770 research outputs found

    Diseño e instalación de sistema de generación eléctrica por movimiento circular uniforme

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es exponer las características , diseño e implementación de un sistema de generación eléctrica utilizando el principio básico del funcionamiento de la bicicleta, este sistema de generación ya ha sido desarrollado anteriormente en algunas regiones de Colombia pero sin el enfoque que se le dará en la construcción de este proyecto, en algunos lugares del mundo existen empresas como lo es WE WATT que desarrolla sistemas de generación eléctrica renovable, más sin embargo los costos de adquisición son muy elevados. Luego de realizar una investigación sobre las principales propiedades del diseño del sistema de generación eléctrica por movimiento circular uniforme se implementó diferente software de diseño mecánico y eléctrico para garantizar el buen funcionamiento y eficiencia del sistema

    Fish diversity in estuarine habitats of the Atrato river delta, gulf of Urabá

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    Objetivo: Determinar las especies de peces en cuatro hábitats estuarinos (arracachal, eneal, manglar y áreas sin vegetación) en el delta del río Atrato. Metodología: Se colectaron peces entre noviembre de 2012 y julio de 2013 con redes de enmalle y atarraya. Resultados: Se capturaron 1262 individuos pertenecientes a 52 especies distribuidas en 27 familias y 11 órdenes; 3 especies fueron marinas rezagadas, 21 marinas migrantes, 7 estuarinas, 1 semianádroma, 4 migrantes de agua dulce y 16 rezagadas de agua dulce. Conclusiones: Aunque no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la abundancia ni en la riqueza de peces entre los hábitats estuarinos, la composición de especies fue diferente y estuvo asociada principalmente a la salinidad.Objetive: To determine the fish species in four estuarine habitats (Arracachal, Eneal, Manglar and areas without vegetation) in the Atrato river delta. Methodology: Fish were collected between November 2012 and July 2013, with gill nets and throw nets. Results: A total of 1,262 individuals belonging to 52 species distributed in 27 families and 11 orders were captured. Three species of marine stragglers, 21 marine migrants, 7 estuarine, 1 semi-anadromous, 4 freshwater migrants and 16 freshwater stragglers. Conclusions: Although no significant differences were found in the fish abundance or fish richness among estuarine habitats, the composition of the species was different and was mainly associated with salinity

    Effects of a high-intensity interval training protocol based on functional exercises on performance and body composition in handball female players

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    The aim of this study is to measure the impact of 8-week high-intensity interval training (HIIT) based on functional exercises on the following variables in handball female players: weight (kg), body mass index (BMI), % fat, jumping (cm), repeated sprint ability (RSA), aerobic capacity. Fourteen female players were randomly assigned either to an experimental group (GE, n=7) which would undertake a “mixed functional HIIT” (combining strength, coordination and plyometric exercises) before training sessions, or to a control group (GC, n=7), in which HIIT was replaced by usual warm-up exercises in the field. The intervention programme lasted 8 weeks, with two training sessions a week. A pre-test and post-test on each variable were carried out. The intra-group GC analysis showed no significant changes between the pre- and post-test in any variable. Figures for the GE, though, showed significant changes: a 3.45% (d=0.67) reduction in % fat of players, RSA execution time went down by 7.22% RSA (d=0.82), and VO2max increased by 6.19% (d=0.78). These results seem to point to “mixed functional HIIT” as an effective strategy to improve body composition and performance in female handball players

    Actualización del estado de la invasión de Rapana venosa (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en el estuario del Río de la Plata

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    Rapana venosa, a gastropod of Asian origin, has become a highly successful invasive species in various coastal-estuarine ecosystems worldwide. It was first recorded in the Río de la Plata (RdlP) in 1999 and has since expanded its range along the Argentine and Uruguayan Atlantic coast, and recently in southern Brazil. This study collected R. venosa samples during spring 2017 in the RdlP (middle/outer) and on the Uruguayan coast of the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone. The study found that 16% of stations surveyed contained R. venosa specimens with a density of 3.88 kg mn-2. Among the 119 specimens analyzed, males predominated, and imposex was observed in two organisms. Most individuals had a high epibiont coverage, and 10% were found consuming native bivalves. Isotopic analysis (d15N and d13C) in 80 individuals revealed no significant differences in location or sex, and the species was classified as secondary consumer with a trophic level (TL) of 2.5. This study provides valuable insights into the population dynamics of R. venosa and its ecological impact on the RdlP, emphasizing its successful invasion and effects on native mollusks. Further research is required to understand the long-term consequences of this invasive species on local and regional ecosystems.Rapana venosa es un gasterópodo de origen asiático e invasor exitoso en ecosistemas costero-estuarinos del mundo. Registrada para el Río de la Plata (RdlP) en 1999, se extiende actualmente hacia el sur por la costa atlántica argentina, y al norte por la costa atlántica uruguaya y sur de Brasil. Se obtuvieron muestras de cruceros de evaluación pesquera durante la primavera del 2017 en el RdlP (medio/externo) y en la costa uruguaya de la Zona Común de Pesca Argentino-Uruguaya. En 16% de las estaciones se capturaron ejemplares con red de arrastre de fondo y una densidad de 3,88 kg mn-2. En los 119 ejemplares analizados, los machos fueron dominantes y dos organismos se identificaron como imposex. La mayoría de organismos presentó una alta cobertura de epibiontes y 10% se encontraron consumiendo bivalvos autóctonos. Las señales isotópicas (d15N y d13C) en 80 individuos no variaron significativamente entre sitios o sexos, y el nivel trófico (NT = 2,5) cataloga a la especie como consumidor secundario. Este estudio proporciona información sobre la dinámica poblacional de R. venosa y su rol ecológico en el RdlP, destacando su éxito e impacto sobre los moluscos nativos. Es necesario continuar investigaciones para comprender las consecuencias a largo plazo en los ecosistemas locales y regionales

    Retos de ser mujer trans en Colombia: aspectos asociados a sus condiciones de vida

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    Colombia es un país cisnormativo en el cual durante los últimos años ha cobrado relevancia las discusiones y acciones en pro del bienestar y la salud de las mujeres trans. De esta manera, en el presente artículo presentamos los retos de las mujeres trans asociados a sus condiciones de vida a partir de una revisión bibliográfica en Colombia de la literatura publicada entre 2010 y 2020. Los hallazgos dan cuenta de escasos estudios sobre las mujeres trans, así como las cualidades y procesos cotidianos de reproducción social que interfieren en el goce y protección de sus derechos asociados a las situaciones de estigma, discriminación y violencias que enfrentan por su identidad de género no hegemónica. Esto impacta negativamente en sus condiciones de vida, su salud y bienestar, y perpetúa las inequidades e injusticias que tienen que enfrentar y han enfrentado de manera estructural e histórica

    Evaluación de métodos de propagación, fertilización nitrogenada y fenología de estevia en condiciones del valle del cauca

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    En el Centro Experimental de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira se evaluó el prendimiento de estacas apicales y basales de Stevia rebaudiana en tres sustratos de enraizamiento (carbonilla-arena, carbonilla-compost y arena-compost) y tres fuentes de nitrógeno (urea 46%N, compost 1.5%N y gallinaza 1% N). El mejor método de propagación fue la estaca apical en sustrato carbonilla-arena 1:1, volumen; las fuentes de nitrógeno no presentaron diferencias significativas en la acumulación de materia seca de hojas. Se diferenciaron los siguientes periodos fenológicos: Emergencia: 6 días después de la siembra (dís), Estado vegetativo: 17 dias, Floración: 71 dís, Fructificación: 115 dís, Senescencia: 169 dís y Rebrote: 201 dísThis research was carried out at the Experimental Center of the National University of Colombia (Palmira) in order to know more about the cropping system of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. The research consisted of an evaluation of rooting process and growth of cuttings from basal and apical position of the stem. The results were obtained from three root sustrates (coal ship-sand, coal ship-compost and sand-compost) and three different nitrogen sources (urea 46%N), compost 1.5% N and chicken manure 1% N). The results showed that the most productive sustrate was coal ship-sand 1:1 volume. The application of the nitrogen sources had no significant differences in accumulation of leaf dry matter. Phenological observation were as follows: emergence: 6 days after sowing (das), vegetative state: 17 das, flowering: 71 das, fructificatión: 115 das, senility: 169 das and shoot: 201 dí

    The beneficial effects of lifestyle modification on blood pressure and quality of life in patients with hypertension

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    This paper presents the results of a study which purpose was to determine the impact of a lifestyle modification program to reduce blood pressure levels and to improve the quality of life in Hypertension patients. The method was a quasi-experimental, with transversal design, intragroup analysis and repeated measures (pre-post intervention). The sample was composed of 44 hypertension patients attended at a Health Care Service from Cali, Colombia. Systolic (SBP) and Diastolic (DBP) blood pressure levels were registered, and quality of life was assessed through the SF-36 Health Survey v2. A reduction of SBP was found with statistical significance, while DBP remained the same in controlled levels. With regard to quality of life, the lifestyle modification program had beneficial effects on the mental summary and the Role Emotional scale. In the physical summary, the Physical Function and Role Physical improved significantly. The quality of life results showed some differences between patients with controlled and uncontrolled SBP and DBP levels.Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio que tuvo como objetivo determinar el impacto de un programa para modificar el estilo de vida en los niveles de presión arterial y la calidad de vida de personas con diagnóstico de Hipertensión Arterial. Se empleó un método cuasi-experimental, con diseño transversal, análisis intragrupo y medidas repetidas (pre y post intervención). La muestra estuvo conformada por 44 personas diagnosticadas con Hipertensión Arterial, adscritas a una Empresa de Servicios de Salud de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Se registraron los niveles de presión arterial sistólica (PAS) y diastólica (PAD) pre y post-intervención y se aplicó el SF-36 Health Survey v2 para evaluar calidad de vida. Se encontró una disminución estadísticamente significativa en la PAS, mientras que la PAD no presentó cambios, manteniéndose en niveles controlados. Respecto a la calidad de vida, la modificación del estilo de vida tuvo efectos benéficos en el componente mental, así como en la subescala de Rol Emocional. En cuanto al componente físico, mejoraron significativamente las subescalas de Función Física y Rol Físico. Los resultados en calidad de vida se presentaron con algunas diferencias entre los pacientes con niveles controlados y no-controlados de PAS y PAD

    Aderência ao tratamento na infeção por VIH/SIDA. Considerações teóricas e metodológicas

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    Adherence to treatment is currently of main concern for HIV/AIDS control, being associated with treatment success or failure. This systematic review highlights that adherence to treatment is a concept that traditionally refers only to antiretroviral medication intake and attendance at medical appointments. However, these aspects do not reflect the complexity of this topic. There is evidence about the relation between adherence to treatment and other factors that could facilitate or hinder its effectiveness but usually this evidence is not conclusive. In this review, an integral concept of adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS infection is proposed, considering several simple and complex competences necessary to carry out the therapeutic regime. Additionally, factors with stronger empirical support associated with adherence are identified, including those related to the patient, the health system, the illness and the treatment, as well as social-interpersonal and cultural factors. The aim of this review is to propose new guidelines to evaluate adherence to treatment for HIV/AIDS infection and factors that are associated to it, in order to allow the design of more effective interventions.A aderência ao tratamento é uma das principais preocupações para controlar o VIH/Sida; é associada ao sucesso ou ao fracasso terapêutico. Este estudo de revisão mostra que a aderência ao tratamento tem sido considerada tradicionalmente a tomada de medicinas antirretrovirais e ir as citações médicas. Mais, estes aspetos não refletem a complexidade do tema. A evidência da relação entre aderência ao tratamento e diversos fatores que poderiam ser facilitadores ou obstáculos é amplia, mais pouco conclusiva. Nesta revisão, é proposta uma conceição integral do comportamento de aderência ao controle da infecção pelo VIH/Sida, considerando várias competências simples ou complexas, necessárias para cumprir o regime terapêutico. Além disso, são identificados os fatores associados à aderência com maior apoio empírico relacionados ao paciente, ao sistema de saúde, á doença e o tratamento, assim como fatores sociais, pessoais e interculturais, a fim de propor novos lineamentos de avaliação da aderência ao tratamento de VIH/Sida e dos fatores associados que permitam desenhar intervenções mais eficazes.La adherencia al tratamiento constituye actualmente una de las principales preocupaciones en relación al control del VIH/sida, asociándose fuertemente al éxito o fracaso terapéutico. Este estudio de revisión muestra cómo la adherencia al tratamiento ha sido tradicionalmente considerada como la toma de medicamentos antirretrovirales y la asistencia a las citas médicas; aspectos que no reflejan la complejidad del tema. La evidencia sobre la relación entre la adherencia al tratamiento y diversos factores que podrían ser facilitadores u obstáculos, es amplia pero en ocasiones poco concluyente. A partir de esta revisión se plantea una concepción integral del comportamiento de adherencia para el control de la infección por VIH/sida, considerando varias competencias simples o complejas necesarias para cumplir con el régimen terapéutico. Por otro lado, con el objetivo de proponer nuevos lineamientos de evaluación de la adherencia al tratamiento para el VIH/sida y de los factores asociados que permitan diseñar intervenciones más eficaces, se identifican los factores asociados a la adherencia con mayor apoyo empírico relacionados con el paciente, con el sistema de salud, con la enfermedad y el tratamiento, como los sociales-interpersonales y los culturales

    Cellular and Humoral Responses Follow-up for 8 Months after Vaccination with mRNA-Based Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines

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    Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has become the main method of reducing mortality and severity of COVID-19. This work aims to study the evolution of the cellular and humoral responses conferred by two mRNA vaccines after two doses against SARS-CoV-2. On days 30 and 240 after the second dose of both vaccines, the anti-S antibodies in plasma were evaluated from 82 volunteers vaccinated with BNT162b2 and 68 vaccinated with mRNA-1273. Peripheral blood was stimulated with peptides encompassing the entire SARS-CoV-2 Spike sequence. IgG Anti-S antibodies (humoral) were quantified on plasma, and inflammatory cytokines (cellular) were measured after stimulation. We observed a higher response (both humoral and cellular) with the mRNA-1273 vaccine. Stratifying by age and gender, differences between vaccines were observed, especially in women under 48 and men over 48 years old. Therefore, this work could help to set up a vaccination strategy that could be applied to confer maximum immunity.This work was partially supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI18/00506; COV20/00063), co-funded by ERDF (FEDER) Funds from the European Commission, “A way of making Europe”. This work was partially financed by the Madrid Community grant B2017/BMD3727 and the IiSGM Intramural grant PI-MP-2018. This work was partially funded by a grant from “Fundación Familia Alonso” (FFA-FIBHGM-2019). S.G-M. was supported by the Youth Employment Program, co-financed by the Madrid community and FEDER Founds (PEJ-2020-AI/BMD-17954), and by the ACT4COVID consortium (CellNex funding). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or manuscript preparation.S

    Regulation of SCF TIR1/AFB E3 ligase assembly by S-nitrosylation of Arabidopsis SKP1-like1 impacts on auxin signaling

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    The F-box proteins (FBPs) TIR1/AFBs are the substrate recognition subunits of SKP1–cullin–F-box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complexes and together with Aux/IAAs form the auxin co-receptor. Although tremendous knowledge on auxin perception and signaling has been gained in the last years, SCFTIR1/AFBs complex assembly and stabilization are emerging as new layers of regulation. Here, we investigated how nitric oxide (NO), through S-nitrosylation of ASK1 is involved in SCFTIR1/AFBs assembly. We demonstrate that ASK1 is S-nitrosylated and S-glutathionylated in cysteine (Cys) 37 and Cys118 residues in vitro. Both, in vitro and in vivo protein-protein interaction assays show that NO enhances ASK1 binding to CUL1 and TIR1/AFB2, required for SCFTIR1/AFB2 assembly. In addition, we demonstrate that Cys37 and Cys118 are essential residues for proper activation of auxin signaling pathway in planta. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Cys37 residue is only conserved in SKP proteins in Angiosperms, suggesting that S-nitrosylation on Cys37 could represent an evolutionary adaption for SKP1 function in flowering plants. Collectively, these findings indicate that multiple events of redox modifications might be part of a fine-tuning regulation of SCFTIR1/AFBs for proper auxin signal transduction.This work has been supported by grants from CONICET (PIP 0202 to M.C.T), Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata and Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, -Argentina (PICT 1167 to M.C.T and PICT 2421 to C.A.C); from the Spanish Government (PS09/00101 and PI12/00875 to A.M.R., cofinanced by the European Union ERDF), and by the Argentinian-Spanish Integrated Action ES/11/02 / PRIAIBAR- 2011-0782. A.M.R. is supported by the I3SNS programme (ISCIII, Spanish Government). The Proteomics Service of the CBMSO is a member of Proteored (PRB2-ISCIII), and is supported by grants PT13/ 0001/0024 and PT17/0019/0018 of Spanish Government (cofinanced by the European Union ERDF). Work in the laboratory of M.E is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) GM43644, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, US