16 research outputs found

    Controlling entrainment in the smoke cloud using level set-based front tracking

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    Although large-eddy simulation (LES) has been shown to produce a reasonable representation of the turbulent circulations within the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer, it has difficulties to accurately predict cloud-top entrainment rates. In this paper, we present a front-tracking algorithm for LES to untangle the numerical and physical contributions to entrainment. Instead of resolving the cloud-top inversion, we treat it as a discontinuity separating the boundary layer from the free atmosphere and use the level set method to track its location. We apply our method to the smoke cloud test case as presented by Bretherton et al. (1999) which is simpler than stratocumulus in that it is only driven by radiative cooling avoiding evaporative feedbacks on entrainment. We present three-dimensional LES results with and without use of the level set method varying the grid resolution and the flux limiter. With the level set method, we prescribe zero entrainment and use this case to evaluate our method’s ability to maintain a non-entraining smoke-cloud layer. We use an empiricallybased entrainment law to estimate numerical errors. With the level set method, the prescribed entrainment rate was maintained with errors about one order of magnitude smaller than the entrainment errors found in the standard LES. At the same time, the dependence of the entrainment errors on the choice of the limiter was reduced by more than a factor of 10.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Maximum-Entropy approach for accurate document annotation in the biomedical domain

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    The increasing number of scientific literature on the Web and the absence of efficient tools used for classifying and searching the documents are the two most important factors that influence the speed of the search and the quality of the results. Previous studies have shown that the usage of ontologies makes it possible to process document and query information at the semantic level, which greatly improves the search for the relevant information and makes one step further towards the Semantic Web. A fundamental step in these approaches is the annotation of documents with ontology concepts, which can also be seen as a classification task. In this paper we address this issue for the biomedical domain and present a new automated and robust method, based on a Maximum Entropy approach, for annotating biomedical literature documents with terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

    Biomedical word sense disambiguation with ontologies and metadata: automation meets accuracy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ontology term labels can be ambiguous and have multiple senses. While this is no problem for human annotators, it is a challenge to automated methods, which identify ontology terms in text. Classical approaches to word sense disambiguation use co-occurring words or terms. However, most treat ontologies as simple terminologies, without making use of the ontology structure or the semantic similarity between terms. Another useful source of information for disambiguation are metadata. Here, we systematically compare three approaches to word sense disambiguation, which use ontologies and metadata, respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 'Closest Sense' method assumes that the ontology defines multiple senses of the term. It computes the shortest path of co-occurring terms in the document to one of these senses. The 'Term Cooc' method defines a log-odds ratio for co-occurring terms including co-occurrences inferred from the ontology structure. The 'MetaData' approach trains a classifier on metadata. It does not require any ontology, but requires training data, which the other methods do not. To evaluate these approaches we defined a manually curated training corpus of 2600 documents for seven ambiguous terms from the Gene Ontology and MeSH. All approaches over all conditions achieve 80% success rate on average. The 'MetaData' approach performed best with 96%, when trained on high-quality data. Its performance deteriorates as quality of the training data decreases. The 'Term Cooc' approach performs better on Gene Ontology (92% success) than on MeSH (73% success) as MeSH is not a strict is-a/part-of, but rather a loose is-related-to hierarchy. The 'Closest Sense' approach achieves on average 80% success rate.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Metadata is valuable for disambiguation, but requires high quality training data. Closest Sense requires no training, but a large, consistently modelled ontology, which are two opposing conditions. Term Cooc achieves greater 90% success given a consistently modelled ontology. Overall, the results show that well structured ontologies can play a very important role to improve disambiguation.</p> <p>Availability</p> <p>The three benchmark datasets created for the purpose of disambiguation are available in Additional file <supplr sid="S1">1</supplr>.</p> <suppl id="S1"> <title> <p>Additional file 1</p> </title> <text> <p><b>Benchmark datasets used in the experiments.</b> The three corpora (High quality/Low quantity corpus; Medium quality/Medium quantity corpus; Low quality/High quantity corpus) are given in the form of PubMed identifiers (PMID) for True/False cases for the 7 ambiguous terms examined (GO/MeSH/UMLS identifiers are also given).</p> </text> <file name="1471-2105-10-28-S1.txt"> <p>Click here for file</p> </file> </suppl

    GoPubMed: Exploring Pubmed with Ontological Background Knowledge

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    With the ever increasing size of scientific literature, finding relevant documents and answering questions has become even more of a challenge. Recently, ontologies - hierarchical, controlled vocabularies - have been introduced to annotate genomic data. They can also improve the question answering and the selection of relevant documents in the literature search. Search engines such as GoPubMed.org use ontological background knowledge to give an overview over large query results and to help answering questions. We review the problems and solutions underlying these next generation intelligent search engines and give examples of the power of this new search paradigm

    Dovetailing biology and chemistry: integrating the Gene Ontology with the ChEBI chemical ontology.

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    BACKGROUND: The Gene Ontology (GO) facilitates the description of the action of gene products in a biological context. Many GO terms refer to chemical entities that participate in biological processes. To facilitate accurate and consistent systems-wide biological representation, it is necessary to integrate the chemical view of these entities with the biological view of GO functions and processes. We describe a collaborative effort between the GO and the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology developers to ensure that the representation of chemicals in the GO is both internally consistent and in alignment with the chemical expertise captured in ChEBI. RESULTS: We have examined and integrated the ChEBI structural hierarchy into the GO resource through computationally-assisted manual curation of both GO and ChEBI. Our work has resulted in the creation of computable definitions of GO terms that contain fully defined semantic relationships to corresponding chemical terms in ChEBI. CONCLUSIONS: The set of logical definitions using both the GO and ChEBI has already been used to automate aspects of GO development and has the potential to allow the integration of data across the domains of biology and chemistry. These logical definitions are available as an extended version of the ontology from http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/extensions/go-plus.owl

    A method for increasing expressivity of Gene Ontology annotations using a compositional approach.

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    BACKGROUND: The Gene Ontology project integrates data about the function of gene products across a diverse range of organisms, allowing the transfer of knowledge from model organisms to humans, and enabling computational analyses for interpretation of high-throughput experimental and clinical data. The core data structure is the annotation, an association between a gene product and a term from one of the three ontologies comprising the GO. Historically, it has not been possible to provide additional information about the context of a GO term, such as the target gene or the location of a molecular function. This has limited the specificity of knowledge that can be expressed by GO annotations. RESULTS: The GO Consortium has introduced annotation extensions that enable manually curated GO annotations to capture additional contextual details. Extensions represent effector-target relationships such as localization dependencies, substrates of protein modifiers and regulation targets of signaling pathways and transcription factors as well as spatial and temporal aspects of processes such as cell or tissue type or developmental stage. We describe the content and structure of annotation extensions, provide examples, and summarize the current usage of annotation extensions. CONCLUSIONS: The additional contextual information captured by annotation extensions improves the utility of functional annotation by representing dependencies between annotations to terms in the different ontologies of GO, external ontologies, or an organism's gene products. These enhanced annotations can also support sophisticated queries and reasoning, and will provide curated, directional links between many gene products to support pathway and network reconstruction

    GoWeb: Semantic Search and Browsing for the Life Sciences

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    Searching is a fundamental task to support research. Current search engines are keyword-based. Semantic technologies promise a next generation of semantic search engines, which will be able to answer questions. Current approaches either apply natural language processing to unstructured text or they assume the existence of structured statements over which they can reason. This work provides a system for combining the classical keyword-based search engines with semantic annotation. Conventional search results are annotated using a customized annotation algorithm, which takes the textual properties and requirements such as speed and scalability into account. The biomedical background knowledge consists of the GeneOntology and Medical Subject Headings and other related entities, e.g. proteins/gene names and person names. Together they provide the relevant semantic context for a search engine for the life sciences. We develop the system GoWeb for semantic web search and evaluate it using three benchmarks. It is shown that GoWeb is able to aid question answering with success rates up to 79%. Furthermore, the system also includes semantic hyperlinks that enable semantic browsing of the knowledge space. The semantic hyperlinks facilitate the use of the eScience infrastructure, even complex workflows of composed web services. To complement the web search of GoWeb, other data source and more specialized information needs are tested in different prototypes. This includes patents and intranet search. Semantic search is applicable for these usage scenarios, but the developed systems also show limits of the semantic approach. That is the size, applicability and completeness of the integrated ontologies, as well as technical issues of text-extraction and meta-data information gathering. Additionally, semantic indexing as an alternative approach to implement semantic search is implemented and evaluated with a question answering benchmark. A semantic index can help to answer questions and address some limitations of GoWeb. Still the maintenance and optimization of such an index is a challenge, whereas GoWeb provides a straightforward system

    GoWeb: Semantic Search and Browsing for the Life Sciences

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    Searching is a fundamental task to support research. Current search engines are keyword-based. Semantic technologies promise a next generation of semantic search engines, which will be able to answer questions. Current approaches either apply natural language processing to unstructured text or they assume the existence of structured statements over which they can reason. This work provides a system for combining the classical keyword-based search engines with semantic annotation. Conventional search results are annotated using a customized annotation algorithm, which takes the textual properties and requirements such as speed and scalability into account. The biomedical background knowledge consists of the GeneOntology and Medical Subject Headings and other related entities, e.g. proteins/gene names and person names. Together they provide the relevant semantic context for a search engine for the life sciences. We develop the system GoWeb for semantic web search and evaluate it using three benchmarks. It is shown that GoWeb is able to aid question answering with success rates up to 79%. Furthermore, the system also includes semantic hyperlinks that enable semantic browsing of the knowledge space. The semantic hyperlinks facilitate the use of the eScience infrastructure, even complex workflows of composed web services. To complement the web search of GoWeb, other data source and more specialized information needs are tested in different prototypes. This includes patents and intranet search. Semantic search is applicable for these usage scenarios, but the developed systems also show limits of the semantic approach. That is the size, applicability and completeness of the integrated ontologies, as well as technical issues of text-extraction and meta-data information gathering. Additionally, semantic indexing as an alternative approach to implement semantic search is implemented and evaluated with a question answering benchmark. A semantic index can help to answer questions and address some limitations of GoWeb. Still the maintenance and optimization of such an index is a challenge, whereas GoWeb provides a straightforward system