163 research outputs found

    Effects of simultaneous nicotine and alcohol use in periodontitis progression in rats: a histomorphometric study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of alcohol and nicotine, when used alone or simulta - neously, on the alveolar bone loss area resulting from ligature-induced periodontitis in rats. Study design: Forty adult male rats received a cotton ligature in the first lower molar sulcular area, and the animals were randomly assigned to different treatments (n = 10, each group) including daily peritoneal injections of saline solution (group A), submitted to self-administration of alcohol 25% (group B), nicotine solution in concentration 0.19 ?l/ml (group C), and nicotine solution in concentration 0.19 ?l/ml plus self-administration of alcohol 25% (group D). Five weeks later, the animals were sacrificed, and the samples were routinely processed for semi-serial decalcified sections. Results: Ligated teeth showed more alveolar bone loss than unligated ones (p < 0.05). Unligated teeth showed no significant differences between each other (p > 0.05). Analyses between the ligated teeth showed that the group C (nicotine) or group B (alcohol 25%) each had increasing alveolar bone loss in the furcation area, and the simulta - neous combination alcohol and nicotine (group D) intensified these ef fects (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that the simultaneous combination of alcohol and nicotine have a synergistic effect in the progression of periodontitis, evidenced by increased furcation region bone destruction in periodontal disease in rats

    Metastatic Hemangiosarcoma in a Cow

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    Background: Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant mesenchymal neoplasm of endothelial cells that mainly affects dogs and is less common in horses, cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep. In ruminants, however, few cases of hemangiosarcoma have been reported. Although this neoplasm may primarily occur in any tissue, it most often originates in the spleen, liver, heart, and skin. This study reports the clinical and pathological findings of a bovine hemangiosarcoma.Case: A 10-year-old lactating Girolando cow from the municipality of Vassouras/RJ was examinated because of uncontrolled cough and bilateral hemoptysis, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, severe decline in milk production (a decrease of 28 L), and respiratory wheezing during chest auscultation. We performed a necropsy and collected fragments of various organs which were fixed using 10% buffered formalin and sent to the Pathology Anatomy Sector (SAP) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) for routine histological assessment. Macroscopically, large hemorrhagic areas were observed in the lungs, mainly in the cranioventral portion of the pulmonary lobes, multifocal areas of hemorrhages in the liver, and a 10x8x5 cm soft red mass was observed in the spleen. Microscopically, was observed lung proliferation of endothelial cellsarranged in tapes, supported by a collagenous stroma associated with severe multifocal lobular hemorrhage with a large number of siderophages and diffuse and marked edema, and congestion. In the mediastinal lymph node, liver, and spleen, the proliferation of neoplastic endothelial cells equivalent to those described in the lungs was observed. The histologicalsections of liver and tumor spleen were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis for von Willebrand factor, in which marking was observed in neoplastic endothelial cells.Discussion: Previously, neoplasms in Brazilian cattle have been presented as case reports or, more recently, as scarce retrospective studies, signifying that hemangiosarcoma is a rare neoplasm in the bovine species. Among several studies, we highlight the one conducted in Rio Grande do Sul with neoplastic lesions found in bovine slaughterhouses, in which onlyone case of hemangiosarcoma was observed in 1.5% (1 of 65) cattle. In addition, similarities were also noted in a study of neoplastic lesions in bovine slaughterhouses in Canada, in which hemangiosarcoma was diagnosed in 0.3% (4 of 1370) cattle. In the present study, the positive immunostaining of neoplastic endothelial cells was easily identified from von Willebrand factor, also called factor VIII, and is similar to other studies described in the literature. In a serie of twelve cases of vascular tumors in domestic animals (dogs, horses and cattle), 100% were positive for von Willebrand factor and served to distinguish tumors of epithelial or histiocytic origin. Although the clinical signs observed in our case are non-specific, hemoptysis was the most intense signal and the only clinical manifestation that may indicate an important pulmonary lesionthat indicated possible pulmonary neoplasm. Among other diseases, the acute form of Pteridium aquilinum poisoning, thrombocytopenia, anticoagulant rodenticide toxicity and vena cava syndrome might cause hemoptysis, and therefore, should be incorporated in the list of differential diagnoses of neoplasm that occur with pulmonary metastasis. Further, neoplastic and or hemorrhagic diseases affecting cattle should be differentiated of hemangiosarcoma.Keywords: hemangiosarcoma, diseases of cattle, neoplasia

    A combined stochastic model for seasonal prediction of precipitation in Brazil

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    Este artigo discute um modelo de previsão combinada para a realização de prognósticos climáticos na escala sazonal. Nele, previsões pontuais de modelos estocásticos são agregadas para obter as melhores projeções no tempo. Utilizam-se modelos estocásticos autoregressivos integrados a médias móveis, de suavização exponencial e previsões por análise de correlações canônicas. O controle de qualidade das previsões é feito através da análise dos resíduos e da avaliação do percentual de redução da variância não-explicada da modelagem combinada em relação às previsões dos modelos individuais. Exemplos da aplicação desses conceitos em modelos desenvolvidos no Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET) mostram bons resultados e ilustram que as previsões do modelo combinado, superam na maior parte dos casos a de cada modelo componente, quando comparadas aos dados observados.This article discusses a combined model to perform climate forecast in a seasonal scale. In it, forecasts of specific stochastic models are aggregated to obtain the best forecasts in time. Stochastic models are used in the auto regressive integrated moving average, exponential smoothing and the analysis of forecasts by canonical correlation. The quality control of the forecast is based on the residual analysis and the evaluation of the percentage of reduction of the unexplained variance of the combined model with respect to the individual ones. Examples of application of those concepts to models developed at the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) show good results and illustrate that the forecast of the combined model exceeds in most cases each component model, when compared to observed data

    Desenvolvimento do girassol em solo compactado com aplicação de substâncias húmicas / Sunflower development in compacted soil with application of humic substance

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    O girassol é caracterizado por ter sistema radicular profundo, porém sensível à compactação e ao adensamento do solo o que pode provocar inibição do crescimento das raízes e redução do volume do solo explorado. Assim, práticas que amenizem os efeitos causados pelos impedimentos físicos podem ser importantes para manter elevado os índices produtivos da cultura. Diante disso, o objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência do extrato húmico contendo ácidos húmicos e fúlvicos, em minimizar os problemas causados pela compactação dos solos sobre o crescimento radicular e aéreo do girassol. Para isso, foi instalado experimento em vaso com Latossolo Vermelho, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e esquema fatorial 2 x 5 e quatro repetições, sendo duas densidades de solo (1,0 e 1,6 Mg m-3) e cinco doses de extrato húmico composto por 53,37% ácidos húmicos + 46,30% ácidos fúlvicos (0,0; 0,3; 0,6; 1,2 e 1,8 g kg-1). A compactação restringe o crescimento aéreo e radicular do girassol, porém na densidade de 1,6 Mg m-3 as substâncias húmicas na dose de 1,8 g kg-1 (0,96 g kg-1 de ácidos húmicos + 0,84 g kg-1 de ácidos fúlvicos) reduz seus efeitos negativos sobre o crescimento do girassol.

    A Influência dos Traços de Personalidade na Prevenção e Tratamento das Doenças Cardiovasculares

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    Current evidence indicates that personality traits significantly influence cardiovascular health, contributing to the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). This study integrates elements of psychology, medicine, and behavioral sciences to provide a holistic understanding of the factors affecting CVD. The article reviews literature on various personality types, focusing on Type A and Type D personalities, as well as the Big Five traits, and how they influence cardiovascular health through complex mechanisms. Traits such as neuroticism and hostility are associated with an increased cardiovascular risk, while conscientiousness acts as a significant protective factor. These traits affect heart health through mechanisms such as stress reactivity, health behaviors, social support, and systemic inflammation. Exacerbated stress reactivity in individuals with high neuroticism can lead to chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and increased cortisol levels, promoting conditions that favor atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathological processes. Integrating personality assessments into clinical care can help identify individuals at risk for targeted interventions. Stress management, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness are recommended for individuals with neuroticism and Type D personality. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms and interactions between personality traits, psychosocial factors, and cardiovascular health.A evidência atual indica que os traços de personalidade influenciam significativamente a saúde cardiovascular, contribuindo para a prevenção e manejo das doenças cardiovasculares (DCV). Este estudo integra elementos de psicologia, medicina e ciências comportamentais para oferecer uma compreensão holística dos fatores que afetam as DCV. O artigo revisa a literatura sobre diferentes tipos de personalidade, com foco nas personalidades Tipo A e Tipo D, além dos traços dos Cinco Grandes, e como eles influenciam a saúde cardiovascular por meio de diversos mecanismos complexos. Traços como neuroticismo e hostilidade estão associados a um maior risco cardiovascular, enquanto a conscienciosidade atua como um fator protetor significativo. Esses traços afetam a saúde do coração por meio de mecanismos como reatividade ao estresse, comportamentos de saúde, suporte social e inflamação sistêmica. A reatividade exacerbada ao estresse em indivíduos com alto neuroticismo pode levar a uma ativação crônica do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal e ao aumento dos níveis de cortisol, promovendo condições que favorecem a aterosclerose e outros processos patológicos cardiovasculares. A integração de avaliações de personalidade no atendimento clínico pode ajudar a identificar indivíduos em risco para intervenções direcionadas. O controle do estresse, a terapia cognitivo-comportamental e a atenção plena são recomendados para neuroticismo e personalidade do Tipo D. Mais pesquisas são necessárias para compreender os mecanismos e interações entre traços de personalidade, fatores psicossociais e saúde cardiovascular

    Violacein-Induced Chaperone System Collapse Underlies Multistage Antiplasmodial Activity

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    Antimalarial drugs with novel modes of action and wide therapeutic potential are needed to pave the way for malaria eradication. Violacein is a natural compound known for its biological activity against cancer cells and several pathogens, including the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). Herein, using chemical genomic profiling (CGP), we found that violacein affects protein homeostasis. Mechanistically, violacein binds Pf chaperones, PfHsp90 and PfHsp70-1, compromising the latter's ATPase and chaperone activities. Additionally, violacein-treated parasites exhibited increased protein unfolding and proteasomal degradation. The uncoupling of the parasite stress response reflects the multistage growth inhibitory effect promoted by violacein. Despite evidence of proteotoxic stress, violacein did not inhibit global protein synthesis via UPR activation - a process that is highly dependent on chaperones, in agreement with the notion of a violacein-induced proteostasis collapse. Our data highlight the importance of a functioning chaperone-proteasome system for parasite development and differentiation. Thus, a violacein-like small molecule might provide a good scaffold for development of a novel probe for examining the molecular chaperone network and/or antiplasmodial drug design.publishersversionpublishe

    Checklist of the dipterofauna (Insecta) from Roraima, Brazil, with special reference to the Brazilian Ecological Station of Maracá

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    Roraima is a Brazilian state located in the northern portion of the Amazon basin, with few studies regarding its biodiversity. The Ecological Station of Maracá (Brazil, state of Roraima) harbors the third largest Brazilian pluvial island and is composed of a transitional landscape of savanna and Amazon rainforest components. Despite its ecological importance and strategic localization, few studies covered the dipterofauna of this locality. An updated checklist addressing 41 families of true flies (Diptera) occurring in Roraima is presented based on the literature and the specimens collected during a field expedition that occurred in 2015. This checklist brings several improvements such as new records of 165 taxa to the state of Roraima, 29 taxa to Brazil, and 259 morphotypes, mostly likely representing undescribed species


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    To evaluate the profile of newborns with gestational age ≥ 35 weeks with perinatal anoxia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a private maternity hospital in Aracaju, Sergipe. Methodology: This is an observational clinical study, descriptive and cross-sectional. A convenience sample was used, consisting of all newborns with a gestational age ≥ 35 weeks admitted to the NICU from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. Neonates outside the gestational age of the study and incomplete medical records were excluded. An Apgar score less than 7 at the 5th minute was used to define neonatal anoxia (NA). The analysis used Pearson's Chi-Square, Fisher's exact, Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, in addition to descriptive data. A significance level of 5% was applied. Results: The final sample consisted of 127 children, mostly male (63.7%), with normal birth weight (75.2%) and adequate weight for gestational age (79.6%). The mean weight and mean gestational age were 2,982.7 grams (± 649.5) and 37.5 weeks (± 1.6), respectively. The groups with and without AN did not show significant epidemiological differences. A higher risk of anoxia was found in those born vaginally (p=0.001) and in those with acute perinatal events (p=0.003). Small size for gestational age was a risk factor for the outcome of death. Conclusion: Acute perinatal events and vaginal birth are risk factors for AN. Newborns who are small for gestational age have worse outcomes. Future studies discriminating the types of birth to analyze the association with AN may be useful.Avaliar o perfil dos neonatos com idade gestacional ≥ 35 semanas com anóxia perinatal na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) de uma maternidade privada de Aracaju, Sergipe. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo clínico observacional, de caráter descritivo e transversal. Utilizou-se amostra de conveniência, composta por todos os recém-nascidos com idade gestacional ≥ 35 semanas internados na UTIN de 01 janeiro de 2019 até 31 de dezembro de 2020. Foram excluídos os neonatos fora da idade gestacional do estudo e prontuários incompletos. O escore de Apgar menor que 7 no 5º minuto foi utilizado para definir anóxia neonatal (AN). A análise utilizou os testes Qui-Quadrado de Pearson, exato de Fisher, Shapiro-Wilk, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis, além de dados descritivos. Aplicou-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A amostra final foi de 127 crianças, majoritariamente do sexo masculino (63,7%), com peso normal ao nascer (75,2%) e peso adequado para idade gestacional (79,6%). O peso médio e idade gestacional média foram 2.982,7 gramas (± 649,5) e 37,5 semanas (± 1,6), respectivamente. Os grupos com e sem AN não apresentaram diferenças epidemiológicas significativas. Foi encontrado maior risco de anoxia em nascidos por via vaginal (p=0,001) e naqueles com eventos perinatais agudos (p=0,003). Tamanho pequeno para idade gestacional foi fator de risco para o desfecho óbito. Conclusão: Eventos perinatais agudos e parto vaginal são fatores de risco para AN. Recém-nascidos pequenos para idade gestacional apresentam piores desfechos. Futuros estudos discriminando os tipos de parto para análise de associação com AN podem ser úteis