203 research outputs found

    Involvement of N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (N6AMT1) in arsenic biomethylation and its role in arsenic-induced toxicity.

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    BackgroundIn humans, inorganic arsenic (iAs) is metabolized to methylated arsenical species in a multistep process mainly mediated by arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (AS3MT). Among these metabolites is monomethylarsonous acid (MMAIII), the most toxic arsenic species. A recent study in As3mt-knockout mice suggests that unidentified methyltransferases could be involved in alternative iAs methylation pathways. We found that yeast deletion mutants lacking MTQ2 were highly resistant to iAs exposure. The human ortholog of the yeast MTQ2 is N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (N6AMT1), encoding a putative methyltransferase.ObjectiveWe investigated the potential role of N6AMT1 in arsenic-induced toxicity.MethodsWe measured and compared the cytotoxicity induced by arsenicals and their metabolic profiles using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in UROtsa human urothelial cells with enhanced N6AMT1 expression and UROtsa vector control cells treated with different concentrations of either iAsIII or MMAIII.ResultsN6AMT1 was able to convert MMAIII to the less toxic dimethylarsonic acid (DMA) when overexpressed in UROtsa cells. The enhanced expression of N6AMT1 in UROtsa cells decreased cytotoxicity of both iAsIII and MMAIII. Moreover, N6AMT1 is expressed in many human tissues at variable levels, although at levels lower than those of AS3MT, supporting a potential participation in arsenic metabolism in vivo.ConclusionsConsidering that MMAIII is the most toxic arsenical, our data suggest that N6AMT1 has a significant role in determining susceptibility to arsenic toxicity and carcinogenicity because of its specific activity in methylating MMAIII to DMA and other unknown mechanisms

    Charter School Funding: Dispelling Myths about EMOs, Expenditure Patterns, & Nonpublic Dollars

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    Three decades after the first charter school law passed in the United States, myths about these public schools not only persist but continue to fuel strong claims and divisive debates. Commentators point to education management organizations (EMOs), for-profit organizations which manage or operate a network of charter schools, as examples of private entities supposedly profiting off public education. In this report, we dispel three common myths about charter schools and their funding, spending, and management (see box). We draw upon comprehensive school funding data collected from traditional public schools (TPS) and public charter schools in 18 cities during fiscal year (FY) 2018. In a November 2020 report, Charter School Funding: Inequity Surges in the Cities, we demonstrated that the public charter schools in those 18 cities received on average one-third less funding than their respective TPS. Here we drill down deeply into those data to test claims about public charter schools and the myths surrounding them

    Zaštitno djelovanje selenija protiv prekomjerne ekspresije apoptotskih gena povezanih s karcinomom u štakora izloženih o-krezolu

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    Cresols are monomethyl derivatives of phenol frequently used as solvents and intermediates in the production of disinfectants, fragrances, pesticides, dyes, and explosives, which is probably why they are widely distributed in the environment. General population may be exposed to cresols mainly through inhalation of contaminated air. In this study we evaluated the toxicological effects of o-cresol on differential gene expression profile of rat liver and prostate. Experiments were conducted on 80 male rats, 60 of which were exposed to o-cresol (1.5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, or 15 g kg-1) through feed for 8 weeks. Three groups of rats were supplemented with 0.1 mg kg-1 selenium (Se, in the form of, sodium selenite) in addition to o-cresol to evaluate its effectiveness against o-cresol toxicity. Control group received neither o-cresol nor Se, while one group received Se alone. Survival was similar between the exposed and control animals. Rats exposed to 15 g kg-1 of o-cresol showed a 16 % loss in body weight by the end of the study, which may have been related to o-cresol making feed unpalatable at this concentration. Liver and prostate tissue samples were collected at the end of the treatment. mRNA analysis revealed that apoptotic genes (CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1, and PKCα) related to cancer were up-regulated in liver and prostate tissues isolated from groups exposed to 5 g kg-1 and 15 g kg-1 o-cresol in comparison to control. Changes in gene expression profile were prevented when rats were supplemented with Se. The exact mechanisms underlying its protective effect remain to be clarified by future studies.Krezoli su monometilni derivati fenola koji se često rabe kao otapala te kao posrednici u proizvodnji dezinfekcijskih sredstava, mirisa, pesticida, boja i eksploziva. Otuda i njihova rasprostranjenost u okolišu. Opća je populacija izložena krezolima uglavnom putem zraka. U ovome se toksikološkom istraživanju ocijenilo djelovanje o-krezola, jednoga od tri krezolova izomera, na ekspresiju gena u tkivima jetre i prostate mužjaka štakora. Istraživanje je provedeno na 80 mužjaka, od kojih je 60 tijekom osam tjedana bilo izloženo o-krezolu (1,5 g kg-1, 5 g kg-1, odnosno 15 g kg-1) preko krmiva. Tri skupine štakora primale su uz o-krezol nadomjestak selenija u dozi od 0.1 mg kg-1 (Se, u obliku natrijeva selenita) radi ocjene njegove djelotvornosti protiv toksičnosti o-krezola. Kontrolna skupina nije primala ni o-krezol ni Se, dok je jedna skupina primala samo Se. Preživljenje je bilo podjednako u svih skupina životinja. Štakori izloženi najvišoj dozi o-krezola (15 g kg-1) imali su 16 % manju tjelesnu masu od kontrolne skupine na kraju ispitivanja, što može biti povezano s lošim okusom krmiva zbog primjese visoke doze o-krezola. S istekom osmotjednoga izlaganja o-krezolu životinje su eutanazirane te su prikupljeni uzorci tkiva jetre i prostate. Analiza m-RNA pokazala je značajno povišenu ekspresiju apoptotskih gena CYP3A, COX-2, PPARγ, BAX, BCL2, AKT-1 i PKCα, koji su povezani s nastankom karcinoma u skupinama štakora izloženim o-krezolu (5 g kg-1 i 15 g kg-1 u odnosu na kontrolu. Ova je prekomjerna ekspresija poništena u štakora koji su primali selenij. Još nisu jasni mehanizmi iza ovoga zaštitnog djelovanja, na što će odgovoriti buduća istraživanja

    Metabolic control and bone health in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adults with type 1 diabetes (T1D) have decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and increased fracture risk, yet the etiologies remain elusive. Early detection of derangements in bone biomarkers during adolescence could lead to timely recognition. In adolescents with T1D, we evaluated the relationships between metabolic control, BMD, and bone anabolic and turnover markers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross-sectional study of 57 adolescent subjects with T1D who had HbA1c consistently ≥ 9% (Poor Control, PC n = 27) or < 9% (Favorable Control, FC n = 30) for two years prior to enrollment. Subjects had T1DM for at least three years and were without diabetes complications, known celiac disease, or other chronic diseases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no differences between HbA1c groups in BMD, components of the IGF system, or 25-hydroxyvitamin D status. The prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D abnormalities was similar to that seen in the general adolescent population. Few patients met the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D or calcium.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data provide no evidence of association between degree of metabolic control and BMD in adolescents with T1D. Adolescents with T1D have a high prevalence of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D abnormalities. Longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate the predictive value of vitamin D abnormalities on fracture risk.</p

    Advanced glycoxidation and lipoxidation end products (AGEs and ALEs): an overview of their mechanisms of formation

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    Advanced lipoxidation end products (ALEs) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) have a pathogenetic role in the development and progression of different oxidative-based diseases including diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurological disorders. AGEs and ALEs represent a quite complex class of compounds that are formed by different mechanisms, by heterogeneous precursors and that can be formed either exogenously or endogenously. There is a wide interest in AGEs and ALEs involving different aspects of research which are essentially focused on set-up and application of analytical strategies (1) to identify, characterize, and quantify AGEs and ALEs in different pathophysiological conditions ; (2) to elucidate the molecular basis of their biological effects ; and (3) to discover compounds able to inhibit AGEs/ALEs damaging effects not only as biological tools aimed at validating AGEs/ALEs as drug target, but also as promising drugs. All the above-mentioned research stages require a clear picture of the chemical formation of AGEs/ALEs but this is not simple, due to the complex and heterogeneous pathways, involving different precursors and mechanisms. In view of this intricate scenario, the aim of the present review is to group the main AGEs and ALEs and to describe, for each of them, the precursors and mechanisms of formation