173 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Garam Krosok Sebagai Sumber Hara Essensial dalam Budidaya Tanaman Kelor (Moringa oleifera) di Lahan Ultisol

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    Kelor (Moringa oleifera) memiliki banyak manfaat sebagai tanaman fungsional. Budidaya tanaman kelor banyak dilakukan di lahan ultisol yang memiliki unsur hara K yang rendah karena terikat oleh senyawa lain, sehingga perlu alternatif penggantinya.  Pemanfaatan garam krosok (NaCl) sebagai sumber hara alternatif pengganti pupuk kalium (KCl) pada tanaman budidaya telah banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini akan membahas penggunaan  garam krosok pada budidaya tanaman kelor di lahan ultisol. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan RAL dengan perlakuan tunggal sebagai berikut: pemberian garam krosok G0 (0 g ),G1 (2 g),G2 (3 g) dan G3 (4 g) yang diulang sebanyak 6 kali. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi garam krosok pada tanaman kelor mempunyai dampak yang signifikan terhadap peubah  tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter lingkar batang, berat basah dan berat kering akar, batang dan daun. Perlakuan G2 (garam krosok 3 g tan-1) menghasilkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun majemuk, diameter lingkar batang, berat basah dan berat kering akar,batang dan daun terbaik. Penggunaan dosis > 3 g tan-1 menyebabkan pertumbuhan tanaman kelor terhambat

    An Error Analysis in English Department Students’ Narrative Essay

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    This study reveals a common error in English department students writing in Indonesia, particularly in one of the private universities in Padang by extracting 25 narrative essays written by the students. The respondents are English department students of STBA Prayoga who are in the fourth semester. This research is conducted to identify the most common grammatical errors within 25 essays that were submitted as writing assignments. They were 16 women and 9 men students in the fourth semester in essay writing subject. The data were collected and identified the errors. The errors are classified into several categories and presented in frequency and percentage. The research results show that one of the most errors in students’ writing is errors in word usage and followed by errors in tense, 38%, and 28% respectively. Meanwhile, errors in using article, preposition, and conjunction are the same percentage, 8%. This research result has good potential for the students and lecturers in the future to identify and use another method in learning and teaching English.&nbsp

    Aspirasi karir, Regulasi Diri, dan Self-Perceived Employability Pada Mahasiswa

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    Self-perceived employability is individual’s perceived ability to get sustainable employment appropriate to one’s qualification level. Previous researches demonstrated the importance of self-regulation in shaping self-perceived employability in emerging adulthood, when career aspirations have a significant role in career-related decisionmaking process. However, the relationships between career aspirations, self-regulation, and self-perceived employability among university students were rarely known. This study examined a theoretical model, whether self-regulation served as a partial mediator between career aspirations and self-perceived employability. Using a convenience sampling, we involved 600 university students who were at their second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth semester (68% female, M age = 19.97 years; SD = 5.57) from a university in Semarang. Structural equation associated with self-perceived employability directly and indirectly via self-regulation. It means, the higher students career aspirations, the better their self-regulation and self-perceived employability. Self-regulation also leads to higher self-perceived employability. We interpreted the findings of this study form developmental and goal-setting perspective. To promote self-perceived employability, students are recommended to boost their career aspirations and develop a good self-regulation skill. Keywords: self-perceived employability; career aspirations: self-regulation; university student


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    ABSTRACT Tabu is a prohibition to consume a particular food in a pasticular culture.Based on prelimary study at Puskesmas Nosarara Palu district of 22 patients who gave birth to delayed wound healing as many as 15 people. The purpose of this research isto know relationship between food abstinence puerperal women with perineal wound healing rate in village region Puskesmas Nosarara Palu district 2020. The research design used analytic correlation with approach cross sectional. The population in this study were all postpartum mother who gave birth to normal has perineal woundwith engineering total sampling retrived sample of 35 people. Instrument of this research are observation sheet wound healing and questionnaires. The results of this study analyzed by sperman rank. The result showed most of respodents(57,6%)didn’t food abstinence. Most of respondentas (51,4%)  have perineal normal speed wound healing. Based on bivariat analyze for relationship between food abstinence puerperal women with perineal wound healing rate with α = 0,05 obtained p value = 0,002, r = 0,571sop value<  α  means H0 rejecteddan H1accepted. Conclusion is this research there are relationship between betweenfood abstinence puerperal women with perineal wound healing rate. Based on the result of the research for clinical should improve services including healt education on the impact of abstinence eat and provide oversight regarding nutrition postpartum mother. Key word: postpartum, abstinence food, perineal woun


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    SMP Pusri Palembang merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah pertama yang hingga saat ini terus berbenah guna meningkatkan kualitas lulusannya. Dalam melakukan proses kegiatan akademik, seringkali SMP Pusri Palembang menemukan beberapa masalah, seperti dalam pengolahan data, rekapitulasi data, maupun dalam hal pelaporan. Dengan adanya permasalahan tersebut, penulis bertujuan untuk membuat suatu program Sistem Informasi Akademik yang dapat mempermudah, mempercepat, dan meminimalisir tingkat kesalahan dalam pengolahan data siswa, data guru, data nilai, data absensi, data kelas, penyusunan jadwal mata pelajaran, data konseling, dan laporan-laporan data akademik. Pada proses pengembangan digunakan metodologi iteratif sebagai acuan dalam proses analisis, design, code, implementasi, dan pemeliharaan. Pada tahap analisis permasalahan digunakan use case sebagai permodelannya. Pada tahap perancangan pemodelan proses menggunakan DFD dan pemodelan data menggunakan ERD. Pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 dan sebagai penyimpanannya menggunakan Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Hasil dari analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi ini diharapkan agar dapat mengatasi kesulitan yang dialami, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja akademik pada SMP Pusri Palembang

    Penerapan Algoritma Genetik untuk Penyelesaian Masalah Vehicle Routing di Pt.mif

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    Transportasi merupakan komponen yang vital dalam manajemen logistik suatu Perusahaan. Pengurangan biaya transportasi dapat dilakukan dengan menentukan rute pengiriman yang efisien.Penulisan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu rute pengiriman yang memiliki total jarak tempuh terpendek Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) merupakan permasalahan membentuk sekumpulan rute yang optimal dengan menggunakan model matematis berdasarkan pertimbangan jarak dan waktu.untuk dapat memperoleh solusi dari permasalahan ini digunakan algoritma genetik (GA), Genetic Algorithm dipilih karena Genetic Algorithm tidak mempunyai kriteria khusus yang dijumpai pada algoritma heuristik lainnya, maka waktu komputasi juga relatif lebih singkat, serta dapat menghasilkan beberapa alternatif solusi yang mempunyai nilai obyektif yang sama. Karena GA bersifat iteratif dan jadwal pengiriman di PT MIF berubah-ubah, maka perlu dibuat suatu program khusus untuk menyelesaikan tiap iterasi dan tiap Perubahan customer dan jadwal di PT MIF. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh rute untuk kendaraan 1 adalah dari depo menuju customer 6, customer 1, customer 18, customer 7 kemudian kembali ke depo, dengan total jarak tempuh 140km,sedangkan rute kendaraan 2 dari depo menuju customer 8 kemudian kembali lagi ke depo dengan total jarak 17,9 km. Persentase penghematan yang dapat diperoleh apabila rute hasil perhitungan metode optimasi ini diterapkan pada Perusahaan adalah sebesar 7,88 %


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    Currently families think that improving children's achievement is the responsibility of the teacher, but this cannot be justified, because the main factor that determines the success of children's learning achievement lies in the immediate environment, namely the family, especially in matters of religion, the family must instill religious basics in child's soul. In addition, families who understand religious knowledge will prefer to find their children to go to schools that tend to have religious activities. At SMP IT As-Salam Malang, it has many programs of religious activities, even though in their daily life children often meet with their families, so the role of the family is needed in improving student achievement, especially in Islamic Education. The researcher formulates the problem regarding, planning, implementing, and evaluating the role of the family in improving student achievement in Islamic education subjects at SMP IT As-Salam Malang. This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, evaluation of the role of the family in improving learning achievement in Islamic religious education subjects at SMP IT As-Salam Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of observations, interviews, and documentation that the researchers did, the family has played a very good role in helping children improve their learning achievement


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    Objective: Macaranga triloba was used by the local for diabetes, antidiabetes have strong relation with antioxidant activity, antioxidants have been shown to prevent the destruction of β-cells by inhibiting the preoxidation chain reaction, plants containing natural antioxidant (like flavonoid and alkaloid) can protect β cell function. So the objective of this study is to investigate antioxidant activity of ethyl acetate fraction of Macaranga triloba leaves and did preliminary phytochemical screening (Alkaloid and Flavonoid).Methods: Macaranga triloba leaves (Mahang damar) were collected from the local areas of Bukit Rawi Central Kalimantan. Macaranga triloba leaves were extracted using maceration methods, followed by fractionation using liquid-liquid extraction methods starting from n-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol but in this research used ethyl acetate fraction of Macaraga triloba and preliminary phytochemical screening for alkaloid used dragendorff and flavonoid used Pb Acetate. Antioxidant activity test was carried out using 1,1-diphenyl-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) with quercetin as a reference.Results: It was found that ethyl acetate fraction of Macaranga triloba leaves containing positive flavonoid that has been shown by dragendorff methode (brick red sedimen) and positive alkaloid by Pb acetate. The inhibition concentration 50 (IC50) value of ethyl acetate fraction of Macaranga triloba leaves is 56.93 ppmConclusion: Macaranga triloba leaves by preliminary screening of phytochemical containing alkaloid and flavonoid. Antioxidant activity of ethyl acetate fraction with IC50 = 56.93 ppm is weaker than quercetin (IC50 = 4.46 ppm), but still in range value of strong antioxidant activity (50-100 ppm


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    The implementation of religious culture in the school environment is one of the efforts of educators to implement character education. This research was conducted to describe the planning, implementation and evaluation of MYP learning through religious culture in SMK Ma'arif Batu City. The research was carried out using qualitative research methods with the type of case study research. The investigation was carried out at SMK Ma'arif Batu City. The results of this study are: 1) MYP teacher planning of learning through religious culture is planned at the beginning of the new school year. At that time, teachers at the Ma'arif Vocational High School prepared the tools they would use for the next year. 2) implementation of MYP learning activities through a religious culture, i.e. all students participate in BTQ (Reading and writing Quran) learning activities, following the reading of istighasah and Yasin letter. 3) Evaluation of MYP learning through religious culture for students, that is, looking at the results, as well as how students improve in carrying out activities and learning that have been applied to students.
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