284 research outputs found

    Data needs for hyperspectral detection of algal bloom diversity across the globe.

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    A group of 38 experts specializing in hyperspectral remote-sensing methods for aquatic ecosystems attended an interactive Euromarine Foresight Workshop at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend, Belgium, June 4–6, 2019. The objective of this workshop was to develop recommendations for comprehensive, efficient, and effective laboratory and field programs to supply data for development of algorithms and validation of hyperspectral satellite imagery for micro-, macro- and endosymbiotic algal characterization across the globe. The international group of researchers from Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America (see online Supplementary Materials) tackled how to develop global databases that merge hyperspectral optics and phytoplankton group composition to support the next generation of hyperspectral satellites for assessing biodiversity in the ocean and in food webs and for detecting water quality issues such as harmful algal blooms. Through stimulating discussions in breakout groups, the team formulated a host of diverse programmatic recommendations on topics such as how to better integrate optics into phytoplankton monitoring programs; approaches to validating phytoplankton composition with ocean color measurements and satellite imagery; new database specifications that match optical data with phytoplankton composition data; requirements for new instrumentation that can be implemented on floats, moorings, drones, and other platforms; and the development of international task forces. Because in situ observations of phytoplankton biogeography and abundance are scarce, and many vast oceanic regions are too remote to be routinely monitored, satellite observations are required to fully comprehend the diversity of micro-, macro-, and endosymbiotic algae and any variability due to climate change. Ocean color remote sensing that provides regular synoptic monitoring of aquatic ecosystems is an excellent tool for assessing biodiversity and abundance of phytoplankton and algae in aquatic ecosystems. However, neither the spatial, temporal, nor spectral resolution of the current ocean color missions are sufficient to characterize phytoplankton community composition adequately. The near-daily overpasses from ocean color satellites are useful for detecting the presence of blooms, but the spatial resolution is often too coarse to assess the patchy distribution of blooms, and the multiband spectral resolution is generally insufficient to identify different types of phytoplankton from each other, even if progress has undeniably been achieved during the last two decades (e.g., IOCGG, 2014). Moreover, the methods developed for multichannel sensor use are often highly tuned to a region but are inaccurate when applied broadly. New orbital imaging spectrometers are being developed that cover the full visible and near-infrared spectrum with a large number of narrow bands dubbed “hyperspectral” (e.g., TROPOMI, PRISMA, EnMAP, PACE, CHIME, SBG). Hyper-spectral methods have been explored for many years to assess phytoplankton groups and map seafloor habitats. However, the utility of hyperspectral imaging still needs to be demonstrated across diverse aquatic regimes. Aquatic applications of hyperspectral imagery have been limited by both the technology and the ability to validate products. Some of the past hyperspectral space-based sensors have suffered from calibration artifacts, low sensitivity in aquatic ecosystems (e.g., CHRIS, HICO), and very low spatial resolution (e.g., SCIAMACHY), but the next generation of sensors are planned to have high signal-to-noise ratio and improved performance over aquatic targets. Providing data to develop and validate hyperspectral approaches to characterize phytoplankton groups across the globe poses new challenges. Several recent studies have documented gaps that need to be filled in order to assess algal diversity across the globe (IOCCG, 2014; Mouw et al., 2015; Bracher et al., 2017), which promoted/inspired the formation of this workshop

    Optics and Remote Sensing of Bahamian Carbonate Sediment Whitings and Potential Relationship to Wind-Driven Langmuir Circulation

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    Regions of milky white seas or whitings periodically occur to the west of Andros Island along the Great Bahama Bank where the bottom sediment consists of fine-grained aragonite mud. We present measurements of inherent optical properties within a sediment whiting patch and discuss the potential for monitoring the frequency, extent, and quantity of suspended matter from ocean colour satellite imagery. Sea spectral reflectance measured in situ and remotely from space revealed highly reflective waters elevated across the visible spectrum (i.e., whitened ) with a peak at 490 nm. Particulate backscattering was an order of magnitude higher than that measured at other stations throughout the region. The whiting also had one of the highest backscattering ratios measured in natural waters (0.05-0.06) consistent with water dominated by aragonite particles with a high index of refraction. Regular periodicity of 40 and 212 s evident in the light attenuation coefficient over the sampling period indicated patches of fluctuating turbidity on spatial scales that could be produced from regular rows of Langmuir cells penetrating the 5-m water column. We suggest that previously described mechanisms for sediment resuspension in whitings, such as tidal bursting and fish activity, are not fully consistent with these data and propose that wind-driven Langmuir cells reaching the full-depth of the water column may represent a plausible mechanism for sediment resuspension and subsequent whiting formation. Optics and remote sensing provide important tools for quantifying the linkages between physical and biogeochemical processes in these dynamic shallow water ecosystems

    Potential Export of Unattached Benthic Macroalgae to the Deep Sea Through Wind Driven Langmuir Circulation

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    Carbon export to the deep sea is conventionally attributed to the sinking of open ocean phytoplankton. Here, we report a Langmuir supercell event driven by high winds across the shallow Great Bahama Bank that organized benthic non-attached macroalgae, Colpomenia sp., into visible windrows on the seafloor. Ocean color satellite imagery obtained before and after the windrows revealed a 588 km2 patch that rapidly shifted from highly productive macroalgae to bare sand. We assess a number of possible fates for this macroalgae and contend that this event potentially transported negatively buoyant macroalgae to the deep Tongue of the Ocean in a pulsed export of \u3e 7 x 1010 g of carbon. This is equivalent to the daily carbon flux of phytoplankton biomass in the pelagic tropical North Atlantic and 0.2-0.8% of daily carbon flux from the global ocean. Coastal banks and bays are highly productive ecosystems that may contribute substantially to carbon export to the deep sea. Citation: Dierssen, H. M., R. C. Zimmerman, L. A. Drake, and D. J. Burdige (2009), Potential export of unattached benthic macroalgae to the deep sea through wind-driven Langmuir circulation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L04602, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036188

    Extending Landsat 8: Retrieval of an Orange contra-Band for Inland Water Quality Applications

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    The Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard Landsat 8 has found successful application in inland and coastal water remote sensing. Its radiometric specification and high spatial resolution allows quantification of water-leaving radiance while resolving small water bodies. However, its limited multispectral band set restricts the range of water quality parameters that can be retrieved. Identification of cyanobacteria biomass has been demonstrated for sensors with a band centered near 620 nm, the absorption peak of the diagnostic pigment phycocyanin. While OLI lacks such a band in the orange region, superposition of the available multispectral and panchromatic bands suggests that it can be calculated by a scaled difference. A set of 428 in situ spectra acquired in diverse lakes in Belgium and The Netherlands was used to develop and test an orange contra-band retrieval algorithm, achieving a mean absolute percentage error of 5.39 % and a bias of −0.88 % in the presence of sensor noise. Atmospheric compensation error propagated to the orange contra-band was observed to maintain about the same magnitude (13 % higher) observed for the red band and thus results in minimal additional effects for possible base line subtraction or band ratio algorithms for phycocyanin estimation. Generality of the algorithm for different reflectance shapes was tested against a set of published average coastal and inland Optical Water Types, showing robust retrieval for all but relatively clear water types (Secchi disk depth > 6 m and chlorophyll a < 1.6 mg m−3). The algorithm was further validated with 79 matchups against the Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) orange band for 10 globally distributed lakes. The retrieved band is shown to convey information independent from the adjacent bands under variable phycocyanin concentrations. An example application using Landsat 8 imagery is provided for a knowncyanobacterialbloominLakeErie,US.ThemethodisdistributedintheACOLITEatmospheric correction code. The contra-band approach is generic and can be applied to other sensors with overlapping bands. Recommendations are also provided for development of future sensors with broad spectral bands with the objective to maximize the accuracy of possible spectral enhancement

    Fast Data Sharing within a distributed multithreaded control framework for robot teams

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    In this paper a data sharing framework for multithreaded, distributed control programs is described that is realized in C++ by means of only a few, powerful classes and templates. Fast data exchange of entire data structures is supported using sockets as communication medium. Access methods are provided that preserve data consistency and synchronize the data exchange. The framework has been successfully used to build a distributed robot soccer control system running on as many computers as needed

    Emerging Technologies for Remote Sensing of Floating and Submerged Plastic Litter

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    Most advances in the remote sensing of floating marine plastic litter have been made using passive remote-sensing techniques in the visible (VIS) to short-wave-infrared (SWIR) parts of the electromagnetic spectrum based on the spectral absorption features of plastic surfaces. In this paper, we present developments of new and emerging remote-sensing technologies of marine plastic litter such as passive techniques: fluid lensing, multi-angle polarimetry, and thermal infrared sensing (TIS); and active techniques: light detection and ranging (LiDAR), multispectral imaging detection and active reflectance (MiDAR), and radio detection and ranging (RADAR). Our review of the detection capabilities and limitations of the different sensing technologies shows that each has their own weaknesses and strengths, and that there is not one single sensing technique that applies to all kinds of marine litter under every different condition in the aquatic environment. Rather, we should focus on the synergy between different technologies to detect marine plastic litter and potentially the use of proxies to estimate its presence. Therefore, in addition to further developing remote-sensing techniques, more research is needed in the composition of marine litter and the relationships between marine plastic litter and their proxies. In this paper, we propose a common vocabulary to help the community to translate concepts among different disciplines and techniques

    Survival of MUTYH-Associated Polyposis Patients With Colorectal Cancer and Matched Control Colorectal Cancer Patients

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    Background: MUTYH-associated polyposis is a recessively inherited disorder characterized by a lifetime risk of colorectal cancer that is up to 100%. Because specific histological and molecular genetic features of MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancers might influence tumor behavior and patient survival, we compared survival between patients with MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer and matched control patients with colorectal cancer from the general population. Method:s In this retrospective multicenter cohort study from Europe, 147 patients with MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer were compared with 272 population-based control patients with colorectal cancer who were matched for country, age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, stage, and subsite of colorectal cancer. Kaplan–Meier survival and Cox regression analyses were used to compare survival between patients with MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer and control patients with colorectal cancer. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Five-year survival for patients with MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer was 78% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 70% to 84%) and for control patients was 63% (95% CI = 56% to 69%) (log-rank test, P = .002). After adjustment for differences in age, stage, sex, subsite, country, and year of diagnosis, survival remained better for MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer patients than for control patients (hazard ratio of death = 0.48, 95% CI = 0.32 to 0.72). Conclusions: In a European study cohort, we found statistically significantly better survival for patients with MUTYH-associated polyposis colorectal cancer than for matched control patients with colorectal cancer

    Clinical impact of HLA class I expression in rectal cancer

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    Contains fulltext : 69499.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)PURPOSE: To determine the clinical impact of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I expression in irradiated and non-irradiated rectal carcinomas. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Tumor samples in tissue micro array format were collected from 1,135 patients. HLA class I expression was assessed after immunohistochemical staining with two antibodies (HCA2 and HC10). RESULTS: Tumors were split into two groups: (1) tumors with >50% of tumor cells expressing HLA class I (high) and (2) tumors with < or =50% of tumor cells expressing HLA class I (low). No difference in distribution or prognosis of HLA class I expression was found between irradiated and non-irradiated patients. Patients with low expression of HLA class I (15% of all patients) showed an independent significantly worse prognosis with regard to overall survival and disease-free survival. HLA class I expression had no effect on cancer-specific survival or recurrence-free survival. CONCLUSIONS: Down-regulation of HLA class I in rectal cancer is associated with poor prognosis. In contrast to our results, previous reports on HLA class I expression in colorectal cancer described a large population of patients with HLA class I negative tumors, having a good prognosis. This difference might be explained by the fact that a large proportion of HLA negative colon tumors are microsatellite instable (MSI). MSI tumors are associated with a better prognosis than microsatellite stable (MSS). As rectal tumors are mainly MSS, our results suggest that it is both, oncogenic pathway and HLA class I expression, that dictates patient's prognosis in colorectal cancer. Therefore, to prevent confounding in future prognostic analysis on the impact of HLA expression in colorectal tumors, separate analysis of MSI and MSS tumors should be performed

    Alteration of inhibitory circuits in the somatosensory cortex of Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down's syndrome

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    Down's syndrome (DS), with an incidence of one in 800 live births, is the most common genetic disorder associated with mental retardation. This trisomy on chromosome 21 induces a variable phenotype in which the only common feature is the presence of mental retardation. The neural mechanisms underlying mental retardation might include defects in the formation of neuronal networks and neural plasticity. DS patients have alterations in the morphology, the density and the distribution of dendritic spines in the pyramidal neurons of the cortex. Our hypothesis is that the deficits in dendritic arborization observed in the principal neurons of DS patients and Ts65Dn mice (a model for DS that mimics most of the structural alterations observed in humans) may be mediated to some extent by changes in their inhibitory inputs. Different types of interneurons control different types of inhibition. Therefore, to understand well the changes in inhibition in DS, it is necessary to study the different types of interneurons separately. We have studied the expression of synaptophysin, Glutamic acid decarboxylase-67 (GAD-67) and calcium-binding protein-expressing cells in the primary somatosensory cortex of 4¿5 month old Ts65Dn mice. We have observed an increment of GAD67 immunoreactivity that is related mainly to an increment of calretinin-immunoreactive cells and among them the ones with bipolar morphology. Since there is a propensity for epilepsy in DS patients, this increase in interneurons might reflect an attempt by the system to block overexcitation rather than an increment in total inhibition and could explain the deficit in interneurons and principal cells observed in elderly DS patients