14 research outputs found

    Modeling Text Independent Speaker Identification with Vector Quantization

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    Speaker identification is one of the most important technology nowadays. Many fields such as bioinformatics and security are using speaker identification. Also, almost all electronic devices are using this technology too. Based on number of text, speaker identification divided into text dependent and text independent. On many fields, text independent is mostly used because number of text is unlimited. So, text independent is generally more challenging than text dependent. In this research, speaker identification text independent with Indonesian speaker data was modelled with Vector Quantization (VQ). In this research VQ with K-Means initialization was used. K-Means clustering also was used to initialize mean and Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering was used to identify K value for VQ. The best VQ accuracy was 59.67% when k was 5. According to the result, Indonesian language could be modelled by VQ. This research can be developed using optimization method for VQ parameters such as Genetic Algorithm or Particle Swarm Optimization

    The Knowledge, Attitudes and Usage of Complementary and Alternative Medicine of Medical Students

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    The increasing use of CAM by patients has led to an increase in teaching about CAM in medical school in the US. In preparation for initiation of a new curriculum in Integrative Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA a cross sectional survey was used to assess medical students': (i) familiarity, (ii) opinions, (iii) personal use and (iv) willingness to recommend specific CAM modalities, using a five point Likert scale of an established measure. A total of 263 first, second and third year medical students at UCLA completed surveys. Third year students reported less personal use of CAM and less favorable attitudes towards CAM than first year students. Since this was a cross-sectional rather than longitudinal study this may be a cohort effect. However, it may reflect the increased curricular emphasis on evidenced-based medicine, and subsequent student dependence on randomized clinical trials to influence and guide practice. This will need to be addressed in curricular efforts to incorporate Integrative Medicine

    Development and implementation of an herbal and natural product elective in undergraduate medical education

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medical students have consistently expressed interest in learning about alternative healing modalities, especially herbal and natural products. To fill this void in medical education at our institution, a novel elective was developed and implemented for fourth year medical students. This herbal/natural product course uses guest lecturers, classroom presentations, and active learning mechanisms that include experiential rotations, case-based learning, and team-based learning to increase student knowledge of herbal/natural product safety and efficacy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Knowledge outcomes were evaluated via administration of a pre- and post-course test (paired student <it>t</it>-test). End-of-course evaluations (Likert-type questions and narrative responses) were used to assess student opinion of knowledge and skills imparted by the elective and overall course content (mean, standard deviation).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over three academic years, 23 students have enrolled in this elective. More than 60% of participants have been female and nearly half of the students (43%) have pursued residencies in primary care. Completion of the course significantly increased student knowledge of common herbal/natural product mechanisms, uses, adverse effects, and drug-interactions as determined by a pre- and post-course knowledge assessment (45% ± 10% versus 78% ± 6%; p < 0.0001). The course was highly rated by enrollees (overall course quality, 4.6 of 5.0 ± 0.48) who appreciated the variety of activities to which they were exposed and the open classroom discussions that resulted. While students tended to view some alternative medical systems with skepticism, they still believed it was valuable to learn what these modalities encompass.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Development and implementation of a herbal/natural product elective that engages undergraduate medical students through active learning mechanisms and critical analysis of the literature has proven effective in increasing knowledge outcomes and is deemed to be a valuable curricular addition by student participants. In the future, it will be of interest to explore mechanisms for expanding the course to reach a larger number of students within the time, financial, and logistical constraints that currently exist.</p

    Pembebasan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Terhadap Alat Kesehatan Selama Pandemi Dalam Perspektif Kepastian Hukum

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Pembebasan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai terhadap Alat Kesehatan selama Pandemi dalam Perspektif Kepastian Hukum” yang menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundangundangan maupun pendekatan konsep yang pemembahasannya berfokus pada kepastian hukum pemungutan PPN serta pembebasan PPN terhadap alat kesehatan selama pandemi. Pembebasan PPN adalah salah satu bentuk fasilitas perpajakan yang diberikan pemerintah kepada wajib pajak pada periode tertentu yang diatur dalam peraturan pelaksanaan. Pembebasan PPN atas alat kesehatan merupakan kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah selama pandemi covid-19 yang bertujuan untuk percepatan penanganan pandemi covid-19 dengan mendukung tersedianya alat kesehatan. Pemerintah mengeluarkan Permenkeu No. 28/PMK.03/2020 yang kemudian dicabut dengan dikeluarkannya Permenkeu No. 143/PMK.03/2020, dan juga Permenkeu No. 34/PMK.04/2020. Namun, kebijakan yang baru ini belum jelas aturan hukumnya sehingga belum dapat menjamin perlindungan hukum bagi wajib pajak. Dengan demikian perlu diketahui kejelasan aturan hukum dan kepastian hukumnya