimentalnog alergijskog encefalomojelitisa (EAE) u DA pacova, oba pola, starosti 5,8 i 27 nedelja. Za imunizaciju su korišćeni homogenati kičmene moždine zamorca (KMZ) ili kičmene moždine Lewis pacova (KMP) u kompletnom Freund-ovom adjuvansu. Rezultati su pokazali da: a) pol ne utiče na razvoj EAE-a u 5 i 8 nedelja starih DA pacova; b) osetljivost na EAE raste sa starošću; c) KMP je jači encefalitogen od KMZ; d) produkcija anti-mijelin bazni protein (MBP) antitela je veća nakon imunizacije sa KMZ nego sa KMP; e) nivo anti-MBP antitela nije u korelaciji sa kliničkim znakom EAE-a; f) reindukcija EAE-a je moguća u pacova starih 27 nedelja ako se za indukciju i/ili reindukciju koristi KMP; i g) anti-MBP antitela nisu odgovorna za rezistenciju na reindukciju EAE-a u DA pacova

    The Vocabulary of Emotions Test (VET): Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version

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    Considering the necessity to broaden the range of valid emotional intelligence (EI) measures, this study further examined the psychometric properties of the Vocabulary of Emotions Test (VET; Takšić, Harambašić, & Velemir, 2003). Participants were 333 university students (75.4% female) from Serbia, 245 studying education sciences or humanities, and 88 pursuing natural/technical sciences. All were administered the Serbian version of the VET and two standard tests of verbal intelligence (VI) and asked to report their average grade. The VET had good internal consistency (α = .83) and correlated positively with both measures of VI (r = .37 and .45), as with participants’ grades (r = .20). Significant group differences emerged on the VET, but not the two VI tests, with female participants and the Education Sciences/Humanities group scoring higher than their respective counterparts. A hierarchical regression analysis with VI (Step 1) and VET scores (Step 2) as predictors, and grades as the criterion, yielded a significant model (R 2 = .04) with emotional vocabulary explaining additional variance over VI (ΔR 2 = .02) and surfacing as the only independent predictor (β = .18) of academic achievement. Further analyses showed emotional vocabulary to incrementally predict achievement in education sciences and humanities (ΔR 2 = .03, β = .19), but not in natural/technical sciences, in which context neither VI nor emotional vocabulary were statistically significant predictors of students’ grades. The current results are interpreted as promising evidence on the reliability and validity of the Serbian VET, encouraging further use of this instrument in EI research

    Global organic food market

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    Organic agricultural production enables the production of controlled, certified, safe, and high-quality food, and at the same time it provides high economic and ecological profit and preserves a healthy environment. Consumer interests in products of organic origin have been steadily growing for twenty years. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the situation in the global organic food market, as well as to point out the most important motives for consumers to decide on the consumption of organically produced foods. All countries around the world record a trend of continual organic food and beverage market growth. In some countries this growth is expressed with doubledigit numbers. The United States is the largest organic food market, with a total of 35.8 trillion euros. Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, drinks, milk and meat have the biggest share in the organic food market in all countries of the world. Fresh fruits take the first position in international trade. Although the production and sale of organic food is concentrated in highly developed countries, less developed countries are becoming important producers and exporters of organic products

    Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller & Heinroth) males' den from Velika Pećina in Duboka Near Kučevo, Eastern Serbia

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    More a 100 years after the first research in the cave Velika pećina in Duboka near Kučevo cave bear remains were discovered in a small chamber cut off from the passable channels by a 7 m high slope. A whole skull, bones of a forearm in articulation, and other skeleton parts were laying on the cave floor encrusted in travertine cover and in some places overgrown by stalagmites. Bones belonged to adult males, which found there the shelter to hibernate, in a short epizode that ended by closing the channels that once linked this part of the cave to a surface

    Removal of arsenic(III) oxyanions from wastewater using aminosilane -modified natural and synthetic zeolite

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    Silanization of the natural and synthetic zeolites as well as their use as adsorbents for removing arsenic(III) oxyanions from wastewater are the topic of this paper. Two types of zeolite were used: natural zeolite-clinoptilolite from Zlatokop deposit, Vranjska Banja, Serbia, previously converted to H+-form and synthetic zeolite, mordenite. The modification was performed with solution (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES). The presence of APTES on the surface of zeolite was confirmed using TG/DSC and FTIR analysis. The results showed that natural aminosilane-modified zeolite has a higher adsorption capacity for arsenic(III) oxyanions compared to mordenite prepared in the same way. The kinetic data follow the Lagergren pseudo-second-order model. This model implies a chemical interaction between AsO33–- ions and functional groups on the silanized zeolite surface.9th Croatian-Slovenian-Serbian Symposium on Zeolites, 23rd-25th September 2021, Split, Croati