20 research outputs found

    Lesekiste Mit ĂŒbergangsstufe (Reading Box) In German Language Learning

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    Reading activities in learning German as a foreign language are not simply done during the teaching and learning process. In European standard curriculum (GER= Germanische EuropĂ€ische Referenzrahmen), reading constitutes one of the language test items. Reading in German as a foreign language is suggested to improve students’ competence in German. Beyond that, reading also leads to the improvement of knowledge related to German culture. In order to level up and optimize the interest of high school students to learn German language, one of the strategies that can be carried out is Lesekiste mit Übergangsstufe or reading box. This box provides some texts for the students. These texts are stacked based on difficulty levels, starting from the easy towards the intermediate, and complex ones. In this activity, the students have equal access to all the texts available in the box. Furthermore, students can be asked to retell the text through “Darstellungsformen” (retelling technique) by using mind map, charts, or sketch (Skizze).  This activity is designed to achieve the improvement of teacher’s competence for the sake of the teachers themselves and for the students’ learning development. Keywords: Reading activity, German as a foreign language, Lesekiste mit Übergangsstuf

    Variants of Adobe Presenter E-Learning to Effectively Optimize the Teaching of German Language at Universities in Malang, Indonesian

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    This research is aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Adobe Presenter which contributes to the vocabulary and grammatical structure acquisition among students taking German language study in public and private universities in Malang. During the first year, the researchers focused on identifying and analysing the competency needs of college students who use Adobe Presenter e-learning and its variant. Besides, the researchers also worked on the development of teaching and learning media for distant learning or e-learning needs. The development phase includes the ‘building’ stage, which allowed researchers to develop the learning components by arranging the learning materials, as well as the reading texts, in the form of printed material, review, and learning strategy. In ‘modeling’ stage, the researchers could come up with the revised product since it had been evaluated by the experts assigned by the researchers. The other activities conducted by the researchers in this study were: gaining expert’s validation, conducting try-out, and conducting Focused Group Discussion (FGD) for internal evaluation with research team and peers. The next stage done by the researchers was the ‘maintaining’ stage which includes social validity measure. Social validity measure is focused on identifying the significance of research subjects towards the research objectives, the appropriateness of research subjects with the research procedure, and the influence of the media to meet the students’ needs. Lastly, in ‘diffusion’ stage, the researchers disseminated and demonstrated the research results based on the stages in the development of Adobe Presenter. Keywords: Adobe Presenter, E-Learning, Teaching of German languag


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Negeri Malang yang dilakukan di Sanggar Bimbingan SMP Pondok An-Nadhloh Tanjung Sepat, Selangor Malaysia bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam membimbing siswa Sanggar Bimbingan SMP An-Nadhloh agar bisa melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan baik selama menempuh Pendidikan pada Sanggar Bimbingan tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan berupa kegiatan pengenalan layanan UKS (Unit Kesehatan Sekolah) kepada siswa Sanggar Bimbingan yang bertujuan agar para siswa mengetahui pentingnya menjaga Kesehatan pada lingkungan Sanggar Bimbingan. Dari kegiatan pengabdian tersebut ditemukan hasil jika beberapa siswa mempunyai masalah Kesehatan yang mayoritas adalah tekanan darah tinggi. Tekanan darah tinggi akan menyebabkan masalah Kesehatan lanjutan yang serius apabila tidak segera dilakukan pencegahan. Dari hasil tersebut ada beberapa penyebab yang terjadi, seperti contohnya adalah kurangnya kegiatan olahraga dan konsumsi makanan yang tidak sehat. Beberapa solusi telah ditemukan untuk memperbaiki pola hidup di Sanggar Bimbingan tersebut antara lain adalah merubah menu makanan untuk sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam serta melakukan olahraga rutin minimal 1 minggu sekali. Saran untuk lanjutan kegiatan peningkatan derajat Kesehatan ini adalah dibentuknya ekstrakurikuler PMR(Palang Merah Remaja)  yang bisa membimbing para siswa untuk menerapkan pola hidup sehat di Sanggar Bimbingan SMP Pondok An-Nadhloh. Abstract: The community service activities carried out by the Malang State University community service team were carried out at the Pondok An-Nadhloh Tanjung Sepat Middle School Guidance Studio, Selangor Malaysia aim to improve students' abilities in guiding students of the An-Nadhloh Middle School Guidance Studio so they can carry out teaching and learning activities well while studying at the Guidance Studio. The community service activities carried out were in the form of an introduction to School Medical Room services for Guidance Studio students which aims to make students aware of the importance of maintaining health in the Guidance Studio environment. From these community service activities, it was found that some students had health problems, the majority of which were high blood pressure. High blood pressure will cause further serious health problems if it is not immediately prevented. From these results several causes occur, such as an example is the lack of sports activities and the consumption of unhealthy foods. Several solutions have been found to improve the lifestyle in the Guidance Studio, including changing the food menu for breakfast, lunch, also dinner and doing regular exercise at least once a week. Suggestions for continuing this activity to increase the degree of health is the establishment of the Youth Red Cross extracurricular which can guide students to adopt a healthy lifestyle at the Pondok An-Nadhloh Middle School Guidance Workshop

    Authentic Assessment pada Keterampilan Menulis Siswa Bahasa Mandarin

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    AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan implementasi penilaian autentik, kendala yang ditemukan dalam aktivitas pembelajaran, serta upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan pada keterampilan menulis bahasa Mandarin. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik wawancara, pengamatan, dan analisis dokumen. Sumber data penelitian yaitu dua orang guru bahasa Mandarin. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tahapan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian autentik pada keterampilan menulis bahasa Mandarin siswa SMA Negeri 1 Grogol, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur berfokus pada tiga hal: penerapan penilaian autentik oleh guru secara umum telah diterapkan dalam bentuk teknik penilaian sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan; kendala yang dihadapi guru berasal dari guru dan siswa, keterbatasan waktu, serta kriteria penilaian yang cukup kompleks; upaya yang dilakukan mengatasai kendala yaitu menambah referensi terkait dan mengindentifikasi standar untuk mengukur kompetensi yang diharapkan dengan pemberian fokus tugas kontekstual serta penyiapan lebih awal dan matang pada perangkat pembelajaran. AbstractThe research aimed to describe the implementation of authentic assessment, the obstacles found in learning activities, and the efforts made to overcome difficulties in writing Chinese language skills. The research method was descriptive qualitative. Data were collected using interview, observation, and document analysis techniques. The research data sources were two Mandarin teachers. Data analysis was carried out through the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that authentic assessment of the writing skills of Chinese students at SMA Negeri 1 Grogol, Kediri Regency, East Java focused on three things: the application of authentic assessment by teachers, in general, has been applied in the form of attitude, knowledge, and skills assessment techniques; the obstacles faced by teachers come from teachers and students, time constraints, and quite complex assessment criteria; efforts made to overcome the obstacles, namely adding related references and identifying standards to measure the expected competencies by providing a focus on contextual tasks as well as early and mature preparation of learning tools


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    This research is aimed at describing the various stereotypes, prejudices, and ethnocentrism which appeared in the character in the novel “Generation Golf”. The qualitative approach was applied in this research. Note reading technique was a technique used for data collection. The data analysis method was domain analysis. The result of the research indicates that there are kinds of stereotypes, prejudice and ethnocentric attitudes. Stereotypes appeared are learding to negative and positive kinds; kinds of prejudice appeared in the form of negative feelings, beliefs and actions; and ethnocentric attitudes are raised by attributing German’s culture with other nation

    Digital Tools in Language Education: A Case Study on the Integration of Whiteboard.Fi in German Language Classes at SMAN 8 Malang, Indonesia

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    This research aims to describe the utilization of Whiteboard.fi as a supporting tool in German language learning and the responses of 11th-grade students from IPA 5 class at SMAN 8 Malang during the academic year 2022/2023 when using Whiteboard.fi. The research employed a qualitative descriptive method, and data were collected through observation and questionnaire responses. The findings indicate that using Whiteboard.fi as a learning tool in German language classes creates an enjoyable learning experience. Both students and teachers actively engage in the learning process through feedback mechanisms. In their feedback, students expressed positive opinions and reported a lack of boredom during the lessons. The optimal utilization of Whiteboard.fi is achieved when accessed via a PC/laptop, as the more expansive display enhances the ease of note-taking during lessons


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    This study was conducted to explore and describe the clarity, the naturalness, the emotional expressions and the styles used in the translation of Hansel and Gretel fairytale. The data were collected through document analysis and analysed by using three main steps, namely data reduction, data display, and data conclusion and verification. The results showed that (1) there are many forms which are not clear and not easy to understand; (2) there are many forms which are correct grammatically but not natural; (3) emotion is expressed through words, phrases and sentences which describe anger, fear, sadness, joy and calmness; and (4) there are five styles used by the translator: simile, hyperbol, assonace, repetition and personification.  Permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v45i12017p06

    Edukasi dan Pengecekan Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Pengetahuan Wali Murid SBSM

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    Fasilitas kesehatan yang layak merupakan salah satu hal yang sulit untuk didapatkan oleh wali murid SBSM yang kebanyakan merupakan masyarakat Indonesia undokumen dan menyebabkan masalah kesehatan berupa rendahnya derajat kesehatan mereka. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman mereka terhadap kesehatan dan penyakit kronis yang kurang juga berdampak pada rendahnya derajat kesehatan yang mereka miliki. Selama ini, wali murid SBSM jarang mendapatkan edukasi dan pelayanan kesehatan yang menunjang derajat kesehatan mereka. Sebagai kontribusi nyata, mahasiswa KKN Internasional UM 2022 memberikan kontribusi berupa edukasi dan pengecekan kesehatan gratis untuk wali murid SBSM 5 Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan wali murid SBSM terhadap penyakit kronis dan memberikan layanan fasilitas kesehatan secara gratis kepada wali murid SBSM. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan edukasi penyakit kronis dan pengecekan kesehatan meliputi (1) pendataan peserta edukasi dan pengecekan kesehatan, (2) pengecekan tekanan darah, (3) pengecekan gula darah, kolesterol, dan asam urat dan (4) edukasi penyakit kronis. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan dampak berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman wali murid SBSM dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan wali murid SBSM dengan pengembangan pengetahuan mereka mengenai penyakit kronis. Kata kunci—Edukasi Kesehatan, Masyarakat Indonesia Undokumen, Penyakit Kronis, SBSM 5 Gombak Abstract Proper health facilities are one of the things that are difficult to obtain for parents of SBSM students, most of whom are undocumented Indonesians and cause health problems in the form of their low health status. Their lack of knowledge and understanding of health and chronic disease also has an impact on the low degree of health they have. So far, parents of SBSM students have rarely received education and health services that support their health status. As a real contribution, UM 2022 International KKN students contributed in the form of education and free health checks for parents of SBSM 5 Gombak students, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge of SBSM parents abaout chronic diseases and to provide free health care services to SBSM parents. The method used is chronic disease education and health checks including (1) data collection of education participants and health checks, (2) checking blood pressure, (3) checking blood sugar, cholesterol, and uric acid and (4) chronic disease education. This community service activity had an impact in the form of increasing the knowledge and understanding of SBSM student parents and improving the health status of SBSM student parents by developing their knowledge about chronic diseases. Keywords—Health Education, Undocumented Indonesian People, Chronic Disease, SBSM 5 Gombak ServiceFasilitas kesehatan yang layak merupakan salah satu hal yang sulit untuk didapatkan oleh wali murid SBSM yang kebanyakan merupakan masyarakat Indonesia undokumen dan menyebabkan masalah kesehatan berupa rendahnya derajat kesehatan mereka. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman mereka terhadap kesehatan dan penyakit kronis yang kurang juga berdampak pada rendahnya derajat kesehatan yang mereka miliki. Selama ini, wali murid SBSM jarang mendapatkan edukasi dan pelayanan kesehatan yang menunjang derajat kesehatan mereka. Sebagai kontribusi nyata, mahasiswa KKN Internasional UM 2022 memberikan kontribusi berupa edukasi dan pengecekan kesehatan gratis untuk wali murid SBSM 5 Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah meningkatnya pengetahuan wali murid SBSM terhadap penyakit kronis dan memberikan layanan fasilitas kesehatan secara gratis kepada wali murid SBSM. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan edukasi penyakit kronis dan pengecekan kesehatan meliputi (1) pendataan peserta edukasi dan pengecekan kesehatan, (2) pengecekan tekanan darah, (3) pengecekan gula darah, kolesterol, dan asam urat dan (4) edukasi penyakit kronis. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan dampak berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman wali murid SBSM dan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan wali murid SBSM dengan pengembangan pengetahuan mereka mengenai penyakit kronis. Kata kunci—Edukasi kesehatan, Masyarakat Indonesia undokumen, Penyakit kronis, SBSM 5 Gomba