992 research outputs found

    Hemodynamic performance of different stent strategies for coronary bifurcations. Evaluation with a mathematical model

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    Purpose: Best percutaneous treatment strategy for lesions in coronary bifurcations is an ongoing subject of debate. There is limited data that analyses the effect of the different bifurcation strategies on coronary flow. Our aim is to evaluate the influence of different bifurcation stenting strategies on hemodynamic parameters, both in the main vessel (MV) and side branch (SB)

    P73 plays a role in erythroid differentiaion through GATA1 induction

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    The TP73 gene gives rise to transactivation domain-p73 isoforms (TAp73) as well as ΔNp73 variants with a truncated N terminus. Although TAp73α and -Β proteins are capable of inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, and differentiation, ΔNp73 acts in many cell types as a dominant-negative repressor of p53 and TAp73. It has been proposed that p73 is involved in myeloid differentiation, and its altered expression is involved in leukemic degeneration. However, there is little evidence as to which p73 variants (TA or ΔN) are expressed during differentiation and whether specific p73 isoforms have the capacity to induce, or hinder, this differentiation in leukemia cells. In this study we identify GATA1 as a direct transcriptional target of TAp73α. Furthermore, TAp73α induces GATA1 activity, and it is required for erythroid differentiation. Additionally, we describe a functional cooperation between TAp73 and ΔNp73 in the context of erythroid differentiation in human myeloid cells, K562 and UT-7. Moreover, the impaired expression of GATA1 and other erythroid genes in the liver of p73KO embryos, together with the moderated anemia observed in p73KO young mice, suggests a physiological role for TP73 in erythropoiesis.Peer reviewe

    Adaptação ao calor e desigualdades sociais em saúde em função do género, da idade e do território: Revisão de estudos na Espanha (1983-2018)

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    [ES] Los efectos del cambio climático sobre la salud exacerban las desigualdades sanitarias y sociales existentes. La desigualdad expone a las poblaciones más vulnerables, haciéndolas más vulnerables a los daños y limitando su capacidad de adaptación. Para proteger a la población de las consecuencias del cambio climático es necesario conocer los factores que intervienen en los procesos de adaptación. Un indicador que permite evaluar la capacidad de adaptación al calor de una población es la Temperatura Mínima Mortalidad (TMM). A través de su evolución a lo largo del tiempo permite conocer si una población muestra adaptación o no. Se propone a través de esta revisión de estudios, conocer la adaptación de población en España en función de tres ejes de desigualdad como son el territorio, la edad y el género entre 1983 a 2018 mediante el análisis de la evolución de la TMM y su comparación con la evolución de la temperatura máxima diaria. La población española en general mostró adaptación al calor, si bien se encontraron diferencias geográficas. A nivel de territorio las provincias no urbanas mostraron una mayor adaptación que las provincias urbanas. Con respecto a las diferencias por género, las mujeres mostraron mayor capacidad de adaptación frente a los hombres. Asimismo, las personas mayores también mostraron capacidad de adaptación.Es necesario entender qué factores influyen en la adaptación para articular medidas que reduzcan el impacto de las altas temperaturas, sobre todo en colectivos que presentan desigualdades sociales en salud. [EN] The health effects of climate change exacerbate existing health and social inequalities. Inequality exposes the most vulnerable populations, making them more vulnerable to damage and limiting their ability to adapt. In order to protect the population from the consequences of climate change it is necessary to understand the factors involved in adaptation processes. An indicator for assessing the adaptability to heat of a population is the Minimum Mortality Temperature (MMT). Its evolution over time makes it possible to know whether a population is adapting or not. The aim of this review of studies is to determine the adaptation of the Spanish population along three axes of inequality-territory, age and gender-between 1983 and 2018 by studying the evolution of the MMT and comparing it to the evolution of the maximum daily temperature. The Spanish population showed in general adaptation to heat, although geographical differences were found. At the territorial level, non-urban provinces showed greater adaptation than urban provinces. With respect to gender differences, women showed greater adaptability than men. In addition, the elderly also showed adaptability.It is necessary to understand which factors influence adaptation in order to design measures for reducing the impact of high temperatures on-especially-groups affected by social inequalities in health. [PT] Os efeitos das alterações climáticas na saúde exacerbam as desigualdades sociais e de saúde existentes. A desigualdade expõe as populações mais vulneráveis, tornando-as mais vulneráveis a danos e limitando a sua capacidade de adaptação. Para proteger a população das consequências das alterações climáticas, é necessário conhecer os fatores que intervêm nos processos de adaptação. Um indicador que permite avaliar a capacidade de adaptação ao calor de uma população é a Temperatura de Mortalidade Mínima (TMM). Através da sua evolução ao longo do tempo, permite saber se uma população apresenta adaptação ou não.Propõe-se através desta revisão de estudos, conhecer a adaptação da população na Espanha com base em três eixos de desigualdade como são o território, a idade e o género entre, 1983 a 2018, através da análise da evolução da TMM e a sua comparação com a evolução da temperatura máxima diária. A população espanhola em geral mostrou adaptação ao calor, embora tenham sido encontradas diferenças geográficas. Ao nível do território, as províncias não urbanas mostraram maior adaptação do que as províncias urbanas. Em relação às diferenças por género, as mulheres apresentaram maior capacidade de adaptação em relação aos homens. Da mesma forma, os idosos também demonstraram capacidade de adaptação.É necessário compreender quais os fatores que influenciam na adaptação para articular medidas que reduzam o impacto das altas temperaturas, principalmente em grupos que apresentam desigualdades sociais em saúde.Los autores agradecen las subvenciones para los proyectos ENPY304/20, ENPY107/18, ENPY376/18 ENPY470/19 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) con número de expediente ENPY470/19, cuenta con el apoyo de la Fundación Biodiversidad, del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico.S

    Evaluación del impacto económico de la implementación de la soja transgénica en Paraguay 1994-2014

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación ha consistido en analizar el impacto económico de la aprobación de la soja transgénica (RR) en el Paraguay en el período 1982-2012, cuyos resultados se exponen en el presente tríptico.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Impacto económico de la implementación de la soja transgénica en el Paraguay 1994 - 2014

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    La agricultura latinoamericana ha ido evolucionando constantemente. Los avances en investigación y desarrollo en materia biotecnología permitieron incorporar esta tecnología en la agricultura paraguaya. El cultivo de la soja transgénica ha dinamizado la economía paraguaya, al estar entrelazado a otros sectores económicos. En este trabajo se utilizó una metodología analítico-descriptiva con dos enfoques: cuantitativo y cualitativo para determinar la magnitud de su impacto en la economía. Para el primero de ellos, se recurrió a la estimación de una Matriz Insumo Producto y de un modelo econométrico. En el aspecto cualitativo, se efectuaron entrevistas a referentes, tomadores de decisión y productores del sector sojero, como base para la construcción del mapeo de actores del sector. El estudio concluye que la adopción de la soja transgénica a partir del año 2004 ha sido un factor clave en la producción de soja y que contribuyó positivamente en el crecimiento económico del país.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Association of Candidate Gene Polymorphisms With Chronic Kidney Disease: Results of a Case-Control Analysis in the Nefrona Cohort

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major risk factor for end-stage renal disease, cardiovascular disease and premature death. Despite classical clinical risk factors for CKD and some genetic risk factors have been identified, the residual risk observed in prediction models is still high. Therefore, new risk factors need to be identified in order to better predict the risk of CKD in the population. Here, we analyzed the genetic association of 79 SNPs of proteins associated with mineral metabolism disturbances with CKD in a cohort that includes 2, 445 CKD cases and 559 controls. Genotyping was performed with matrix assisted laser desorption ionizationtime of flight mass spectrometry. We used logistic regression models considering different genetic inheritance models to assess the association of the SNPs with the prevalence of CKD, adjusting for known risk factors. Eight SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs2238135, rs1800247, rs385564, rs4236, rs2248359, and rs1564858) were associated with CKD even after adjusting by sex, age and race. A model containing five of these SNPs (rs1126616, rs35068180, rs1800247, rs4236, and rs2248359), diabetes and hypertension showed better performance than models considering only clinical risk factors, significantly increasing the area under the curve of the model without polymorphisms. Furthermore, one of the SNPs (the rs2248359) showed an interaction with hypertension, being the risk genotype affecting only hypertensive patients. We conclude that 5 SNPs related to proteins implicated in mineral metabolism disturbances (Osteopontin, osteocalcin, matrix gla protein, matrix metalloprotease 3 and 24 hydroxylase) are associated to an increased risk of suffering CKD

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied

    Prognostic implications of comorbidity patterns in critically ill COVID-19 patients: A multicenter, observational study

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    Background The clinical heterogeneity of COVID-19 suggests the existence of different phenotypes with prognostic implications. We aimed to analyze comorbidity patterns in critically ill COVID-19 patients and assess their impact on in-hospital outcomes, response to treatment and sequelae. Methods Multicenter prospective/retrospective observational study in intensive care units of 55 Spanish hospitals. 5866 PCR-confirmed COVID-19 patients had comorbidities recorded at hospital admission; clinical and biological parameters, in-hospital procedures and complications throughout the stay; and, clinical complications, persistent symptoms and sequelae at 3 and 6 months. Findings Latent class analysis identified 3 phenotypes using training and test subcohorts: low-morbidity (n=3385; 58%), younger and with few comorbidities; high-morbidity (n=2074; 35%), with high comorbid burden; and renal-morbidity (n=407; 7%), with chronic kidney disease (CKD), high comorbidity burden and the worst oxygenation profile. Renal-morbidity and high-morbidity had more in-hospital complications and higher mortality risk than low-morbidity (adjusted HR (95% CI): 1.57 (1.34-1.84) and 1.16 (1.05-1.28), respectively). Corticosteroids, but not tocilizumab, were associated with lower mortality risk (HR (95% CI) 0.76 (0.63-0.93)), especially in renal-morbidity and high-morbidity. Renal-morbidity and high-morbidity showed the worst lung function throughout the follow-up, with renal-morbidity having the highest risk of infectious complications (6%), emergency visits (29%) or hospital readmissions (14%) at 6 months (p<0.01). Interpretation Comorbidity-based phenotypes were identified and associated with different expression of in-hospital complications, mortality, treatment response, and sequelae, with CKD playing a major role. This could help clinicians in day-to-day decision making including the management of post-discharge COVID-19 sequelae. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    To the public space of quality: a look from Barranquilla

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    Barranquilla en la búsqueda de su Re-conceptualización como ciudad integral y en apuesta a el mejoramiento de su infraestructura urbana, ha propuesto impulsar el potencial que representan los escenarios públicos en la cotidianidad de la ciudadanía, elementos dinamizadores como los parques y plazas, son tomados como piezas fundamentales para el estudio, análisis y critica de su funcionalidad como ente estructurante del urbanismo en el presente artículo. Logrando de esta forma un comparativo entre la cantidad, calidad y eficiencia de los espacios públicos que posee la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta características de su estado, apreciación e importancia que representa para la población y el impacto de este elemento en el ámbito urbano. Obteniendo a raíz de esto, aspectos subjetivos y objetivos que permiten una valoración completa, un abordaje sistémico del concepto de espacio público. Las variantes que se encuentran al analizar el espacio público en la ciudad dependen de su ubicación o contexto, área, componentes y población o área de influencia que es beneficiada con este, esto pone en una disyuntiva de como realmente ser objetivos a la hora de comparar las muestras, en qué criterios se puede basar para lograr una concepción de un espacio público eficiente, pero que al mismo tiempo se rija por las necesidades y requerimientos de quienes lo habitan, el cual es concebido como todo aquel espacio o área exterior que es de interés público; de todos y para todos, donde puedes ser libre de hacer lo que desees pero respetando el derecho de los demás ciudadanos.Barranquilla in the search of its Re-conceptualization as integral city and in bet to the improvement of its urban infrastructure, has proposed to promote the potential that represent the public scenarios in the daily life of the citizens, dynamic elements such as parks and squares, are taken as fundamental pieces for the study, analysis and critique of its functionality as structuring entity of urbanism in this article. Achieving in this way a comparison between the quantity, quality and efficiency of the public spaces that the city possesses, taking into account characteristics of its state, appreciation and importance that it represents for the population and the impact of this element in the urban environment. Obtaining as a result of this, subjective and objective aspects that allow a complete evaluation, a systemic approach of the concept of public space. The variants found when analyzing the public space in the city depend on its location or context, area, components and population or area of influence that is benefited with it, this puts in a dilemma of how to really be objective when comparing the samples, on what criteria can be based to achieve a conception of an efficient public space, but at the same time governed by the needs and requirements of those who inhabit it, which is conceived as all that space or exterior area that is public interest; of all and for all, where you can be free to do what you want but respecting the rights of other citizens