373 research outputs found

    Dioniso The Perfect Experience

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la viabilidad del proyecto Dioniso, el cual consiste en brindar una experiencia completa a las mujeres en su despedida de soltera. La experiencia completa consta de diversas estaciones, la primera una sala de Manicure&Pedicure, seguido de un SPA, posteriormente un show en vivo de bartender y para finalizar un show en vivo de Strippers.The objective of this study is to study the viability of the Dioniso project, which consists in providing a complete experience to the women in their bachelorette party. The complete experience consists of several stations, the first a Manicure & Pedicure room, followed by a SPA, later a live bartender show and to finalize a live show of Strippers.Universidad del Rosari

    High Gain Amplifier with Enhanced Cascoded Compensation

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    A two-stage CMOS operational amplifier with both, gain-boosting and indirect current feedback frequency compensation performed by means of regulated cascode amplifiers, is presented. By using quasi-floating-gate transistors (QFGT) the supply requirements, the number of capacitors and the size of the compensation capacitors respect to other Miller schemes are reduced. A prototype was fabricated using a 0.5 μm technology, resulting, for a load of 45 pF and supply voltage of 1.65 V, in open-loop-gain of 129 dB, 23 MHz of gain-bandwidth product, 60o phase margin, 675 μW power consumption and 1% settling time of 28 ns

    Ultra Low-Power Analog Median Filters

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    The design and implementation of three analog median filter topologies, whose transistors operate in the deep weak-inversion region, is described. The first topology is a differential pairs array, in which drain currents are driven into two nodes in a differential fashion, while the second topology is based on a wide range OTA, which is used to maximize the dynamic range. Finally, the third topology uses three range-extended OTAs. The proposed weak-inversion filters were designed and fabricated in ON Semiconductor 0.5 micrometer technology through MOSIS. Experimental results of three-input fabricated prototypes for all three topologies are show, where power consumptions of 90nW in the first case, and 270nW in the other two cases can be noticed. A dual power supply +/-1.5 Volts were used

    Multiresolution Time-Domain Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines Terminated in Linear Loads

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    This paper derives a multiresolution time-domain (MRTD) scheme for the multiconductor transmission line (MTL) equations based on Daubechies’ scaling functions. The terminations are characterized by a state-variable formulation which allows a general description of the termination networks. For the linear load terminations, a method incorporating the terminal constraints is proposed to work out the scheme at and close to the terminations. The MRTD scheme is implemented with different basis functions for linear components including resistances, inductances, and capacitances. Numerical results show that the MRTD schemes obtain a more stable result than the conventional finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method with a coarse space step.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 11271370

    From Microscopic to Macroscopic Description of Composite Thin Panels: A Roadmap for their Simulation in Time Domain

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    In this paper, we show a simulation strategy for composite dispersive thin-panels, starting from their microscopic characteristics and ending into a time-domain macroscopic model. In a first part, we revisit different semianalytic methods that may be used to obtain the S-parameter matrices. The validity of them is assessed with numerical simulations and experimental data. We also include some formulas that may be used to tailor the shielding effectiveness of panels in a design phase. In a second part, we present an extension to dispersive media of a subgridding hybrid implicit–explicit algorithm finite difference time domain (FDTD) devised by the authors to deal with that kind of materials. The method, here presented and applied to the FDTD method, is a robustly stable alternative to classical impedance boundary condition techniques. For this, a previous analytical procedure allowing to extract an equivalent effective media from S-parameters is presented, thus making this road map able to simulate any kind of dispersive thin layer. A numerical validation of the algorithm is finally shown by comparing with experimental data

    Self‐Assembled Nanofibrilar Networks: Boosting Hydrogelation Efficiency by Replacement of a Pyridine Moiety by a Quinoline One

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Self‐Assembled Nanofibrilar Networks: Boosting Hydrogelation Efficiency by Replacement of a Pyridine Moiety by a Quinoline One, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cnma.201800219. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsA new molecular hydrogelator consisting of a L‐Valine derivative with appended quinoline units behaves as a supramolecular superhydrogelator forming gels at such low concentrations as 0.8 mM (0.05% w/w). On the other hand, an analogue compound containing a pyridine moiety is found to be a poor gelator, forming gels at 19 mM. The gels are pH sensitive because of the protonation of the heterocycle and show microcrystallinity. The rheological properties and biocompatibility are also reported

    Administración del cambio y su incidencia en la gestión del talento humano en tiempo de Covid19, Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas, 2022

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    El presente estudio de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre la Administración del Cambio y la Gestión de Talento Humano, en los servidores públicos de la Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas. La investigación fue de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada con niveles descriptivo y correlacional porque evalúa el grado de asociación o relación entre dos o más variables. El diseño de la investigación fue no experimental de corte transversal porque se realizó sin manipular las variables. La muestra total fue de 70 sujetos de estudio, compuesta por hombres y mujeres de diferentes edades. El instrumento que se utilizó para la variable Administración del Cambio fue propuesto por Quispe (2018) y el instrumento de la variable Gestión del Talento Humano también por Quispe (2018) ambos instrumentos fueron validados mediante juicio de expertos, se comprobó su fiabilidad a través del Alfa de Cronbach de 0.843 para la Administración del Cambio y para la Gestión del Talento Humano de 0.766; lo cual indica que la confiabilidad es buena. Los resultados finales mostraron que si existe relación significativa entre la Administración del Cambio con la Gestión de Talento Humano de los servidores públicos de la Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas (r=0, 377. P=0.001); se concluye mientras más alta sea la Administración del Cambio mejor Gestión del Talento Humano de los servidores públicos de la Municipalidad Provincial de Lamas. Es decir que mientras mejor se emplea las trasformaciones de gran nivel más unificados estará el accionar y procedimiento de la institución con su gente y cultura

    Técnicas artes plásticas para fortalecer las interacciones sociales en estudiantes de 4 años en la I.E N°113, Cascas

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    La presente tesis su objetivo fue demostrar los efectos de las técnicas artes plásticas en el fortalecimiento de las interacciones sociales en niños de 4 años en una institución Educativa Nº 113 “Santa Rosa”, Cascas 2022. Teniendo un enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicada con diseño de investigación pre experimental; con una población de 106 niños, se tomó como muestra al aula de 4 años “A” un total de 19 niños. La técnica seleccionada que se empleó para la recolección de datos fue el análisis de datos y observación en diversos talleres realizados donde se utilizaron principales técnicas artes plásticas como, dibujo, pintura, modelado y el collage consiguiendo resultados favorables al termino. En los resultados más relevantes se encontró que en el pretest el 53% de los niños estaban en el nivel inicio, aplicada la propuesta en el postest del 100% de los niños, 79% superaron las dificultades y se ubicó en el nivel logrado en relación a la variable de estudio de interacciones sociales, en conclusión final se determinó que la aplicación de talleres de técnicas artes plásticas tuvieron efectos significativos en los estudiantes para el fortalecimiento de sus interacciones sociales

    Bibliometric analysis of social innovation and complexity (databases scopus and dialnet 2007–2017)

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    For this study, a bibliometric review on social innovation and complexity was developed, which allowed to establish the state-of-the art and the most relevant researches carried out on these areas of study in recent years. The databases used were Scopus and Dialnet. This investigation allowed to recognize that the year in which the most relevant studies were carried out was 2016 and the most cited and referenced authors are Westley and Bishop. In addition, it was possible to identify that the country with the most related publications is the USA. Along with this inquiry, an analysis of the most used words and most cited authors was made to know the bibliographic information networks that are most consulted. This was done by means of the VOSviewer visual bibliometric analyzer in which the information networks were evidenced. Authors who have generated the most connections are Bousquet and Hajjam who are evidenced as the bridge between two large networks of authors. The most used terms are: change, complexity, impact, social networks, design, practice, and theory, which provided a basement for developing this research