9 research outputs found

    Environmental contamination by fluoroquinolones

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    Over the past few decades, a high number of pharmaceuticals have been detected in surface, ground and drinking waters. This contamination comes from domestic sewage, livestock, hospitals and chemical-pharmaceutical industries. Typical examples of these pollutants are the fluoroquinolones - powerful antibiotics used in human and veterinary medicine. The presence of fluoroquinolones in the environment can pose a serious threat to the ecosystem and to human health due to their high consumption globally: in 1998, around 120 tons were produced. Even at low environmental concentrations, antibiotics stimulate bacterial resistance. The consequences of the presence of fluoroquinolones in the environment are not fully understood, but are known to be toxic to plants and aquatic organisms. Approximately 85% of the fluoroquinolones present in influents can be removed by conventional wastewater treatment plants, but the removed fraction is frequently accumulated in the sludge, which is sometimes used as fertilizer, representing an additional input route into the environment. The removal of fluoroquinolones by biological treatment is ineffective, and it is believed that only advanced oxidation technologies are able to destroy these emerging pollutants.Nas últimas décadas, um grande número de fármacos tem sido identificado em águas superficiais, subterrâneas e potáveis. Tal contaminação advém do esgoto doméstico, hospitais, criação de animais e das indústrias químico-farmacêuticas. Exemplos típicos desses poluentes são as fluoroquinolonas – potentes antibióticos empregados na medicina humana e veterinária. A presença de fluoroquinolonas no meio ambiente pode representar uma séria ameaça para o ecossistema e para a saúde humana devido ao alto consumo mundial: em 1998 foram produzidas, aproximadamente, 120 toneladas. Mesmo em baixas concentrações, antibióticos podem estimular a resistência bacteriana. As consequências da presença de fluoroquinolonas no ambiente não são completamente compreendidas, mas sabe-se que são tóxicas para plantas e organismos aquáticos. Aproximadamente 85% das fluoroquinolonas presentes em efluentes podem ser removidos em estações de tratamento de efluentes convencionais, porém a fração removida é frequentemente acumulada no lodo, muitas vezes usado como fertilizante, o que representa uma rota adicional de entrada desses compostos no ambiente. A remoção de fluoroquinolonas por meio de tratamento biológico não é eficiente, e acredita-se que somente as tecnologias de oxidação avançada sejam capazes de degradar esses poluentes emergentes

    Study of degradation of enrofloration solution through process photo-oxidative.

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    As tecnologias utilizadas em estações de tratamento de água e efluentes não são eficientes para a remoção total de resíduos farmacêuticos e os efeitos dessas substâncias sobre o meio ambiente e a saúde humana ainda não são bem conhecidos. No presente trabalho, estudou-se a degradação do antibiótico enrofloxacina (ENRO) por fotólise e pelo processo H2O2/UV na presença de compostos bio-orgânicos (BOS), que têm se apresentado como interessantes promotores da oxidação de poluentes. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator fotoquímico tubular de imersão com fonte radiante (lâmpada de xenônio) concêntrica, operado em batelada com recirculação. Utilizaram-se concentrações iniciais de ENRO e de BOS iguais a 50 mg L-1 e 20 mg L-1, respectivamente. Para todos os pH mantidos constantes (3, 5, 7 ou 9), a solução foi irradiada por 240 minutos. Os resultados indicam que o antibiótico não sofreu hidrólise em qualquer dos pH estudados em um período de 24 horas. Por sua vez, a fotólise da enrofloxacina mostrou-se eficiente somente na presença do composto bioorgânico CVT 230 (BOS C), com remoção de ENRO de quase 90% em meio neutro (pH 7). Resultados da literatura, associados a experimento realizado em meio anóxico, sugerem a participação de oxigênio singlete como principal espécie oxidante da enrofloxacina. Por outro lado, a degradação da ENRO pelo processo H2O2/UV apresentou remoção máxima do fármaco de 48% em pH 7, o que sugere que a ação de oxigênio singlete e/ou radicais hidroxila não foi eficaz na presença de peróxido de hidrogênio. Portanto, o BOS C pode ser empregado como promotor no tratamento de águas e efluentes aquosos contaminados com enrofloxacina sob baixas potências radiantes ou em sistemas irradiados por luz solar.The technologies used in water and wastewater treatment plants are not efficient for the total removal of pharmaceutical compounds whose effect to the environment and to human health are still not well known. In this work, the degradation of the antibiotic enrofloxacin (ENRO) was studied by photolysis and by the H2O2/UV process in the presence of bio-organic substances (BOS), which have been identified as interesting promoters of pollutant oxidation. The experiments were carried out in a tubular immersion photochemical reactor equipped with a concentric radiant source (xenon lamp), and operated in batch mode with recirculation. Initial ENRO and BOS concentrations of 50 mg L-1 and 20 mg L-1 were used, respectively. The solution was irradiated for 240 minutes for all pH studied at constant values (3, 5, 7, and 9). The results show that the antibiotic did not undergo hydrolysis at any pH after 24 hours. The photolysis of enrofloxacin showed to be efficient only in the presence of the bio-organic substance CVT 230 (BOS C), with almost 90% ENRO removal in neutral solution (pH 7). Results from the literature, associated with an experiment carried out in anoxic conditions, suggest singlet oxygen as the main species responsible for enrofloxacin oxidation. On the other hand, ENRO degradation by the H2O2/UV process showed a maximum removal of 48% at pH 7, suggesting that the action of singlet oxygen and/or hydroxyl radicals was not effective in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. BOS C can therefore be used as an efficient promoter for the treatment of enrofloxacin-containing water and wastewater under low irradiant power or in solar-irradiated systems

    Comparison of proteomic profile through mass spectrometry techinique of the Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus microsporus fungi submmited to stress by copper addition.

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    O aumento da complexidade dos resíduos produzidos nos processos de mineração, que acompanha a crescente expansão deste setor no Brasil, tem revelado a necessidade de novas técnicas para o tratamento ecologicamente correto dos rejeitos de mineração. Desta forma, a biorremediação, uma técnica de baixo custo que utiliza microrganismos extremófilos na recuperação de metais tóxicos, se apresenta como um método economicamente viável no tratamento dos rejeitos contendo íons metálicos. Assim, mediante uma análise proteômica dos fungo isolados do ambiente de mineração, quando submetidos a estresse com ions de cobre, podemos compreender seu comportamento fisiológico no processo de biorremediação. Para isso, Aspergillus niger VC e Rhizopus microsporus VC, isolados do ambiente de mineração foram incubados junto a íons de cobre e mediante analise proteômica foram identificados biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo nos fungos. O proteoma realizado utilizando a técnica de NanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF identificou a expressão de proteínas que mudaram sob a influência do cobre em comparação a seus respectivos controles. Os resultados mostraram que as duas cepas obtidas do ambiente de mineração possuem diferentes mecanismos de resistência. Sendo assim, A.niger VC apresentou uma redução na expressão proteica, das quais 132 foram diferencialmente expressas na presença de íons Cu2+. Por sua vez, a cepa R.microsporus VC exibiu uma superexpressão proteica, com 389 proteínas expressas na presença do metal. Nestes cultivos foram identificadas proteínas relacionadas ao choque térmico e à adsorção de metais, conhecidas como proteínas de choque térmico (HSPs) e metaloproteínas, produzidas em resposta ao estresse imposto pela presença do agente indutor de estresse. No entanto, as enzimas envolvidas na defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, identificadas na ausência de metal, são um indicativo de adaptação metabólica em resposta ao ambiente de mineração. Assim concluímos que tanto A.niger VC como R.microsporus VC, são fungos que apresentam importantes características que permitem sua utilização como agentes de biorremediação dos rejeitos de mineração.The increase in the complexity of the waste produced in the mining process, with the growing expansion of this sector in Brazil, has revealed the need for new techniques for the ecologically correct treatment of this toxic waste. Therefore, bioremediation, a low cost technique that uses endophilic microorganisms in the recovery of toxic metals, presented as an economically viable method in the treatment of metal ion-containing wastes. In this way, through proteomic analysis of the isolated fungus from the mining environment, when submitted to stress with copper ions, we can understand their physiological behavior in the bioremediation process. In this regard, Aspergillus niger VC and Rhizopus microsporus VC, isolated from the mining environment were incubated with copper ions and in result of proteomic analysis, biomarkers of oxidative stress were identified in the fungus. The proteome performed using the NanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF technique identified the expression of proteins that changed under the copper influence compared to their respective controls. The results showed that the two strains obtained from the mining environment have different resistance mechanisms. Thus, A.niger VC presented a reduction in protein expression, of which 132 were differentially expressed in the presence of Cu2+ ions. In turn, the strain R.microsporus VC exhibited a protein overexpression, with 389 proteins expressed in the metal presence. In these cultivations, proteins related to thermal shock and the adsorption of metals, known as HSPs and metalloproteins, produced in response to the stress imposed by the presence of the stress-inducing agent. However, the enzymes involved in defense against oxidative stress, identified in absence of metal, are indicative of metabolic adaptation in response to the mining environment. Therefore we conclude that both A.niger VC and R.microsporus VC are fungus that present important characteristics that allow their to be used as bioremediation agents for mining waste

    Comparison of proteomic profile through mass spectrometry techinique of the Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus microsporus fungi submmited to stress by copper addition.

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    O aumento da complexidade dos resíduos produzidos nos processos de mineração, que acompanha a crescente expansão deste setor no Brasil, tem revelado a necessidade de novas técnicas para o tratamento ecologicamente correto dos rejeitos de mineração. Desta forma, a biorremediação, uma técnica de baixo custo que utiliza microrganismos extremófilos na recuperação de metais tóxicos, se apresenta como um método economicamente viável no tratamento dos rejeitos contendo íons metálicos. Assim, mediante uma análise proteômica dos fungo isolados do ambiente de mineração, quando submetidos a estresse com ions de cobre, podemos compreender seu comportamento fisiológico no processo de biorremediação. Para isso, Aspergillus niger VC e Rhizopus microsporus VC, isolados do ambiente de mineração foram incubados junto a íons de cobre e mediante analise proteômica foram identificados biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo nos fungos. O proteoma realizado utilizando a técnica de NanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF identificou a expressão de proteínas que mudaram sob a influência do cobre em comparação a seus respectivos controles. Os resultados mostraram que as duas cepas obtidas do ambiente de mineração possuem diferentes mecanismos de resistência. Sendo assim, A.niger VC apresentou uma redução na expressão proteica, das quais 132 foram diferencialmente expressas na presença de íons Cu2+. Por sua vez, a cepa R.microsporus VC exibiu uma superexpressão proteica, com 389 proteínas expressas na presença do metal. Nestes cultivos foram identificadas proteínas relacionadas ao choque térmico e à adsorção de metais, conhecidas como proteínas de choque térmico (HSPs) e metaloproteínas, produzidas em resposta ao estresse imposto pela presença do agente indutor de estresse. No entanto, as enzimas envolvidas na defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, identificadas na ausência de metal, são um indicativo de adaptação metabólica em resposta ao ambiente de mineração. Assim concluímos que tanto A.niger VC como R.microsporus VC, são fungos que apresentam importantes características que permitem sua utilização como agentes de biorremediação dos rejeitos de mineração.The increase in the complexity of the waste produced in the mining process, with the growing expansion of this sector in Brazil, has revealed the need for new techniques for the ecologically correct treatment of this toxic waste. Therefore, bioremediation, a low cost technique that uses endophilic microorganisms in the recovery of toxic metals, presented as an economically viable method in the treatment of metal ion-containing wastes. In this way, through proteomic analysis of the isolated fungus from the mining environment, when submitted to stress with copper ions, we can understand their physiological behavior in the bioremediation process. In this regard, Aspergillus niger VC and Rhizopus microsporus VC, isolated from the mining environment were incubated with copper ions and in result of proteomic analysis, biomarkers of oxidative stress were identified in the fungus. The proteome performed using the NanoLC-ESI-Q-TOF technique identified the expression of proteins that changed under the copper influence compared to their respective controls. The results showed that the two strains obtained from the mining environment have different resistance mechanisms. Thus, A.niger VC presented a reduction in protein expression, of which 132 were differentially expressed in the presence of Cu2+ ions. In turn, the strain R.microsporus VC exhibited a protein overexpression, with 389 proteins expressed in the metal presence. In these cultivations, proteins related to thermal shock and the adsorption of metals, known as HSPs and metalloproteins, produced in response to the stress imposed by the presence of the stress-inducing agent. However, the enzymes involved in defense against oxidative stress, identified in absence of metal, are indicative of metabolic adaptation in response to the mining environment. Therefore we conclude that both A.niger VC and R.microsporus VC are fungus that present important characteristics that allow their to be used as bioremediation agents for mining waste

    Chicken Combs and Wattles as Sources of Bioactive Peptides: Optimization of Hydrolysis, Identification by LC-ESI-MS2 and Bioactivity Assessment

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    The production of bioactive peptides from organic by-waste materials is in line with current trends devoted to guaranteeing environmental protection and a circular economy. The objectives of this study were i) to optimize the conditions for obtaining bioactive hydrolysates from chicken combs and wattles using Alcalase, ii) to identify the resulting peptides using LC-ESI-MS2 and iii) to evaluate their chelating and antioxidant activities. The hydrolysate obtained using a ratio of enzyme to substrate of 5% (w/w) and 240 min of hydrolysis showed excellent Fe2+ chelating and antioxidant capacities, reducing Fe3+ and inhibiting 2, 2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals. The mapping of ion distribution showed that a high degree of hydrolysis led to the production of peptides with m/z ≤ 400, suggesting low mass peptides or peptides with multiple charge precursor ions. The peptides derived from the proteins of cartilage like Collagen alpha-2(I), Collagen alpha-1(I), Collagen alpha-1(III) and elastin contributed to generation of bioactive compounds. Hydrolysates from chicken waste materials could be regarded as candidates to be used as ingredients to design processed foods with functional properties

    Phycoremediation of Copper by <i>Chlorella protothecoides</i> (UTEX 256): Proteomics of Protein Biosynthesis and Stress Response

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    Phycoremediation is an eco-friendly treatment for mining wastes. Copper at high concentrations is toxic for microalgae growth (bioremediation). Proteomics is a modern approach that can assist in elucidating, in detail, the highly complex metabolic mechanisms related to phycoremediation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of copper ions (Cu2+) on the metabolism of Chlorella protothecoides (UTEX 256), particularly the proteome changes. The WC culture medium supplemented with Cu2+ at 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 mg/L showed a strict correlation to Cu2+ removal of 40, 33, and 36% of the initial content, respectively. In addition, Cu2+ concentrations did not affect microalgae growth—a very traditional approach to measuring toxicity. However, the proteomics data indicated that when compared to the control, reductions in protein levels were observed, and the 10 most scored proteins were related to the light-harvesting complex. Interestingly, C. protothecoides cultivated at 0.9 mg of Cu2+/L biosynthesized the protein Ycf3-interacting chloroplastic isoform X1 to respond to the photooxidative stress and the DNA-directed RNA polymerase III subunit RPC5 was related to the Cu2+ binding. Pre-mRNA-processing factor 19 and cytochrome c peroxidase proteins were observed only in the copper-containing treatments indicating the activation of antioxidant mechanisms by reactive oxygen species, which are potential environmental pollutant biomarkers