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    Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan penerapan model Problem Based Learning dalam pembelajaran IPS di SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Kota Bogor khususnya pada siswa kelas VI. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk mengetahui pengaruh model Problem Based Learning terhadap kemampuan perspektif global. Kegiatan pembelajaran yang berpusat kepada guru hanya akan mengabaikan siswa sebagai subjek pembelajaran yang berdampak pada aktivitas siswa sehingga siswa terlihat kurang aktif, tidak terlatih untuk berpikir kritis, dan kurang memiliki pandangan yang luas (perspektif) terhadap lingkungan di sekitarnya. Rendahnya kemampuan perspektif global, pada akhirnya menyebabkan siswa menjadi kurang cermat dalam hal mengambil keputusan dan juga memecahkan masalah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian ekperimen kuasi dengan menggunakan desain nonequivalent groups pre test - post test dari Fraenkel and Wallen (2007). Desain nonequivalent groups pre test - post test ini diawali dengan menetapkan kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol, kemudian dilakukan pre test, dilanjutkan dengan pemberian perlakuan kepada kedua kelas dan diakhiri dengan melakukan post test. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VI SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Kota Bogor. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa tes, angket, dan observasi. Instrumen penelitiannya berupa lembar tes kemampuan perspektif global, lembar angket, dan pedoman observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji-t, dan uji N gain. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model Problem Based learning terhadap kemampuan perspektif global siswa di kelas VI SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Kota Bogor dan siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap pembelajaran IPS dengan menerapkan model Problem Based Learning. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi saran bagi guru dan pihak sekolah untuk terus memfasilitasi pembelajaran IPS dengan menerapkan berbagai model pembelajaran yang relevan, terutama model Problem Based learning, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan perspektif global -------- This study related to the implementation of Problem Based Learning Model in Social Studies learning at SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Bogor City. The purpose of this study is to know about the effect of Problem Based Learning Model to student’s global perspective ability.The learning activities that centered to the teachers will ignore the students as the learner object, which impact on the students activity, so the student seemed less active, not skilled for critical thinking, and less has a broad view (perspective) with the surroundings. The lowness of the student’s global perspective ability, eventually will cause the student become less careful in terms of decision making and also solve the problem that occur in everyday life. This kind of this research is quasi experimental studies using non equivalent groups pre test – post test design begins with determine the experiment group and control group, then pre test done, followed by treatment delivery for both groups, end with post test. The subject in this research is students in grade 6 at SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Bogor City. The data collection technique is a test form, student questionnaire response, and observation. The research instrument is a global perspective ability test sheet form, questionnaire sheet student response, and observation sheet. The data analyzed using the normality test, homogenity test, t-test and also N-gain test. The result of this research shows that there is effect on global perspective ability of the Problem Based Learning Model in grade 6 SD Negeri Bantarjati 9 Bogor City and the student’s responded positively to learning IPS who apply the model Problem Based Learning. The result of this research could be the suggestions for teachers and school authorities to keep facilitating the social studies learning by implement the appropriate various learning models, especially Problem Based Learning Model, so that it could improve the student’s global perspective abilit

    Kreasi Kolase Find, Collect, and Fun Together

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    Tujuan penulisan makalah ini adalah sebagai salah satu sarana bacaan yang dapat menambah pemahaman dan keterampilan guru, khususnya guru PAUD dan SD. Bagi seorang pengajar perlu mengetahui berbagai karakteristik media pembelajaran. Media merupakan sebuah sarana yang dapat digunakan untuk memfasilitasi aktifitas belajar, di mana media dapat diartikan sebagai perantara yang menghubungkan antara guru dengan siswa. Guru sebagai pengajar hendaknya mampu memilih media yang tepat dalam proses pembelajaran. Media dapat mempengaruhi sikap, nilai emosi, dan mampu mengaktifkan siswa karena disertai dengan kegiatan pembelajaran, dan juga dapat membantu menggabungkan pengalaman belajar yang baru dengan yang sebelumnya. Media pembelajaran adalah alat komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran antara pengajar dan siswa. Media pembelajaran adalah semacam alat bantu dalam proses pembelajaran, baik di kelas maupun di luar kelas. Adapun manfaat dari penggunaan suatu media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran dapat membangkitkan motivasi dan rangsangan kegiatan belajar dan bahkan membawa pengaruh-pengaruh psikologi terhadap siswa. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan seni rupa bagi guru PAUD/TK dan SD perlu ditingkatkan demi menunjang profesionalisme. Diantara beragam pengetahuan dan keterampilan seni rupa tersebut terdapat seni kolase. Sebenarnya seni kolase merupakan jenis karya seni rupa yang sering menjadi bagian dari proses kreasi guru. Namun Kenyataannya, materi tersebut masih perlu dikembangkan sehingga pemahaman secara teoritis, apresiatif dan keterampilan dalam seni ini akan semakin meningkat


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    DEVELOPING ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF PRODUCTIVE LEARNING IN BASIC SCHOOLSThis study aims to produce competency-based assessment instruments in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects that are needed in learning subjects in elementary schools. This study uses a Research and Development (RD) approach. Data collection techniques were carried out by interview, test, observation and limited circle discussion. The population in this study were teachers in the Cluster 8 Teacher Working Group, North Bogor District. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data was obtained through construct validity using expert judgment and respondent validation. The data were analyzed by using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study show that in general the assessment system in the Cluster 8 Teacher Working Group in North Bogor District can be categorized as good, including: (1) The antecedents aspect (assessment planning) can be categorized as good. This is indicated by the average score based on the teacher's questionnaire of 2.93 from a maximum score of 4. (2) The aspects of transactions (assessment implementation) can be categorized as good. This is indicated by the average score obtained based on student questionnaires and teacher questionnaires of 3.11 from a maximum score of 4. (3) The outcomes aspect (follow-up) can be categorized as good. This is indicated by the average score acquisition based on student questionnaires and teacher questionnaires of 2.82 from a maximum score 4. The percentage of content / material validity of the instrument product is 93.45%, the percentage of the value of the validity of the instrument product design is 84.76%, very category. valid, the practicality percentage of the assessment instrument is very practical with an average value of 84.86%, the percentage of product practicality based on student responses is 82.74% with the practical category. This development research produces an instrument for assessing student learning outcomes in science learning that is valid and practical so that it can be used as a tool for evaluating or assessing student learning outcomes that is accurate in cognitive aspects. It is recommended for teachers to apply instrument products for assessment of student learning outcomes in each assessment process, such as during mid-semester and semester exams and other examinations periodically


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    Sematically educational supervision is coaching in the form of guidance or guidance towards improving the educational situation in general and improving the quality of teaching and learning and learning in particular. In general, educational administration contains various purposes that are tailored to the field and science of administration, one of which is educational administration. Every administration implementation is always directed towards the goals and objectives to be achieved. When coupled with the context of the purpose of educational administration, the role of administration is used as a supporter of the success of the implementation of education to achieve educational goals. Educational Administration deals with all materials, teacher personnel, planning, cooperation, leadership, curriculum, and student affairs and others. Everything can be managed properly if there is good educational administration, firm leadership, and it is impossible to achieve unwanted goals. If there is no good educational administration, it is impossible for everything to go well. Administration is also the main source of management in managing the teaching and learning process in an orderly manner so that the achievement of the most important goals in educational institutions and Educational Administration does not only discuss notes, finances, but how we can carry out the organizational process according to what we have planned. effectively and efficiently. Education Administration Services in schools, it can be said that they are well supported by the existence of services (1) Curriculum administration services, (2) Public Relations administration services, students at the acceptance of new students, (3) Facilities and infrastructure administration services, (4) ) Financial management, (5) Student administration services  through online which can be accessed through the Basic Education Data application. (3) Managerial Supervision in Improving Educational Administration Services in schools, with managerial supervision carried out by supervisors who have work programs in each section of educational administration services can improve the performance of educational administration services. By assessing, monitoring and fostering educational administration services in schools


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    This research aims to produce innovations in Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media on the Theme Kayanya Negeriku Subtheme of Natural Wealth Utilization in Indonesia Learning 3 class IV. The study was conducted at SD Negeri Bantarkemang 1 with 28 people in the 2022-2023 school year. This research is a Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Learning media is a device and channel as a source to convey and distribute information to students in an arranged manner to achieve the objectives of the message or information conveyed. It can create conducive and efficient learning through video, audio, and audio-visual learning media. Research begins by analyzing the needs of teaching materials, curriculum, and students, then making product designs. Then develop and validate products with experts in their fields, which are then in limited trials with respondents. The results of the validation trial stated that it was very feasible, with an average score of 97%. The results of the limited trial stated that Powtoon-based video learning media was in the excellent category, with an average score of 89%. Based on the study's results, Powtoon-based video learning media is feasible


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    SUPERVISION PROCESS TO IMPROVE THE COMPETENCE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERSThis study aims to determine the implementation of academic supervision by school principals in order to improve the competence of elementary school teachers in the city of Bogor. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. The population of this study was the principal of a public elementary school in the area of the Teacher Working Group Cluster 2, North Bogor City District. The result of this research is that the implementation of academic supervision by the principal to increase the competence of elementary school teachers has generally been carried out well. Although there are still some principals who are still not good at carrying out academic supervision for teachers. This can be seen from: a) Teachers' perceptions of the implementation of academic supervision carried out by school principals. b) Academic supervision program compiled and implemented by the principal c) The scope of academic supervision carried out by the principal to the teacher. d) Academic supervision techniques carried out by the principal of the teacher. e) Approach to academic supervision carried out by the principal to teachers. f) There are still many factors that hinder the implementation of academic supervision. Therefore, it is necessary to have a policy from the education office that requires elementary school principals to carry out academic supervision to improve the competence of elementary school teachers in the city of Bogor


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    This research aims to produce innovations in Powtoon-Based Video Learning Media on the Theme Kayanya Negeriku Subtheme of Natural Wealth Utilization in Indonesia Learning 3 class IV. The study was conducted at SD Negeri Bantarkemang 1 with 28 people in the 2022-2023 school year. This research is a Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Learning media is a device and channel as a source to convey and distribute information to students in an arranged manner to achieve the objectives of the message or information conveyed. It can create conducive and efficient learning through video, audio, and audio-visual learning media. Research begins by analyzing the needs of teaching materials, curriculum, and students, then making product designs. Then develop and validate products with experts in their fields, which are then in limited trials with respondents. The results of the validation trial stated that it was very feasible, with an average score of 97%. The results of the limited trial stated that Powtoon-based video learning media was in the excellent category, with an average score of 89%. Based on the study's results, Powtoon-based video learning media is feasible

    Increasing Letter Knowledge Ability Through Picture Letter Cards Media In Children Aged 4-5 Years At Dharma Wanita Persatuan Sumorame Kindergarten, Sidoarjo Temple: Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengenal Huruf Melalui Media Kartu Huruf Bergambar Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Dharma Wanita Persatuan Sumorame Candi Sidoarjo

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    Letter recognition is a very integrated unit of reading activity, which includes several activities such as recognizing words, associating with sounds and others. The process of recognizing letters is in line with the process of language proficiency physically and psychologically. The physical process describes the activity of observing writing visually, the child recognizes and distinguishes sound images and their combinations. Psychological process is the activity of thinking in processing information. Letter card media is a small card that contains pictures, questions, concepts or symbols that introduce or guide children to something related to the material being studied. The card is usually 8x12 cm in size or can be adjusted to the size of the face. Based on initial data at the Dharma Wanita Association of Sumorame Kindergarten, Candi Sidoarjo, there were 3 students out of 15 students who were unable to recognize letters. The results was said to be successfu

    The Pembuatan Es Krim Mangrove sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Ide Inovasi Pangan UMKM Desa Kaliwlingi

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    The Covid-19 pandemic that has hit Indonesia since 2020 has significantly impacted society's economic and tourism sectors. The Pandansari Kaliwlingi Mangrove Tourism Village is also facing a very drastic decline in income due to the effects of the pandemic. The number of tourists, a source of income for the community, has decreased, resulting in a decline in the community's economic gain. The socialization activity for making mangrove ice cream was held in collaboration between IPB KKN-T students and the Kaliwlingi Village PKK Group, a group actively involved in developing village MSMEs. This activity was held at the Kaliwlingi Village Hall, Brebes District, Brebes Regency, on July 27, 2022, and was attended by 21 women members of the PKK. The activity began with an introduction to api-api mangrove leaves, which are used as raw material for making mangrove ice cream. It continued with a demonstration of making ice cream and a preference test using the hedonic test method for the results of the mangrove ice cream that had been made. This activity generated ideas for PKK members regarding innovative mangrove ice cream food products and an understanding of their manufacture. The preference test for mangrove ice cream produced data that 61.9% of participants liked it, 23.8% liked it very much, and 14.3% liked it somewhat. The results of observations using a qualitative approach show that the community can understand how to use mangrove leaves in making mangrove ice cream, which is presented in the socialization material, and mangrove ice cream has become a food innovation idea to be developed by Kaliwlingi Village MSMEs.Pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda Indonesia sejak 2020 memberikan dampak besar terhadap sektor ekonomi dan pariwisata di masyarakat. Desa Wisata Mangrove Pandansari Kaliwlingi juga menghadapi dampak penurunan pendapatan yang sangat drastis akibat terdampak pandemi. Jumlah wisatawan yang menjadi salah satu sumber penghasilan masyarakat menurun sehingga pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat menurun. Kegiatan sosialisasi pembuatan es krim mangrove diadakan dengan kerjasama antara mahasiswa KKN-T IPB dengan Kelompok PKK Desa Kaliwlingi yang merupakan kelompok yang aktif bergerak dalam pengembangan UMKM desa. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Balai Desa Kaliwlingi, Kecamatan Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes, pada 27 Juli 2022 dan dihadiri oleh 21 orang ibu-ibu anggota PKK. Kegiatan dimulai dengan pengenalan daun mangrove api-api yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan es krim mangrove dan dilanjut dengan demonstrasi pembuatan es krim dan uji kesukaan dengan metode uji hedonik terhadap hasil es krim mangrove yang telah dibuat. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan ide untuk anggota PKK mengenai produk inovasi pangan es krim mangrove dan pemahaman terhadap pembuatannya. Uji kesukaan terhadap es krim mangrove menghasilkan data sebanyak 61,9% peserta suka dengan es krim mangrove, 23,8% sangat suka, dan 14,3% agak suka. Hasil pengamatan dengan pendekatan kualitatif menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat dapat memahami cara penggunaan daun mangrove dalam pembuatan es krim mangrove yang disampaikan dalam materi sosialisasi. Selain itu, es krim mangrove menjadi ide inovasi pangan untuk dikembangkan oleh UMKM Desa Kaliwlingi