5,140 research outputs found

    Effect of airborne particle abrasion on microtensile bond strength of total-etch adhesives to human dentin

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    Aim of this study was to investigate a specific airborne particle abrasion pretreatment on dentin and its effects on microtensile bond strengths of four commercial total-etch adhesives. Midcoronal occlusal dentin of extracted human molars was used. Teeth were randomly assigned to 4 groups according to the adhesive system used: OptiBond FL (FL), OptiBond Solo Plus (SO), Prime & Bond (PB), and Riva Bond LC (RB). Specimens from each group were further divided into two subgroups: control specimens were treated with adhesive procedures; abraded specimens were pretreated with airborne particle abrasion using 50 mu m Al2O3 before adhesion. After bonding procedures, composite crowns were incrementally built up. Specimens were sectioned perpendicular to adhesive interface to producemultiple beams, which were tested under tension until failure. Data were statistically analysed. Failure mode analysis was performed. Overall comparison showed significant increase in bond strength (p < 0.001) between abraded and no-abraded specimens, independently of brand. Intrabrand comparison showed statistical increase when abraded specimens were tested compared to no-abraded ones, with the exception of PB that did not show such difference. Distribution of failure mode was relatively uniform among all subgroups. Surface treatment by airborne particle abrasion with Al2O3 particles can increase the bond strength of total-etch adhesive

    Magnus and Dyson Series for Master Integrals

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    We elaborate on the method of differential equations for evaluating Feynman integrals. We focus on systems of equations for master integrals having a linear dependence on the dimensional parameter. For these systems we identify the criteria to bring them in a canonical form, recently identified by Henn, where the dependence of the dimensional parameter is disentangled from the kinematics. The determination of the transformation and the computation of the solution are obtained by using Magnus and Dyson series expansion. We apply the method to planar and non-planar two-loop QED vertex diagrams for massive fermions, and to non-planar two-loop integrals contributing to 2 -> 2 scattering of massless particles. The extension to systems which are polynomial in the dimensional parameter is discussed as well.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, 2 ancillary files. v2: references added, typos corrected in the text and in the ancillary file

    A inconstitucionalidade e a ilegalidade da permanência da contribuição social de 10% do FGTS:exaurimento de sua finalidade

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    Esta monografia é o resultado de um estudo sobre a permanência, que pode ser entendida como ilegal e inconstitucional, da contribuição social de 10% do FGTS, incidente em todas as demissões sem justa causa dos empregados regidos pela CLT. Veremos inicialmente as características mais comuns deste instituto e seu contexto histórico dos motivos de criação. Adiante, serão discutidas as teses que demonstrarão a inconstitucionalidade superveniente do referido adicional e a perda do seu objeto, além da possibilidade de restituição de valores já pagos e a duvidosa natureza jurídica do instituto. Finalmente, serão discutidas as perspectivas futuras a respeito da manutenção ou a dissolução do tributo

    Arc-Jet Testing of Ultra-High-Temperature-Ceramics

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    The article deals with arc-jet experiments on different Ultra High Temperature Ceramics models in high enthalpy hypersonic non equilibrium flow. Typical geometries for nose tip or wing leading edges of interest for hypersonic vehicles, as rounded wedge, hemisphere and cone are considered. Temperature measurements have been performed using pyrometers, an IR thermocamera and thermocouples. Spectral emissivity has been evaluated by suitable experimental techniques. The details of the experimental set-up, the tests procedure and the measurements are discussed in the text. The UHTC materials have been tested for several minutes to temperatures up to 2050 K showing a good resistance in extreme conditions. Fundamental differences between the various model shapes have been analysed and discussed. Numerical-experimental correlations have been carried out by a CFD code, resulting in good agreement with proper modelling. The numerical rebuilding also allowed to evaluate the catalytic efficiency and the emissivity of the materials at different temperature


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    O presente artigo trata sobre a indignação social da arrecadação fiscal à luz das políticas públicas tributárias. Nessa linha, o trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a relação entre o movimento social “indignados” e as políticas públicas tributárias no Brasil. Isso porque tal fenômeno despertou nos jovens um anseio por ações concretas que impactassem a vida das pessoas, em especial no âmbito econômico, fazendo com que diversos setores fossem modificados. Para tanto, contou-se com o método dedutivo e a pesquisa bibliográfica de livros e artigos científicos qualificados, pertinentes ao tema. Fez-se uso, também, de dados de instituições oficiais, como a Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil e o Instituto de Geografia e Estatística. Ao final, concluiu-se que a mobilização social frente as mais variadas situações de indignação, se constitui como importante ferramenta para transformação das realidades sociais, estando nesse rol a própria arrecadação fiscal


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    O presente artigo trata da instituição da cidadania participativa por meio de uma política tributária, mais especificamente, o caso do Conselho Municipal de Tributos da cidade de São Paulo. Nessa linha, o trabalho tem como objetivo promover uma análise crítica acerca da relação da cidadania participativa na esfera fiscal, como meio de materialização do Estado Democrático de Direito. Assim, a partir de um exame teórico acerca de políticas públicas tributárias e da participação social, o estudo procura responder a possibilidade da instituição do segundo pelo primeiro. Para tanto, contou-se com o método dedutivo e a pesquisa bibliográfica de livros e artigos científicos qualificados, pertinentes ao tema. Ao final, concluiu-se, por conseguinte, pela possibilidade de uma política tributária instituidora de cidadania participativa, na seara fiscal

    An asymptomatic detachment of the appendix evolved to giant abscess and complete colliquative necrosis: pivotal role of computed tomography in patient management

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    Acute appendicitis (AA) is one of the most common causes of acute abdominal pain and it generally affects young males in the second or third decade of their life. Due to its often insidious presentations, the diagnosis is challenging and, if delayed, can lead to life-threatening complications. This report describes a rare case of an almost asymptomatic complicated appendicitis caused by an appendicolith followed by spontaneous detachment of the vermiform appendix and its complete colliquative necrosis with abscess formation. Thus far this is the first case of spontaneous appendix avulsion in an adult where the appendix is entirely colliquated into an abscess