104 research outputs found

    On γ-Labeling of (n,t)-Kite Graph

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    Let G(V,E) be a graph of order n and size m. A γ-labeling of G is an one-to-one function f: V(G) → {0, 1, 2, …, m} that induces a labeling f’: E(G) → {1, 2, 3, …, m} of the edges of G defined by f’(e) = |f(u)-f(v)| for each edge e = uv of G. The value of a γ-labeling f is denoted by val(f) = ΣeεEf’(e). The maximum value of a γ-labeling of G is defined by valmax(G) = max{val(f) : f is a γ - labeling of G}, while the minimum value of a γ-labeling of G is defined by valmin (G) = min{val(f) : f is a γ - labeling of G}. In this paper we investigate the valmin(G) of an (n,t)-kite graph G for every integer n ≥ 3, and the lower bound of the valmax(G) of an (n,t)-kite graphs G for n =3 and n=4. Keywords: γ-labeling, (n,t)-kite graphs, Maximum value, Minimum value. Abstrak Misal G(V,E) adalah graf dengan banyak titik n dan banyak sisi m. Suatu pelabelan-γ pada graf G adalah fungsi satu-satu f: V(G) → {0, 1, 2, …, m} yang menghasilkan pelabelan f’: E(G) → {1, 2, 3, …, m} pada sisi-sisi dari G yang didefinisikan oleh f’(e) = |f(u)-f(v)| untuk setiap sisi e = uv pada G. Nilai dari pelabelan-γ f dilambangkan dengan val(f) = ΣeεEf’(e). Nilai maksimum untuk pelabelan-γ f dari graf G didefinisikan oleh valmax(G) = max{val(f) : f adalah pelabelan -γ dari G}, sedangkan nilai minimum untuk pelabelan-γ f dari G didefinisikan oleh valmin (G) = min{val(f) : f adalah pelabelan -γ dari G}. Pada artikel ini kami memberikan valmin(G) dari graf (n,t)-kite G untuk sembarang bilangan bulat n ≥ 3, dan batas bawah untuk valmax(G) dari graf (n,t)-kite G untuk n=3 dan n=4. Kata kunci: Pelabelan-γ, Graf (n,t)-kite, Nilai maksimum, Nilai minimum

    On total vertex irregularity strength of some classes of tadpole chain graphs

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    A total k-labeling f that assigns V boolean OR E into {1,2, ...,k} on graph G is named vertex irregular if wt(f)(u) not equal wt(f)(v) for dissimilar vertices u, v in G with the weights wt(f) (u) = f(u) Sigma(ux is an element of E(G)) f (ux). We call the minimum number k utilized in total labeling f as a total vertex irregularity strength of G, symbolized by tvs(G). In this research, we focus on tadpole chain graphs that are chain graphs which contain tadpole graphs in their blocks. We investigate tvs of some classes of tadpole chain graphs,. i.e., T-r(4,n) and T-r(5,n) with length r. Some formulas are derived as follows: tvs(T-r(4, n)) = inverted right perpendicular(n + 1)r + 3/3inverted left perpendicular and tvs(T-r(5, n)) = inverted right perpendicular(n + 2)r + 3/3inverted left perpendicular.Publisher's Versio


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    Problem solving is significant skill in facing 21st century. Students have different levels of problem solving. The levels that explain individual abilities in solving mathematics problems are called as cognitive level. It consists of three levels; cognition, metacognition, and epistemic cognition. The cognitive level influences individual in understanding the problem and deciding the right strategies to solve it. The material used to obtain the data is three variables linear equation system, by involving two high ability students at the tenth grade from one of the state senior high schools in Pati. This research employs qualitative method, which the data are collected through task-based interview and time triangulation is applied to validate the data. The results reveal that at the cognition level, students with high ability have an understanding related to conceptual and procedural knowledge, but the ability of students in factual knowledge is low, especially in terminology skill; at the metacognition level, the students are able to write down each strategy in each method, but it is not detail; while at the epistemic cognition level, they are able to explain the weaknesses of a method, but they have not been able to provide a solution  to overcome its weaknesses


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    This research aims to analyze the effect of relationship quality on a fashion retail store customer's loyalty in Indonesia. We further investigate the moderating role of personality traits (innovativeness, variety seeking, and relationship proneness) on the relationship between relationship quality and loyalty. An online survey utilizing a questionnaire was conducted, purposively sampled to potential respondents resulting in 1.341 valid responses. All valid data were analyzed with structural equation modelling, including the moderating effect. The findings showed that relationship quality positively affects loyalty while only the innovativeness trait moderates the relationship between relationship quality and loyalty. This research suggests that fashion retail stores should increase the relationship quality with their customer by developing customer service with an excellent standard service procedure, conducting email and social media marketing, and creating a loyalty program that emphasizes the functional benefit. Further, innovation in terms of product is also vital to maintain the fashion retail store's loyalty


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    Abstrak Kualitas air merupakan syarat utama dalam pemenuhan fungsi air untuk lingkungan dan kehidupan manusia. Penurunan kualitas air akibat pembuangan limbah cair industri makanan ke sungai dapat mempengaruhi terjadinya pencemaran. Keadaan demikian terjadi pada Sungai Murong Kecamatan Jogoroto Kabupaten Jombang yang mengalami penurunan kualitas air sungai akibat pembuangan limbah cair industri tahu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran kualitas air sungai akibat pembuangan limbah cair industri tahu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di aliran Sungai Murong Kecamatan Jogoroto Kabupaten Jombang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah aliran Sungai Murong sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah cair industri tahu. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan pemilihan sampel bedasarkan pada kriteria jarak dan sumber polutan. Metode pengumpulan data dokumentasi, observasi, dan uji laboratorium. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada enam titik sampel yang diuji dan dibandingkan dengan baku mutu air golongan III PP No. 82 Tahun 2001 air Sungai Murong mengalami pencemaran dimulai pada titik B2,B3,B4, dan C1. Titik tertinggi pencemaran terdapat pada titik B3 yang merupakan titik paling banyak mendapatkkan suplai limbah cair. Pencemaran yang tinggi ditandai dengan kadar BOD, COD, dan pH yang melampaui batas ambang baku mutu yaitu dengan kandungan pH mencapai angka 5,18, BOD 417,62 mg/l , dan COD 1087,24 mg/l. Kualitas air yang menurun mengakibatkan kerusakan pada lingkungan dan air sungai tidak dapat dimanfaatkan lagi khususnya untuk pemanfaatan air irigasi warga. Kata kunci: Kualitas Air, Pencemaran Air, Limbah Cai

    Mini UPC: acercando la universidad a los más pequeños

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    Article redactat en col.laboració amb l'àrea de Relacions Externes-CBLUn programa de la Politécnica quiere acercar a los niños cuestiones científicas y tecnológicas para dar respuesta a sus curiosidades. Los escolares envían preguntas a profesores que, mediante vídeos amenos, las responden mediante ejemplos comprensiblesPostprint (published version

    Verifica di un'ipotesi storica su base genetico-popolazionistica: la deportazione dei Liguri Apuani.

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    In questa tesi si affronta la tematica della continuità genetica tra le comunità delle valli del Nord-Ovest della Toscana (Area Apuana) e le comunità dell’Alto Sannio con le antiche tribù dei Ligures Apuani. Nonostante Titus Livius (Storia Romana XXXVIII) parli della deportazione nell’ Ager Taurasinum (Alto Sannio) di circa 47000 Ligures Apuani ad opera dei Romani nel II secolo a.C., evidenze storico-archeologiche (statue stele di tipo C) e linguistiche (la fonetica cacuminale e la presenza di toponimi pre-romani) suggeriscono una continuità tra le popolazioni che attualmente abitano le valli interne delle Apuane e le popolazioni che si stabilirono in questa zona in epoca pre-romana. L'ipotesi storica è stata testata attraverso la caratterizzazione genetica di marcatori uni-lineari in un campione di donatori non imparentati di 4 comunità Apuane (Vagli, Terrinca, Arni, Pruno, N=50) e una comunità Alto-sannitica (Circello, N=27). Il DNA estratto da cellule buccali è stato sequenziato con il metodo cycle-sequencing (BigDye Terminator v1.1 Cycle Sequencing, Applied Biosystems) per la regione ipervariabile I (HVSI) e per parte della regione ipervariabile II (HVSII) del genoma mitocondriale (siti da 15564 a 429). Le sequenze nucleotidiche sono state allineate e confrontate con la sequenza di riferimento (Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence) per assegnare l’aplotipo sulla base delle varianti polimorfiche. Parallelamente, è stata condotta un'analisi dei marcatori SNP presenti nella regione codificante con il metodo SNaPshot (SNaPshot Multiplex Kit, Applied Biosystems). Gli aplotipi HVS e SNP combinati sono stati assegnati all’aplogruppo di appartenenza e le distribuzioni aplotipiche analizzate attraverso il confronto con un database mitocondriale di 78,590 individui. I pattern di variabilità osservati a livello mitocondriale per entrambe le regioni investigate sono stati analizzati a livello continentale e regionale, utilizzando come confronto il pattern osservato per i polimorfismi della regione non ricombinante del cromosoma Y (MSY). Per verificare l’ipotesi della continuità genetica si è calcolato l’arricchimento, in campioni apuani e alto-sanniti rispetto a popolazioni di riferimento, di aplotipi mitocondriali compatibili con un isolamento riproduttivo a partire dal 180 a.C. I risultati dimostrano che tale arricchimento è osservabile ma molto più evidente a livello delle linee a trasmissione patri-lineare (MSY). Ciò indica che un isolamento genetico e culturale, anche lieve, può ancora conservare tracce del substrato genetico caratteristico delle popolazioni dell'Italia pre-Romana

    POGIL model on mathematical connection ability viewed from self-regulated learning

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    One area of education which has not escaped efforts to improve the Indonesian government is mathematics education. The Indonesian government must make good use of mathematics learning so that students can use the mathematical mindset to offset the pace of global competition. This research is an experimental research on the Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) model on the ability of mathematical connections in terms of self-regulated learning. The design used in this study was a 2 × 3 factorial. The research sample was 179 students from 7th grade in three State Junior High Schools in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The research sample consisted of an experimental group that subjected to the POGIL model and a control group that subjected to a direct learning model. This research instrument used was a written test and questionnaire. The data analysis technique used was a two-way ANOVA test with unbalanced cells and post hoc test. The results showed that: 1) the POGIL model produces better mathematical connection ability than the direct learning model, 2) Students with high category self-regulated learning have better mathematical connection ability than medium and low categories, and students with self-regulated learning the medium category have better mathematical connection ability than the low category

    Dominant Factor were Caused Eight Grade Students Errors in Solving on Cartesian Coordinate Multistep Routine and Non-Routine Modification Story Problems

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    Giving a high level modification story problems with multistep routine and non-routine problems in cartesian coordinate learning is an effort to achieve optimal learning and also important because it has good effect for students. Less than optimal learning of cartesian coordinates for eight grade it was usually represented by the frequent of student errors occurrence on an ongoing basis in solving on mathematical problems in assignments and daily tests. This research purpose was to reveal the dominant factor were caused eighth grade student errors in solving on cartesian coordinate multistep routine and non-routine modification story problems. This research is a descriptive qualitative in type. Research data collection based on survey, interview, test and documentation.  The research subjects in this research were eight grade students of SMPN 4 Wonosobo. In this research 18 students of  eight grade students SMPN 4 Wonosobo as the research sample. The sampling technique it was used in this research is purposive sampling. The results of this research indicate the dominant factor were caused eighth grade student errors in solving on cartesian coordinate multistep routine and non-routine modification story problems is students difficulties.  Students difficulties such as compiling steps to solve problems in the form of multistep story problems, understanding the position conception of starting point with a certain point, understanding the conception of a perpendicular lines and a parallel lines to the X and Y axis, determining the distance of a point to certain point. The implication of this research is can obtain information about the dominant factor were caused student errors in solving on cartesian coordinate multistep routine and non-routine modification story problems as the relation to the current idealization of mathematics learning optimization and can be able for planing another appropriate and solution steps for the implementation of mathematics learning in an effort to minimize student errors

    L(d,2,1)-Labeling of Star and Sun Graphs

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    For positive integer d, L(d,2,1)-labeling of a graph G is a function f from V(G) to the positive integers, f: V(G) {1, 2,…} such that |f(u) – f(v)| ≥ d if the distance between any 2 vertices u and v is 1 (D(u,v) =1), |f(u) – f(v)| ≥ 2 if D(u,v) = 2, and |f(u) – f(v)| ≥ 1 if D(u,v) = 3. The L(d,2,1)-labeling number kd(G) of a graph G is the smallest positive integer kd such that G has an L(d,2,1)-labeling with kd as the maximum label. This paper presents a general kd-value of stars K1,n and kd-value of sun graphs Sn for d = 3. Keywords: L(d,2,1)-Labeling, distance, L(d,2,1)-Labeling number, sun graphs, stars
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