338 research outputs found

    Removiendo los cimientos de la Historia de España en su perspectiva medieval

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    A mediados del siglo XIII, el Arzobispo de Toledo don Rodrigo Ximénez de Rada concluía la que puede ser considerada como la primera Historia de España: De rebus Hispaniae. Desde el primer momento este trabajo suscitó un enorme interés entre sus contemporáneos iniciándose con prontitud las traducciones y adaptaciones a las distintas lenguas existentes en la Península. El enorme valor de esta obra se mantiene intacto hoy en día cuando continúa siendo objeto de atención por parte de los historiadores. A ella ha dedicado su trabajo de los últimos años el autor, presentando en este artículo algunas de las primeras conclusiones o hipótesis, anticipo de una obra mucho más extensa, a las que ha podido llegar en su crítica textual

    Arte poética del romancero oral : parte 1ª. Los textos abiertos de la creación colectiva

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    Don Francisco de la Cueva y Silva y los orígenes del teatro nacional

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    En este número no se incluyeron resúmenes ni palabras clave.  

    B cell contribution to immunometabolic dysfunction and impaired immune responses in obesity

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    Obesity increases the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver disease, and cancer. It is also linked with more severe complications from infections, including COVID-19, and poor vaccine responses. Chronic, low-grade inflammation and associated immune perturbations play an important role in determining morbidity in people living with obesity. The contribution of B cells to immune dysregulation and meta-inflammation associated with obesity has been documented by studies over the past decade. With a focus on human studies, here we consolidate the observations demonstrating that there is altered B cell subset composition, differentiation, and function both systemically and in the adipose tissue of individuals living with obesity. Finally, we discuss the potential factors that drive B cell dysfunction in obesity and propose a model by which altered B cell subset composition in obesity underlies dysfunctional B cell responses to novel pathogens.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Derrotero y bitácora de una escultura móvil

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    Un cuaderno de bitácora es una narración que recoge el día a día a bordo de una embarcación. La información técnica más relevante durante la travesía, al igual que las sensaciones que esta nos despierta durante el viaje. Este trabajo fin de grado hace un paralelismo entre mi gran pasión por la vida marítima con el proceso de creación de obras artísticas, reflejando las distintas etapas del proyecto, los acontecimientos sobrevenidos en la navegación y sus aspectos fundamentales. Ambos procesos están supeditados a elementos naturales, totalmente ajenos al control humano, lo que hace que cada travesía y cada pieza resulte libre y viva, se constituyan a partir del hallazgo y los recursos a la mano y esté sujeta a una constante transformación. Una afirmación de la experiencia.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Bellas Arte

    El papel de la velocidad oceánica en la variabilidad de la clorofila. Un estudio de modelado en el mar de Alborán

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    In this work we focus on the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) to relate wind field and ocean velocity variability with chlorophyll a (Chl a) behaviour, using a 2-km resolution, coupled 3D ocean circulation-NPZD model (ROMS). The analysis is done in three steps. First, we split the seasonal and residual contribution for the fields under study. Second, we calculate the corresponding empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) for the seasonal and residual parts. Finally, we relate each pair of variables for both seasonal and residual contribution EOFs. The results reported here allow the links between wind and Chl a to be quantified. We explain these links in terms of the ocean velocity field acting as a driver of Chl a variability. The results show that, although the seasonal part of the Chl a field is modulated by the vertical velocity, the residual component is modulated by the horizontal velocity components. Vertical velocities are responsible, through coastal upwelling, for Chl a bloom enhancement, while horizontal velocities spread coastal Chl a surface blooms off-shore.En este trabajo nos centramos en el mar de Alborán (Mediterráneo Occidental) para relacionar los campos de velocidad del viento y del océano con la variabilidad de la clorofila a (Chl a), utilizando un modelo de circulación 3D-NPZD (ROMS-Fennel) con una resolución de 2 km. El análisis se realiza en tres pasos. En primer lugar, separamos la contribución estacional y el residuo para todos los campos de estudio. En segundo lugar, calculamos las correspondientes funciones ortogonales empíricas (EOFs) para las components estacionales y residuales. Por último, relacionamos cada par de variables para ambos, EOFs estacionales y residuales. Los resultados permiten la cuantificación de las relaciones entre el viento y la clorofila. Explicamos estas relaciones en términos del campo de velocidades del océano que actúa como motor de la variabilidad de la Chl a. Los resultados muestran que, aunque la parte estacional de campo Chl a es modulada por la velocidad vertical, la componente residual es modulada por las componentes de la velocidad horizontal. Las velocidades verticales son responsables, a través de la surgencia costera, de incrementar el valor de la proliferación de Chl a, mientras que las velocidades horizontales extienden estas proliferaciones costeras superficiales a mar abierto

    Surface laser treatment of cast irons: A Review

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    Heat treatments are frequently used to modify the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials according to the requirements of their applications. Laser surface treatment (LST) has become a relevant technique due to the high control of the parameters and localization involved in surface modification. It allows for the rapid transformation of the microstructure near the surface, resulting in minimal distortion of the workpiece bulk. LST encompasses, in turn, laser surface melting and laser surface hardening techniques. Many of the works devoted to studying the effects of LST in cast iron are diverse and spread in several scientific communities. This work aims to review the main experimental aspects involved in the LST treatment of four cast-iron groups: gray (lamellar) cast iron, pearlitic ductile (nodular) iron, austempered ductile iron, and ferritic ductile iron. The effects of key experimental parameters, such as laser power, scanning velocity, and interaction time, on the microstructure, composition, hardness, and wear are presented, discussed, and overviewed. Finally, we highlight the main scientific and technological challenges regarding LST applied to cast irons.Fil: Catalán, Néstor. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Escuela de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecanica y Metalurgica; ChileFil: Ramos Moore, Esteban. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Física; ChileFil: Boccardo, Adrian Dante. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Celentano, Diego Javier. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. Escuela de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecanica y Metalurgica; Chil

    Identification of miRNAs involved in foetal growth restriction due to maternal smoking during pregnancy

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    Introduction: Smoking during pregnancy is associated with reduced foetal growth, amongst other effects. Epigenetic modification in the foetus and placenta during embryonic development as a result of changes in the function of miRNAs is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for this. This dysregulation may be due to environmental changes or toxins such as tobacco. Objective: To study the impact of smoking during pregnancy and its role in intrauterine growth restriction via hypermethylated miRNAs. Materials and methods: The differences in methylation patterns for miRNAs in umbilical cord blood from low-birth-weight newborns of smoking mothers were compared with those from normal-weight newborns using MedIP-seq (StarArray). Results: Seven hypermethylated miRNAs were identified in the epigenetic study of cord blood from low-birth-weight newborns of smoking mothers in our sample. The miRNAs found to be hypermethylated were: MIR7-1, MIR3918, MIR1244-1, MIR4721, MIR25, MIR93, MIR3656. Conclusion: Intrauterine exposure to tobacco induces hypermethylation-mediated miRNA silencing in low-birth-weight newborns by modifying the expression of factors involved in vascular development, growth, and adaptation to hypoxia

    Sequential 90° Rotation of Dual-Polarized Antenna Elements in Linear Phased Arrays with Improved Cross-Polarization Level for Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications

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    [EN] In this work, a novel rotation approach for the antenna elements of a linear phased array is presented. The proposed method improves by up to 14 dB the cross-polarization level within the main beam by performing a sequential 90° rotation of the identical array elements, and achieving measured cross-polarization suppressions of 40 dB. This configuration is validated by means of simulation and measurements of a manufactured linear array of five dual-polarized cavity-box aperture coupled stacked patch antennas operating in L-Band, and considering both uniform amplitude and phase distribution and beamforming with amplitude tapering. The analysis is further extended by applying and comparing the proposed design with the 180° rotation and non-rotation topologies. This technique is expected to be used for the next generation L-Band Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).Lorente-Catalán, D.; Limbach, M.; Gabler, B.; Esteban González, H.; Boria Esbert, VE. (2021). Sequential 90° Rotation of Dual-Polarized Antenna Elements in Linear Phased Arrays with Improved Cross-Polarization Level for Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications. Remote Sensing. 13(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/rs1308143013