9 research outputs found

    Biosorpsi Pb (II) Pada Jamur Trichoderma Asperrellum TNJ-63

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    Logam berat Pb2+ merupakan senyawa yang sangat beracun dan sangat berbahaya bagi makhluk hidup. Salah satu cara untuk menanggulanginya adalah dengan biosorpsi menggunakan jamur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kapasitas jerap maksimum dan model kesetimbangan biosorpsi Pb2+dengan menggunakan jamur Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63. Sejumlah jamur Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 dimasukkan ke dalam erlenmeyer yang berisi larutan Pb2+ 100 ppm pada suhu ruang dengan massa jamur yang divariasikan. Lama waktu tercapainya kesetimbangan dipelajari dengan memvariasi lama waktu penjerapan dan kecepatan pengadukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa maksimum penjerapan Pb2+ pada jamur Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 adalah sebesar 98,24%. Mekanisme proses biosorpsi Pb2+ pada Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 mengikuti model isoterm Freundlich. Kata kunci: logam berat, biosorpsi, jamur Trichoderma asperellum, isoterm Freundlich Heavy metal Pb2+ is a highly toxic substance and is very dangerous for living creatures. Biosorption with fungi is one of the abatement methods to reduce the metal contaminant in environment. The present study aimed at determining the maximum biosorption capacity and the equilibrium model of Pb2+ biosorption by Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63. Some Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 varied in amount were put into an erlenmeyer flask containing a solution of Pb2+ with an initial concentration of 100 ppm at room temperature. Variation of stirring speeds (80, 130 and 180 rpm) was also carried out to study its effect on the time required to reach equilibrium. The result showed that Pb2+ could be effectively adsorbed by Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 as the biosorbent and its biosorption could reach its maximum by as much as 98.24% (w/w). Calculation result showed that the mechanism of Pb2+ biosorption on Trichoderma asperellum TNJ-63 followed Freundlich isotherm model with an average error of 0.098%. Keywords: heavy metal, biosorption, Trichoderma asperellum, Freundlich isother


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    Functioning industrial waste as raw material or as a product is an achievement that will continue to be optimized, especially in industries where the amount of waste is significant. Pulp and paper mills produce  waste in the form of solid, sludge, liquid and gas. The objective of this research is to extract the element ferrum contained in one of the solid wastes in pulp and paper mills. By using two fatty amine extractor, lauryl amine and stearyl amine with ethanol and n-hexane as solvents. The results showed that the use of stearyl amine as an extractor and n-hexane as a solvent with operating conditions of 4 hours and a dose of 5 grams gave the best results with an extraction yield of 10,964 mg/kg

    Modification of Carbon Nanotube for Synthesis of Titania Nanotube (Tint)-Carbon Nanotube (Cnt) Composite

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    Carbon nanotube (CNT) is a material widely chosen for object of research in nano technology. Apart from its good absorbent property, CNT also has a unique structure, superior mechanic and electric properties and its high strength. The property of CNT above is to be expected to improve performance of Titania nanotube (TiNT) composite. Properties of pure CNT are hydrophobic at the surface and low dispersion stability. To improve dispersability of CNT then modification need to be modified. Adding Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant on CNT is a way to increase dispersion stability of TiNT-CNT. The objective of the research was to study influence of adding of Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) surfactant to synthesis of TiNT-CNT composite in degrading phenol compound. Pure CNT was added with CTAB surfactant in liquid, then was sonificated and dried. Surfactant Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) added CNT then composited with TiNT. Phenol degradation then tested by using TiNT-CNT (CTAB) in reactor for 4.5 hours. Then sample was characterized by employing Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and UV-vis Spectroscopy. The result of experiments from FESEM characterization showed forming of TiNT-CNT composites morphology. From X–ray Diffraction (XRD) characterization showed crystal formed on TiNT-CNT only of anatase crystal. Degradation of TiNT-NT composite (CTAB) to phenol was also studied

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Fenol terhadap Efektivitas Fotodegradasi Fenol menggunakan Komposit Titania-Carbon Nanotube (Surfaktan)

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    Senyawa aromatik dalam limbah cair industri seperti fenol dapat berkontribusi sebagai polutan yang tinggi toksisitas dan karsinogeniknya. Degradasi fenol dapat dilakukan dengan proses fotokatalisis yang dapat mengubah fenol menjadi senyawa yang tidak beracun dan ramah lingkungan. Kinerja fotokatalis titania (TiO2) ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan carbon nanotube sebagai doping pada titania. Untuk mengurangi aglomerasi carbon nanotube, permukaan carbon nanotube dimodifikasi dengan surfaktan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat komposit titania-carbon nanotube (surfaktan) dan mengevaluasi pengaruh konsentrasi awal fenol (10, 20, 30 ppm) terhadap efektivitas fotodegradasi fenol menggunakan komposit titania-carbon nanotube (surfaktan). Sintesis komposit titania–carbon nanotube (surfaktan) dilakukan dengan membentuk komposit antara TiO2 dan carbon nanotube yang telah dimodifikasi oleh surfaktan. Hasil komposit dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM, FTIR, dan XRD. Fotodegradasi fenol dilakukan pada suhu degradasi 50ºC selama 4 jam di bawah sinar UV. Sampel diambil dalam rentang waktu yang sama dan konsentrasi akhir fenol setiap sampel dianalisa menggunakan Spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Efektivitas degradasi yang paling tinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi awal 10 ppm yaitu sebesar 81%

    Effects of few layers graphene addition, aggregate size, and water acidity on the compressive strength and morphology of cellular lightweight concrete

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    Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) with the addition of Few Layers Graphene (FLG) has been fabricated and characterized for canal blocks application. The CLC-FLG composite was made by mixing fine agregate (sand), cement, fly ash, water, and FLG. The compressive strength properties of the composite was tested using a digital compressive strength test to determine the effects of FLG addition, sand size gradations, and environmental acidity on the compressive strength of the composite. Meanwhile, the composite morphology was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The increase in FLG content and concentrations increased the compressive strength. The highest compressive strength was shown by the composite with the highest FLG addition (15%) and without sand size gradation, namely 5.19 Mpa or there was an increase of 15.6% compared to CLC without the addition of FLG. The level of water acidity relatively did not affected the compressive strength of CLC-FLG composite. Morphological analysis showed that the addition of FLG resulted in a denser structure and reduced porosity of CLC. The CLC-FLG composite can be used as canal blocks materials for peatland restoration

    Strategi Reseller dalam Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk Pengkilap Mobil/Motor yang Diproduksi oleh Inkubator Bisnis Graphene Guard di Universitas Riau

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    Efforts to increase sales of car/motorcycle polish products have been carried out by the Graphene Guard business incubator. This product is a downstream research result of lecturer/researcher at the Faculty of Engineering, Riau University. As a new product and not yet known to the public, special strategies are needed to increase sales. In the initial stage, an online and offline sales strategy was carried out, but apparently it did not show encouraging results even though promotions had been carried out. It was felt that a reseller strategy needed to be implemented. The reseller strategy, especially offline resellers, was addressed to the students at Riau University with attractive prices and bonuses. This strategy generated significant sales in a relatively short time. The phenomenon where offline reseller sales results were very different from conventional sales strategies reflecting the changes in consumer behavior and increasingly complex market dynamics. Reseller marketing strategies, especially when carried out by individuals or small groups, often conveyed a strong sense of personalization and trust. In this strategy, focus was given to product advantages, customer testimonials, and real interactions. This created high levels of trust in consumers, and allowed them to feel confident in purchasing the product. This strategy can be a valuable experience for marketing of new products

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Ketapang (Terminalia catappa L.) sebagai Antibakteri untuk Produksi Sabun Cair

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    Ekstrak daun ketapang (Terminalia catappa L.) mengandung senyawa kimia antibakteri yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam memproduksi sabun cair. Tujuan penelitian ini memperoleh sabun cair dan menentukan variasi terbaik ekstrak ketapang untuk sabun cair yang memenuhi mutu sabun cair SNI 4085-2017. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental yang terdiri dari ekstrak daun ketapang dengan konsentrasi 0%, 2%, 4%, dan 6% serta KOH 25%, 30% dan 35%. Pembuatan ekstrak daun ketapang dilakukan dengan cara maserasi. Proses pembuatan sabun menggunakan metode hot process. Pengujian sabun cair meliputi uji pH, asam lemak bebas, angka lempeng total, stabilitas busa, menghitung perolehan sabun cair, dan menentukan variasi terbaik ekstrak ketapang pada sabun cair. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perolehan sabun cair terbesar terdapat pada konsentrasi KOH 30% dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 4%, yaitu 157,35 gram dan rendemen 52,45%. Variasi ekstrak daun ketapang terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi 4% pada konsentrasi KOH 25% dengan karakteristik sabun cair, yaitu pH 9,19, asam lemak bebas 1,74%, angka lempeng total 0 x 101 koloni/ml, stabilitas busa 96,26%, dan zona hambat 11 mm. Sabun cair dengan variasi ekstrak daun ketapang yang dihasilkan telah memenuhi standar SNI 4085:2017


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    Functioning industrial waste as raw material or as a product is an achievement that will continue to be optimized, especially in industries where the amount of waste is significant. Pulp and paper mills produce  waste in the form of solid, sludge, liquid and gas. The objective of this research is to extract the element ferrum contained in one of the solid wastes in pulp and paper mills. By using two fatty amine extractor, lauryl amine and stearyl amine with ethanol and n-hexane as solvents. The results showed that the use of stearyl amine as an extractor and n-hexane as a solvent with operating conditions of 4 hours and a dose of 5 grams gave the best results with an extraction yield of 10,964 mg/kg