410 research outputs found

    Robotların yükseliş trendi ekonomiyi ve geleceği nasıl etkileyecek?

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    There is no doubt that modern technologies have greatly influenced the business world in recent years. All technological applications brought by Industry 4.0 have provided more mechanization and started processes that do not involve people. This revolution is at the initial stage of changing the world order. People can now imagine a world dominated by robots at work. In the 18th century, many people could not have imagined that such a thing would happen. Over the years, humans have perfected the technologies that robots tend to work on. In this article, the effects of the economic system called robonomics as a result of widespread use of robotics, artificial intelligence and automation are discussed. The positive and negative aspects of the effects of the increase in the use of robots on productivity, cost and labor, which are economic indicators, are examined in this article. With the widespread use of robots, it is predicted that more technicians, economists, and mechanical engineers will be needed in the workplaces, as well as unemployment concerns due to the spread of robots to work areas. The mentioned process will not take place in the short term, positions and roles will change gradually. The study has a conceptual aspect, and it reveals the effect of robots on the industrial use from different perspectives.Modern teknolojilerin son yıllarda çalışma dünyasını büyük ölçüde etkilediğine şüphe yoktur. Endüstri 4.0 'ın getirmiş olduğu tüm teknolojik uygulamalar daha fazla mekanizasyon sağlayarak insanların dâhil olmadığı süreçler başlatmışlardır. Bu devrim, dünya düzenini değiştirmenin başlangıç aşamasındadır. İnsanlar, artık iş yerlerinde robotların hükmettiği bir dünya hayal edebilmektedirler. 18. yüzyılda, birçok insan böyle bir şeyin olacağını hayal dahi edemezdi. Yıllar geçtikçe, insanlar robotların üzerinde çalışma eğiliminde oldukları teknolojileri mükemmelleştirdi. Bu makalede robotik, yapay zeka ve otomasyonun yaygınlaşması sonucu robot ekonomisi (Robonomics) adı verilen ekonomik sistemin etkileri tartışılmaktadır. Robot kullanımındaki artışın ekonomik göstergelerden verimlilik, maliyet ve emek üzerine etkilerinin olumlu ve olumsuz yanları bu makalede incelenmektedir. Robotların kullanımının yaygınlaşması ile işyerlerinde daha fazla teknisyene, ekonomiste ve makine mühendislerine ihtiyaç duyulacağı gibi aynı zamanda robotların iş alanlarına yayılmasından duyulan işsizlik endişesi de yaratması tahmin edilmektedir. Bahsedilen süreç kısa vadede gerçekleşmeyecek olup, pozisyonlar ve roller kademeli olarak değişecektir. Çalışma kavramsal nitelikte olup, robotların endüstriyel alandaki kullanımına yönelik etkisini farklı açılardan ortaya koymaktadır

    Effect of Parental Education and Home Educational Resources to Students' Results of PISA Reading Skills Test

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the results of the PISA reading skills test vary according to educational status of parents and educational opportunities provided by their parents, to students in 7th, 8th and 9th grades. Survey design was used in the study. The population of the study was comprised of 9th grade students in Anatolian High Schools in the province of Zonguldak, and 7th and 8th grades students in the secondary schools of the same province. Student Questionnaire and the PISA Reading Skills Test were used for data collection. According to result of the study, the scores obtained by students in the PISA reading skills test increased as the educational levels of their parents increased. Furthermore, it was also revealed that there was a high correlation between the reading proficiencies of the students and the socio-economic levels of their families. Keywords: PISA reading skills, Parental education, Home educational resource

    Radiological staging in neuroblastoma : computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging?

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    Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the staging of neuroblastomas according to the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging System (INRGSS). Material and methods: In this single-centre retrospective study we identified a total of 20 patients under the age of 18 years, who were admitted to our hospital with neuroblastoma between January 2005 and May 2018, and who had both CT and MRI examination. The INRGSS stages of tumours were evaluated by CT scan and MRI. Then, stages of tumours were described according to the INRGSS for CT and MRI, separately. The Spearman rank correlation test was used for statistical analysis. The p-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The median age was 11 months, and the age range was one month to nine years. In our results; both MRI and CT were significant in the determination of radiological staging of NBL, p < 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively. MRI was superior to CT in radiological staging. MRI was also superior for the detection of intraspinal extension, involvement of multiple body compartments, metastatic disease, and bone marrow infiltration. CT was more useful to consider the relationship between tumours and vascular structures. Conclusions: MRI and CT have high diagnostic accuracy rates in the staging of pre-treatment neuroblastomas. MRI is important in pre-treatment evaluation of neuroblastomas because of the higher detection of metastases as well as the lack of ionising radiation

    Effect of EDDY and manual dynamic activation techniques on postoperative pain in non-surgical retreatment: a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: During non-surgical retreatment process, the products such as dentin debris, root canal fillings, irrigation solutions, microorganisms and remaining pulp tissues can extrude to the apical area and can cause the postoperative pain and flare-up. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluatethe effect of EDDY and manual dynamic activation (MDA) techniques on postoperative pain (PP) associated with retreatment. METHODS: Ninety patients scheduled for retreatment were treated at a single visit. Non-vital mandibular premolar teeth diagnosed with asymptomatic apical periodontitis were included in this study. The patients were divided into two groups (n = 45) on the basis of the need for additional irrigation activation procedures (EDDY and MDA). The patients' post-treatment pain levels were asked to rate the intensity of their pain on a 10-point numerical rating scale (NRS) at the 12th, 24th, 48th, and 72nd h and 7 days.The data were analyzed using the chi-square and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for within-group comparisons and Mann Whitney U test was used to compare the groups by time period. RESULTS: The difference in postoperative pain intensity between two groups was statistically significant at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h (p  0.05). Pain intensity after the treatment was lesser in the MDA groupthanin the EDDY group at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h. CONCLUSION: This study could lead us to conclude that the two activation systems can be used during endodontic retreatment with no difference at PP 7 days later. However, a comparison of the groups indicated that the EDDY resulted in significantly more PP at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04726670.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library

    Characteristics of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections at a Midwestern Tertiary Hospital: A Retrospective Study of 365 Patients.

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    Background: The prevalence of infections due to nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is increasing worldwide, yet little is known about the epidemiology and pathophysiology of these ubiquitous environmental organisms. Pulmonary disease due to Mycobacterium avium complex is most prevalent, but many other NTM species can cause disease in virtually any organ system. As NTM becomes an increasingly common cause of morbidity and mortality, more information is needed about the epidemiology of NTM disease. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of all patients with cultures that grew NTM at a Midwestern tertiary hospital from 1996 to 2017. Information on demographics, medical history, clinical findings, treatment, and outcome was obtained from medical records of all NTM isolates. American Thoracic Society/Infectious Diseases Society of America criteria were used to define pulmonary NTM infections. Results: We identified 1064 NTM isolates, 365 of which met criteria for NTM infection. Pulmonary cases predominated (185 of 365; 50.7%), followed by skin/soft tissue (56 of 365; 15.3%), disseminated (40 of 365; 11%), and lymphatic (28 of 365; 7.7%) disease. Conclusions: This large cohort provides information on the demographics, risk factors, and disease course of patients with pulmonary and extrapulmonary NTM infections. Most patients had medical comorbidities that resulted in anatomic, genetic, or immunologic risk factors for NTM infection. Further population-based studies and increased disease surveillance are warranted to further characterize NTM infection prevalence and trends

    An evaluation of six-year Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infections in a university hospital

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    Background: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a Gram-negative bacillus and opportunistic emergent pathogen causing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). Due to risk factors such as prolonged intensive care unit stay and invasive procedures, it has become one of the leading causes of HAIs. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology of S.maltophilia infections over a six-year period at D\ufczce University Hospital, Turkey. Methods: The incidence, clinical characteristics, antimicrobial susceptibility and outcomes of nosocomial S. maltophilia infections during this period were retrospectively analyzed. Results: During the study period, 67 samples obtained from 61 patients were identified. Pneumonias (82%) were the most common HAIs, followed by bloodstream infections (10.5%), urinary tract infections (3%), skin and soft tissue infections (3%) and surgical site infection (1.5%). Admission to intensive care, hospitalization exceeding 30 days, and previous use of broad-spectrum antibiotics constituted risk factors. Resistance to cotrimoxazole (6%) was lower than that to levofloxacin (18%). Conclusion: The most important risk factors for S.maltophilia infection in patients are previous exposure to antibiotics, prolonged hospitalization and invasive procedures such as mechanic ventilation. Discharging patients as early as possible with the rational use of antibiotics may be effective in reducing S. maltophilia infections and resistance rates

    Antimicrobial Stewardship Training for Infectious Diseases Fellows: Program Directors Identify a Curriculum Need

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    A needs assessment survey of infectious diseases (ID) training program directors identified gaps in educational resources for training and evaluating ID fellows in antimicrobial stewardship. An Infectious Diseases Society of America-sponsored core curriculum was developed to address that need

    Operational challenges in the COVID‐19 era: Asymptomatic infections and vaccination timing

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for solid organ transplant programs. While transplant activity has largely recovered, appropriate management of deceased donor candidates who are asymptomatic but have positive nucleic acid test (NAT) for COVID-19 is unclear as this may reflect active infection or prolonged viral shedding. Furthermore, candidates who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated continue to receive donor offers. In the absence of prospective data, transplant professionals at U.S. adult kidney transplant centers were surveyed to determine community practice (N: 92 centers, capturing 40.8% of centers and 56.6% of transplants performed). The majority (96.8%) of responding centers declined organs for asymptomatic NAT+ patients without documented prior infection. However, 31.6% of centers proceeded with kidney transplant in NAT+ patients who were at least 30 days from initial diagnosis with negative chest imaging. Less than 7% of programs reported inactivating patients who were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. In conclusion, despite national recommendations to wait for negative testing, many centers are proceeding with transplant in patients with positive tests due to presumed viral shedding. Furthermore, very few centers are requiring COVID-19 vaccination prior to transplantation despite early evidence suggesting reduced immunogenicity in transplant patients on immunosuppression

    Reproducibility of endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosis is good, but influenced by the diagnostic style of pathologists

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    Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) applies specific diagnostic criteria to designate a monoclonal endometrial preinvasive glandular proliferation known from previous studies to confer a 45-fold increased risk for endometrial cancer. In this international study we estimate accuracy and precision of EIN diagnosis among 20 reviewing pathologists in different practice environments, and with differing levels of experience and training. Sixty-two endometrial biopsies diagnosed as benign, EIN, or adenocarcinoma by consensus of two expert subspecialty pathologists were used as a reference comparison to assess diagnostic accuracy of 20 reviewing pathologists. Interobserver reproducibility among the 20 reviewers provided a measure of diagnostic precision. Before evaluating cases, observers were self-trained by reviewing published textbook and/or online EIN diagnostic guidelines. Demographics of the reviewing pathologists, and their impressions regarding implementation of EIN terminology were recorded. Seventy-nine percent of the 20 reviewing pathologists' diagnoses were exactly concordant with the expert consensus (accuracy). The interobserver weighted kappa values of 3-class EIN scheme (benign, EIN, carcinoma) diagnoses between expert consensus and each of reviewing pathologists averaged 0.72 (reproducibility, or precision). Reviewing pathologists demonstrated one of three diagnostic styles, which varied in the repertoire of diagnoses commonly used, and their nonrandom response to potentially confounding diagnostic features such as endometrial polyp, altered differentiation, background hormonal effects, and technically poor preparations. EIN diagnostic strategies can be learned and implemented from standard teaching materials with a high degree of reproducibility, but is impacted by the personal diagnostic style of each pathologist in responding to potential diagnostic confounders

    Evaluation of the Infectious Diseases Society of America’s Core Antimicrobial Stewardship Curriculum for Infectious Diseases Fellows

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    Background Antimicrobial stewardship (AS) programs are required by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and should ideally have infectious diseases (ID) physician involvement; however, only 50% of ID fellowship programs have formal AS curricula. The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) formed a workgroup to develop a core AS curriculum for ID fellows. Here we study its impact. Methods ID program directors and fellows in 56 fellowship programs were surveyed regarding the content and effectiveness of their AS training before and after implementation of the IDSA curriculum. Fellows’ knowledge was assessed using multiple-choice questions. Fellows completing their first year of fellowship were surveyed before curriculum implementation (“pre-curriculum”) and compared to first-year fellows who complete the curriculum the following year (“post-curriculum”). Results Forty-nine (88%) program directors and 105 (67%) fellows completed the pre-curriculum surveys; 35 (64%) program directors and 79 (50%) fellows completed the post-curriculum surveys. Prior to IDSA curriculum implementation, only 51% of programs had a “formal” curriculum. After implementation, satisfaction with AS training increased among program directors (16% to 68%) and fellows (51% to 68%). Fellows’ confidence increased in 7/10 AS content areas. Knowledge scores improved from a mean of 4.6 to 5.1 correct answers of 9 questions (P = .028). The major hurdle to curriculum implementation was time, both for formal teaching and for e-learning. Conclusions Effective AS training is a critical component of ID fellowship training. The IDSA Core AS Curriculum can enhance AS training, increase fellow confidence, and improve overall satisfaction of fellows and program directors