614 research outputs found

    Praxis feminista española en internet : activismo político online contra la violencia de género

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    El texto propone un análisis sobre el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación y de Internet en la creación de espacios virtuales de lucha contra la violencia de género en España. Se describen las diferencias fundamentales entre estas comunidades feministas online y sus prácticas de activismo social; también se caracterizan los procesos que marcaron su aparición y desarrollo. El discurso que articulan estos sitios feministas demuestra el interés de fortalecer una agenda de género en dos sentidos complementarios: servir como plataformas de reclamación de derechos que potencien la acción política offline y contribuir a la reflexión y conceptualización de posturas orientadas a la praxis del movimiento feminista en la Red

    Probabilistic meta-analysis of risk from the exposure to Hg in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one of the largest per capita mercury polluters in the world as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining activities. The severity of this problem in terms of potential health effects was evaluated by means of a probabilistic risk assessment carried out in the twelve departments (or provinces) in Colombia with the largest gold production. The two exposure pathways included in the risk assessment were inhalation of elemental Hg vapors and ingestion of fish contaminated with methyl mercury. Exposure parameters for the adult population (especially rates of fish consumption) were obtained from nation-wide surveys and concentrations of Hg in air and of methyl-mercury in fish were gathered from previous scientific studies. Fish consumption varied between departments and ranged from 0 to 0.3 kg d?1. Average concentrations of total mercury in fish (70 data) ranged from 0.026 to 3.3 lg g?1. A total of 550 individual measurements of Hg in workshop air (ranging from menor queDL to 1 mg m?3) and 261 measurements of Hg in outdoor air (ranging from menor queDL to 0.652 mg m?3) were used to generate the probability distributions used as concentration terms in the calculation of risk. All but two of the distributions of Hazard Quotients (HQ) associated with ingestion of Hg-contaminated fish for the twelve regions evaluated presented median values higher than the threshold value of 1 and the 95th percentiles ranged from 4 to 90. In the case of exposure to Hg vapors, minimum values of HQ for the general population exceeded 1 in all the towns included in this study, and the HQs for miner-smelters burning the amalgam is two orders of magnitude higher, reaching values of 200 for the 95th percentile. Even acknowledging the conservative assumptions included in the risk assessment and the uncertainties associated with it, its results clearly reveal the exorbitant levels of risk endured not only by miner-smelters but also by the general population of artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

    Mecanismos de protección de los derechos en la explotación laboral de niños y mujeres por la pandemia de la Covid-19

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    La presente investigación titulada Mecanismos de Protección de los Derechos en la Explotación Laboral de niños y mujeres por la Pandemia de la Covid-19, tiene por objetivo determinar cómo implementar los mecanismos de protección de los Derechos en la Explotación Laboral de niños y mujeres por la Pandemia de la Covid-19. Para ello, se desarrolló en un enfoque cualitativo cuyo diseño correspondió a la teoría fundamentada y al análisis de casos, de tipo de estudio orientada a la comprensión y con nivel explicativo. Se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista mediante el instrumento de guía de entrevista a especialistas del área laboral y Domina, además se utilizó la técnica de análisis documental utilizado en distintos países e informes emitidos. Por lo tanto, se concluyó que se han establecido propuestas a plantear, contribuyendo en beneficio de las personas vulneradas por explotación laboral, que se enfocan en la prevención de los niños y mujeres

    Evaluación de riesgo biomecánico y percepción de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en administrativos de una universidad Bogotá (Colombia)

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    Objective: evaluate the degree of biomechanical risk regarding (the static postural load) and musculoskeletal disorders perception of administrative staff at a University in Bogotá between July and November 2013.Methods: a sample of 96 employees of the University population; Those with a permanent position held in VDT video terminals, data on perception of musculoskeletal disorders arise from the application of the Nordic Questionnaire and the ergonomic risk degree of implementing the RULA.Results: the results obtained after applying the Nordic Questionnaire show a presence of discomfort or pain in any body part with an increase in Final Prevalence (PF) and the incidence (I), segments with greater presence of symptoms were: lower back, upper back, neck, hand and right wrist.The results of application of the RULA method indicate an excessive postural load there were no acceptable positions in workers (all scores ⩾ 3). Segments with higher scores were: wrist, wrist rotation, forearm and neckConclusion: the results suggest the existence of an association between static postural loading and perceived discomfort level lower limbs in university administrative. Objetivo: evaluar la asociación entre el grado de riesgo biomecánico (carga postural estática) y la percepción de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en funcionarios administrativos en una Universidad en Bogotá (Colombia) entre Julio y Noviembre del año 2013.Métodos: estudio de corte transversal; se tomó una muestra con 96 trabajadores de la población de la Universidad, quienes tenían un puesto fijo en video terminales (VDT); los datos sobre percepción de desórdenes músculo esquelético se identifican de la aplicación del Cuestionario Nórdico y grado de riesgo ergonómico de la aplicación del método RULA.Resultados: tras aplicar el Cuestionario Nórdico se muestra presencia de molestia o dolor en algún segmento corporal con un aumento en la prevalencia de punto final (P.F) y la Incidencia (I). Los segmentos con mayor presencia de sintomatología fueron: espalda baja, espalda alta, cuello, mano muñeca derecha.Los resultados de aplicación del método RULA indican excesiva carga postural; no se observaron en los trabajadores posturas aceptables (todas las puntuaciones ⩾ 3). Los segmentos con mayor puntuación fueron: muñeca, giro de muñeca, antebrazo y cuello.Conclusión: los resultados sugieren la existencia de asociación entre la carga postural estática y la percepción de molestia a nivel de miembros inferiores en los funcionarios de la Universidad

    Plan de negocios Hotel Healty Heart

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    121 páginasThis document details a hotel business plan in the Municipality of Necoclí-Antioquia, focused on emotional well-being, based on the unification of three tourist typologies (New Age tourism, wellness tourism and individual-single tourism) in a holistic concept related to health. In this hotel, the provision of services and activities will be offered in spaces suitable for clients interesed in emotional well-being, health and peacefulness in order to achieve balance between mind, body and spirit. The chosen location allows an unparalleled calrn, add to the adaptation of its facilities to host thirty guests in individual rooms, is a promise of space full of harmony and peace. Being able to generate innovation in tourism in Colombia is one of the goals that this project wants to achieve; to traverse borders where the target is open to new experiences, it is very important for this project to be carried out, which not only wants to generate interest for investors, but also generate local employment, help the municipality grow in a correct way and be recognized in the tourism sector.Este documento detalla un plan de negocio hotelero en el Municipio de Necoclí-Antioquia, enfocado al bienestar emocional, basado en la unificación de tres tipologías turísticas (turismo New Age, turismo de bienestar y turismo individual-single) en un concepto holístico relacionado al tema de salud. En este hotel, se ofrecerá la prestación de servicios y actividades en espacios adecuados para clientes interesados en el bienestar emocional, salud y tranquilidad con el objetivo de lograr en ellos equilibrio entre mente, cuerpo y espíritu. La ubicación elegida permite una tranquilidad sin igual que junto a la adecuación de sus instalaciones para ubicar a treinta huéspedes en habitaciones individuales, prometen un espacio lleno de armonía y paz. Generar una tendencia en el turismo en Colombia es una de las metas que quiere alcanzar este proyecto; traspasar fronteras donde el público esté abierto a nuevas experiencias, es muy importante para que se lleve a cabo este proyecto, el cual no solo quiere generar intereses a los inversionistas, sino también generar empleo local, ayudar a que el municipio crezca de manera correcta y que sea reconocido turísticamente.Administrador(a) de Empresas Turísticas y HotelerasPregrad

    E. coli

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    Escherichia coli meningitis is a frequent pathology in children younger than 3 years old, but is an uncommon disease in adults. E. coli infection is the main cause of intrahospital bacteremia as a consequence of the employment of different medical procedures. Our patient, male, 69 years old, presented with fever, progressive difficulty in breathing, and shivers 24 h after transrectal prostate biopsy, with an absence of any other symptoms. He received prophylactic treatment with ciprofloxacin and later empirical treatment with ampicillin and tobramicin. After that, the patient presented with fever, headache, behavioral changes, somnolence, disorientation, a fluctuating level of conscience, cutaneous widespread pallor, and acute urinary retention. On physical exploration, we observed generalized hypoventilation, Glasgow 10, stiffness of the neck, inconclusive Kernig; the remaining neurological exploration was normal. Systematic of blood: leukocytes = 8,510/mm3 (94.5% polymorphonuclear), platelet = 87,000/mm3, pH = 7.51, pCO2 = 28.8 mmHg, pO2 = 61 mmHg, O2 saturation = 93.8%, and remaining values were normal. Chest X- ray, cranial CT scan, urine cultures were normal. Blood culture: E. coli. CSF: glucose <0.4 g/l, total proteins = 3.05 g/l, PMN = 7 cells. Microscopic examination of the CSF: Gram-negative bacilli; CSF's culture: abundant E. coli. The case of acute meningitis by multiresistant E. coli after transrectal prostate biopsy presented demonstrates that antibiotic prevention with ciprofloxacin is not absolutely risk free. Besides the use of antibiotic prevention for multiresistant microorganisms, the urologist and other physicians involved in the procedure must not forget that the rate of major complications of transrectal prostate biopsy is 1%, especially when it is performed in patients who will not benefit from that biopsy

    La construcción del sujeto víctima de la violencia de género en Youtube como acto performativo: estudio del activismo online desde el análisis multimodal

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    Resumen: El artículo quiere dar a conocer una investigación sobre la construcción discursiva del sujeto víctima en los vídeos de YouTube del canal temático de una de las comunidades virtuales feministas que en España trabaja más activamente en la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres: Ciudad de Mujeres. El trabajo analiza cómo ese sujeto víctima es interpelado en el discurso a partir de la teoría del lenguaje de odio de Judith Butler. Asimismo, se plantea un análisis semiótico multimodal de los textos audiovisuales para observar cómo se representa y conceptualiza al sujeto víctima de la violencia de género en términos de activismo y de agencia. Palabras clave: Activismo online, víctima, violencia de género, Youtube, performatividad, análisis multimodal.  Abstract: This article aims to analyze a research on the complex way in which the representation of female subjectivity has been constructed in the thematic YouTube channel of one of the most active virtual feminist communities that deal with violence against women: Ciudad de Mujeres. The analysis demonstrates that this subject is almost always interpellated by the audiovisual texts through Butler’s hate speech theory. To this end, we adopt a multimodal model of analysis with the goal of studying the verbal-visual components of the videos regarding feminist activism in the fight against violence targeting women as the subject of this activism: the victim-subject of gender-based violence. Keywords: Online activism, victim, violence against women, Youtube, performativity, multimodal analysis

    Protocol for a randomized controlled dismantling study of an internet-based intervention for depressive symptoms: exploring the contribution of behavioral activation and positive psychotherapy strategies

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    Background: there are evidence-based interventions for depression that include different components. However, the efficacy of their therapeutic components is unknown. Another important issue related to depression interventions is that, up to now, their therapeutic components have only focused on reducing negative symptoms rather than on improving positive affect and well-being. Because the low levels of positive affect are more strongly linked to depression than to other emotional disorders, it is important to include this variable as an important treatment target. Positive psychotherapeutic strategies (PPs) could help in this issue. The results obtained so far are consistent and promising, showing that Internet-based interventions are effective in treating depression. However, most of them are also multi-component, and it is important to make progress in investigating what each component contributes to the intervention. Methods: the current study will be a three-armed, simple-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial with a dismantling design. 192 participants will be randomly assigned to: a) an Internet-based Global Protocol condition, which includes traditional therapeutic components of evidence-based treatments for depression (Motivation for change, Psychoeducation, Cognitive Therapy, Behavioral Activation (BA), Relapse Prevention) and PPs component, offering strategies to enhance positive mood and promote psychological strengths; b) an Internet-based BA Protocol condition (without the PPs component), and c) an Internet-based PPs Protocol condition (without the BA component). Primary outcome measures will be the BDI-II and PANAS. Secondary outcomes will include other variables such as depression, anxiety and stress, quality of life, resilience, and wellbeing related measures. Treatment acceptance and usability will also be measured. Participants will be assessed at pre-, post-treatment, 3-, 6- and 12- month follow- ups. The data will be analyzed based on the Intention-to-treat principle. Per protocol analyses will also be performed. Discussion: to the best of our knowledge, this is the first randomized dismantling intervention study for depression with the aim of exploring the contribution of a PPs component and the BA component in an Internet-based intervention. The three protocols are online interventions, helping to reach many people who need psychological treatments and otherwise would not have access to them

    Feminist Activism and Political Uses of Web Pages on Violence against Women in Spain: an Insight from the Potential Users

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    El uso de Internet y de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación están transformando las vías de representación y movilización políticas en la praxis feminista. Sus usos, institucionales y ciudadanos, configuran y alteran la esfera pública y contribuyen a situar en dicha esfera los objetivos fundamentales del activismo feminista. En este sentido, siendo el problema de la violencia contra las mujeres uno de los principales objetos de la praxis feminista actual, urge examinar la formación de comunidades virtuales feministas y la propia praxis feminista online como instrumentos de debate y movilización en el caso concreto de la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres. Aunque en nuestra investigación proyectamos un estudio de caso, las páginas web dedicadas a la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres y la consecuente formación de comunidades virtuales asentadas en la praxis feminista, adoptamos una perspectiva multidisciplinar: la única capaz de arrojar luz sobre el potencial de Internet y las NTIC en las dimensiones reivindicativa y participativa de la praxis feminista española online. Pretendemos identificar una tipología de usuarias de dichas comunidades virtuales feministas y de sus páginas web, y, también, sistematizar sus patrones de consumo. Intentaremos explicarlos en relación con las características de la articulación de los colectivos en red orientados a la praxis feminista en España y cómo estas comunidades online han conseguido importantes logros políticos en relación con la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres como es el caso de la aprobación de la Ley Orgánica de Medidas de Protección Integral contra la Violencia de Género. Para ello hemos realizado una encuesta a una muestra representativa de las potenciales usuarias, víctimas de violencia de género, de las páginas web dedicadas a la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres sobre los usos políticos y de activismo feminista de dichas páginas. Los resultados de dicha encuesta nos permiten evaluar el impacto y los modos de relación de la praxis feminista online contra la violencia hacia las mujeres en el caso concreto de España.The use of the internet and New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) is transforming methods of political representation and mobilization in feminist praxis. Their uses, both institutional and civic, configure and alter the public sphere and work to situate this sphere within the fundamental objectives of feminist activism. In this sense, given that violence against women is one of the principal objectives of current feminist praxis, it is necessary to examine the formation of feminist virtual communities – and online feminist praxis itself – as tools for debate and mobilization in the concrete case of the fight against gender-based violence. Although what we are proposing is a case study, of web pages dedicated to the fight against gender- based violence and the consequent formation of virtual communities based on feminist praxis, we adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective: the only one capable of shedding light on the potential of the internet and NICTs in defensive and participatory dimensions of Spanish online feminist praxis. We seek, in the first place, to identify a typology of female users of the aforementioned feminist virtual communities and their web pages, and also to systematize their patterns of consumption. We will attempt to explain ourselves in relation to the articulating characteristics of online collectives oriented toward Spanish feminist praxis and the ways in which these online communities have achieved important political gains, as in the case of the approval of the Organic Law of Measures of Integral Protection against Gender- Based Violence. Toward this goal, we will apply various categories of analysis – quantitative and qualitative ¬– of users and managers, as well as the techno-political mechanisms at play, both of the web pages themselves as well as the social fabric in which they are imbricated. The primary objective is carrying out a survey on a representative population of female users of web pages dedicated to the fight against gender-based violence, regarding the uses for politics and feminist activism of such web pages, which maintain different online collectives dedicated to the fight against gender-based violence. We will attempt to achieve a level of detail that until now has not been tackled, regarding the frequency and type of websites visited, the exchange of messages and feminist praxis material via the web, and the knowledge and use of alternative electronic media