2,816 research outputs found

    Positive isometric averaging operators on l2(Z,µ)

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    © 2016 Springer International Publishing We show that positive isometric averaging operators on the sequence space (Formula presented.) are determined by very subtle arithmetic conditions on (Formula presented.) (even for very simple examples), contrary to what happens in the continuous case (Formula presented.), where any possible average value is realized by a suitable positive isometry.Postprint (author's final draft

    Honeynet para el análisis del tráfico y muestras de malware

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    En este proyecto nos hemos propuesto desplegar varios honeypots en dos dispositivos del tipo Raspberry Pi a fin de analizar ataques dirigidos a la red de la UGR. Presentamos a continuación un breve resumen del experimento. Por un lado hemos obtenido resultados de un honeypot de tipo Kippo, relacionados con ataques del tipo fuerza bruta, procedentes de varias direcciones IP, la mayoría de ellas de la zona de Asia. Además mostraremos los resultados del análisis de las muestras de malware obtenidas mediante Kippo. Por otro lado tenemos analizaremos los resultados obtenidos sobre ataques de tipo web recibidos por otro honeypot de baja interacción, Glastopf. No obstante, el principal objetivo del proyecto es identificar y clasificar diferentes muestras de malware así como proporcionar al lector una receta para este fin.In this project we are about to deploy several honeypots in two Raspberry PI devices in order to analyze attacks directed to the UGR network. We present here a brief resume of the results of the experiment. On the one hand, we have results from a Kippo honeypot related to brute force attacks from several IP directions, most of them coming from Asia. In addition we show the results of a malware analysis of samples obtained from Kippo. On the other hand, we will analyse results related to web attacks with another low/medium interaction honeypot, Glastopf. In this particular project, the main purpose is to identify and classify several samples of malware as well as to show to the reader a recipe to achieve this goal.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    Norm estimates for the hardy operator in terms of B-p weights

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    First published in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society in 145 (2017), 2455-246, published by the American Mathematical SocietyWe study the explicit dependence of the Bp-constant of the weight, [w]Bp , in the estimates of the norm of the Hardy operator acting on non-increasing functions in L p (w) or L p,8(w).Postprint (author's final draft

    Weak-type boundedness of the Fourier transform on rearrangement invariant function spacest

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    We study several questions about the weak-type boundedness of the Fourier transform F on rearrangement invariant spaces. In particular, we characterize the action of F as a bounded operator from the minimal Lorentz space ¿(X) into the Marcinkiewicz maximal space M(X), both associated with a rearrangement invariant space X. Finally, we also prove some results establishing that the weak-type boundedness of F, in certain weighted Lorentz spaces, is equivalent to the corresponding strong-type estimates.Postprint (author's final draft

    Averaging operators on decreasing or positive functions: equivalence and optimal bounds

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    We study the optimal bounds for the Hardy operator S minus the identity, as well as S and its dualoperator S*, on the full range 1 = p = 8, for the cases of decreasing, positive or general functions (infact, these two kinds of inequalities are equivalent for the appropriate cone of functions). For 1< p = 2, we prove that all these estimates are the same, but for 2 < p <8, they exhibit a completely different behavior.Postprint (author's final draft

    Extracellular matrix components are required to protect bacillus subtilis from pseudomonas invasion and co-colonization of plants

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    Plants are colonized by a vast variety of microbes. Among them, bacteria are the most predominant and are able to adapt to environmental changes and interact with other microorganisms using a wide array of molecules, metabolic plasticity and secretion systems. One way bacteria have evolved to succeed in this competitive scenario is the formation of biofilms which provides protection to the cells, modulates the flux of signals and controls cellular differentiation. Thus, efforts are encouraged to really determine the functionality of the bacterial extracellular matrix. In this study, we have employed microbiological and microscopic techniques to study the interaction between Bacillus subtilis 3610 and Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606. We demonstrate the important role of the extracellular matrix in protecting B. subtilis colonies from infiltration by Pseudomonas. Furthermore, time-lapse confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) analyses of the bacterial interactions have permitted to complete the study of the bacterial behaviors and to measure bacterial expansion rates. Surprising, we find that the Pseudomonas type VI secretion system (T6SS) is required in the cell-to-cell contact with matrix-impaired B. subtilis cells, revealing a novel role for T6SS against Gram-positive bacteria. In response to P. chlororaphis infiltration, we find that B. subtilis activates sporulation and expresses motility-related genes. Confocal microscopy of the bacterial interactions using plant organs highlights the functional importance of these different bacterial strategies in their coexistence as stable bacterial communities. The findings further our understanding of the functional role played by biofilms in mediating bacterial social interactions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Enabling Identity for the IoT-as-a-Service Business Model

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    The IoT-as-a-Service (IoTaaS) business model has already been identified by some people from both industry and academia, but has not been formally defined. IoTaaS offers IoT devices on demand, with considerable cost savings and resource optimization. In addition, it enables different applications to reuse the existing devices. However, this business model is associated with different technological challenges that need to be addressed, one of which is the identity problem. Focusing on this, self-sovereign identity (SSI) schemes have proven to provide better privacy and scalability than traditional identity paradigms, which is especially important in the IoT owing to its characteristics. In this paper, we formally analyze an IoTaaS business model, identifying and detailing its main technological challenges. In addition, we tackle the identity problem of this business model and propose an SSI-based identity management system, which is compliant with the existing standards from the W3C, and include a performance evaluation.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Government through the Collaborative Research Grants Program in Strategic Areas (ELKARTEK) Program by the Project TRUSTIND under Grant KK-2020/00054 and in part by the Spanish Government-Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Project AI4ES-2021 under Grant CER-20211030 and through the Project SICRAC under Grant PID2020-114495RB-I0

    Análisis discriminante: aplicación a la búsqueda de variables relacionadas con la capacidad de exportar

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    [Resumen] El objetivo marcado en el presente trabajo es mostrar la utilidad que la aplicación de la Estadística tiene en áreas de conocimiento de la titulación de Grado en Economía. Para desarrollar este propósito se estudia uno de los métodos de Análisis multivariante, concretamente el Análisis discriminante. Esta técnica estadística permite examinar las distinciones entre grupos existentes mediante el análisis de variables y su contribución a la diferenciación de ellos; a su vez también es posible predecir la pertenencia de nuevas observaciones a esos grupos. Las aplicaciones de este método en la economía son numerosas y de todas ellas se trata de hallar una posible explicación al comportamiento de empresas manufactureras españolas a la hora de realizar o no exportaciones en un determinado año. Debido a los abundantes enfoques de esa explicación, el estudio se centra en la “Teoría de los Recursos y Capacidades de la empresa”, incluyendo en el análisis distintas variables directamente relacionadas con esa teoría y dando respuesta a qué recursos internos empresariales tienen una mayor influencia para la exportación. Las variables empleadas en el análisis proceden de la “Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales” realizada en dos años distintos, 2006 y 2010, con la finalidad de intentar observar cambios experimentados tras la crisis económica.[Abstract] The main objective of this thesis is to show the usefulness of applied Statistics in knowledge areas related to our degree in Economics. In order to carry out this purpose, a technique from Multivariate analysis is studied, namely the Discriminant analysis; explaining its characteristics, criteria and its decision process. This statistical method allows for direct examination of different existing groups through analysing variables and their contribution to the differentiation of the groups themselves. Furthermore, it also renders possible the prediction of new observations belonging to these groups. The functions of this method in the economy are numerous and from all of them, a way to explain the behavior of manufacturing companies whether to export or not in a certain year, is selected. Due to the abundant approaches of that explanation, the study centers around the “Resource-based Theory of Competitive Advantage”, including different variables in the analysis, directly connected to this theory and responding to the question of which internal resources of a business have a bigger impact on the export. The variables applied for the analysis are derived from the “Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales” realized in two different years, 2006 and 2010, with the aim of trying to observe possible changes after the economic crisis.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). Economía. Curso 2014/201

    Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines and Consensus Statements in the treatment of colorectal cancer: systematic review

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Medicina. Curso 2021-2022Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es uno de los cánceres con mayor morbimortalidad a nivel global. Las guías de práctica clínica (GPCs) y documentos de consenso (DCs) son herramientas fundamentales tanto para los médicos como para los pacientes. Estas ofrecen la posibilidad de orientar hacia un tratamiento estandarizado, independientemente del médico o del lugar donde se halle el paciente. Por tanto, es necesario que dichos documentos sean elaborados sistemáticamente con la mayor calidad y evidencia posibles. Objetivos: El principal objetivo del trabajo es analizar la calidad de las GPCs y los DCs del tratamiento del cáncer colorrectal a nivel mundial. Se pretende informar sobre la calidad y la validez de dichos documentos y contribuir así a la continua actualización y mejora en el ámbito terapéutico del cáncer de colon y recto. Material y métodos: Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática desde 2018 hasta noviembre de 2021 buscando en las principales bases de datos médicas, páginas web de sociedades científicas y literatura gris. La calidad de las guías ha sido evaluada mediante la herramienta AGREE-II por parte de 2 revisores. Resultados: Únicamente 5 de los 69 documentos analizados fue clasificado como recomendado. El 51% fue recomendado con modificaciones, mientras que el 42% no se recomendó. La mediana de calidad global fue del 51%. El 93% de los documentos incluidos en la revisión no utilizó AGREE II previamente a su publicación. Conclusiones: Las GPCs y DCs del tratamiento del CCR presentaron una baja calidad global. Las GPCs son en términos generales, de mayor calidad. Existe un amplio rango de mejora, especialmente en su aplicabilidad y rigor de elaboración. El uso de AGREE II previo a la publicación de los documentos es limitado. Deben exigirse unas garantías mínimas de calidad con el objetivo de que el paciente reciba la mejor atención posibleIntrodución: O cancro colorrectal é un dos cancros con maior morbilidade e mortalidade a nivel mundial. As guías de práctica clínica (GPCs) e os documentos de consenso (DCs) son ferramentas esenciais tanto para os médicos como para os pacientes. Estes ofrecen a posibilidade de orientar cara a un tratamento estandarizado, independentemente do médico ou do lugar onde se atope o paciente. Polo tanto, é necesario que estes documentos estean elaborados sistematicamente coa maior calidade e evidencia posible. Obxectivos: O obxectivo principal do traballo é analizar a calidade dos GPCs e DCs para o tratamento do cancro colorrectal a nivel mundial. Preténdese informar sobre a calidade e validez destes documentos e contribuír así á actualización e mellora continua no ámbito terapéutico do cancro de colon e de recto. Material e métodos: Para iso, realizouse unha revisión sistemática dende 2018 ata novembro de 2021 buscando nas principais bases de datos médicas, páxinas web de sociedades científicas e literatura gris. A calidade das directrices foi avaliada mediante a ferramenta AGREE-II por 2 revisores. Resultados: Só 5 dos 69 documentos analizados foron clasificados como recomendados. O 51% recomendáronse con modificacións, mentres que o 42% non foron recomendados. A mediana da calidade xeral foi do 51%. O 93% dos documentos incluídos na revisión non utilizaron AGREE II antes da publicación. Conclusións: as CPG e DC do tratamento con CCR presentaron unha baixa calidade xeral. As GPC son, en termos xerais, de maior calidade. Hai unha ampla gama de melloras, sobre todo na súa aplicabilidade e rigor de elaboración. O uso de AGREE II antes da publicación dos documentos é limitado. Deben esixirse unhas mínimas garantías de calidade para que o paciente reciba a mellor atención posibleIntroduction: Colorectal cancer is one of the cancers with the highest morbidity and mortality worldwide. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and consensus statements (CSs) are essential tools for both physicians and patients. These offer the possibility of guiding towards a standardized treatment, regardless of the doctor or the place where the patient is. Therefore, it is necessary that these documents be systematically prepared with the highest possible quality and evidence. Objectives: The main objective of the work is to analyze the quality of CPGs and CSs for colorectal cancer treatment worldwide. It is intended to report on the quality and validity of these documents and thus contribute to the continuous updating and improvement in the therapeutic field of colon and rectal cancer. Material and methods: For this, a systematic review has been carried out from 2018 to November 2021 searching the main medical databases, websites of scientific societies and gray literature. The quality of the guidelines has been evaluated using the AGREE-II tool by 2 reviewers. Results: Only 5 of the 69 documents analyzed were classified as recommended. 51% were recommended with modifications, while 42% were not recommended. The median overall quality was 51%. 93% of the documents included in the review did not use AGREE II prior to publication. Conclusions: The CPGs and DCs of CRC treatment presented a low overall quality. The CPGs are, in general terms, of higher quality. There is a wide range of improvement, especially in its applicability and elaboration rigor. The use of AGREE II prior to the publication of the documents is limited. This must change and minimum quality guarantees must be required for the patient to receive the best possible car

    The Natural Agriculture Association of Campinas’ Participatory Guarantee System: a case study in the metropolitan area of San Paolo, Brazil

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    The research aimed to rescue the context in which the Brazilian regulation for organic production and control mechanisms for organic quality assurance occurred. Also a case study on what has been the experience of the first PGS (Participatory Guarantee System) accredited by Mapa (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) was conducted. The Natural Agriculture Association of Campinas decided to adopt a PGS three years ago ending its activities as a non-profitable third party certifier. The research sought to understand the farmer´s motivations for adopting the ANC´s PGS and which are the main challenges and gains within this kind of social control mechanism. The study preliminary results indicate that the recognition by the law of PGSs and SCOs (Social Control Organizations) as alternatives to third part certification was an important achievement for ecological based family farming in the country. In relation to the specific studied PGS, the experience has empowered the participant producers due to cooperation’s increasing through the creation of strategies to collectively commercialize their products and inputs purchase, the constant sharing of experiences, the creation of a seed bank and the participatory decision-making process in replacement to the third part system that existed before. The main challenges are related to bureaucratic requirements from Mapa and the reduction of the PGS´s direct and indirect costs