139 research outputs found

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder in a patient with SCA type 1

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    For many years, the cerebellum was thought to be only responsible for balance, movement, planning and execution. Nowadays, it is well accepted that most cerebellar connections are involved in non-motor functions. Herein, we provide a case report in which a 27-year- -old Brazilian male, diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), has demonstrated cerebellar features that could be connected to Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA-1), an autosomal dominantpolyglutamine neurodegenerative disorder that had been previously ruled out. Since obsessive compulsive symptoms (OCS) are known to correlate with alterations in the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuitry, we propose a possible association between OCS and SCA onset


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    O discurso de ódio é um fenômeno que se expandiu no Brasil, sobretudo nas redes sociais, como forma de ataque à população nordestina. É nesse cenário que os resultados das eleições presidenciais de 2014, 2018 e 2022 representam momentos de tensão social, acirramento político e ativismo às avessas. Nesse sentido, identificou-se a necessidade de abordar aspectos relativos aos limites da liberdade de expressão em relação ao discurso de ódio, especificamente contra nordestinos nas eleições presidenciais de 2014, 2018 e 2022, bem como os efeitos decorrentes quando tais limites são infringidos. Utilizou-se o método empírico de pesquisa, sob a perspectiva hipotético-dedutiva. Partiu-se da premissa de que a expansão do debate político nas redes sociais transmutou conflitos de ordem social e geográfica para o âmbito virtual. Os resultados dessa pesquisa revelam que as hipóteses foram confirmadas e os conflitos sociais são mais efervescentes em contextos eleitorais, sobretudo por meio dos debates políticos informais das redes sociais. Contudo, sob a égide da dignidade da pessoa humana, a doutrina brasileira sedimentou uma solução para conflito de direitos fundamentais quando a liberdade de expressão se revestir de discurso de ódio e discriminação


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    Bilastine is a novel nonsedative H1-receptor antagonist, which may be used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CU). This study describes the validation of an UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of bilastine in tablets using 0.1 mol L-1 HCl as solvent. The method was specific, linear, precise, exact and robust at 210 nm, confirming that the method is fast and useful to the routine quality control of bilastine in tablets. The validate method was compared to liquid chromatography (HPLC), which was previously developed and validated to the same drug, and no significative difference between the methods using Student´s t test was found to bilastine quantitation.Bilastine is a novel nonsedative H1-receptor antagonist, which may be used for the symptomatic treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CU). This study describes the validation of an UV spectrophotometric method for quantitative determination of bilastine in tablets using 0.1 mol L-1 HCl as solvent. The method was specific, linear, precise, exact and robust at 210 nm, confirming that the method is fast and useful to the routine quality control of bilastine in tablets. The validate method was compared to liquid chromatography (HPLC), which was previously developed and validated to the same drug, and no significative difference between the methods using Student´s t test was found to bilastine quantitation

    Gender and play in public playgrounds of Salvador (BA)

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    Studies about the use of space to play in open environments have shown that boys and girls show differences in play, preference for certain kinds of spaces and in how they organize themselves. This study proposes to describe and discuss ways to use space in two playgrounds in the city of Salvador, prioritizing the issues associated with how girls and boys use them to play. Sessions of observation were registered, through focus on cursive records of the event of play and scanning observations in Tororo’s Dock and Campo Grande. There were no significant differences in the presence of boys and girls. Children played predominantly using physical exercise, with differences in the frequency of participation of segregated and mixed groups. Differences were found in the use of space based on gender, linked to the size of the available spaces and the adult’s presence.   Keywords: gender; play; public playground.Estudos sobre o uso do espaço para brincadeiras em ambientes abertos têm evidenciado que meninos e meninas apresentam diferenças nas brincadeiras, na preferência por determinados tipos de espaço e na forma de se organizar. Este trabalho se propõe a descrever e discutir as formas de uso do espaço em dois “parquinhos” na cidade de Salvador, priorizando os aspectos associados a como meninas e meninos os utilizam para brincar. Para tal foram realizadas sessões de observação, através de registro cursivo focal do evento de brincadeira e observação em varredura nos parques do Dique do Tororó e do Campo Grande. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na presença de meninos e meninas e as crianças brincaram predominantemente de brincadeiras de exercício físico, com diferenças de frequência na participação de grupos segregados e mistos. Constataram-se diferenças na ocupação do espaço relacionadas ao gênero e algumas delas associadas às dimensões dos espaços disponíveis e presença de adultos.   Palavras-chave: gênero; brincadeira; playground público

    Urban Spaces to (and of) Play: An Exploratory Study in the City of Salvador (BA)

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    With the growth of large urban centers, public spaces have become places considered unsuitable and dangerous for children and their recreational activities. This present study had investigated how children appropriate public spaces in Salvador’s city. These data was obtained through photographic records of play events in any places of city where was find children playing. The data’s collection happened in different days, being almost always made in time that exist more children in the street. Were registered 21 play events, 19 in boys groups and 2 in mixed groups. In the data analysis was opted about use combined of qualitative and quantitative methods. This study shows that the children’s use of street has gender and social class difference


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    Este trabalho tem como proposta discutir a formação de docentes do curso de geografia a partir da cartografia crítica. Além de analisar o ensino-aprendizagem da geografia nas instituições de ensino, outrossim, a desconstrução do mapa sobre a realidade do espaço, de forma a atingir uma compreensão ampla dos discentes por meio da criticidade de diferentes formas e linguagens. O objetivo deste trabalho é debater a conexão entre a cartografia crítica e o ensino de geografia por meio das contribuições realizadas no curso de extensão para a formação inicial e continuada de docentes: [ oculto para avaliação]. A metodologia aplicada para a elaboração do artigo foi baseada na revisão bibliográfica sobre a cartografia crítica e o ensino de geografia, ademais as principais propostas e estudos acerca do ensino da geografia apresentados pelos palestrantes no evento mencionado.

    Investigação da anosognosia pós acidente vascular cerebral em participantes de um grupo de reabilitação

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    Stroke is a decrease or suspension of blood supply to the brain. Anosognosia after stroke is frequent in the acute and rare chronic phase. It represents asso in way to the perception of the existence or extension of its difficulties, interfering negatively in the rehabilitation. This study evaluated anosognosia after stroke in patients of a physiotherapeutic group rehabilitation program in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. A quantitative, descriptive exploratory and cross-sectional study was carried out with 11 patients, mean age of 62.73 ± 8.09 and their families, was not from June to October 2017. The Patient Competence Rating Scale (PCRS) - Brazilian version for patients and caregivers was answered an Anamnese. We observed a discrepancy in the results of the self-perception of the patient and the perception of the children in the family, being 9.45 ± 6.80 in the PCRS. This can negatively influence a recovery. We observed a moderate negative correlation between a current age and a discrepancy of the PCRS for family and patients. Older patients had better self-perception of difficulties, this may be a result of neuroplasticity, in which they adapted to health conditions. Although not observed without study, we believe that group physical activity improving physical and psychic, which can help in the prevention of anosognosia.O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) é uma diminuição ou suspensão do aporte sanguíneo para o cérebro. A anosognosia representa as alterações em indivíduos quanto à percepção da existência ou extensão de suas dificuldades, interferindo negativamente na reabilitação. A anosognosia pós AVC é frequente na fase aguda e rara na fase crônica. Este estudo avaliou a anosognosia pós AVC em pacientes de um programa de reabilitação fisioterapêutica em grupo no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi realizado um estudo com abordagem quantitativa, com caráter descritivo exploratório e de desenho transversal com 11 pacientes, com média de idade de 62,73±8,09 e seus respectivos familiares, no período de junho a outubro de 2017. Foi respondida a Anamnese e o Mini exame do estado mental com os pacientes e para avaliar a anosognosia foi respondida o The Patient Competency Rating Scale Versão brasileira (PCRS) - para pacientes e PCRS para familiares. Observou-se discrepância nos resultados da autopercepção do paciente e a percepção dos respectivos familiares, sendo de 9,45±6,80 na PCRS. Isso pode influenciar negativamente para a recuperação. Observamos correlação moderada negativa entre a idade atual e a discrepância da PCRS para familiares e pacientes. Os pacientes mais velhos tiveram melhor auto percepção das dificuldades, isso pode ser resultado da neuroplasticidade, em que se adaptaram às condições de saúde. Apesar de não abordarmos no estudo, acreditamos que a atividade física em grupo melhora os aspectos físicos e psíquicos, o que pode ajudar na prevenção da anosognosia

    Estrutura populacional de Microgramma vacciniifolia (Langsd. & Fisch.) Copel em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Aberta no Nordeste Brasileiro

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    The species Microgramma vacciniifolia (Polypodiaceae) is found as corticicolous and/or growing-rock plant, with a wide geographic distribution, occurring throughout the Americas. The study was conducted in an Open Ombrophylous Forest fragment, located in the municipality of Areia, Paraiba State, aiming to collect data regarding the populational structure of M. vacciniifolia. To make the survey, 10 transects with six plots each with dimensions of 10 x 10 m were established. For the quantitative study, two types of analysis were focused: (I) the horizontal distribution, where were calculated the absolute density (AD), absolute frequency (AF) and Morisita Index of Dispersion (Id); (II) and vertical distribution, where were calculated the absolute frequency of individual phorophytes (AFi), the absolute frequency of specific phorophytes (AFj) and absolute frequency strata (AFe). The number of individuals was correlated with the species, height, and CBH (circumference at 1.3 m above the ground) of phorophytes, edge distance and luminosity. An analysis was made to visualize the spatial distribution of the number of individuals in the studied fragment. The interpolation of the data was made using Natural Neighbor method (NaN). The results showed that the species is well adapted to the environmental conditions of the fragment, present in its different regions. The species was found in phorophytes with different ages (CAP and height), and in all pre-established strata; The results suggest that the taxon has a wide ecological valence for different climatic factors and is able to withstand harsh environments with very different states of conservation.Microgramma vacciniifolia (Langsd. & Fisch.) Copel. pertence à família Polypodiaceae e é encontrada como corticícola e/ou rupícola, com ampla distribuição geográfica, ocorrendo em todas as Américas. O estudo foi conduzido em um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Aberta, situado no município de Areia, Paraíba, visando levantar dados referentes à estrutura populacional de M. vacciniifolia. Para o levantamento da espécie, o fragmento foi dividido em 6 regiões com 10 parcelas de 10 x 10 m cada. Para o estudo quantitativo foram feitas dois tipos de análises: (I) a distribuição horizontal, onde foram calculadas a densidade absoluta (DA), frequência absoluta (FA) e Índice de Dispersão de Morisita (Id); (II) e a distribuição vertical, onde foram calculadas as frequência absoluta sobre os forófitos individuais (FAi), frequência absoluta sobre os forófitos específicos (FAj) e freqüência absoluta por estratos (FAe). O número de indivíduos foi correlacionado com a espécie, altura, e CAP (circunferência a 1,3 m do solo) dos forófitos, distância da borda e luminosidade. Também foram feitas análises para a visualização espacial da distribuição do número de indivíduos no fragmento estudado, através de interpolação pelo método Natural Neighbor (NaN). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a espécie é bastante adaptada as condições ambientais do fragmento, estando presente em distintas regiões do mesmo. A espécie foi encontrada em forófitos, com diferentes idades (CAP e altura), e em todos os estratos preestabelecidos. Os resultados sugerem que o táxon possui uma ampla valência ecológica para diferentes fatores microclimáticos e é capaz de suportar ambientes com distintos estados de conservação

    Antifibrotic effect of Pluchea sagitallis (Lam.) cabrera aqueous extract in grx cell lineage

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    Liver fibrosis is a complex disease that is caused by inappropriate tissue repair due to the deposition of connective tissue. When a chronic lesion affects the liver, regenerative response fails and hepatocytes are replaced with abundant extracellular matrix (ECM). The imbalance between production and degradation of ECM will result in the accumulation of proteins that change normal liver architecture, and thus its functionality. The main source of ECM is the activated hepatic stellate cell (HSC). In order, to clarify possible therapeutic approaches to the disease, this work aimed to evaluate the possible antifibrotic action of Pluchea sagitallis (Lam.) Cabrera on an activated HSC immortalized lineage (GRX).Our results demonstrated that the P. sagittalis aqueous extract at 0.039 and 0.078 mg/mL concentrations was able to reduce cell growth and proliferation. Regarding to oxidative stress evaluation, there was no statistically significant difference between the treated group and the control. Staining with OilRed-O (ORO) showed a statistically significant increase in intracellular lipid content after 5 days of treatment, exerting in vitro effect on the GRX phenotypic change of activated towards the quiescent state. These results were confirmed by colorimetric quantification of lipid content. Regarding the TGF-β1 and collagen production, there were no statistically significant differences observed between the groups.In conclusion, the P. sagittalis aqueous extract reduces the growth and proliferation of GRX cells and induces the reversal of activated towards a quiescent phenotype. There was no decrease in cell proliferation either by necrosis or by apoptosis via activation of the senescence. Thus, our data suggest that the extract showed an antifibrotic effect, possibly by activating phenotype reversal

    Extracellular vesicles shed by trypanosoma brucei brucei manipulate host mononuclear cells

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    Funding Information: Funding: This study was supported by FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., through research grant PTDC/CVT-CVT/28908/2017 and by national funds within the scope of Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal (CIISA, UIDB/00276/2020) and Global Health and Tropical Medicine (GHTM, UID/04413/2020). Funding Information: This study was supported by FCT?Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., through research grant PTDC/CVT-CVT/28908/2017 and by national funds within the scope of Centro de Investiga??o Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal (CIISA, UIDB/00276/2020) and Global Health and Tropical Medicine (GHTM, UID/04413/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness is a zoonotic disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei, a protozoan parasite transmitted by Glossina spp. (tsetse fly). Parasite introduction into mammal hosts triggers a succession of events, involving both innate and adaptive immunity. Macrophages (MΦ) have a key role in innate defence since they are antigen-presenting cells and have a micro-bicidal function essential for trypanosome clearance. Adaptive immune defence is carried out by lymphocytes, especially by T cells that promote an integrated immune response. Like mammal cells, T. b. brucei parasites release extracellular vesicles (TbEVs), which carry macromolecules that can be transferred to host cells, transmitting biological information able to manipulate cell immune response. However, the exact role of TbEVs in host immune response remains poorly understood. Thus, the current study examined the effect elicited by TbEVs on MΦ and T lymphocytes. A combined approach of microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis, multiparametric flow cytometry, colourimetric assays and detailed statistical analyses were used to evaluate the influence of TbEVs in mouse mononuclear cells. It was shown that TbEVs can establish direct communication with cells of innate and adaptative immunity. TbEVs induce the differentiation of both M1-and M2-MΦ and elicit the expansion of MHCI+, MHCII+ and MHCI+ MHCII+ MΦ subpopulations. In T lymphocytes, TbEVs drive the overexpression of cell-surface CD3 and the nuclear factor FoxP3, which lead to the differentiation of regulatory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Moreover, this study indicates that T. b. brucei and TbEVs seem to display opposite but complementary effects in the host, establishing a balance between parasite growth and controlled immune response, at least during the early phase of infection.publishersversionpublishe