177 research outputs found

    Perceived Impact of the Alqueva Dam on Regional Tourism Development

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylot & Francis via the DOI in this recordThe paper studies the impact of the Alqueva Multi-Purpose Dam on the Alentejo region (Portugal), focusing on tourism development. In 2002, the Alqueva dam originated the largest artificial lake in Europe and was widely believed to bring a great number of benefits for the region by creating conditions for intensive irrigated farming and enhancing a new tourism destination in interior Portugal. The aim of this study is to assess to what degree the latter has been achieved. Interviews were held with 35 local and regional stakeholders of the tourism and cultural heritage sectors to understand their perception regarding the changes that occurred in the regional tourism industry since the dam's construction. Findings show that, against initial expectations, the tourism industry is still largely underdeveloped, partly due to a lack of investment and an inadequate tourism planning model. Furthermore, conflicts were observed concerning the balance between the value of the traditional montado landscape for tourism and irrigated farming development.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    The clustering conditions for managing creative tourism destinations: the Alqueva region case, Portugal

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordThe paper discusses conditions and format of a cluster model to support the management of a potential creative tourism destination in a setting where regional cross-sectoral collaboration is lacking. Creative tourism development requires a flexible framework and a healthy collaboration environment, more so when associated with resources shared by several stakeholders. This article focuses on the tourism potential of archaeological knowledge discovered during the environmental impact assessment of the Alqueva dam (Alentejo, Portugal). Interviews were conducted with 38 regional actors in the tourism and heritage sectors, as well as the dam developers and the companies responsible for archaeological interventions. Findings indicate that the lack of specific local policy addressing archaeological heritage hampers its potential use for tourism development, which is further aggravated by the absence of stakeholder communication and cooperation. A conceptual cluster model for the management of creative tourism destinations based on heritage resources and other local resources is proposed.Portuguese national funding agency for Science, Research and Technology (FCT

    Sistemas de certificação da qualidade nas instituições de respostas sociais

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    Dar resposta às necessidades sociais, neste momento de crise, constitui um dos problemas mais prementes das economias europeias. A grave crise financeira reflete-se nas respostas dadas pelos estados às necessidades sociais. A eficácia e a qualidade desse tipo de serviços começa a ser um assunto muito complexo e muitas vezes difícil de resolver, mas a que urge dar resposta. O aparecimento de muitas empresas privadas que visam dar a respostas as crescentes necessidades sociais é outro elemento a considerar no contexto da economia social. A competitividade deste sector, nomeadamente do ponto de vista da rentabilidade financeira, assume que a qualidade dos serviços é uma componente essencial. Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido ao aumento significativo da certificação dos sistemas da qualidade das respostas socias. Em Portugal existem 2 esquemas específicos de certificação nas respostas socias a certificação Equass (European Quality Assurance in Social Services) e a certificação segundo os modelos do ISS (Instituto da Segurança Social). A existência destes esquemas a par da certificação baseada na ISO 9001, criou a necessidade deste estudo comparativo de análise e discussão das experiências acumuladas, no sentido de dar uma informação mais precisa ao mercado dos serviços sociais, bem como de identificar as principais necessidades de formação profissional do setor. O início recente dos trabalhos de uma Comissão Técnica de Normalização sobre Sistemas de gestão da qualidade nas respostas sociais veio, ainda reforçar a necessidade já identificada.In this time of crisis, the answers for social needs are one of the most pressing problems of European economies. With worsening financial crisis, which is reflected in the answers given by the state of this problem, efficiency and quality of such services start to be a very complex subject and often difficult to resolve. The emergence of many private companies that seek to give answers to the growing social needs is a fact. Faced with competition in this sector, which becomes increasingly interesting from the point of view of financial profitability, service quality is thus an essential point. In recent years we are witnessing a significant strengthening of quality assurance of institution which works in that area. In Portugal there are two types of the quality certification in that area: Quality Assurance in Social Services (EQUASS Assurance) (European Certification) and ISS certification (Social Security Institute - Portuguese certification). There is therefore a need to study, analyze and standardize these two types of certification in order to give more accurate information to the market of social services about what kind of certification should be adopted. This is precisely the goal of our work. In this paper we will analyze these two types of certification with the goal of standardizing procedures for a single certification of social responses. We will also analyze what kind of quality certification is adopted by the institutions already certified in the area of social intervention

    Enfermagem de reabilitação à pessoa com acidente vascular cerebral nas unidades de convalescença da rede nacional de cuidados continuados integrados

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    Mestrado, Enfermagem de Reabilitação, 2012, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de LisboaO caráter multidimensional do Acidente Vascular Cerebral e as graves alterações que provoca na qualidade de vida das pessoas e na sociedade faz com que seja encarado como um importante problema de saúde com expressão mundial. Destacam-se, usualmente, a perda de capacidades motoras, sensitivas, de visão, da compreensão e/ou expressão da linguagem. A análise deste trabalho dá enfoque às alterações da mobilidade, sendo a hemiplegia a alteração mais evidente no Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Encontrar respostas de saúde/sociais para esta problemática requer programas que visem o desenvolvimento integral da pessoa, na procura da reaprendizagem nas diferentes atividades, na adaptação à incapacidade existente e na reinserção no meio sociofamiliar. Englobados nestes programas inserem-se os cuidados prestados pelas equipas de profissionais da área da saúde e social das Unidades de Convalescença da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados com a finalidade de promover e/ou manter a mobilidade funcional da pessoa com Acidente Vascular Cerebral. Estas equipas são compostas por diferentes áreas profissionais não contemplando, na sua maioria, o enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação. Partindo deste pressuposto pretendi, durante os ensinos clínicos, desenvolver competências na área de enfermagem de reabilitação, apreendendo o contexto dos cuidados dos enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação à pessoa com Acidente Vascular Cerebral inseridos nas equipas multidisciplinares. Outro campo de atuação incidiu na sensibilização dos diferentes profissionais da unidade para a temática e a intervenção no programa “Planeamento da alta à pessoa com Acidente Vascular Cerebral”. O meu desempenho no decorrer destas atividades fomentou o desenvolvimento de competências técnicas, científicas e relacionais especializadas com vista a promover os cuidados de reabilitação à pessoa com Acidente Vascular Cerebral, com ganhos na sua autonomia, pela intervenção de enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de reabilitação inserido na equipa multidisciplinar de uma Unidade de Convalescença

    Quality system certification in institutions of social responses

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    Trabalho apresentado em 16th Toulon - Verona Conference, 29-30 agosto 2013, Ljubljana, SloveniaThe major challenge of the European Economy on the crises time is to give adequate and answer to social necessities of the European population. The severe financial crisis is reflected in the answers given by the states social needs. The effectiveness and quality of such services is becoming a very complex subject and often difficult to solve, but the urge to respond. The emergence of many private companies that seek to give answers to the growing social needs is another element to consider in the context of the social economy. The competitiveness of this sector, particularly in terms of financial profitability, assumes that service quality is an essential component. In recent years there has been significant increase in the quality system certification of the answers members. In Portugal there are two specific certification schemes social responses EQUASS certification (European Quality Assurance in Social Services) and certified according to the models of the ISS (Institute of Social Security). The existence of these schemes together with certification based on ISO 9001, created the need for this comparative analysis and discussion of the experiences gained, to give more accurate information to the market of social services, as well as identify key training needs professional sector. The onset of the work of a Technical Committee for Standardization of quality management systems in social responses came also reinforce the need already identified. The objective of this work is to analyze the differences and similarities of different certification systems and identify which kind of certification are uses in different social institution and why This will be a first step to the future work of comparison of those different certification systems and elaboration of the one certification systems based on the experience and study of the existent ones.N/

    Twenty years after the Porter report for Portugal

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss the contribution of the Porter Report toward increasing the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy and highlights the factors that affected its operationalization. Design/methodology/approach – This paper considers the contributions of the Porter Report, entitled “Building the Competitive Advantages of Portugal”, presented in 1994, particularly with regard to the recommended clusters and public policies, as well as the assessment and warnings provided by Michael Porter in 2002, examining both in the present perspective. Findings – Although Michael Porter, in 2002, made a critical judgment about the country’s evolution since the 1994 report, it is clear that, on the one hand, the recommended development model attracted high attention and had positive repercussion in academic and business circles, while on the other hand, some of the objectives were achieved, albeit at a slower pace than would have been desirable. Political and economic context and the time period are relevant for all technological and geostrategic changes, among others. The accuracy of the diagnosis and the development model proposed by Michael Porter is confirmed and the difficulty in its implementation is highlighted. Originality/value – The analysis of the Portuguese evolution after Porter’s recommendations is instrumental in understanding the competitiveness and development challenges faced by a small peripheral economy in the European integration process. Understanding these difficulties and successes is of utmost importance in improving the definition and in the implementation of policies focused on the competitiveness of countries and regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incorporation of defatted microalgal biomass (Tetraselmis sp. CTP4) at the expense of soybean meal as a feed ingredient for juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    The forecasted growth of the aquaculture sector requires the use of novel and sustainable ingredients in aquaculture feeds. A study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of a 10% incorporation of defatted microalgal biomass (DMB) of Tetraselmis sp. CTP4, used at the expense of dehulled solvent-extracted soybean meal (SBM), on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility and physiological response to confinement stress in gilthead seabream juveniles. The trial comprised two dietary treatments: a control diet (CTRL) with relatively high levels of marine-derived proteins and 10% SBM; and a test diet (DMB10) with the incorporation of 10% DMB at the expense of SBM, while maintaining a fair constancy of all other ingredients. Triplicate groups of 30 fish, with a mean initial body weight of 6.0 +/- 0.2 g were fed the experimental diets for 61 days. At the end of the trial, fish tripled their initial body weight, but the overall growth performance criteria (final body weight, daily growth index, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio), whole-body composition and nutrient retention were not significantly affected by the dietary treatments (p > 0.05). The DMB10 diet showed a significantly higher apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, energy and phosphorus (p < 0.05). When measured as an isolated feed ingredient, the DMB had an ADC of protein, fat, energy and phosphorus of 87.9, 85.3, 75.5 and 41.4%, respectively. After an acute confinement stress test, fish fed with DMB10 diet displayed a significantly lower plasma cortisol response (120 +/- 23 ng/mL) than those fed with the control diet (160 +/- 33 ng/mL) (p < 0.05). Overall results showed that DMB, issued from biorefinery processes, could potentially spare the use of soybean meal in aquaculture feeds, contributing towards a reduction of the current protein deficit in the European market.Sparos, Lda.Portuguese national budgetFoundation for Science and Technology (FCT)Portuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyEuropean Commission [UIDB/04326/2020]Compete 2020 [24517_VALORMAR]Lisboa 2020 [24517_VALORMAR]CRESC Algarve 2020 [24517_VALORMAR]Portugal 2020 [24517_VALORMAR]European Union through FEDER/ERDFFCTPortuguese Foundation for Science and TechnologyEuropean Commission [SFRH/BD/105541/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ação Social no Ensino Superior: um caso de estudo no Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

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    Trabalho apresentado na 4ª Conferência Forges, 19 a 21 de novembro 2014, Luanda/Lubango, AngolaO objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a ação social no Ensino Superior (ES) como a parceira que poderá influenciar a igualdade de oportunidade de frequência neste tipo de ensino aos estudantes com níveis de rendimento mais baixos. O trabalho surge no âmbito de um projeto financiado pelo Fundo Social Europeu (FSE)1 tendo sido proposto pelas Escolas Superiores de Ciências Empresariais (ESCE) e de Tecnologia do Barreiro (ESTBarreiro) do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (IPS), tendo sido iniciado com a colaboração do seu Serviço de Ação Social (SAS)2. As dificuldades financeiras que Portugal tem passado, influenciaram drasticamente o prosseguimento de estudos de muitos estudantes portugueses. Por outro lado com a vinda de estudantes da CPLP ao abrigo de várias parcerias entre instituições, constatou-se que muitos deles não têm estrutura económica para aguentar a conclusão do ciclo de estudos que se propõem a realizar e com a aprovação do Estatuto do Estudante Internacional, sabemos que irão ingressar no ES português muitos mais alunos provenientes da CPLP. É o SAS que tem como principal objetivo proporcionar as melhores condições de estudo aos estudantes, sobretudo aos carenciados, através da disponibilização de um conjunto de apoios diretos ou através de programas específicos, como o PAAS/IPS, destinado a apoiar estudantes que, por motivos diversos, não podem beneficiar da concessão de bolsas de estudo ao abrigo da legislação em vigor, nomeadamente os estudantes da CPLP, mas cuja situação socioeconómica não permite suportar condignamente os custos inerentes à frequência do ensino superior. Sabendo o tema da 4ªConferência da Forges achamos que era oportuno apresentar o trabalho que estamos a desenvolver baseando-nos no IPS, Instituição de Ensino Superior Público com um elevado número de estudantes provenientes da CPLP e muitos com bolsas de estudo dos países de origem ou sem bolsa de estudo mas com dificuldades económicas

    Environmental performance policy indicators for the public sector: The case of the defence sector

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    The development of environmental performance policy indicators for public services, and in particular for the defence sector, is an emerging issue. Despite a number of recent initiatives there has been little work done in this area, since the other sectors usually focused on are agriculture, transport, industry, tourism and energy. This type of tool can be an important component for environmental performance evaluation at policy level, when integrated in the general performance assessment system of public missions and activities. The main objective of this research was to develop environmental performance policy indicators for the public sector, specifically applied to the defence sector. Previous research included an assessment of the environmental profile, through the evaluation of how environmental management practices have been adopted in this sector and an assessment of environmental aspects and impacts. This paper builds upon that previous research, developing an indicator framework-SEPI-supported by the selection and construction of environmental performance indicators. Another aim is to discuss how the current environmental indicator framework can be integrated into overall performance management. The Portuguese defence sector is presented and the usefulness of this methodology demonstrated. Feasibility and relevancy criteria are applied to evaluate the set of indicators proposed, allowing indicators to be scored and indicators for the policy level to be obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Valorização de arqueologia de salvamento na maior barragem da Europa - Alqueva: Produtos ex-situ enquanto elementos de turismo criativo

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    The study aims to determine how the knowledge obtained from the study of prehistoric heritage found during the construction of the Alqueva dam and irrigation system (Portugal) can enhance the current tourist experience of the destination. A new approach is necessary given the inaccessibility of the archaeolog- ical remains, thus creative tourism and experience economy frame the theoretical basis of this paper. Semi- -directed interviews were carried out to 35 tourism stakeholders in order to assess their view of the regional tourism experience, their interest in ex -situ and virtual products based on the archaeological knowledge and how these may add to the Alqueva destination. Findings show that stakeholders are still firmly attached to the conventional approach to archaeology but that, even though unaware of the archaeological findings, they believe that they could benefit from the introduction of creative products as a way of complementing the current offer.O estudo tem como objetivo verificar o modo como o conhecimento obtido a partir do estudo do património pré-histórico encontrado durante a construção da barragem e sistema de irrigação do Alqueva (Portugal) pode contribuir para a experiência turística do destino. Dada a inacessibilidade do património é necessária uma nova abordagem, pelo que o enquadramento teórico deste trabalho foca o turismo criativo e a economia da experiência. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-dirigidas a 35 entidades ligadas ao turismo, a fim de avaliar a sua visão da experiência turística regional, o seu interesse em produtos ex-situ e virtuais baseados no conhecimento arqueológico e como estes podem valorizar o destino Alqueva. Os resultados mostram que os stakeholders estão muito ligados a uma abordagem convencional relativamente à questão arqueológica mas que, porém, acreditam nos benefícios que poderão advir da introdução de produtos criativos, por forma a complementar a oferta atual