146 research outputs found


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    Wajah berjerawat merupakan masalah yang sering dijumpai akibat kondisi lingkungan dan hormon. Perawatan wajah dengan menggunakan beauty instruments merupakan salah satu cara untuk menanganinya. Beauty instruments merupakan alat treatment elektronik yang dipelajari oleh peserta didik SMK Pariwisata bidang keahlian Tata Kecantikan Kulit dengan standar kompetensi melakukan perawatan wajah berjerawat dengan teknologi. Persoalannya bagaimana peserta didik SMK dapat mencapai kompetensi tersebut dengan cepat dan mudah. Pembuatan multimedia tutorial perawatan wajah berjerawat dengan beauty instruments dapat membantu mempermudah proses pembelajaran dan pemahaman peserta didik dalam penguasaan penggunaan beauty instruments untuk perawatan wajah berjerawat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Research and Development dengan teknik Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). Multimedia tutorial perawatan wajah berjerawat dengan beauty instruments telah dibuat dan dievaluasi oleh pakar dan pengguna.Validasi oleh pakar materi menunjukkan nilai 93% dan pakar multimedia memberikan hasil 83%. Pengguna multimedia merespon 93% telah merasa mudah untuk mengoperasikannya. Hasil tersebut menunjukan pada kriteria layak dengan katagori baik, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia tutorial perawatan wajah berjerawat dengan beauty instruments telah layak digunakan.----------Facial acne is a common problem that is caused by environmental conditions and hormones. Beauty facial treatment using instruments is one away to handle it. Beauty treatment tool electronic instruments is studied by students of SMK Tourism expertise Skin Beauty. They must have competence for treatment of facial acne with technology. The problem is, how do they use a media to achieve the competence standar easely and quicly. Manufacture of multimedia tutorials of acne facial treatment with beauty instruments intended to help simplify the process of learning and understanding of learners in mastering the use beauty instruments for acne skin care. The method used in this study is Research and Development by technique such as Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). The multimedia tutorial acne facial treatment with beauty instruments was made and used, then it is evaluated by validators and users.Validation results for matter and multimedia experts shows 93% validity content of matter and 83% validity performance of multimedia tutorial. The respond of the users shows 93% the user easely to operate the multimedia. It is conclude that the multimedia tutorial of facial acne with beauty instrument is valid and it can be used properly


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    Empowerment is a process of empowering communities where the community is given an ability to manage all available resources to improve the standard of living of the community itself. One form of empowerment is like what has been done in PKBM Lutfillah and has been running since 2007. The problems that will be discussed in this paper are about how to implement community empowerment through Life Skills and Entrepreneurship Programs in PKBM Luhtfillah Pahandut Urban Village, Palangka Raya City, and whatever supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Life and Entrepreneurship Skills Program at PKBM Lutfillah. The theory used in this study is using the theory of Edi Suharto (2011), namely: planned and collective activities; improve people's lives; priority for weak and disadvantaged groups; and carried out through capacity building programs. This type of research uses qualitative research methods where the purpose is to describe and analyze the implementation of Life and Entrepreneurship Skills Program in PKBM Luthfillah as well as supporting factors and inhibiting factors that influence the implementation of the program. Which in this study is data collection through observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The analysis technique is through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. The results showed that in the implementation of Life and Entrepreneurship Skills Program in PKBM Luthfillah through 3 stages, namely the recruitment of prospective participants, implementation, and closure had been going well and the benefits had really been felt by participants both to improve their thinking skills but also able improve their lives by creating a new independent business. in addition to increasing their economic income, they are also able to change their mindset so that they are more critical in fulfilling their needs by not always relying on government assistance. Supporting factors that influence the implementation of the program are; availability of tutors, availability of funds, and availability of facilities. While for the inhibiting factors is; capture power, and time constraints

    The Use of Whole Brain Teaching Method in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability

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    The objective of this research was to find out the improvement of students’ speaking skill teaching through Whole Brain Teaching method. The design used in this research was pre experimental. The population of this research was at the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 OKU and the sample were which consisted of 36 students. The researcher used purposive sampling in taking the samples. The pre-test and post-test were used as the techniques for collecting the data. Instrument in this research was an oral speaking test. Based on the result of the pre- test, the mean score of the pre-test was 56.28. The result of the post-test the mean score was 68.89. Based on the statistical analysis, the researcher found that the value of Sig.= 0,000 less than the value of Significance level (a=0,05 and df = 35). It means that  there was significantly improvement in teaching speaking by Whole Brain Teaching method at the the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 OKU.

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Rebusan Secang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) terhadap Salmonella thypii Secara In Vivo

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    One of the plant that has been used emperically for treatment was Caesalpinia sappan L“secang”. The bark of this plant contains metabolites with strong and effective antibaterial activity, namely tannin and brasilin. Two methods, namely A and B, were employed to perform the in vivo antibacterial study of this plant. In every method, there were six groups (K1-K6) which each of the group consisted of five mice. K1-K3 were the control groups consisting of control using healthy mice (K1), positive control in the presence of chloramphenicol (K2) and negative control (K3).  The test groups were K4-K6, mice in these group were treated with different concentrations of “secang” water extract at 15%, 30% and 75%, respectively.  The Salmonella thypii bacterial suspension was injected to the mice via intraperitonium adminsitration. In A method, treatment was given 2 hours after infecting the mice with the bacterial suspension, while in the B method, the treatment was given to the mice after 24 hours of bacterial infection. After 3 days of treatment, the intraperitonium fluid of the mice was taken under anaesthetic condition followed by qualitative and quantitative analysis of the biological sample obtained. Quantitative analysis via A method demonstrated that a decreased of 16.54%, 25.29 % and 25.12% in bacterial colony number was observed in the samples collected from K4, K5 and K6 respectively when compared to the respective controls.  B method showed smalled decreased (3.37 %,  9.83 % and 20.48 %) in the colony number counted. The qualitative analysis demonstrated that the isolated bacterial strain was Salmonella typhi. In conclusion, boiled water extract of secang could act as effective antibacterial agent because it inhibit the growth of Salmonella thypii under in vivo study conditions.ABSTRAK Salah satu tanaman yang secara empiris banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan adalah Caesalpinia sappan L. (Secang). Batang dari tanaman secang mengandung tanin dan brasilin, yang berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri. Uji antibakteri rebusan secang dilakukan secara in vivo menggunakan 2 metode yaitu metode A dan metode B. Setiap metode terdiri dari 6 kelompok dan setiap kelompok terdiri dari 5 ekor mencit (mus musculus) putih jantan galur DDY. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari kontrol normal (K1), kontrol positif kloramfenikol (K2), kontrol negatif (K3) dan kelompok yang diberi rebusan secang konsentrasi 15 % (K4), 30 % (K5) dan 75 % (K6). Suspensi bakteri Salmonella thypii diinfeksikan ke mencit secara intraperitonium. Pada metode A, pengobatan diberikan 2 jam setelah mencit diinfeksi bakteri, sedangkan pada metode B, pengobatan diberikan 24 jam setelah mencit diinfeksi bakteri. Setelah tiga hari pengobatan, mencit dianestesi dan cairan intraperitonium mencit diambil untuk dilakukan uji kuantitatif dan uji kualitatif. Hasil uji kuantitatif metode A menunjukkan terjadi penurunan jumlah koloni bakteri dalam cairan intraperitonium mencit pada kelompok 4 (K4), 5 (K5) dan 6 (K6) terhadap kontrol negatif (K3) sebesar 16,54 %; 25,29 % dan 25,12 %; sedangkan pada metode B sebesar 3,37 %; 9,83 % dan 20,48 %. Hasil uji kualitatif pada metode A dan metode B menunjukkan bakteri yang terisolasi dari cairan intraperitonium mencit adalah Salmonella thypii. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rebusan secang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan Salmonella thypii secara in vivo

    Upacara Kawin Gantung di Masyarakat Cipaeh Serdang Kecamatan Gunung Kaler Banten

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    Praktik pernikahan dini atau pernikahan anak di bawah umur rupanya masih marak dijumpai di Indonesia, mulai dari daerah-daerah pedalaman hingga ke kota-kota besar. Ada banyak faktor yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya praktik pernikahan dini, di antaranya adalah faktor ekonomi, pendidikan dan adat istiadat. Desa Cipaeh Serdang di Kecamatan Gunung Kaler merupakan salah satu desa yang masih mempertahankan tradisi kawin gantung. Kawin gantung merupakan sebuah pernikahan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan pria dan wanita di mana setelah pernikahan tersebut berlangsung kedua pasangan tidak langsung tinggal di dalam satu rumah. Biasanya mereka yang melaksanakan kawin gantung adalah para remaja atau anak-anak di bawah umur yang masih belum paham mengenai kehidupan berumah tangga. Tradisi ini masih dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Cipaeh Serdang hingga saat ini, sebab mereka sangat menjunjung tinggi warisan leluhur mereka. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai tradisi kawin gantung di Desa Cipaeh Serdang Kecamatan Gunung Kaler serta pandangan atau perspektif hukum mengenai pernikahan anak di bawah umur


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    Penelitian ini menyelidiki prinsip-prinsip kooperasi dan penerapannya dalam menganalisis soundtrack (Le Festin, Suis-Moi, Équation, dan Le Tour de France en Diligence) yang mengiringi film-film Perancis Ratatouille et Le Petit Prince. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterwakilan dari soundtrack tersebut terhadap cerita film. Dua pertanyaan yang diajukan, yaitu: ditinjau prinsip-prinsip kooperatif, apakah lirik soundtrack Le Festin, Suis-moi, Équation, dan Le Tour de France en Diligence, mewakili filmnya? dan, kontribusi apa yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini ke dalam mata kuliah Analyse de Discours. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori yang telah dipresentasikan oleh Grice. Grice mengklaim bahwa prinsip-prinsip kooperatif terdiri dari empat maksim, yaitu kuantitas, kualitas, relevansi, dan cara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa 35 (dari 60) data lirik mengonfirmasikan sesuai prinsip kooperatif, artinya soundtrack cukup mewakili cerita film. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini bisa menjadi bahan alternatif untuk pembelajaran Analyse de Discours dalam pembelajaran Pragmatique di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Prancis FPBS UPI. Kata kunci: lirik lagu,pragmatik, prinsip-prinsip kooperatif,soundtrack, This research investigates the cooperative principle and its application by analyzing the soundtracks (Le Festin, Suis-Moi, Équation, and Le Tour de France en Diligence) of French mo vies such as Ratatouille and Le Petit Prince. The aim of this research is to observe how representative of their movies’ storylines these soundtracks are. Two questions are taken into account; (1) do the lyrics of the soundtracks represent the movies’ storylines according to the cooperative principle? (2) what contribution can this research make to the Analyse de Discours course? This qualitative research uses literature research methods and fo llows the Grice theory of communication. Grice’s cooperative principle consists of the following four maxims; quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. As a result, 35 out of 60 utterances confirm the cooperative principle. This means that the soundtracks fairly represent the movies’ storylines. Thus, this paper can be used as an alternative material for the Analyse de Discours course as a pragmatic learning tool for the French Language & Education Department of the FPBS UPI. Keywords: cooperative principle, pragmatics, song lyrics, soundtrac

    Deixis Analysis on The Song Lyric, Driver’s License by Olivia Rodrigo

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    The aim of this research is to find out the types of deixis used in the lyrics of the song, ‘Driver’s License’ which was realized in January 8, 2021 sung by Olivia Rodrigo. The song lyrics are associated with deixis as they express the song singer's or writer's feelings or emotions represented by some expressions of human thoughts, ideas and opinions. The main theory used to analyze the types of deixis consisting of person, place, time, social, and discourse is taken from Cruse (2000). This research conducted was using a descriptive qualitative research design since the data were obtained from the lyrics of the song. The results of the research showed that the number of the data on the types of deixis found in the lyric of the song were 77 data. It consisted of 57 data (74%) on person (personal) deixis, 11 data (14,3%) on time (temporal) deixis, 7 data (9,1%) on place (spatial) deixis, and 2 data (2,6%) on social deixis, and 0 data (0%)on discourse deixis

    Implementasi Activity Based Costing System Dalam Menghitung Tarif Jasa Rawat Inap RSU “Arga Husada” Kediri

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu rumah sakit mengurangi distorsi biaya yang terjadi akibat penerapan akuntansi tradisional dengan menerapkan sistem Activity-Based Costing (ABC) dalam menghitung tarif pelayanan rawat inap. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rumah Sakit Arga Husada menerapkan tarif pelayanan rawat inap berdasarkan akuntansi tradisional yaitu dengan menjumlahkan biaya tetap, biaya variabel, dan biaya semi variabel, kemudian total biaya dibagi dengan jumlah hari rawat inap. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penerapan tarif pelayanan rawat inap dengan metode activity-based costing menghasilkan tarif kamar VIP dan kelas I yang lebih murah, sedangkan tarif kamar kelas II dan kelas III lebih tinggi dibandingkan tarif yang ditetapkan oleh Rumah Sakit Arga Husada. Tarif pelayanan rawat inap rumah sakit dengan metode activity-based costing untuk kamar tipe VIP adalah Rp. 749.373, kamar kelas I Rp. 630.770, kamar kelas II seharga Rp. 594.095, dan kamar kelas III Rp. 547.985. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan pihak manajemen rumah sakit dapat memanfaatkannya untuk mengevaluasi tarif pelayanan rawat inap dan mulai memperhatikan penggunaan sistem ABC. Kata Kunci: Penetapan Biaya Berbasis Aktivitas, Penetapan Biaya Tradisional, Tarif Pelayanan Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit  ABSTRACT This study aims to help hospitals reduce cost distortions that occur due to the application of traditional accounting by implementing an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system in calculating inpatient service rates. This research method is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews and documentation. The results showed that the “Arga Husada” Hospital applied rates for inpatient services based on traditional accounting, namely by adding up fixed costs, variable costs, and semi-variable costs, and then the total costs were divided by the number of days of hospitalization. Based on the results of the study, the application of inpatient service rates using the activity-based costing method resulted in cheaper rates for VIP and class I rooms, while resulting in higher rates for class II and class III rooms compared to the rates set by the Arga Husada Hospital. Rates for hospital inpatient services using the activity-based costing method for VIP type rooms are Rp. 749,373, class I rooms are Rp. 630,770, class II rooms are Rp. 594,095, and class III rooms are Rp. 547,985. With this research, it is hoped that hospital management can use it to evaluate inpatient service rates and start taking into account the use of the ABC system. Keywords : Activity Based Costing, Traditional Costing, Hospital Inpatient Service Rate


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    This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of grade VII students at SMPK YBPK Wonorejo, on fable writing material using chain image media. The reason is, student learning motivation is very low because the material is considered saturated, thus reducing student interest in learning. In addition, it is also influenced by teachers who are less innovative in using image media and make students less active in class. In fact, with image media is believed to increase students' interest in learning. This research is a classroom action research that uses a qualitative approach. The place where this research was carried out was at SMPK YBPK Wonorejo, with the research subjects of grade VII students totaling 13 students. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, test, and document analysis techniques. The collected data is then processed so that the conclusions can be known in each cycle. The stages of each cycle include planning, action, observation, and reflection. The results of the recapitulation in cycle I showed that 8 students (62%) successfully completed writing fables, and in cycle II there was a significant increase in which 13 students (100%) successfully completed writing fables. So, chain image media is able to increase learning motivation and learning outcomes of phase D students at SMPK YBPK Wonorejo

    The Effect of Teams Games Tournament Assisted by Flipcharts on the Cognitive Abilities of Elementary School Students

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    The problem of the lack of teacher innovation in learning is the main factor in the occurrence of a boring classroom atmosphere, so students often experience difficulties in learning certain materials. The objective of this study is to determine the cognitive abilities of elementary school students by using media and a cooperative learning model of teams games tournament. This research was conducted at SDN Wunut II Porong. True-Experimental Design with Posttest-Only Control Group Design, using quantitative research type. The sample of this study was class VI consisting of 30 students using simple random sampling data collection using instruments in multiple-choice tests containing indicators of the cognitive domain. The results showed that when compared to the posttest value of the control class using the lecture method, the experimental class using the teams games tournament type cooperative learning model assisted by flipchart had a superior value on students' cognitive abilities. It is anticipated that using the teams games tournament learning paradigm to social studies content using flipcharts will enhance student learning outcomes and strengthen cognitive skills. The success is influenced by students who are actively involved in games and competitions so as to make students excited in the learning process
