157 research outputs found

    Financial stability in the EU new Member States, acceding and candidate countries.

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    Rapid credit growth in the EU new Member States, acceding and candidate countries has raised the issue of financial stability in the region. This rapid credit growth has been accompanied by the deterioration in the current account balance and the large-scale distribution of foreign currency loans. In the first part of this study, we analyse the overall stability of the banking sector vis-à-vis the very rapid credit growth. Given the high share of foreign currency loans, we examine the exposure to exchange rate risk. We identify that the main vulnerability for the banking system stems from the open currency position held by fi nal borrowers (households and businesses). These economic agents are generally not hedged against exchange rate risk. In the event of a depreciation in the national currency, the banking system would therefore be exposed to an increase in payment defaults on foreign currency loans. We consider this to be “indirect” credit risk for the banking system. In the second part, we explore the likelihood of a currency crisis. We estimate an econometric model for the link between credit growth and the current account balance showing a significant negative relationship in these countries, i.e. a 1-percentage-point increase in credit flow as a percentage of GDP deteriorates the current account-to-GDP ratio by 0.5 percentage point. Consequently, excessively high credit growth would contribute to deteriorate the current account beyond a sustainable level and would increase the likelihood of a currency crisis. Currently, external vulnerability remains contained in the countries under review, though it has increased in most of them since 2000. Lastly, we implement causality tests to evaluate the nature of credit growth. When the causality detected indicates that credit growth fuels domestic demand, and not the opposite, this could be interpreted as a potential risk for the system insofar as strong credit growth may lead to excessive demand beyond that related to a simple catching-up process. For countries where this test is significant, a causal relationship from credit growth to domestic demand has been detected in Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia and Poland. The causality detected in Croatia and Romania is heading in the opposite direction.credit growth, new Member States, monetary approach to the balance of payments, currency crisis, banking crisis.

    Dynamic voluntary contributions to a discrete public good:Experimental evidence

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    We experiment a mechanism for the provision of a discrete public good where individuals are allowed to update upwards their contribution during a fixed time interval. Experimental evidence shows that subjects increase their contributions in order to finance the cost of the good. The public good is financed more frequently when its cost is low relative to the social ability to pay.Public Goods; Experiments; Voluntary contributions; Dynamic contributions

    Dynamic voluntary contributions to a discrete public good: Experimental evidence.

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    Public Goods ; Experiments ; Voluntary contributions ; Dynamic contributions.

    Dynamic voluntary contributions to a discrete public good:<br />Experimental evidence

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    International audienceWe experiment a mechanism for the provision of a discrete public good where individuals are allowed to update upwards their contribution during a fixed time interval. Experimental evidence shows that subjects increase their contributions in order to finance the cost of the good. The public good is financed more frequently when its cost is low relative to the social ability to pay

    About the objective setting of the dentistorthopedist labor standards in the formation and correction of the "red-white aesthetics" borders in dental implantation

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    При протезировании пациентов с использованием дентальных имплантатов зачастую необходимы ортопедические мероприятия с целью корректировки границ «красно-белой эстетики» на этапах до, во время и после хирургического вмешательства. Для решения этой проблемы используются прикручиваемые к имплантатам пластмассовые коронки на основе пластиковых абатментов. Однако сегодня данный вид стоматологической ортопедической помощи не имеет полноценного правового внедрения в практическое здравоохранение нашей страны из-за отсутствия, в первую очередь, ведомственных норм труда специалистов на его исполнение. Традиционное установление таких норм времени по усредненному показателю продолжительности протокола не отражает реальных трудозатрат специалистов и не может служить основанием для объективного определения величины УЕТ.При протезуванні пацієнтів із застосуванням дентальних імплантатів часто потрібні ортопедичні заходи з метою корегування меж «червоно-білої естетики» на етапах до, під час та після хірургічного втручання. Для вирішення цієї проблеми використовуються пластмасові коронки на основі пластикових абатментів, які фіксуються за допомогою гвинта. Однак, на сьогодення, даний вид стоматологічної ортопедичної допомоги не має повноцінного правового впровадження в практичній охороні здоров’я нашої країни через відсутність, в першу чергу, відомчих норм часу на його виконання. Традиційне встановлення таких норм часу по усередненим показникам тривалості протоколів не відображає реальних трудовитрат фахівців та не може служити підставою для об’єктивного визначення показника УОТ.In prosthetics of the patients using dental implants are often needed some orthopedic measures in order to adjust the boundaries of the "red-white aesthetics" at the stages before, during and after surgical intervention. To resolve this problem, plastic crowns screwed to the implants, based on the plastic abutments are used. However, to date, this type of dental prosthetic care hasn’t got a full legal implementation in practical public health of our country, primarily because of the lack of the departmental rules for experts working on its implementation. The traditional establishment of such time standards for the average rate of duration of the Protocol does not reflect the real labor costs of experts and can not serve as a basis for an objective determination of the UET value

    Distribution and Partition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Water and Sediment of the Rivers in Kanazawa, Japan

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    金沢大学Promoting Environmental Pesearch in Pan-Japan Sea Area : Young Researchers\u27 Network, Schedule: March 8-10,2006,Kanazawa Excel Hotel Tokyu, Japan, Organized by: Kanazawa University 21st-Century COE Program, Environmental Monitoring and Prediction of Long- & Short- Term Dynamics of Pan-Japan Sea Area ; IICRC(Ishikawa International Cooperation Research Centre), Sponsors : Japan Sea Research ; UNU-IAS(United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies)+Ishikawa Prefecture Government ; City of Kanazaw

    Enabling the Discovery of Recurring Anomalies in Aerospace System Problem Reports using High-Dimensional Clustering Techniques

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    This paper describes the results of a significant research and development effort conducted at NASA Ames Research Center to develop new text mining techniques to discover anomalies in free-text reports regarding system health and safety of two aerospace systems. We discuss two problems of significant importance in the aviation industry. The first problem is that of automatic anomaly discovery about an aerospace system through the analysis of tens of thousands of free-text problem reports that are written about the system. The second problem that we address is that of automatic discovery of recurring anomalies, i.e., anomalies that may be described m different ways by different authors, at varying times and under varying conditions, but that are truly about the same part of the system. The intent of recurring anomaly identification is to determine project or system weakness or high-risk issues. The discovery of recurring anomalies is a key goal in building safe, reliable, and cost-effective aerospace systems. We address the anomaly discovery problem on thousands of free-text reports using two strategies: (1) as an unsupervised learning problem where an algorithm takes free-text reports as input and automatically groups them into different bins, where each bin corresponds to a different unknown anomaly category; and (2) as a supervised learning problem where the algorithm classifies the free-text reports into one of a number of known anomaly categories. We then discuss the application of these methods to the problem of discovering recurring anomalies. In fact the special nature of recurring anomalies (very small cluster sizes) requires incorporating new methods and measures to enhance the original approach for anomaly detection. ?& pant 0

    Data Mining SIAM Presentation

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    This viewgraph document describes the data mining system developed at NASA Ames. Many NASA programs have large numbers (and types) of problem reports.These free text reports are written by a number of different people, thus the emphasis and wording vary considerably With so much data to sift through, analysts (subject experts) need help identifying any possible safety issues or concerns and help them confirm that they haven't missed important problems. Unsupervised clustering is the initial step to accomplish this; We think we can go much farther, specifically, identify possible recurring anomalies. Recurring anomalies may be indicators of larger systemic problems. The requirement to identify these anomalies has led to the development of Recurring Anomaly Discovery System (ReADS)


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    H^t of occurrence of sheep and goat pox and peste des petits rum^nts requires development of new vaccines and improvement of available associated ones. Their administration allows for the reduction of vaccination time frames and cost. The study results demonstrated tat associated as well as monovalent virus vaccines against sheep pox, goat pox and peste des petits rum^nts have good antigenic properties. The vaccination induced high level of virus neutralizing antibodies against each of the above listed diseases and ensured formation of strong immunity tat is supported by the results of tallenge of sheep with virulent sheep pox virus (“Afghanistan” strain). In 14 and 21 days in blood of sheep immunized with the virus vaccine against sheep pox, goat pox and peste des petits rum^nts titres of antibodies against sheep pox virus ((4.17±0.12)-(4.84±0.31)) and PPR ((5.92±0.23)-(6.08±0.23)) were higher as compared to goat pox antibody titres ((1.99±0.89)-(3.53±0.58) log2). Herewith, antibody titres in blood sera of animals vaccinated with monovalent vaccine against sheep pox were higher against homologous virus ((3.62±0.12)- (4.08±0.31)) as compared to goat pox ((2.50±0.50)-(2.25±0.25) log2). The data demonstrate tat the associated vaccines may be used for preventive vaccination against sheep pox, goat pox and peste des petits rum^nts