464 research outputs found

    Arthroskopische HĂŒftchirurgie: Psoastenotomie und Eingriffe an der Gelenkkapsel

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    Zusammenfassung: Psoasassoziierte Schmerzen und eine schmerzhaft springende Psoassehne werden konservativ behandelt. Bei persistierenden Schmerzen kann eine Tenotomie indiziert sein. Das arthroskopische Verfahren im Rahmen der HĂŒftarthroskopie des peripheren Kompartiments ermöglicht eine minimalinvasive, selektive Tenotomie der Psoassehne auf Gelenkniveau mit deutlich reduzierter Komplikationsrate. Im Gegensatz zum extraartikulĂ€ren, endoskopischen Verfahren ist keine weitere Portalanlage notwendig, zudem können intraartikulĂ€re Pathologien ausgeschossen oder direkt behandelt werden. Die arthroskopische Psoastenotomie bei 9Patienten zeigte nach durchschnittlich 9Monaten postoperativ gute Ergebnisse ohne Rezidiv, subjektive BeugeschwĂ€che oder Komplikationen. InstabilitĂ€t und primĂ€re Kapsulitis sind wahrscheinlich seltene, aber zu beachtende HĂŒftpathologien. SekundĂ€re BewegungseinschrĂ€nkungen sind hĂ€ufige Folgen chronischer HĂŒfterkrankungen. Zur arthroskopischen Kapselplikatur, Kapselshrinking und Kapselrelease mit oder ohne Narkosemobilisierung liegen bisher nur wenige Erfahrungen vor. Die ersten Ergebnisse erscheinen Ă€hnlich vielversprechend wie am Schultergelenk. Kapsulotomie und Kapselresektion sind bereits feste Bestandteile der arthroskopischen Behandlung der sekundĂ€ren BewegungseinschrĂ€nkung verschiedener HĂŒfterkrankunge

    Small RNAs Establish Delays and Temporal Thresholds in Gene Expression

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    Non-coding RNAs are crucial regulators of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but it remains poorly understood how they affect the dynamics of transcriptional networks. We analyzed the temporal characteristics of the cyanobacterial iron stress response by mathematical modeling and quantitative experimental analyses, and focused on the role of a recently discovered small non-coding RNA, IsrR. We found that IsrR is responsible for a pronounced delay in the accumulation of isiA mRNA encoding the late-phase stress protein, IsiA, and that it ensures a rapid decline in isiA levels once external stress triggers are removed. These kinetic properties allow the system to selectively respond to sustained (as opposed to transient) stimuli, and thus establish a temporal threshold, which prevents energetically costly IsiA accumulation under short-term stress conditions. Biological information is frequently encoded in the quantitative aspects of intracellular signals (e.g., amplitude and duration). Our simulations reveal that competitive inhibition and regulated degradation allow intracellular regulatory networks to efficiently discriminate between transient and sustained inputs

    Growth inhibition in clonal subpopulations of a human epithelioid sarcoma cell line by retinoic acid and tumour necrosis factor alpha.

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    Epithelioid sarcoma is a highly malignant soft tissue tumour that is refractory to conventional chemotherapy and irradiation. Since permanent cell lines of this tumour are extremely rare, in vitro data on compounds with significant antiproliferative effects are still lacking. Therefore, we investigated the effects of retinoic acid (RA) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) on tumour cell proliferation of three different clonal subpopulations (GRU-1A, GRU-1B, GRU-1C) derived from the same human epithelioid sarcoma cell line, GRU-1. In GRU-1A both RA (P=0.01) and TNF-alpha (P=0.002) exhibited highly significant and dose-dependent growth inhibitory effects, which could further be increased by a combined application of both compounds (P<0.006). GRU-1B proved to be sensitive to RA (P=0.006), whereas no response to TNF-alpha was observed. GRU-1C was resistant to both RA and TNF-alpha. The antiproliferative effect of TNF-alpha was mediated by TNF receptor 1(TNF-R1) and correlated positively with both the number of TNF-R1 per cell and receptor affinity. No correlation was detected between RA-induced growth inhibition and the expression pattern of the RA receptors (RARs) RAR-alpha, RAR-beta, and RAR-gamma. Plating efficiency, however, could exclusively be reduced by RA in GRU-1B, the only cell line expressing RAR-alpha. Taken together, these data are the first showing significant antiproliferative effects in human epithelioid sarcoma by RA and TNF-alpha. Whereas the TNF-alpha response seems to depend on the expression of TNF-R1, no simple correlation could be found between RA sensitivity and the expression pattern of RARs

    Finding the niche: A review of market assessment methodologies for rural electrification with small scale wind power

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    The mass roll out of solar PV across the Global South has enabled electricity access for millions of people. In the right context, Small Wind Turbines (SWTs) can be complementary, offering the potential to generate at times of low solar resource (night, monsoon season, winter, etc.) and increasing the proportion of the total energy system that can be manufactured locally. However, many contextual factors critically affect the viability of the technology, such as the extreme variability in the wind resource itself and the local availability of technical support. Therefore, performing a detailed market analysis in each new context is much more important. The Wind Empowerment Market Assessment Methodology (WEMAM) is a multi-scalar, transdisciplinary methodology for identifying the niche contexts where small wind can make a valuable contribution to rural electrification. This paper aims to inform the development of WEMAM with a critical review of existing market assessment methodologies. By breaking down WEMAM into its component parts, reflecting upon its practical applications to date and drawing upon insights from the literature, opportunities where it could continue to evolve are highlighted. Key opportunities include shifting the focus towards development outcomes; creating community archetypes; localised studies in high potential regions; scenario modelling and MCDA ranking of proposed interventions; participatory market mapping; and applying socio-technical transitions theory to understand how the small wind niche can break through into the mainstream

    Increased impedance near cut-off in plasma-like media leading to emission of high-power, narrow-bandwidth radiation

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    Ultra-intense, narrow-bandwidth, electromagnetic pulses have become important tools for exploring the characteristics of matter. Modern tuneable high-power light sources, such as free-electron lasers and vacuum tubes, rely on bunching of relativistic or near-relativistic electrons in vacuum. Here we present a fundamentally different method for producing narrow-bandwidth radiation from a broad spectral bandwidth current source, which takes advantage of the inflated radiation impedance close to cut-off in a medium with a plasma-like permittivity. We find that by embedding a current source in this cut-off region, more than an order of magnitude enhancement of the radiation intensity is obtained compared with emission directly into free space. The method suggests a simple and general way to flexibly use broadband current sources to produce broad or narrow bandwidth pulses. As an example, we demonstrate, using particle-in-cell simulations, enhanced monochromatic emission of terahertz radiation using a two-colour pumped current source enclosed by a tapered waveguide.ope

    Extra-osseous osteochondroma-like soft tissue mass of the patello-femoral space

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    BACKGROUND: Extraskeletal cartilaginous tumors are uncommon. Osteochondromas usually arise from the metaphyseal region of the growing skeleton. CASE PRESENTATION: A 53 year old man presented with a three years history of anterior knee pain and inability to flex his knee more than 90°. Clinical examination and imaging studies revealed a nodular calcific mass in the anterior portion of the knee, displacing the medial portion of the patellar tendon. Following excision, histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of extra-osseous osteochondroma-like soft tissue mass, with no recurrence 24 months after surgery. CONCLUSION: An integrated clinical-pathologic diagnosis helps to clarify the nature of extraskeletal cartilaginous tumors that can arise at unusual anatomic site. Complete local surgical excision is the management of choice

    Assessment of correlation between knee notch width index and the three-dimensional notch volume

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    This study was done to determine whether there is a correlation between the notch volume and the notch width index (NWI) as measured on the three most frequently used radiographic views: the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg view. The notch volume of 20 cadaveric knees was measured using Computed Tomography (CT). The Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, and Rosenberg notch view radiographs were digitally re-created from the CT scans for each specimen, and the NWI was measured by two observers. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the NWI and notch volume was calculated, as well as between the three views. An independent t test was performed to determine the difference in NWI and notch volume between male and female specimens. The reliability for each view was also determined. There was no correlation between the NWI as measured on the Holmblad 45°, Holmblad 70°, or Rosenberg view and the notch volume. All three radiographic views proved reliable, but showed only a moderate correlation with each other. Men had larger notch volumes than women, but there was no difference in NWI. A knee with a small intercondylar notch is often considered an increased risk for ACL rupture. The NWI is a frequently used two-dimensional method to determine notch size. However, in the present study, this index was not positively correlated with the overall volume of the notch. Based on the results of the current study, the authors would advice to use caution when using notch view radiographs in a clinical setting to predict risk of ACL rupture
