2,732 research outputs found

    Food structure affects the kinetics of food digestion and the bioavailability of nutrients.

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    Food structure affects the kinetics of food digestion and the bioavailability of nutrients. . Nestlé Semina

    Unravelling the mechanisms of food digestion to improve our knowledge of the effect of food on human health

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    Unravelling the mechanisms of food digestion to improve our knowledge of the effect of food on human health. 4. Simposio de Alimentos e Nutriça

    The 5th International Conference on Food Digestion . Introduction

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    Unravelling the fate of food in the gastrointestinal tract is essential to better understand the health effects of the food and to fight against diet-related pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes. Digestion is the process that transforms food into nutrients. The first step of digestion occurs in the mouth, where mastication transforms solid and semi-solid foods into particles while mixing with saliva allows bolus formation and initiates digestion of carbohydrates.Then the bolus is transferred into the stomach, where acid conditions and specific enzymes (pepsin, gastric lipase) start hydrolyzing macronutrients like proteins and triglycerides. The next step occurs in the small intestine, where other digestive enzymes further degrade macronutrients allowing their absorption. In the small intestine, proteins are hydrolyzed by trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastase, carboxypeptidase etc, lipids by pancreatic lipases, and carbohydrates by pancreaticamylase. Small intestinal digestion is completed by the enzymes of the brush border membrane that release macronutrients, which can be absorbed by enterocytes to reach the bloodstream. Undigested material,fiber for example, reaches the large intestine where it is further metabolized by the intestinal microbiota.Investigating food digestion requires the use of models and a myriad of in vitro (static and dynamic), animal and human models have been described in the literature with the objectives of understanding the fateof food in the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, static in vitro digestion simulations are extremely popular because they are very easy to use and do not require sophisticated equipment. They have been shown to beadapted for screening large series of similar samples in identical conditions or to understand interactions at the molecular scale (Bohn et al.,2017). However, they are too simple to study more complex phenomenaand the kinetics of food digestion for which dynamic in vitro models are more appropriate (Dupont et al., 2018).There was a high heterogeneity between the different static in vitro digestion models that were used by the research groups all around the world. Models were differing in the pH used in the different phases(gastric and intestinal), their duration, the digestive enzyme/substrate ratio, etc For that reason, comparing results obtained from one study to another was impossible and there was a crucial need for a harmonizedmethod that could be used by everyone allowing comparison between studies. This was one of the main objectives of the INFOGEST COST Action

    Comprendre la digestion pour proposer les aliments de demain

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    Comprendre la digestion pour proposer les aliments de demain. 1ère matinale thématique Sodiaal : la digestion, clé de l’innovatio

    Dairy products and inflammation: a review of the clinical evidence

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    Inflammation is a major biological process regulating the interaction between organisms and the environment, including the diet. Because of the increase in chronic inflammatory diseases, and in light of the immune-regulatory properties of breastfeeding, the ability of dairy products to modulate inflammatory processes in humans is an important but unresolved issue. Here, we report a systematic review of 52 clinical trials investigating inflammatory markers in relation to the consumption of dairy products. An inflammatory score (IS) was defined to quantitatively evaluate this interaction. The IS was significantly positive for the entire data set, indicating an anti-inflammatory activity in humans. When the subjects were stratified according to their health status, the IS was strongly indicative of an anti-inflammatory activity in subjects with metabolic disorders and of a pro-inflammatory activity in subjects allergic to bovine milk. Stratifying the data by product categories associated both low-fat and high-fat products, as well as fermented products, with an anti-inflammatory activity. Remarkably, the literature is characterized by a large gap in knowledge on bioavailability of bioactive nutrients. Future research should thus better combine food and nutritional sciences to adequately follow the fate of these nutrients along the gastrointestinal and metabolic axes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Understanding the gastrointestinal tract of the elderly to develop dietary solutions that prevent malnutrition

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    Although the prevalence of malnutrition in the old age is increasing worldwide a synthetic understanding of the impact of aging on the intake, digestion, and absorption of nutrients is still lacking. This review article aims at filling the gap in knowledge between the functional decline of the aging gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the consequences of malnutrition on the health status of elderly. Changes in the aging GIT include the mechanical disintegration of food, gastrointestinal motor function, food transit, chemical food digestion, and functionality of the intestinal wall. These alterations progressively decrease the ability of the GIT to provide the aging organism with adequate levels of nutrients, what contributes to the development of malnutrition. Malnutrition, in turn, increases the risks for the development of a range of pathologies associated with most organ systems, in particular the nervous-, muscoskeletal-, cardiovascular-, immune-, and skin systems. In addition to psychological, economics, and societal factors, dietary solutions preventing malnutrition should thus propose dietary guidelines and food products that integrate knowledge on the functionality of the aging GIT and the nutritional status of the elderly. Achieving this goal will request the identification, validation, and correlative analysis of biomarkers of food intake, nutrient bioavailability, and malnutrition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The 4th International Conference on Food Digestion

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    Food Digestion is the process that lies between the foodwe consume and any health benefits that it may impart. In a world where food related disease is already a significant and increasing burden on health services,it is important to understand the link between food and health. This requires a range of approaches including the use of in vitro simulations of the digestive process. However, if experimental data is to be comparable and useful it needs to make use of harmonised and physiologically relevant methods. The Infogest static model [9] offers such amethod and has been cited in more than 100 times.The success of this article confirms the interest in understanding the links between food structure and health

    Q Fever Outbreak in Homeless Shelter

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    Urban outbreaks of Q fever have occurred after exposure to slaughterhouses or parturient cats. We detected an outbreak of Q fever in a homeless shelter in Marseilles. Investigations showed that the main factors exposing persons to Coxiella burnetii were an abandoned slaughterhouse, used for an annual Muslim sheep feast, and wind

    Understanding antral contraction in human stomach through comparison with soft elastic reactor

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    IntroductionHuman digestion, a major concern due to the rapid development of nutrition-related chronic diseases,rely apart from enzymatic reactions on homogenization of the gastric content by antral contractions.Although recent CFD studies made it possible to explore the influence of the rheologicalproperties of the gastric content on the efficiency of gastric mixing, this key step is yet far from beingfully understood.ObjectiveThis work aims at discussing the influences of contraction frequency and viscosity of the digestain human gastric mixing by comparison with the mixing efficiency of an innovative soft elastic reactor(SER), that induces mixing by vibration of its wall in a similar way as antral contraction waves(ACWs) promote stomach motility.MethodologyIn this view, the SER mixing curve, recently established by Delaplace et al. (2018) using a dimensionalanalysis approach, was considered in order to determine the flow regime under which thegastric mixing of foods (viscosity ranging from 10-3 to 1 Pa.s) was performedMain findingsIt was shown that depending on the viscosity of the SER/stomach content and the amplitude of penetration/ACWs, the number of strikes/contractions required to achieve homogenization was largelydifferent. Moreover, the operating points of SER and ACWs mixing were close, justifying the comparisonbetween both reactors.ConclusionBased on this, the level of mechanical solicitation provided by human peristalsis was shown to benot as high as expected, and the mixing performance of distal region, confined in laminar regime,was found limited and not only due to mechanical solicitations. Further efforts are needed to investigatethe role of other physiological processes such as gastric secretions and gastric emptying inmixing performance of intragastric fluid homogenized by the antral contraction

    Prolonged Recovery From General Anesthesia Possibly Related to Persistent Hypoxemia in a Draft Horse

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    Horses are susceptible to developing large areas of pulmonary atelectasis during recumbency and anesthesia. The subsequent pulmonary shunt is responsible for significant impairment of oxygenation. Since ventilation perfusion mismatch persists into the post-operative period, hypoxemia remains an important concern in the recovery stall. This case report describes the diagnosis and supportive therapy of persistent hypoxemia in a 914 kg draft horse after isoflurane anesthesia. It highlights how challenging it can be to deal with hypoxemia after disconnection from the anesthesia machine and how life-threatening it can become if refractory to treatment. Furthermore, it stresses the point on the interactions between hypoxemia and other factors, such as residual drug effects and hypothermia, that should also be considered in the case of delayed recovery from general anesthesia
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