42 research outputs found

    The importin-β binding domain of snurportin1 is responsible for the Ran- and energy-independent nuclear import of spliceosomal U snRNPs in vitro

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    The nuclear localization signal (NLS) of spliceosomal U snRNPs is composed of the U snRNA's 2,2,7-trimethyl-guanosine (m3G)-cap and the Sm core domain. The m3G-cap is specifically bound by snurportin1, which contains an NH2-terminal importin-β binding (IBB) domain and a COOH-terminal m3G-cap–binding region that bears no structural similarity to known import adaptors like importin-α (impα). Here, we show that recombinant snurportin1 and importin-β (impβ) are not only necessary, but also sufficient for U1 snRNP transport to the nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized HeLa cells. In contrast to impα–dependent import, single rounds of U1 snRNP import, mediated by the nuclear import receptor complex snurportin1–impβ, did not require Ran and energy. The same Ran- and energy-independent import was even observed for U5 snRNP, which has a molecular weight of more than one million. Interestingly, in the presence of impβ and a snurportin1 mutant containing an impα IBB domain (IBBimpα), nuclear U1 snRNP import was Ran dependent. Furthermore, β-galactosidase (βGal) containing a snurportin1 IBB domain, but not IBBimpα-βGal, was imported into the nucleus in a Ran-independent manner. Our results suggest that the nature of the IBB domain modulates the strength and/or site of interaction of impβ with nucleoporins of the nuclear pore complex, and thus whether or not Ran is required to dissociate these interactions

    Case report: Compound heterozygous NUP85 variants cause autosomal recessive primary microcephaly

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    Nucleoporin (NUP) 85 is a member of the Y-complex of nuclear pore complex (NPC) that is key for nucleocytoplasmic transport function, regulation of mitosis, transcription, and chromatin organization. Mutations in various nucleoporin genes have been linked to several human diseases. Among them, NUP85 was linked to childhood-onset steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) in four affected individuals with intellectual disability but no microcephaly. Recently, we broaden the phenotype spectrum of NUP85-associated disease by reporting NUP85 variants in two unrelated individuals with primary autosomal recessive microcephaly (MCPH) and Seckel syndrome (SCKS) spectrum disorders (MCPH-SCKS) without SRNS. In this study, we report compound heterozygous NUP85 variants in an index patient with only MCPH phenotype, but neither Seckel syndrome nor SRNS was reported. We showed that the identified missense variants cause reduced cell viability of patient-derived fibroblasts. Structural simulation analysis of double variants is predicted to alter the structure of NUP85 and its interactions with neighboring NUPs. Our study thereby further expands the phenotypic spectrum of NUP85-associated human disorder and emphasizes the crucial role of NUP85 in the brain development and function

    Structural basis for m7G-cap hypermethylation of small nuclear, small nucleolar and telomerase RNA by the dimethyltransferase TGS1

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    The 5′-cap of spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs, some small nucleolar RNAs and of telomerase RNA was found to be hypermethylated in vivo. The Trimethylguanosine Synthase 1 (TGS1) mediates this conversion of the 7-methylguanosine-cap to the 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m3G)-cap during maturation of the RNPs. For mammalian UsnRNAs the generated m2,2,7G-cap is one part of a bipartite import signal mediating the transport of the UsnRNP-core complex into the nucleus. In order to understand the structural organization of human TGS1 as well as substrate binding and recognition we solved the crystal structure of the active TGS1 methyltransferase domain containing both, the minimal substrate m7GTP and the reaction product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy). The methyltransferase of human TGS1 harbors the canonical class 1 methyltransferase fold as well as an unique N-terminal, α-helical domain of 40 amino acids, which is essential for m7G-cap binding and catalysis. The crystal structure of the substrate bound methyltransferase domain as well as mutagenesis studies provide insight into the catalytic mechanism of TGS1

    Biallelic mutations in nucleoporin NUP88 cause lethal fetal akinesia deformation sequence

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    Nucleoporins build the nuclear pore complex (NPC), which, as sole gate for nuclear-cytoplasmic exchange, is of outmost importance for normal cell function. Defects in the process of nucleocytoplasmic transport or in its machinery have been frequently described in human diseases, such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders, but only in a few cases of developmental disorders. Here we report biallelic mutations in the nucleoporin NUP88 as a novel cause of lethal fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) in two families. FADS comprises a spectrum of clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorders with congenital malformations related to impaired fetal movement. We show that genetic disruption of nup88 in zebrafish results in pleiotropic developmental defects reminiscent of those seen in affected human fetuses, including locomotor defects as well as defects at neuromuscular junctions. Phenotypic alterations become visible at distinct developmental stages, both in affected human fetuses and in zebrafish, whereas early stages of development are apparently normal. The zebrafish phenotypes caused by nup88 deficiency are rescued by expressing wild-type Nup88 but not the disease-linked mutant forms of Nup88. Furthermore, using human and mouse cell lines as well as immunohistochemistry on fetal muscle tissue, we demonstrate that NUP88 depletion affects rapsyn, a key regulator of the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at the neuromuscular junction. Together, our studies provide the first characterization of NUP88 in vertebrate development, expand our understanding of the molecular events causing FADS, and suggest that variants in NUP88 should be investigated in cases of FADS

    Conserved Stem II of the Box C/D Motif Is Essential for Nucleolar Localization and Is Required, Along with the 15.5K Protein, for the Hierarchical Assembly of the Box C/D snoRNP

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    The 5′ stem-loop of the U4 snRNA and the box C/D motif of the box C/D snoRNAs can both be folded into a similar stem-internal loop-stem structure that binds the 15.5K protein. The homologous proteins NOP56 and NOP58 and 61K (hPrp31) associate with the box C/D snoRNPs and the U4/U6 snRNP, respectively. This raises the intriguing question of how the two homologous RNP complexes specifically assemble onto similar RNAs. Here we investigate the requirements for the specific binding of the individual snoRNP proteins to the U14 box C/D snoRNPs in vitro. This revealed that the binding of 15.5K to the box C/D motif is essential for the association of the remaining snoRNP-associated proteins, namely, NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, and the nucleoplasmic proteins TIP48 and TIP49. Stem II of the box C/D motif, in contrast to the U4 5′ stem-loop, is highly conserved, and we show that this sequence is responsible for the binding of NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, TIP48, and TIP49, but not of 15.5K, to the snoRNA. Indeed, the sequence of stem II was essential for nucleolar localization of U14 snoRNA microinjected into HeLa cells. Thus, the conserved sequence of stem II determines the specific assembly of the box C/D snoRNP

    Validating Resolution Revolution

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    Structural basis for m(3)G-cap-mediated nuclear import of spliceosomal UsnRNPs by snurportin1

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    In higher eukaryotes the biogenesis of spliceosomal UsnRNPs involves a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling cycle. After the m(7)G-cap-dependent export of the snRNAs U1, U2, U4 and U5 to the cytoplasm, each of these snRNAs associates with seven Sm proteins. Subsequently, the m(7)G-cap is hypermethylated to the 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (m(3)G)-cap. The import adaptor snurportin1 recognises the m(3)G-cap and facilitates the nuclear import of the UsnRNPs by binding to importin-β. Here we report the crystal structure of the m(3)G-cap-binding domain of snurportin1 with bound m(3)GpppG at 2.4 Å resolution, revealing a structural similarity to the mRNA-guanyly-transferase. Snurportin1 binds both the hypermethylated cap and the first nucleotide of the RNA in a stacked conformation. This binding mode differs significantly from that of the m(7)G-cap-binding proteins Cap-binding protein 20 (CBP20), eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) and viral protein 39 (VP39). The specificity of the m(3)G-cap recognition by snurportin1 was evaluated by fluorescence spectroscopy, demonstrating the importance of a highly solvent exposed tryptophan for the discrimination of m(7)G-capped RNAs. The critical role of this tryptophan and as well of a tryptophan continuing the RNA base stack was confirmed by nuclear import assays and cap-binding activity tests using several snurportin1 mutants