1,091 research outputs found

    Determinant Formulas for Matrix Model Free Energy

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    The paper contains a new non-perturbative representation for subleading contribution to the free energy of multicut solution for hermitian matrix model. This representation is a generalisation of the formula, proposed by Klemm, Marino and Theisen for two cut solution, which was obtained by comparing the cubic matrix model with the topological B-model on the local Calabi-Yau geometry II^\hat {II} and was checked perturbatively. In this paper we give a direct proof of their formula and generalise it to the general multicut solution.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to JETP Letters, references added, minor correction

    Holomorphic matrix models

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    This is a study of holomorphic matrix models, the matrix models which underlie the conjecture of Dijkgraaf and Vafa. I first give a systematic description of the holomorphic one-matrix model. After discussing its convergence sectors, I show that certain puzzles related to its perturbative expansion admit a simple resolution in the holomorphic set-up. Constructing a `complex' microcanonical ensemble, I check that the basic requirements of the conjecture (in particular, the special geometry relations involving chemical potentials) hold in the absence of the hermicity constraint. I also show that planar solutions of the holomorphic model probe the entire moduli space of the associated algebraic curve. Finally, I give a brief discussion of holomorphic ADEADE models, focusing on the example of the A2A_2 quiver, for which I extract explicitly the relevant Riemann surface. In this case, use of the holomorphic model is crucial, since the Hermitian approach and its attending regularization would lead to a singular algebraic curve, thus contradicting the requirements of the conjecture. In particular, I show how an appropriate regularization of the holomorphic A2A_2 model produces the desired smooth Riemann surface in the limit when the regulator is removed, and that this limit can be described as a statistical ensemble of `reduced' holomorphic models.Comment: 45 pages, reference adde

    Gravitational Topological Quantum Field Theory Versus N = 2 D = 8 Supergravity and its lift to N = 1 D = 11 Supergravity

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    In a previous work, it was shown that the 8-dimensional topological quantum field theory for a metric and a Kalb-Ramond 2-form gauge field determines N = 1 D = 8 supergravity. It is shown here that, the combination of this TQFT with that of a 3-form determines N = 2 D = 8 supergravity, that is, an untruncated dimensional reduction of N = 1 D = 11 supergravity. Our construction holds for 8-dimensional manifolds with Spin(7) \subset SO(8) holonomy. We suggest that the origin of local Poincare supersymmetry is the gravitational topological symmetry. We indicate a mechanism for the lift of the TQFT in higher dimensions, which generates Chern-Simons couplings.Comment: one section has been adde

    String Interactions from Matrix String Theory

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    The Matrix String Theory, i.e. the two dimensional U(N) SYM with N=(8,8) supersymmetry, has classical BPS solutions that interpolate between an initial and a final string configuration via a bordered Riemann surface. The Matrix String Theory amplitudes around such a classical BPS background, in the strong Yang--Mills coupling, are therefore candidates to be interpreted in a stringy way as the transition amplitude between given initial and final string configurations. In this paper we calculate these amplitudes and show that the leading contribution is proportional to the factor g_s^{-\chi}, where \chi is the Euler characteristic of the interpolating Riemann surface and g_s is the string coupling. This is the factor one expects from perturbative string interaction theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures, JHEP Latex class, misprints correcte

    Matrix Model for Discretized Moduli Space

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    We study the algebraic geometrical background of the Penner--Kontsevich matrix model with the potential N\alpha \tr {\bigl(- \fr 12 \L X\L X +\log (1-X)+X\bigr)}. We show that this model describes intersection indices of linear bundles on the discretized moduli space right in the same fashion as the Kontsevich model is related to intersection indices (cohomological classes) on the Riemann surfaces of arbitrary genera. The special role of the logarithmic potential originated from the Penner matrix model is demonstrated. The boundary effects which was unessential in the case of the Kontsevich model are now relevant, and intersection indices on the discretized moduli space of genus gg are expressed through Kontsevich's indices of the genus gg and of the lower genera

    Flavour from partially resolved singularities

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    In this letter we study topological open string field theory on D--branes in a IIB background given by non compact CY geometries O(n)O(2n){\cal O}(n)\oplus{\cal O}(-2-n) on 1\P1 with a singular point at which an extra fiber sits. We wrap NN D5-branes on 1\P1 and MM effective D3-branes at singular points, which are actually D5--branes wrapped on a shrinking cycle. We calculate the holomorphic Chern-Simons partition function for the above models in a deformed complex structure and find that it reduces to multi--matrix models with flavour. These are the matrix models whose resolvents have been shown to satisfy the generalized Konishi anomaly equations with flavour. In the n=0n=0 case, corresponding to a partial resolution of the A2A_2 singularity, the quantum superpotential in the N=1{\cal N}=1 unitary SYM with one adjoint and MM fundamentals is obtained. The n=1n=1 case is also studied and shown to give rise to two--matrix models which for a particular set of couplings can be exactly solved. We explicitly show how to solve such a class of models by a quantum equation of motion technique

    Reconstruction of N=1 supersymmetry from topological symmetry

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    The scalar and vector topological Yang-Mills symmetries on Calabi-Yau manifolds geometrically define consistent sectors of Yang-Mills D=4,6 N=1 supersymmetry, which fully determine the supersymmetric actions up to twist. For a CY_2 manifold, both N=1,D=4 Wess and Zumino and superYang-Mills theory can be reconstructed in this way. A superpotential can be introduced for the matter sector, as well as the Fayet-Iliopoulos mechanism. For a CY_3 manifold, the N=1, D=6 Yang-Mills theory is also obtained, in a twisted form. Putting these results together with those already known for the D=4,8 N=2 cases, we conclude that all Yang--Mills supersymmetries with 4, 8 and 16 generators are determined from topological symmetry on special manifolds.Comment: 13 page

    Baryonic Corrections to Superpotentials from Perturbation Theory

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    We study the corrections induced by a baryon vertex to the superpotential of SQCD with gauge group SU(N) and N quark flavors. We first compute the corrections order by order using a standard field theory technique and derive the corresponding glueball superpotential by "integrating in" the glueball field. The structure of the corrections matches with the expectations from the recently introduced perturbative techniques. We then compute the first non-trivial contribution using this new technique and find exact quantitative agreement. This involves cancellations between diagrams that go beyond the planar approximation.Comment: 8 page

    Crossings, Motzkin paths and Moments

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    Kasraoui, Stanton and Zeng, and Kim, Stanton and Zeng introduced certain qq-analogues of Laguerre and Charlier polynomials. The moments of these orthogonal polynomials have combinatorial models in terms of crossings in permutations and set partitions. The aim of this article is to prove simple formulas for the moments of the qq-Laguerre and the qq-Charlier polynomials, in the style of the Touchard-Riordan formula (which gives the moments of some qq-Hermite polynomials, and also the distribution of crossings in matchings). Our method mainly consists in the enumeration of weighted Motzkin paths, which are naturally associated with the moments. Some steps are bijective, in particular we describe a decomposition of paths which generalises a previous construction of Penaud for the case of the Touchard-Riordan formula. There are also some non-bijective steps using basic hypergeometric series, and continued fractions or, alternatively, functional equations.Comment: 21 page

    Topological Field Theory Interpretations and LG Representation of c=1 String Theory

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    We analyze the topological nature of c=1c=1 string theory at the self--dual radius. We find that it admits two distinct topological field theory structures characterized by two different puncture operators. We show it first in the unperturbed theory in which the only parameter is the cosmological constant, then in the presence of any infinitesimal tachyonic perturbation. We also discuss in detail a Landau--Ginzburg representation of one of the two topological field theory structures.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX, report number adde