321 research outputs found

    Sensibilidade e especificidade dos classificadores de aprendizagem de máquina para o diagnóstico de glaucoma usando Spectral Domain OCT e perimetria automatizada acromática

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of machine learning classifiers (MLCs) for glaucoma diagnosis using Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) and standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study. Sixty two glaucoma patients and 48 healthy individuals were included. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, achromatic standard automated perimetry (SAP) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) imaging with SD-OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained for all SD-OCT parameters and global indices of SAP. Subsequently, the following MLCs were tested using parameters from the SD-OCT and SAP: Bagging (BAG), Naive-Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Random Forest (RAN), Ensemble Selection (ENS), Classification Tree (CTREE), Ada Boost M1(ADA),Support Vector Machine Linear (SVML) and Support Vector Machine Gaussian (SVMG). Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (aROC) obtained for isolated SAP and OCT parameters were compared with MLCs using OCT+SAP data. RESULTS: Combining OCT and SAP data, MLCs' aROCs varied from 0.777(CTREE) to 0.946 (RAN).The best OCT+SAP aROC obtained with RAN (0.946) was significantly larger the best single OCT parameter (p<0.05), but was not significantly different from the aROC obtained with the best single SAP parameter (p=0.19). CONCLUSION: Machine learning classifiers trained on OCT and SAP data can successfully discriminate between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. The combination of OCT and SAP measurements improved the diagnostic accuracy compared with OCT data alone.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade dos classificadores de aprendizagem de máquina no diagnóstico de glaucoma usando Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) e perimetria automatizada acromática (PAA). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal observacional. Sessenta e dois pacientes com glaucoma e 48 indivíduos normais foram incluídos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico completo, e perimetria automatizada acromática (24-2 SITA; Humphrey Field Analyzer II, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA) e exame de imagem da camada de fibras nervosas utilizando SD-OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California). Curvas ROC (Receiver operator characteristic) foram obtidas para todos os parâmetros do SD-OCT e índices globais do campo visual (MD, PSD, GHT). Subsequentemente, os seguintes classificadores de aprendizagem de máquina (CAMs) foram testados usando parâmetros do OCT e CV: Bagging (BAG), Naive-Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Random Forest (RAN), Ensemble Selection (ENS), Classification Tree (CTREE), Ada Boost M1(ADA), Support Vector Machine Linear (SVML) e Support Vector Machine Gaussian (SVMG). Áreas abaixo da curva ROC (aROC) obtidas com os parâmetros isolados do campo visual (CV) e OCT foram comparados com os CAMs usando dados associados do OCT e CV. RESULTADOS: Combinando os dados do OCT e do CV, aROCs dos CAMs variaram entre 0,777(CTREE) e 0,946 (RAN). A maior aROC dos CAMs OCT+CV obtida com RAN (0,946) foi significativamente maior que o melhor parâmetro do OCT (p<0,05), mas não houve diferença estatística significativa com o melhor parâmetro do CV (p=0,19). CONCLUSÃO: Os classificadores de aprendizagem de máquina treinados com dados do OCT e CV podem discriminar entre olhos normais e glaucomatosos com sucesso. A combinação das medidas do OCT e CV melhoraram a acurácia diagnóstica comparados aos parâmetros do OCT.17017

    Sensitivity And Specificity Of Machine Learning Classifiers For Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Spectral Domain Oct And Standard Automated Perimetry.

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    To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of machine learning classifiers (MLCs) for glaucoma diagnosis using Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) and standard automated perimetry (SAP). Observational cross-sectional study. Sixty two glaucoma patients and 48 healthy individuals were included. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, achromatic standard automated perimetry (SAP) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) imaging with SD-OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained for all SD-OCT parameters and global indices of SAP. Subsequently, the following MLCs were tested using parameters from the SD-OCT and SAP: Bagging (BAG), Naive-Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Random Forest (RAN), Ensemble Selection (ENS), Classification Tree (CTREE), Ada Boost M1(ADA),Support Vector Machine Linear (SVML) and Support Vector Machine Gaussian (SVMG). Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (aROC) obtained for isolated SAP and OCT parameters were compared with MLCs using OCT+SAP data. Combining OCT and SAP data, MLCs' aROCs varied from 0.777(CTREE) to 0.946 (RAN).The best OCT+SAP aROC obtained with RAN (0.946) was significantly larger the best single OCT parameter (p<0.05), but was not significantly different from the aROC obtained with the best single SAP parameter (p=0.19). Machine learning classifiers trained on OCT and SAP data can successfully discriminate between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. The combination of OCT and SAP measurements improved the diagnostic accuracy compared with OCT data alone.76170-

    Evaluation of the phenolic profile of Castanea sativa mill. By-products and their antioxidant and antimicrobial activity against multiresistant bacteria

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    The chestnut industry generates a large amount of by-products. These agro-industrial wastes have been described as potential sources of phenolic compounds with high bioactive potential. Therefore, we aimed to extract the phenolic compounds from chestnut by-products and assess their antioxidant potential and evaluate their antimicrobial activity against multidrug resistant bacteria. The individual phenolic compounds in the ethanolic extracts of chestnut shell, inner shell, bur, and leaves were characterized by HPLC-DAD/electrospray ionization (ESI)-MS. The antioxidant properties were determined by DPPH and ABTS assays. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the antimicrobial susceptibility was performed using the Kirby–Bauer disc di usion method against 10 bacterial strains. The major phenolic compounds identified in the extracts were trigalloyl-HHDP-glucose, gallic acid, quercetin, and myricetin glycoside derivatives. All chestnut by-products presented promising antioxidant activity in both assays, with leaf samples the ones presenting the highest antioxidant capacity. The inner shell’s extract was e ective against all Gram-positive and two Gram-negative bacteria; nevertheless, all extracts showed antibacterial activity. Staphylococcus epidermidis showed susceptibility to all extracts while none of the extracts was able to suppress the growth of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis. Chestnut by-products are a source of phenolic compounds with prominent antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Nevertheless, further studies should be conducted to assess the correlation between phenolic compounds and the bioactivities obtained.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plastin and spectrin cooperate to stabilize the actomyosin cortex during cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis, the process that partitions the mother cell into two daughter cells, requires the assembly and constriction of an equatorial actomyosin network. Different types of non-motor F-actin crosslinkers localize to the network, but their functional contribution remains poorly understood. Here, we describe a synergy between the small rigid crosslinker plastin and the large flexible crosslinker spectrin in the C. elegans one-cell embryo. In contrast to single inhibitions, co-inhibition of plastin and the βH-spectrin (SMA-1) results in cytokinesis failure due to progressive disorganization and eventual collapse of the equatorial actomyosin network. Cortical localization dynamics of non-muscle myosin II in co-inhibited embryos mimic those observed after drug-induced F-actin depolymerization, suggesting that the combined action of plastin and spectrin stabilizes F-actin in the contractile ring. An in silico model predicts that spectrin is more efficient than plastin at stabilizing the ring and that ring formation is relatively insensitive to βH-spectrin length, which is confirmed in vivo with a sma-1 mutant that lacks 11 of its 29 spectrin repeats. Our findings provide the first evidence that spectrin contributes to cytokinesis and highlight the importance of crosslinker interplay for actomyosin network integrity

    Mitochondrial Superoxide Dismutase Overexpression and Low Oxygen Conditioning Hormesis Improve the Performance of Irradiated Sterile Males

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    The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is a successful autocidal control method that uses ionizing radiation to sterilize insects. However, irradiation in normal atmospheric conditions can be damaging for males, because irradiation generates substantial biological oxidative stress that, combined with domestication and mass-rearing conditions, may reduce sterile male sexual competitiveness and quality. In this study, biological oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity were experimentally manipulated in Anastrepha suspensa using a combination of low-oxygen conditions and transgenic overexpression of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (SOD2) to evaluate their role in the sexual behavior and quality of irradiated males. Our results showed that SOD2 overexpression enhances irradiated insect quality and improves male competitiveness in leks. However, the improvements in mating performance were modest, as normoxia-irradiated SOD2 males exhibited only a 22% improvement in mating success compared to normoxia-irradiated wild type males. Additionally, SOD2 overexpression did not synergistically improve the mating success of males irradiated in either hypoxia or severe hypoxia. Short-term hypoxic and severe-hypoxic conditioning hormesis, per se, increased antioxidant capacity and enhanced sexual competitiveness of irradiated males relative to non-irradiated males in leks. Our study provides valuable new information that antioxidant enzymes, particularly SOD2, have potential to improve the quality and lekking performance of sterile males used in SIT programs

    Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.) decrease visceral fat, yet augment glucose in dyslipidemic rats

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological effects of roasted Cashew nuts consumption on biochemical and murinometric parameters in dyslipidemic rats receiving lipid supplementation. Young male rats were randomly assigned to three experimental groups (n = 10). The Control group (CONT) was treated with water, the Dyslipidemic group (DL) received a high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, and the Dyslipidemic Cashew Nuts group (DLCN) received the same high fat content emulsion throughout the experiment, yet was treated with Cashew nuts. Body parameters, biochemical, hepatic and fecal fatty acid profiles were all evaluated. The levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in the DL and DLCN groups as compared to the control group. DLCN and CONT presented no difference in HDL levels. DLCN presented higher glycemia levels than the other groups. There was reduction of body fat in DLCN as compared to other groups, but with higher accumulations of liver fat. DLCN presented a reduction in saturated hepatic fatty acids of 20.8%, and an increase of 177% in relation to CONT; there was also a 21% in increase DL for ω9 fatty acids in comparison to CONT. As for fecal fatty acids, there was a lower concentration of polysaturates in DLCN as compared to the other groups. The data showed that the consumption of Cashew nuts by the dyslipidemic animals treated with a hyperlipidic diet induced greater accumulations of liver fat and worsened glycemic levels, despite having reduced visceral fats and increased fecal fat excretion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hippeastrum reticulatum (Amaryllidaceae): alkaloid profiling, biological activities and molecular docking

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    The Amaryllidaceae family has proven to be a rich source of active compounds, which are characterized by unique skeleton arrangements and a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of this work was to perform the first detailed study of the alkaloid constituents of Hippeastrum reticulatum (Amaryllidaceae) and to determine the anti-parasitological and cholinesterase (AChE and BuChE) inhibitory activities of the epimers (6α-hydroxymaritidine and 6β-hydroxymaritidine). Twelve alkaloids were identified in H. reticulatum: eight known alkaloids by GC-MS and four unknown (6α-hydroxymaritidine, 6β-hydroxymaritidine, reticulinine and isoreticulinine) by NMR. The epimer mixture (6α-hydroxymaritidine and 6β-hydroxymaritidine) showed low activity against all protozoan parasites tested and weak AChE-inhibitory activity. Finally, a molecular docking analysis of AChE and BuChE proteins showed that isoreticulinine may be classified as a potential inhibitory molecule since it can be stabilized in the active site through hydrogen bonds, π-π stacking and hydrophobic interactions