11 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi EComplaint Koneksi Internet dengan Framework Flutter pada PT Remala Abadi di Kota Bekasi

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang pembuatan sistem informasi e-complaint dengan tujuan untuk membuat sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan pada telepon genggam dan dapat menampilkan proses dan hasil laporan dari penanganan keluhan pelanggan PT Remala Abadi. Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan framework Flutter dan framework Code Igniter. Metode pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan model waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi e-complaint koneksi internet yang memudahkan pengelolaan keluhan pelanggan khususnya untuk melihat alur dan proses penanganan keluhannya secara langsung dari sistem informasi e-complaint , sistem informasi e-complaint juga meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan sebanyak 80,55% terhadap layanan yang tersedia

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Uang Untuk Penyandang Tuna Netra Dengan Output Speaker

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    Money as a medium of exchange in conducting transactions is also used by persons with disabilities including the visually impaired. Blind people have limitations in the ability to identify the type of money and the authenticity of the money, so they are vulnerable to being confused, taken wrongly, vulnerable to being deceived by counterfeit money and not according to the nominal value. The use of a money detector with speaker output can help blind people to make it easier to process transactions such as trading or other economic activities. The purpose of making this tool is to develop technology for people with disabilities. The method of making this money detector includes literature study and design by trial. To make this tool, several components and modules are needed, such as Arduino Nano as the basis of this tool, ML8511 ultraviolet sensor, ultraviolet LED, TCS3200 color sensor, mini DF player, LCD, and speakers as sound output. The power supply of this tool uses DC 5V, the way this tool works is to start by attaching a banknote object to a board that has been made and designed on top of the sensors, then the ultraviolet sensor and color sensor will automatically detect the banknote, after the sensor detect then the database will match the value created in programming with the banknote object, then the LCD output will display the result and the DF player will pass the sound to the speaker. The results of the research on this tool show success in the trial process, on the results of testing the banknotes applicable in Indonesia such as the nominal Rp 1000, the accuracy rate is at 70% after 10 trials, Rp 2000, Rp 5000, Rp 10.000 is at the level of 80% accuracy, for nominal of Rp 20.000 have the highest accuracy of 90%, and Rp 50.000, Rp 100.000 have an accuracy rate of 60%. The conclusion is that the accuracy level of this tool is quite high, but it still needs to be developed for further research, this money detector is able to function properly


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    Abstrak: Teritip merupakan salah satu hewan pengotor yang umum hidup menempel pada infrastruktur buatan manusia yang teredam di dalam perairan laut. Fenomena penempelan teritip mengakibatkan kerusakan struktur bangunan pada infrastruktur di perairan laut. Tujuan penelitian ini menginventarisasi  keberadaan jenis teritip yang menempel pada infrastruktur yang ada di area pantai yang berada di Teluk kunyit, Pantai Sariringgung dan Pantai Mutun sebagai langkah awal dalam pengendalian hewan pengotor. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei selama bulan April and November 2018. Pada kedua Pantai Sariringgung dan Pantai Mutun ditemukan dua spesies teritip, Amphibalanus amphitrite dan Microeuraphia withersii. Namun, jenis teritip yang ditemukan di Teluk Kunyit hanya satu spesies Cthtamalus malayensis..Kata kunci: introduksi, biofouling, zona intertidal, Teluk Lampung.Abstract: Barnacle is the most common biofouling in the manmade  submerged structures. Barnacles are a serious problem which leading the detriment of coastal structures. The aim of the study was to  investigate the dataset of barnacale communities in Lampung shores, in order to monitor developing of biofouling. Three  coastal areas of Teluk Kunyit, Sariringgung and Mutun were investigated between April and November 2018. It was found that two species, Amphibalanus amphitrite and Microeuraphia withersii, are found in both costal areas. In contrast, only colonial species of Cthtamalus malayensis has been found abundance in Teluk kunyit area.Keywords: introduction, biofouling, intertidal zone, Lampung Ba

    Effect of rosella-based kombucha tea on the lipid profile on hyperlipidemic rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the lipid profile of white rats (Rattus norvegicus) with high-fat feed after fermentation of rosella kombucha with various concentrations. This study used 20 white male rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged two months, with rosella kombucha treatment fermented for five days at 25oC per oral. This study used Completely Randomized Design with four treatments (for 21 days) and four replications, namely: P0 = Control, rats were only given food and drink as usual (with the same type of rat feed). P1 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of rosella kombucha 50% in the morning and evening for seven days. P2 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of 75% rosella kombucha morning and afternoon for seven days. P3 = 1 ml of pork oil/day for 14 days + 1.8 ml of 100% kombucha rosella morning and afternoon for seven days. The variables measured were levels of LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein). The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA followed by Duncan Test with 95% confidence level using SPSS 16.0 software. The results showed that administration of rosella kombucha did not have a significant effect on LDL and HDL levels of white rats (Rattus norvegicus). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the 5-day fermentation of kombucha rosella with various concentrations did not affect LDL and HDL levels.

    Kebutuhan Dana Pengembangan Pertahanan Nasional

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