36 research outputs found

    Trade-off between mate choice speed and decision accuracy under mating competition in female sand gobies

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    Variation in female mating performance can affect the direction and rate of evolution through sexual selection. The social environment determines the availability of mates and the competitive situation, and hence can influence mating strategies. However, these effects have to be considered within time constraints. Here we show that female sand gobies exposed to same-sex competitors (female-biased adult sex ratio, ASR) for a week before having physical access to males (i.e., a delayed male access; referred as prior exposure treatment) were more actively associated with the preferred male and took faster spawning decisions. However, these females mated more frequently with males with traits that did not ensure high egg survival. On the other extreme, females exposed to low same sex competition (male-biased ASR) simultaneously to the mate choice (i.e., an immediate access to males; referred as simultaneous exposure treatment) took more time to make their spawning decision. They also associated and spawned more often with males with good parental skills (i.e., males exhibiting more egg fanning behaviour). These male traits are associated with higher survival and better development of eggs. Our results provide experimental support for a trade-off between mate choice accuracy and speed, which depended on mating competition.publishedVersio

    Ecological and evolutionary effects of harvesting: lessons from the candy-fish experiment

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    Understanding the challenges of sustainable fisheries management is not easy for non-specialists, and even many specialists fail to appreciate the potential evolutionary consequences of harvest. We propose candy-fish experiments as a savoury approach to teaching and disseminating the key principles of applied ecology and evolution to students, practitioners and the general public. We performed a simple experiment where the resource was represented by fish-shaped candy of distinct colours and flavours (strawberry and liquorice). Typically, harvesting was neither ecologically sustainable (55% of the populations were extinct by the end of the experiment) nor evolutionarily sustainable (most surviving populations had liquorice fish only). This harvest-induced evolution went apparently unnoticed. Somewhat encouragingly, the harvest was most likely ecologically sustainable when a person spontaneously took the role of a stock manager.acceptedVersio

    The importance of social dimension and maturation stage for the probabilistic maturation reaction norm in Poecilia reticulata

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    Maturation is an important event in an organism's life history, with important implications on dynamics of both wild and captive populations. The probabilistic maturation reaction norm (PMRN) has emerged as an important method to describe variation in maturation in wild fish. Because most PMRNs are based on age and size only, it is important to understand limitations of these variables in explaining maturation. We experimentally assessed (i) the sensitivity of age- and size-based PMRNs to unaccounted sources of plasticity, (ii) the role of social environment on maturation and (iii) the significance of estimating PMRNs early and late in the maturation process (initiation and completion of maturation, respectively). We reared male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) under laboratory conditions, subjected to two food levels and three different social cues. We found that growth and social environment affected the maturation in a way that could not be accounted for by their effect on age and size. PMRNs estimated for the initiation stage were less plastic (growth differences and social cues influenced the PMRN shape only little) than those for completion. The initiation of maturation is probably closer to the maturation ‘decision’ and allows determining factors influencing maturation decision most accurately.acceptedVersio

    The importance of social dimension and maturation stage for the probabilistic maturation reaction norm in Poecilia reticulata

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    Maturation is an important event in an organism's life history, with important implications on dynamics of both wild and captive populations. The probabilistic maturation reaction norm (PMRN) has emerged as an important method to describe variation in maturation in wild fish. Because most PMRNs are based on age and size only, it is important to understand limitations of these variables in explaining maturation. We experimentally assessed (i) the sensitivity of age- and size-based PMRNs to unaccounted sources of plasticity, (ii) the role of social environment on maturation and (iii) the significance of estimating PMRNs early and late in the maturation process (initiation and completion of maturation, respectively). We reared male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) under laboratory conditions, subjected to two food levels and three different social cues. We found that growth and social environment affected the maturation in a way that could not be accounted for by their effect on age and size. PMRNs estimated for the initiation stage were less plastic (growth differences and social cues influenced the PMRN shape only little) than those for completion. The initiation of maturation is probably closer to the maturation ‘decision’ and allows determining factors influencing maturation decision most accurately.acceptedVersio

    What can selection experiments teach us about fisheries-induced evolution?

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    There is evidence that fisheries are altering the phenotypic composition of fish populations, often in ways that may reduce the value of fish stocks for the exploiters. Despite the increasing number of theoretical and field studies, there is still debate as to whether these changes are genetic, can be reversed, and are occurring rapidly enough to be considered in fisheries management. We review the contribution that selection experiments have already provided with respect to the study of the evolutionary effect of fisheries, identify issues that still require more study, and outline future directions for doing so. Selection experiments have already been crucial in showing that harvesting can lead to phenotypic and genetic evolution over relatively short time frames. Furthermore, the experiments have shown the changes involve many other traits than those under direct selection, and that these changes tend to have population-level consequences, including a decreasing fisheries yield. However, experiments focused on fisheries-induced evolution that fulfil all our requirements are still lacking. Future studies should have more controlled and realistic set-ups and assess genetic changes in maturation and growth (i.e. traits most often reported to change) to be more relevant to exploited populations in the wild.acceptedVersio

    The importance of social dimension and maturation stage for the probabilistic maturation reaction norm in Poecilia reticulata

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    Maturation is an important event in an organism's life history, with important implications on dynamics of both wild and captive populations. The probabilistic maturation reaction norm (PMRN) has emerged as an important method to describe variation in maturation in wild fish. Because most PMRNs are based on age and size only, it is important to understand limitations of these variables in explaining maturation. We experimentally assessed (i) the sensitivity of age- and size-based PMRNs to unaccounted sources of plasticity, (ii) the role of social environment on maturation and (iii) the significance of estimating PMRNs early and late in the maturation process (initiation and completion of maturation, respectively). We reared male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) under laboratory conditions, subjected to two food levels and three different social cues. We found that growth and social environment affected the maturation in a way that could not be accounted for by their effect on age and size. PMRNs estimated for the initiation stage were less plastic (growth differences and social cues influenced the PMRN shape only little) than those for completion. The initiation of maturation is probably closer to the maturation ‘decision’ and allows determining factors influencing maturation decision most accurately

    Fisheries-induced evolution

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    Increased mortality from fishing is expected to favor faster life histories, realized through earlier maturation, increased reproductive investment, and reduced postmaturation growth. There is also direct and indirect selection on behavioral traits. Molecular genetic methods have so far contributed minimally to understanding such fisheries-induced evolution (FIE), but a large body of literature studying evolution using phenotypic methods has suggested that FIE in life-history traits, in particular maturation traits, is commonplace in exploited fish populations. Although no phenotypic study in the wild can individually provide conclusive evidence for FIE, the observed common pattern suggest a common explanation, strengthening the case for FIE. This interpretation is supported by theoretical and experimental studies. Evidence or FIE of behavioral traits is limited from the wild, but strong from experimental studies. We suggest that such evolution is also common, but has so far been overlooked

    Fisheries-induced evolution

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    Increased mortality from fishing is expected to favor faster life histories, realized through earlier maturation, increased reproductive investment, and reduced postmaturation growth. There is also direct and indirect selection on behavioral traits. Molecular genetic methods have so far contributed minimally to understanding such fisheries-induced evolution (FIE), but a large body of literature studying evolution using phenotypic methods has suggested that FIE in life-history traits, in particular maturation traits, is commonplace in exploited fish populations. Although no phenotypic study in the wild can individually provide conclusive evidence for FIE, the observed common pattern suggests a common explanation, strengthening the case for FIE. This interpretation is supported by theoretical and experimental studies. Evidence for FIE of behavioral traits is limited from the wild, but strong from experimental studies. We suggest that such evolution is also common, but has so far been overlooked.submittedVersio

    Size-selective harvesting affects the immunocompetence of guppies exposed to the parasite Gyrodactylus

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    Harvesting is typically size-selective, targeting large individuals. This is expected to lead to reduced average body size and earlier maturation (i.e. faster life histories). Such changes can also affect traits seemingly unrelated to harvesting, including immunocompetence. Here we test four hypotheses on how harvesting affects immunocompetence based on the pace-of-life syndrome, habitat area limitation and energy allocation and acquisition, respectively. We empirically evaluate these hypotheses using an experimental system consisting of the ectoparasite Gyrodactylus turnbulli and lines of guppies Poecilia reticulata that had been subjected to either small, random or large size-selective harvest for over 12 years. We followed the infection progression of individually infected fish for 15 days. We found significant differences between the harvested lines: fish from the small-harvested lines had the highest parasite loads. During the early phase of the infection, parasite loads were the lowest in the large-harvested lines, whereas the terminal loads were the lowest for the random-harvested lines. These results agree with the predictions from the energetic trade-off and surface area hypotheses. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the consequences of size-selective harvesting on immunocompetence.acceptedVersio