173 research outputs found

    Our Bodies Our Voice: A case study on utilization of governance streams to change the policy for prevention of sexual violence in universities and the role of grassroots organizations

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    Sexual violence (SV) is an issue of global importance, with significant prevalence in the EU generally and the Netherlands in particular. Stigma and taboo often result in underreporting and exacerbate the already substantial mental health consequences of SV. Universities are recognized as high-risk settings, but in general awareness, response and prevention in Dutch universities have been limited. This article analyzes a case study of key events over a number of years resulting in policy change and active response in one university in the Netherlands, focusing on the impact and role of the Our Bodies Our Voice foundation, which started as a grassroots student initiative, using the Kingdon model of policy change. The aim is to make explicit how governance streams need to be aligned to place the issue of SV on the agenda of higher educational institutions, and findings highlight the importance of media coverage, advocacy, awareness raising and perseverance on the part of initiatives like OBOV, while building towards a policy window

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Produk Iphone

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    This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, price, and brand image to the iPhone user satisfaction. The population in this study is that there are people in the city of Palembang, the sample in this study were 100 respondents using the iPhone product. This research method using purposive sampling. With analysis tools using validity, reliability test, the classic assumption test, and hypothesis testing using the F test and t test. The results of the F test showed that all the independent variables of product quality, price, and brand image positive and significant impact together on the dependent variable products iPhone user satisfaction, and the t test that the independent variable product quality and brand image and positive effect significant on the dependent variable products iPhone user satisfaction, while the independent variable is not price but significant and positive effect on the dependent variable products iPhone user satisfaction

    A challenge-based interdisciplinary undergraduate concept fostering translational medicine

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    Translational medicine (TM) is an interdisciplinary branch of biomedicine that bridges the gap from bench-to-bedside to improve global health. Fundamental TM skills include interdisciplinary collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving (4Cs). TM is currently limited in undergraduate biomedical education programs, with little patient contact and opportunities for collaboration between different disciplines. In this study, we developed and evaluated a novel interdisciplinary challenge-based educational concept, grounded in the theoretical framework of experimental research-based education, to implement TM in undergraduate biomedicine and medicine programs. Students were introduced to an authentic clinical problem through an interdisciplinary session with patients, medical doctors, and scientists. Next, students collaborated in groups to design unique laboratory-based research proposals addressing this problem. Stakeholders subsequently rewarded the best proposal with funding to be executed in a consecutive interdisciplinary laboratory course, in which mixed teams of biomedicine and medicine students performed the research in a fully equipped wet laboratory. Written questionnaires and focus groups revealed that students developed 4C skills and acquired a 4C mindset. Working on an authentic patient case and the interdisciplinary setting positively contributed to communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving skills. Furthermore, students were intrinsically motivated by (i) the relevance of their work that made them feel taken seriously and competent, (ii) the patient involvement that highlighted the societal relevance of their work, and (iii) the acquisition of a realistic view of what doing science in a biomedical research laboratory is. In conclusion, we showcase a widely applicable interdisciplinary challenge-based undergraduate concept fostering TM

    Assembling Neurospheres: Dynamics of Neural Progenitor/Stem Cell Aggregation Probed Using an Optical Trap

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    Optical trapping (tweezing) has been used in conjunction with fluid flow technology to dissect the mechanics and spatio-temporal dynamics of how neural progenitor/stem cells (NSCs) adhere and aggregate. Hitherto unavailable information has been obtained on the most probable minimum time (∼5 s) and most probable minimum distance of approach (4–6 µm) required for irreversible adhesion of proximate cells to occur. Our experiments also allow us to study and quantify the spatial characteristics of filopodial- and membrane-mediated adhesion, and to probe the functional dynamics of NSCs to quantify a lower limit of the adhesive force by which NSCs aggregate (∼18 pN). Our findings, which we also validate by computational modeling, have important implications for the neurosphere assay: once aggregated, neurospheres cannot disassemble merely by being subjected to shaking or by thermal effects. Our findings provide quantitative affirmation to the notion that the neurosphere assay may not be a valid measure of clonality and “stemness”. Post-adhesion dynamics were also studied and oscillatory motion in filopodia-mediated adhesion was observed. Furthermore, we have also explored the effect of the removal of calcium ions: both filopodia-mediated as well as membrane-membrane adhesion were inhibited. On the other hand, F-actin disrupted the dynamics of such adhesion events such that filopodia-mediated adhesion was inhibited but not membrane-membrane adhesion

    One life ends, another begins: Management of a brain-dead pregnant mother - A systematic review -

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    Background: An accident or a catastrophic disease may occasionally lead to brain death (BD) during pregnancy. Management of brain-dead pregnant patients needs to follow special strategies to support the mother in a way that she can deliver a viable and healthy child and, whenever possible, also be an organ donor. This review discusses the management of brain-dead mothers and gives an overview of recommendations concerning the organ supporting therapy. Methods: To obtain information on brain-dead pregnant women, we performed a systematic review of Medline, EMBASE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). The collected data included the age of the mother, the cause of brain death, maternal medical complications, gestational age at BD, duration of extended life support, gestational age at delivery, indication of delivery, neonatal outcome, organ donation of the mothers and patient and graft outcome. Results: In our search of the literature, we found 30 cases reported between1982 and 2010. A nontraumatic brain injury was the cause of BD in 26 of 30 mothers. The maternal mean age at the time of BD was 26.5 years. The mean gestational age at the time of BD and the mean gestational age at delivery were 22 and 29.5 weeks, respectively. Twelve viable infants were born and survived the neonatal period. Conclusion: The management of a brain-dead pregnant woman requires a multidisciplinary team which should follow available standards, guidelines and recommendations both for a nontraumatic therapy of the fetus and for an organ-preserving treatment of the potential donor

    Cleavage modification did not alter blastomere fates during bryozoan evolution

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.The study was funded by the core budget of the Sars Centre and by The European Research Council Community’s Framework Program Horizon 2020 (2014–2020) ERC grant agreement 648861 to A