359 research outputs found
La guarda de hecho
La Ley 8/2021 de 2 de junio no ha dejado indiferente a nadie ya que ha supuesto y va a suponer un gran cambio tanto a nivel legislativo como a nivel social.
Gracias a esta nueva legislación, mejor adaptada a La Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, hecha en Nueva York el 13 de diciembre de 2006, a las personas con discapacidad se las va a dotar de mayor independencia a la hora de tomar sus propias decisiones, en tanto que se va a promulgar el máximo respeto posible a su voluntad, deseos y preferencias.
Además, esta ley ha supuesto también un cambio sustancial en la desconocida figura de la guarda de hecho.
Esta medida de apoyo anteriormente ya se regulaba, aunque de forma escueta, y era vista con cierto recelo por parte del legislador.
Al contrario que anteriormente, ahora va a cobrar una gran importancia ya que va a ser la medida de apoyo de preferencia, gozando de cierta primacía frente a otras figuras, ya que gracias a la informalidad de ésta se podrán conseguir esos objetivos de mayor independencia de las personas con discapacidad.
Esta figura viene regulada en los arts. 263 a 267 del Código Civil aunque también se le hace referencia tanto en el preámbulo de la ley 8/2021 de 2 de junio reforzando su importancia como en otros artículos del Código Civil como el 250.1 o el 255.5, pudiendo observarse en estos también su trascendencia.
La guarda de hecho es una medida de apoyo que poco a poco va a ir cobrando protagonismo debido a su más frecuente uso en las últimas resoluciones correspondientes a la revisión de medidas de apoyo tras la entrada de esta Ley 8/2021 gracias a su carácter más informal.The Law 8/2021 on June the 2nd has not left anyone indifferent due to the great change it is going to involve both social and legislative level.
Thanks to this new law which is better adapted to the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities done in New York on December 13th of 2006, disabled people will endow a bigger independence when making their own decisions, in so far as the maximum respect on their will, wishes and preferences will be promulgated.
In addition, this law has also supposed a huge change on the unknown figure of guardianship.
This action of support has been previously regulated but in a plain way due to the mistrust from the legislator.
Contrary to previous time, nowadays this figure will be embraced because it will be the action of support chosen enjoying certain primacy versus others, since this figure is quite more informal than others, the goals of more independence in the life of disabled people can be achieved.
Guardianship is contemplated in the Spanish Civil Code, specifically from the article 263 to the article 267 although this figure is also mentioned in the preamble of the Law 8/2021 on June the 2nd and in other articles in the same code such as the article 250.1 or 255.5, being able to observe in there its importance.
Guardianship is the action of support that more importance will receive due to its common use in the review of the last resolutions about actions of support after the Law 8/2021 on June the 2nd thanks to its informal character.Departamento de Derecho CivilGrado en Derech
Extinción del derecho de uso de la vivienda familiar por convivencia con nueva pareja
El trabajo versa sobre la atribución de la vivienda familiar como foco de conflicto en los procesos de divorcio, separación o nulidad. Planteando un supuesto de hecho actual así como diferentes hipótesis a las que luego se dan soluciones jurídicas en base a la jurisprudencia y haciendo especial hincapié en las novedosas sentencias del Tribunal Supremo sobre la extinción del derecho de uso por la convivencia o matrimonio con un tercero. Finalizando con una serie de conclusiones que permiten dar una visión más concisa del trabajoDepartamento de Derecho CivilMáster en Abogací
Hábitos de consumo de alcohol en población universitaria
The present paper aims to conduct a research on the alcohol consumption habits, in a very specific stratum of society such as university students, specifically of Salamanca. They are in an age and social conditions that increase their vulnerability, and they live in a city that is reputed to have an important nightlife, because of the over thirty thousand students who pass through it per year. Our results show that the profile of the college student alcohol consumer is a male, which begins on his consumption when he is 14 years old and on his 16 years old has his first alcohol intoxication. Currently, he gets drunk once a month in the company of his friends, he drinks mainly mixed drinks and he does not mix it with other drugs, doing all of this under a wide ignorance of his parents.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una investigación sobre los hábitos de consumo de alcohol, en un estrato de la sociedad muy concreto como es el de estudiantes universitarios, concretamente de Salamanca; en una franja de edad y condicionantes sociales que aumentan la vulnerabilidad que presenta este grupo de población; y en una ciudad que tiene fama de tener un importante ambiente nocturno, gracias a los más treinta mil estudiantes que pasan cada año por ella. Nuestros resultados indican que, el perfil del estudiante universitario consumidor de alcohol es varón, que se inicia en el consumo aproximadamente a los 14 años y que con 16 tiene su primera intoxicación etílica. En la actualidad se embriaga una vez al mes en compañía de sus amigos, bebe principalmente combinados, y no mezcla con otras drogas, y todo ello, bajo un gran desconocimiento por parte de sus padres
Factores de riesgo de trastornos musculoesqueléticos por sobrecarga en hombro y codo en trabajadores del sector de la automoción
Antecedentes: los trastornos musculoesqueléticos son unos de los problemas de salud más frecuentes en la población trabajadora a nivel europeo. En el presente estudio se han analizado diferentes factores de riesgo de aparición de tendinopatías del hombro y del codo en una muestra de trabajadores del sector de la automoción.
Objetivos: el objetivo de este estudio es ver qué factores de riesgo están presentes en el proceso de desarrollo de la enfermedad y su importancia para poder desarrollar estrategias preventivas más específicas.
Metodología: se diseñó un estudio observacional retrospectivo con 88 casos de enfermedad profesional reconocida oficialmente y 94 trabajadores sin enfermedad reconocida como grupo control, todos pertenecientes al sector de la automoción. El grupo de casos incluía trabajadores con patología tendinosa del manguito rotador del hombro y con patología tendinosa del codo. Se establecieron variables para cada factor de riesgo identificado y se hizo una valoración de la exposición individual de los participantes. Además, se utilizaron las guías del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (I.N.S.S.) y de la American Occupational Information Network (O* Net). Se llevó a cabo un análisis descriptivo y de asociación de los factores de riesgo.
Resultados: los resultados muestran que los factores de riesgo más prevalentes son la edad, el uso de herramientas y la manipulación manuales de cargas. La presión ejercida por las herramientas manuales y el golpeo del talón de la mano por la herramienta también son factores de riesgo importantes. La presencia de factores de riesgo psicosocial en el puesto de trabajo se ha asociado a la aparición de patología tendinosa en el hombro.
Conclusiones: La combinación de edad, manejo manual de cargas y adopción de posturas forzadas es la principal responsable de la aparición de patología de hombro y codo en esta muestra de trabajadores del sector de la automoción.Background: Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSDs) are among the most prevalent health problems encountered in the workforce in Europe. Multiple risk factors contribute to their onset. In the present study, different individual risk factor for chronic tendinous pathology affecting the shoulder and the elbow were analyzed un a sample of workers from the automotive manufacturing sector.
Objectives: to study the risk factors present on the onset of these pathologies and its importance so better preventive strategies can be designed.
Methods: An observational retrospective study was conducted with 88 cases of officially recognized and compensated occupational diseases and 94 aleatory cases on healthy workers form the same car assembly company. The experimental group comprised with tendinous chronic pathology of the rotator cuff or overuse injuries et the elbow. Multiple variables that identified the risks present in the job were assessed along with participants clinical evaluation. Furthermore, two standardized guidelines for risk factors assessment were also used: the Spanish National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and the American Occupational Information Network (O*Net). Both descriptive statistical analysis and Odds ratio considering the occupational disease as a dependant variable were performed.
Results: The use of hand tools, exposure to mechanical pressure in the upper limbs and awkward postures were the most prevalent risk factors. Pressure on the palm of the hand and the hand tool impacting the hand were also important risk factors. Some psychosocial factors were also associated shoulder tendinous diseases. The association of age, load handling, and awkward postures were the core risk factors responsible for most of the tendinous chronic injuries of the shoulder in this sample of car assembly workers.
Conclusions: Aging, load handling, and awkward postures showed the strongest predictive values.MedicinaCiencias de la Salu
Deciphering the effect of an oxovanadium( iv ) complex with the flavonoid chrysin (VOChrys) on intracellular cell signalling pathways in an osteosarcoma cell line
Vanadium complexes were studied during recent years and considered as a representative of a newclass of non-platinum metal antitumor agents in combination with their low toxicity. However, a fewchallenges still remain in the discovery of new molecular targets for these novel metal-based drugs. Thestudy of cell signaling pathways related to vanadium drugs, which is highly critical for identifying specific Q4targets that play an important role in the antitumor activity of vanadium compounds, is scarce. Thisresearch deals with the alterations in intracellular signaling pathways promoted by an oxovanadium(IV)complex with the flavonoid chrysin [VO(chrysin)2EtOH]2 (VOChrys) in a human osteosarcoma cell line(MG-63). Herein we report for the first time the effect of [VO(chrysin)2EtOH]2 on the relative abundance Q5of 224 proteins, which are involved in the most common intracellular pathways. Besides, full-lengthhuman recombinant (FAK and AKT1) kinases are produced using an in situ IVTT system and then wehave evaluated the variation of relative tyrosine-phosphorylation levels caused by the[VO(chrysin)2EtOH]2 compound. The results of the differential protein expression levels reveal thatseveral proteins such as PKB/AKT, PAK, DAPK, Cdk 4, 6 and 7, FADD, AP2, NAK, and JNK, among others,were altered. Moreover, cell signaling pathways related to the PTK2B, FAK, PKC families suggests an Q6important role associated with the antitumor activity of [VO(chrysin)2EtOH]2 was demonstrated. Finally,the effect of this compound on in situ expressed FAK and AKT1 is validated by determining thephosphorylation level, which decreased in the former and increased in the latter.Fil: Leon, Ignacio Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Cátedra Bioquímica Patologica; ArgentinaFil: Diez, Paula Gabriela. Universidad de Salamanca; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Etcheverry, Susana Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Cátedra Bioquímica Patologica; ArgentinaFil: Fuentes, Manuel. Universidad de Salamanca; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ
Information flow between resting state networks
The resting brain dynamics self-organizes into a finite number of correlated
patterns known as resting state networks (RSNs). It is well known that
techniques like independent component analysis can separate the brain activity
at rest to provide such RSNs, but the specific pattern of interaction between
RSNs is not yet fully understood. To this aim, we propose here a novel method
to compute the information flow (IF) between different RSNs from resting state
magnetic resonance imaging. After haemodynamic response function blind
deconvolution of all voxel signals, and under the hypothesis that RSNs define
regions of interest, our method first uses principal component analysis to
reduce dimensionality in each RSN to next compute IF (estimated here in terms
of Transfer Entropy) between the different RSNs by systematically increasing k
(the number of principal components used in the calculation). When k = 1, this
method is equivalent to computing IF using the average of all voxel activities
in each RSN. For k greater than one our method calculates the k-multivariate IF
between the different RSNs. We find that the average IF among RSNs is
dimension-dependent, increasing from k =1 (i.e., the average voxels activity)
up to a maximum occurring at k =5 to finally decay to zero for k greater than
10. This suggests that a small number of components (close to 5) is sufficient
to describe the IF pattern between RSNs. Our method - addressing differences in
IF between RSNs for any generic data - can be used for group comparison in
health or disease. To illustrate this, we have calculated the interRSNs IF in a
dataset of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) to find that the most significant
differences between AD and controls occurred for k =2, in addition to AD
showing increased IF w.r.t. controls.Comment: 47 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, 3 supplementary figures. Accepted for
publication in Brain Connectivity in its current for
This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through grant DPI2013-46982-C2-1-R and the EU through FEDER funds.Bondía Company, J.; Romero Vivó, S.; Ricarte Benedito, B.; Diez, J. (2018). Insulin Estimation and Prediction A REVIEW OF THE ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION OF SUBCUTANEOUS INSULIN PHARMACOKINETICS IN CLOSED-LOOP GLUCOSE CONTROL. IEEE Control Systems. 38(1):47-66. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCS.2017.2766312S476638
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate with a Pt catalyst with new non-cinchona chiral modifiers
The enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate using a Pt/SiO2 catalyst modified with six different chiral modifiers was studied. The chiral modifiers chosen were: (S)-(+)-1-aminoindan, (R)-(−)-1-aminoindan, (1R,2S)-(+)-cis-1- amino-2-indanol, (1S,2R)-(−)-cis-1-amino-2-indanol, (S)-(+)-1-indanol and (R)-(−)-1-indanol.An excess of the (R) enantiomer of the product of 63% and 45% with (S)-(+)-1-aminoindan and (R)-(−)-1-aminoindan modifiers, respectively was obtained. When using (1S,2R)-(−)-cis-1-amino-2-indanol and (1R,2S)-(+)-cis-1-amino-2-indanol, the enantiomeric excess (ee%) obtained was 30% and 5%, respectively, while with both indanols ee% did not exceed 8%. Molecular modeling of the complex formed between the chiral modifier and ethyl pyruvate performed by DFT calculations allowed predicting the values of ee% obtained experimentally. The low ee% value obtained both aminoindanol chiral modifiers were used, could be explained by the analysis of non-covalent interactions (NCI) method. These calculations demonstrated the presence of an intramolecular hydrogen bond in the structure of these modifiers.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada
Determinación del índice de frescura en sardina pilchardus
Introduction: Sardine (Sardinha pilchardus) is pelagic specie, from Clupeidae family, being one of the most abundant fishes all over the world. The term "quality" in fish refers to the index of freshness evaluation in accordance to the Regulation (EC) No. 2406/96 of November 26th, namely the esthetical appearance, freshness and degree of deterioration that the fish had suffered.
Objective: To evaluate the freshness index, hygienic quality and bromatological composition of sardines in different commercial shops in Beja, Alentejo.
Methods: Four different lots of Sardinha pilchardus were evaluated from the four commercial shops (20 sardines/lots), and classification was made of the category of each of the lots was carried out by the Reg. (EC) No. 2406/96 tables. Physical-chemical analysis was made: determination of Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVB-N), refractive index of vitreous humor (RI), pH, colour, texture, bromatological analysis, and microbiological analysis.
Results: TVB-N values for the different samples was lower than 14 mg/100g, as mentioned in Reg. (EC) No 1022/2008 it should be lower than 20 to 30mg/100g, and therefore the 4 samples respected that criteria. Microbiological analysis showed that the samples were within the acceptable values. The sardines presented average nutritional values of 161 Kcal/100g, which are lower than reference values from INSA (2007) nutritional table, eventually due to the low fat content by this time of the year (Spring).
Conclusion: The sardines showed freshness categories of Extra and A, and hence emphasized a satisfactory state for consumption. The most expounding analyzes for the determination of freshness were the TVB-N, the instrumental texture and the Refraction Index
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