1,000 research outputs found

    Eventos espeleogenéticos do alto vale do Rio Ribeira de Iguapé - SP

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    The Tomato Processing Industry in Portugal

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    Portugal is a major producer of tomatoes for processing. Is export industry now ranks 4th worldwide; before the strongly protectionist European Common Market policy initiated in the early 1970s it ranked 3rd. The culture of tomatoes for processing in irrigated areas of Portugal is favored by the dry, warm summer that characterizes Mediterranean climates. In addition the summer in Portugal is not too hot for a good tomato set

    Use of European pulses to produce functional beverages – From chickpea and lupin as dairy alternatives

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    Consumption of plant based products as dairy alternatives is increasing steeply. This diet transition can only be achieved if these products keep the nutritional value and meet consumer’s sensory acceptance. This work aimed to evaluate the decrease of the “beany” flavour and of raffinose, stachyose and verbascose contents in EU pulse beveragés production, and also the best lactic fermentation conditions of the beverages, towards chickpea- and lupin-based yoghurts, with rheology properties similar to the commercial soy yoghurts. The reduction of “beany” volatile compounds of chickpea and lupin beverages during processing was confirmed through GC–MS analysis. Soaking and cooking processes were effective in removing flatulence sugars with almost 48% loss from the initial content in lupin beverage. The fermentation conditions at 40 ◦C, 12 h and 2% (w/v) of starter concentration evidenced the best viscoelastic structure and flow properties. The lupin yoghurt-type showed a similar gel structure to commercial soy yoghurt.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenolic profile and bioactivity of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) inflorescence parts: Selecting the best genotype for food applications

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    This study was designed to characterize the phenolic profile and bioactivity of hydroalcoholic extracts from different cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) genotypes. The analytical work focussed on the inflorescence stigmas, owing to their application in cheese production. Nevertheless, other parts were concomitantly analysed aiming to define their possible use in related applications. Phenolic profiles obtained by LC-DAD-ESI/MSn showed significant differences among different cardoon genotypes, but apigenin and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives were generally the major molecules in all samples. Genotype influence has also been observed in relation to the antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Besides their strong antioxidant activity, the cardoon inflorescences showed satisfactory antibacterial activity, namely against Gram-positive strains, with particularly low MIC in Listeria monocytogenes. Overall, it was possible to identify the cardoon genotype (within the selected ones) providing the best standardized ingredient (stigma) with considerable added-value to be included in the process of cheese making.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise de vitamina 69 e minerais em plantas silvestres: estudos de Biodisponibilidade com milefólio, louro e dente-de-leão

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    As plantas silvestres usadas tradicionalmente têm suscitado um interesse cada vez maior, por serem consideradas uma fonte valiosa de compostos naturais com reconhecidos efeitos benéficos para a saúde do consumidor. Entre estes compostos estão as vitaminas e os elementos minerais, com um reconhecido papel na manutenção da saúde humana. A vitamina B9 (ácido fólico) é um importante cofactor de muitas reações que ocorrem nas células, enquanto que os macro e microelementos desempenham um papel fundamental na produção de energia e na manutenção da integridade estrutural da membrana celular. Os macroelementos funcionam também como modeladores do metabolismo e do equilíbrio ácido-base. Apesar destes componentes terem sido já estudados em diferentes espécies de plantas, a sua análise em espécies silvestres e, sobretudo, em aspetos relacionados com biodisponibitidade, é ainda escassa. No presente trabalho, foi realizado um processo de diálise por membrana com o objetivo de simular condições gastrointestinais para a avaliação da biodisponibilidade dos elementos minerais presentes em diferentes formulações (planta seca e infusão) de Achillea millefollium L. (milefólio), Laurus nobilis L. (louro) e Taraxacum sec. Ruderalia (dente-de-leão). A dinâmica de retenção/passagem foi avaliada utilizando uma membrana de celulose com 34 mm de porosidade. Os teores em vitamina B9 foram também analisados, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência acoplada a detecção por fluorescência, nas diferentes preparações de cada amostra. O dente de leão apresentou os níveis mais elevados de elementos minerais (exceto zinco) independentemente da formulação utilizada (planta seca ou infusão). Por outro lado, o milefólio mostrou um conteúdo mais elevado de vitamina B9. As plantas secas, como era expectável, mostraram maiores quantidades de todos os elementos estudados, em relação às respetivas infusões; no entanto, os rendimentos de extração dos elementos minerais variaram muito, sendo mais elevados para os macroelementos. Os níveis de vitamina 89 foram muito mais baixos nas infusões, possivelmente devicto à degradação induzida pela água fervente aquando da sua preparação. Relativamente à biodisponibilidade, o cálcio e o potássio demonstraram maior capacidade para atravessar a membrana de diálise. As espécies de plantas estudadas, especialmente se usadas diretamente na forma seca, podem ser consideradas para o desenvolvimento de formulações que atuem como fontes de vitamina B9 e minerais

    Are Portuguese women of childbearing age exposed to environmental mercury? The One Health perspective

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    One health, a transdisciplinary approach, recognizes the interconnection between human, animals and their shared environment. Fish and seafood are important sources of high-biological value proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and essential minerals. However, it can contain environmental contaminants, such as mercury compounds. Long-lived predatory fish species, such as tuna or swordfish, are an important human exposure source. Thus, only through a transdisciplinary approach, namely using one health perspective, is it possible to properly tackle the issue of mercury at different levels. Methylmercury, the most toxic mercury form, mainly targets the central nervous system, and the prenatal period represents a period of greatest vulnerability regarding neurodevelopmental effects on the fetus. Portugal has a tradition of high consumption of fishery and aquaculture products, higher than in the European Union (EU) countries and above both EU and world averages. The present research aimed to evaluate the exposure of Portuguese women of childbearing age to mercury through human biomonitoring and to determine mercury contamination in fish available in Portuguese markets. For this study, 300 Portuguese women of childbearing age (25 to 44 years) were randomly selected in a cross-sectional epidemiological study carried out in Portugal (INSEF, http://www.insef.pt/) in 2015. Also, 24 different species of fish and fishery and aquaculture products acquired on the Portuguese market and representative of Portuguese consumption were selected. This study reinforces the need to develop and implement Portugal risk communication strategies focused on selecting fish species with lower mercury levels to protect susceptible populations from exposure to this chemical while simultaneously promoting the important health benefits of fish consumption and applying a One Health approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Minerals and vitamin B9 in dried plants vs. infusions: assessing absorption dynamics of minerals by membrane dialysis tandem in vitro digestion

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    Vitamins and mineral elements are among the most important phytochemicals due to their important role in the maintenance of human health. Despite these components had already been studied in different plant species, their full characterization in several wild species is still scarce. In addition, the knowledge regarding the in vivo effects of phytochemicals, particularly their bioaccessibility, is still scarce. Accordingly, a membrane dialysis process was used to simulate gastrointestinal conditions in order to assess the potential bioaccessibility of mineral elements in different preparations of Achillea millefolium (yarrow), Laurus nobilis (laurel) and Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia (dandelion). The retention/passage dynamics was evaluated using a cellulose membrane with 34 mm pore. Dandelion showed the highest levels of all studied mineral elements (except zinc) independently of the used formulations (dried plant or infusion), but yarrow was the only species yielding minerals after the dialysis step, either in dried form, or as infusion. In fact, the ability of each evaluated element to cross the dialysis membrane showed significant differences, being also highly dependent on the plant species. Regarding the potential use of these plants as complementary vitamin B9 sources, the detected values were much lower in the infusions, most likely due to the thermolability effect.The authors are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011), REQIMTE (PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2011) and ALIMNOVA research group (UCM-GR35/10A), João C.M. Barreira and M.I. Dias grants (SFRH/BPD/72802/2010 and SFRH/BD/84485/2012, respectively). The authors thank Prof. Ana Maria Carvalho from the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (CIMO), for the taxonomic identification of the yarrow, laurel and dandelion species

    Incorporation of natural colorants obtained from edible flowers in yogurts

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    The substitution of artificial dyes by natural colouring agents is among the top concerns of food industry to fulfil current consuming trends, justifying the prospection of novel natural sources of these compounds. Herein, the hydrophilic extracts from rose, cornflower and dahlia were tested as potential substitutes to E163 (anthocyanin extract). Besides comparing the colouring capacity, the potential occurrence of changes in the chemical composition of yogurts (nutritional parameters, free sugars and fatty acids) was also assessed throughout storage (up to 7 days) and compared with a “blank” (free of any additive) yogurt formulation. In general, yogurts prepared with flower extracts, presented similar nutritional value and free sugars profile to those prepared with E163 and to the “blank” yogurt. Nevertheless, rose extract turned out to be the most suitable alternative to E163 as these two groups of yogurts had similar nutritional composition, free sugars and fatty acids composition, besides presenting close scores in colour parameters.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to CIMO (strategic project UID/AGR/00690/2013), to REQUIMTE (national funds and cofinanced by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020), Tânia Pires (SFRH/BD/129551/2017) and João C.M. Barreira and L. Barros contracts. The GIP-USAL is financially supported by the Spanish Government through the project AGL2015-64522-C2-2-R. The authors are also grateful to FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E; the European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project NORTE- 01-0145-FEDER-023289: DeCodE and Project Mobilizador Norte-01- 0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phenolic profiling of Veronica spp. grown in mountain, urban and sand soil environments

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    Veronica (Plantaginaceae) genus is widely distributed in different habitats. Phytochemistry studies are increasing because most metabolites with pharmacological interest are obtained from plants. The phenolic compounds of V. montana, V. polita and V. spuria were tentatively identified by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS. The phenolic profiles showed that flavones were the major compounds (V. montana: 7 phenolic acids, 5 flavones, 4 phenylethanoids and 1 isoflavone; V. polita: 10 flavones, 5 phenolic acids, 2 phenylethanoids, 1 flavonol and 1 isoflavone; V. spuria: 10 phenolic acids, 5 flavones, 2 flavonols, 2 phenylethanoids and 1 isoflavone), despite the overall predominance of flavones. V. spuria presented the highest contents in all groups of phenolic compounds, except flavones, which did not show differences among the assayed species. The detected differences proved to be significant, as confirmed by objects distribution obtained in PCA. Overall, these species might be considered good sources of phenolic compounds for industrial or pharmacological applications

    Extracts from Vaccinium myrtillus L. fruits as a source of natural colorants: chemical characterization and incorporation in yogurts

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    The food industry is always seeking innovative approaches to maintain consumers’ interest and increase their awareness towards the healthiness of diets. Therefore, much interest has been given to natural food additives, namely colourants. In this work, a bilberry extract was primarily characterized in terms of anthocyanin compounds by UPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn, and its colouring capacity was further compared with a synthetic anthocyanin colourant (E163) in different yogurt formulations. The prepared samples were evaluated in different periods (0 and 7 days) for nutritional profile, individual fatty acids, soluble sugars and external colour to determine the effects of each additive. Overall, the major anthocyanin compounds in bilberry were malvidin glycoside and delphinidin glycoside derivatives. With regard to the prepared yogurts, all samples maintained the nutritional profile, individual fatty acids and soluble sugars, independent of storage time. Nonetheless, bilberry extracts showed lower colouring capacity when compared to that of E163, despite the higher stability of bilberry extract throughout the storage time, when compared to that of E163. Furthermore, another advantage of this natural extract is that it has potential bioactive properties that can be conferred to foods, due to their high content of bioactive compounds, such as anthocyanins.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020) and T. C.S.P. Pires (SFRH/BD/129551/2017) grant. National funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for M.I. Dias and L. Barros contracts, and through the individual scientific employment program-contract for J. Barreira contract. This work is funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023289: DeCodE and project Mobilizador ValorNatural®. M. Carocho also thanks the project ValorNatural for his research contract. The authors are also grateful to FEDER-Interreg España-Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E. The GIP-USAL is financially supported by the Spanish Government through the project AGL2015- 64522-C2-2-R.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio