178 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan dalam penulisan ini adalah bagaimana cara mengkonstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal pada sistem linear n x n dengan metode Langsung, bagaimana cara menyelesaikan sistem linear n x n yang dikonstruksi dalam bentuk Graf Aliran Sinyal dengan metode Reduksi, kelebihan dan kekurangan pada metode Reduksi dalam menyelesaikan sistem linear n x n yang dikonstruksi dalam bentuk Graf Aliran Sinyal serta menunjukkan aplikasi Graf Aliran Sinyal pada jaringan listrik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi literatur yang didapatkan dari berbagai sumber, seperti buku, internet, jurnal penelitian, karya ilmiah, dan sebagainya. Hasil penulisan ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal pada sistem linear n x n dengan metode Langsung dilakukan dengan cara menyatakan sistem linear tersebut dalam persaman matriks X = B (A+ I)] bo X Selanjutnya, persamaan matriks tersebut dijabarkan dalam bentuk persamaan-persamaan linear sedemikian sehingga didapatkan keseluruhan konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal berdasarkan persamaan-persamaan linear tersebut menurut aturan representasi. (2) Adapun penyelesaian sistem linear yang dikonstruksi dalam bentuk Graf Aliran Sinyal dengan β€’ metode Reduksi dilakukan dengan cara menghapus simpul-simpul pada konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal sampai hanya tersisa satu busur yang terdiri atas dua simpul, yaitu simpul bo dan simpul peubah xn. Reduksi simpul-simpul pada konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal tersebut terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu : reduksi pada simpul yang memuat busur gelang dan simpul yang tidak memuat busur gelang. (3) Kelebihan metode Reduksi yaitu metode ini dapat menentukan nilai peubah tertentu pada sistem linear n x n dalam bentuk konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal tanpa hares terlebih dahulu menentukan nilai peubah-peubah yang lain pada sistem linear tersebut. Kekurangan metode Reduksi yaitu metode ini hanya dapat menyelesaikan sistem linear n x n dalam bentuk konstruksi Graf Aliran Sinyal secara satu-persatu untuk setiap peubah yang terdapat pada sistem linear tersebut. (4) Aplikasi Graf Aliran Sinyal yang ditunjukkan pada penulisan ini adalah menentukan besarnya nilai tegangan keluaran yang diperlukan untuk menggerakkan sejumlah arus listrik dari titik yang satu ke titik yang lainnya pada jaringan listrik yang telah dikonstruksi dalam bentuk Graf Aliran Sinyal dengan menggunakan metode Reduks


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    Background : The evaluation method to evaluate the learning process of students are diverse, there are formative or summative , one kind of assessment method is still rarely used in nursing education is a self-assessment and peer assessment . Therefore , to determine whether the method of self-assessment and peer assessment have advantages or disadvantages the need for an investigation . Objective: This study aimed to analyze models of assessment of competence in terms of motivation infusion Methods : The study was a quantitative experiments using the True experimental approach , the population is students , sharing techniques using random treatment groups . The independent variable in this study is a self -assessment , peer assessment and motivation , while the dependent variable is the infusion of Competency . The purpose of this study was to analyze differences in selfassessment and peer assessment of competence infusion , analyzing the differences of high and low motivation to competence infusion , and to analyze the interaction between model assessment of the competence and motivation infusion . Test analysis was used to test statistical analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) two paths Results : The study showed that there were significant differences between selfassessment and peer assessment of competence infusion with the results of p = 0.000 , other results also showed a significant difference between high motivation and low motivation to competence infusion with the results of p = 0.002 , in addition to the statistical test also shows the interaction between the model and the assessment of the competence motivation infusion with p = 0.000 , in addition there are also some treatment groups was not significant with p = scores > 0.05 . Conclusion : peer assessment model better results compared with the selfassessment models , high motivation in peer assessment group had a higher mean score than the other group

    The Uniform Continuity of Characteristic Function from Convoluted Exponential Distribution with Stabilizer Constant

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    It is constructed convolution of generated random variable from independent and identically exponential distribution with stabilizer constant. The characteristic function of this distribution is obtained by using Laplace-Stieltjes transform. The uniform continuity property of characteristic function from this convolution is obtained by using analytical methods as basic properties

    Sistem Informasi Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat Dengan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial (Mpe) Dan Skala Ordinal Pada Unit Pelayanan Masyarakat

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    Sebagai penyedia layanan publik, unit pelayanan masyarakat dihadapkan pada banyak hal terkait peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik melalui kinerja pelayanan pelayanan yang baik dan kualitas produk. Untuk mengukur kinerja unit pelayanan publik, diperlukan unsur / indikator sebagai acuan untuk memberikan penilaian terhadap hasil kinerja unit pelayanan publik, di atas diperlukan suatu sistem informasi untuk membawa hasil penilaian kinerja Unit layanan Pembuatan sistem informasi adalah dengan menggunakan metode perbandingan eksponensial (MPE) dan skala ordinal, "1. Tidak Baik, 2. Kurang Bagus, 3. Bagus 4. Sangat Bagus". Dalam pelayanan kepada masyarakat yang diselenggarakan oleh unit pelayanan masyarakat, unit pengukuran kinerja pelayanan masyarakat menggunakan pedoman keputusam MENPAN (Menteri Administrasi) No: KEP / 25 / M.PAN / 2/2004 tentang pedoman umum penyusunan indeks kepuasan masyarakat Unit layanan keagenan pemerintah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pembentukan Sistem Informasi untuk Kepuasan Publik yang dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kualitas kinerja unit pelayanan publi

    Gambaran Perilaku Self Injury pada Remaja di Wilayah Sleman Yogyakarta

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    Adolescence is the transitional age from childhood to adulthood, and there are many changes during this period. The change that occurs is not only physical but also psychological. A lot of the stresses in the lives of teenagers make them look for ways to solve the problem. A teenager who can cope with problems well will go through adolescence well. However, there are some adolescents who are unable to cope with the problem, which will cause negative effects such as emotional instability. Because of these unstable emotions, teenagers use inappropriate ways to deal with their problems, such as self-harm behavior. This study aims to paint a picture of self-injury in adolescents. The study used descriptive analytical methods using the Self-Harm Inventory questionnaire for data collection. The research was carried out in the district of Sleman among teenagers aged 14–20 who were spread across 14 districts in Sleman. The total number of respondents was 1,362, taken using the cluster sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the majority of adolescents had low self-harm behaviors, with a percentage of 66.6%. However, attention should still be paid to adolescents who have high self-harm behaviors (a percentage of 3.4%). So further research is still needed to find out the various factors that affect self-injury behavior in adolescents


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    Economics, social and culture are interrelated fields in developing a country. The social and cultural conditions that grow in an area affect how the economy develops in that area and its surrounding. This study analyzed a causal relationship from 60 nascent entrepreneurs at rural area of religious tourism with Bayesian SEM to handle a small amount of data. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that entrepreneurial motivation  and cultural motivation had a significant effect on rural religious tourism. The latent variable of rural religious tourism and entrepreneurial motivation have a significant effect on SME's entrepreneurial opportunity. The entrepreneurial motivation variable has a correlation with the cultural motivation variable.This characteristics has established the Minangkabau heritage of rural area described on its strong religious tourism aspect into SME's entrepreneurial challenge of nascent entrepreneurs

    Generalized Linear Models in Determining Factors Affecting the Number of Community Visits to Health Service with Bayesian Inference Approach

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    Public health plays an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. The SDGs are a series of global targets and commitments aimed at addressing various challenges facing the world today, such as poverty, hunger, gender inequality, climate change, and others. Public health, as one of the important aspects of the SDGs, is closely linked to several sustainable development goals. Efforts made to achieve the SDGs in the health sector are to improve health services. The objective of this study was to identify factors that influence the number of community visits to health services. The data used is a small sample size as one hundred community respondents in Padang City, West Sumatra Province. In this study, the number of respondents' visits to health service was the measured variable, while the predictor variables consisted of five variables, namely the status of the implementation of clean and healthy living behavior, health history, distance to health services, type of insurance owned, and consumption patterns. The generalized linear models is used to identify predictor variables that have significance using the Bayesian inference approach. It was found that there are two predictor variables that are significant in influencing the number of community visits to health services, namely the consumption patterns of respondents and the health history of respondents. These two variables have a very dominant effect on the number of visits to health service facilities in Padang City. This result indicates the community has to pay attention to their consumption patterns and living behavior to prevent periodic disease outbreaks and take care of their health history factors

    Karakterisasi Sebaran Half-Cauchy dengan Menggunakan Fungsi Karakteristik

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    Penerapan Metode Search Engine Optimization untuk Meningkatkan Peringkat Website Portal Berita Inakoran.com di Kota Tangerang

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    Banyak website baru bermunculan termasuk portal berita media online menghadapi masalah sepi pengunjung atau kekurangan pembaca, sehingga peringkat atau rating website tersebut rendah. Akibatnya pemasang iklan enggan membelanjakan biaya iklan pada website tersebut, padahal iklan menjadi salah satu penompang bisnis media online. Portal berita Inakoran.com yang baru tiga tahun beroperasi menghadapi kendala rating rendah, sehingga tim marketing kesulitan mendapatkan pemasang iklan. Tim redaksi Inakoran.com juga belum menguasai teknologi informatika untuk mengembangkan media online ini. Hal ini mendorong tim pengabdi dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Mercu Buana untuk melaksanakan pelatihan teknologi informatika khususnya penerapan search engine optimization (SEO) untuk meningkatkan peringkat website. Pelatihan penerapan teknik SEO melibatkan 10 orang karyawan dan tim redaksi pada tanggal 17 Maret 2020 di kantor Redaksi Inakoran.com di Kelurahan Larangan Indah, Kota Tangerang, Banten. Hasilnya, pengetahuan peserta di bidang informatika khusus Teknik SEO meningkat 85,6%, dan rating Inakoran.com secara nasional naik 3.966 level, dimana sehari sebelum pelatihan yaitu tanggal 16 Maret 2020, data Alexa menunjukan rating Inakoran.com berada di urutan 21.275 secara nasional, namun dua minggu kemudian yaitu tanggal 02 April 2020, rating Inakoran naik siginifikan ke posisi urutan 17.309 secara nasional
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