139 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Poly(di-allylcalix[4]arene) resin as Cationic Heavy Metal

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    Phenol is one of petrochemical products which is cheap and easy to obtain. This research was done with the intention of convert phenols to valuable products which have higher economic value for example phenol transformation to calix[4]arene. Active site of calixarenes which have important role to the adsorption, extraction, and complexation are the presence of hydroxyl groups located in a line to form cyclic structure and the existence of molecule cavity forming like vase or cup shapes. With regard to calixarenes, it have proved that this compound can be used for heavy metal cationic adsorption. In the form of polymerization, the cyclic hydroxyl groups and calix[4]arenes cavity are arranged in a series forming a tunnel like structure. Based on this phenomenon, this research was carried out to synthesize calix[4]arene polymers having two allyl groups. Due to the existence of the two allyl groups, cross link reaction between calix[4]arene was taken place. This makes the molecules immobile and it can be predicted that the adsorption process for heavy metal cationic will be higher. In the first year, the synthesis of poly(di-allylcalix[4]arene) from phenol were performed in experimental series as follows: (1) Alkylation of phenol using p-tbutylchloride and AlCl3 to p-t-butylphenol, (2) Cyclotetramerization of p-tbutylphenol with NaOH and paraformaldehyde to p-butylcalix[4]arene, (3) Debutylation of p-butylcalix[4]arene using AlCl3 and phenol to tetrahydroxycalix[4]arene, (4) Allylation reaction using allylbromide to allyloxydihydroxycalix[4]arene, (5) Claisen rearrangement reaction, (6) Cationic polymerization to diallylcalix[4]arenes. The second year, the poly-diallylcalix[4]arenes were applicated as an adsorbent of heavy metal cations (Pb(II) and Cr(III)). Adsorbent used in adsorption process were three adsorbent, there are 25,26,27,26-tetrahydroxycalix[4]arene (M), poly-25-27-diallyloxy-26,28- dihidroxy[4]arene (PD) and poly-5,7-diallyl-25,26,27,28-tetrahidoxycalix[4]arene (PCD). Adsorption was carried out towards Pb(II) and Cr(III) ions in batch system. Several variables including pH, contact time and initial concentration of metal ions were determined. The optimum pH of adsorption of metal ions Pb (II) was pH 5.0 for the three adsorbents, while the adsorption of metal ions Cr (III) at pH 5.5 for adsorbent M and PCD, and those for adsorbent PD was pH 5.0. In addition, the optimum contact time of Pb (II) ion adsorption was 180 minutes for the adsorbent M, while those for the adsorbent PD and PCD were 135 minutes. The optimum contact time of Cr (III) ion adsorption were 180 minutes for the adsorbent M and PD, while those the adsorbent PCD was 135 minutes. The adsorption kinetics of Pb(II) and Cr(III) ions using three adsorbent (M, PD and PCD) followed a pseudo 2 nd order kinetics model. Furthermore, The adsorption isotherm of Pb(II) ions using three adsorbent tends to follow the Langmuir isotherm, whereas the adsorption of Cr (III) using three adsorbent tends to follow the Freundlich isotherm. The adsorption capacity of Pb(II) metal ions using M,PD and PCD were 115.03, 102.19 and 125.82 μmole/g, with adsorption energy of 27.69, 28.74 and 28.12 KJ / mole, respectively. Whlie The adsorption capacity of Cr(III) metal ions using M,PD and PCD were 163.98, 178.57 and 238.59 μmole/g, with adsorption energy of 25.63, 27.65 and 25.53 KJ / mole, respectively

    Konflik Desentralisasi Di Bidang Pendidikan Terhadap Penyalahgunaan Dana Biaya Operasional Sekolah Biaya Operasional Sekolah (Bos) Di Indonesia

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    Tujuan pendidikan Indonesia adalah mewujudkan peserta didik yang mampu membawa dampak baik bagi Indonesia, sistem pendidikan Indonesia mengalami berbagai konflik, salah satunya adalah konflik penyalahgunaan dana Biaya Operasional Sekolah (BOS). Program dana BOS adalah program pemerintah pusat yang dananya berumber dari APBN. Dana BOS mengalami beberapa masalah yang signifikan, yaitu penyaluran dana yang kurang tepat sasaran, penyalahgunaan dana oleh pemerintah setempat, serta korupsi yang terjadi di komite sekolah. Dengan lahirnya Undang-Undang NO. 32 Tahun 2004 Tentang Pemerintah Daerah, pendidikan di Indonesia mengharapkan pendidikanm lebih baik dengan sistem pendidikan yang desentralisasi. Desentralisasi Artinya pemerintah daerah mempunyai wewenang penuh terhadap perkembangan pendidikan yang lebih baik karena pelimpahan wewenang sari Pusat Ke daerah. Sumber dana BOS bukan proses dari desentralisasi melainkan dekonsentrasi. Sehingga menimbulkan kebingungan terhadap pemisahan wewenang di bidang pendidikan


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    Telah dilakukan sintesis senyawa seri poli-5-allilkaliks[4]arena yang meliputi poli-5- allil-25,26,27,28-tetrahidroksikaliks[4]arena (PK[4]H), poli-5-allilkaliks[4]-arena tetra ester (PK[4]E) dan poli-5-allilkaliks[4]arena tetra asam asetat (PK[4]A). Apakah senyawa hasil sintesis dapat digunakan sebagai adsorben baik dalam bidang industri maupun sebagai antidotum dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Sintesis seri poli-5-allilkaliks[4]arena ini dilakukan melalui tahapan reaksi: (1) sintesis p-t-butilkaliks[4]arena, (2) debutilasi, (3) sintesis 25-alliloksi-,26,27,28- trihidroksikaliks[4]arena (kaliksarena 1), (4) sintesis 5-allil-25,26,27,28- tetrahidroksikaliks[4]arena (kaliksarena 2), (5) esterifikasi kaliksarena 2 sehingga diperoleh 5- allilkaliks[4] tetraester (kaliksarena 3), (6) hidrolisis kaliksarena 3 menghasilkan 5- allilkaliks[4]arena tetra asam asetat (kaliksarena 4), (7) polimerisasi kationik terhadap kaliksarena 2,3 dan 4. Uji adsorpsi PK[4]H, PK[4]E dan PK[4]A dilakukan menggunakan metode batch, sedangkan uji aktivitas antidotum dan keamanannya dilakukan secara in vivo. Sintesis kaliksarena 1, 2, 3 dan 4 menghasilkan produk dengan rendemen 88,36%; 78,33%, 44,33% dan 84,52%. Polimerisasi kaliksarena 2, 3 dan 4 menghasilkan produk PK[4]H, PK[4]E dan PK[4]A dengan titik leleh berturut-turut 292-295, 298-300 dan 300-303 °C dan rendemen masing-masing 85, 70 dan 87,18%, serta berat molekul relatif berturut-turut 109.943; 84.510 dan 63.171 mol/g, dengan unit pengulang 273, 104 dan 91. Hasil uji adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pH terhadap proses adsorpsi berbeda-beda untuk masing- masing spesies, tergantung dari jenis adsorben dan spesies logam yang akan diadsorpsi. Kajian kinetika adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa adsorpsi ion logam Pb(II), Cd(II) dan Cr(III) menggunakan ketiga adsorben PK[4]H, PK[4]E dan PK[4]A, mengikuti model kinetika Ho, orde pseudo 2. Kapasitas maksimum adsorpsi menggunakan ketiga adsorben PK[4]H, PK[4]E dan PK[4]A mempunyai kapasitas terbesar pada adsorpsi dengan logam Cr(III) yaitu masing- masing sebesar 208,02; 197,25 dan 228,69 µmol/g, dengan energi adsorpsi berturut-turut 27,57; 27,15 dan 31,07 kJ/mol. Koefisien partisi PK[4]H pada pH 3,5 dan 7,4 berturut-turut 1,62 ± 0,1 dan 1,62 ± 0,07. Berdasarkan hasil uji in vitro penyerapan logam-logam essensial, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan PK[4]H sebagai antidotum keracunan logam Cd(II) harus disertai dengan pemberian suplemen yang mengandung Fe, Ca dan Zn. Uji toksisitas akut menunjukkan bahwa bahan uji mempunyai LD50 lebih besar dari 260 mg/kg BB mencit. Pemberian obat PK[4]H sebagai antidotum dapat menurunkan kandungan Cd dalam ginjal, hati dan darah. Uji aktivitas antidotum menunjukkan bahwa dosis efektif dari PK[4]H sebagai antidotum keracunan Cd adalah dosis 2 (0,65 mg/kg BB). Kata kunci : poli-5-allilkaliks[4]arena; adsorpsi Cd(II), Pb(II) dan Cr(III); antidotum Cd

    Mendeteksi Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan dengan Analisis Fraud Pentagon

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi kecurangan laporan keuangan yang dijelaskan dengan earning management dengan menggunakan fraud pentagon theory. Faktor kecurangan dijelaskan oleh variabel financial target, financial stability, external pressure, ineffective monitoring, nature of industry, pergantian auditor, rationalization, pergantian dewan direksi dan gambar CEO. Kecurangan sendiri diproksikan oleh earning mangement. Sampel yang digunakan berupa perusahaan perbankan dan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2013-2016. Data dikumpulkan dari laporan tahunan dan laporan keuangan dari direktori BEI. Analisis data menggunakan regresi berganda dan diolah dengan SPSS. Pada perusahaan manufaktur, financial stability, external pressure, pergantian auditor dan pergantian dewan direksi menunjukkan adanya pengaruh terhadap kecurangan laporan keuangan. Sedangkan pada perusahaan perbankan, financial target, financial stability, ineffective monitoring dan rationalization memiliki pengaruhi terhadap kecurangan laporan keuangan.    Kata kunci: fraud pentagon; fraudulent financial statement; earning managemen


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    ABSTRACTGenerally, pregnancy develops normally until delivery, but some pregnancies can be risky in certain circumstances so that antenatal care is necessary. Some pregnant women did not perform ANC (K1 and K4) allegedly because of lack of support from their husbands, lack of knowledge and negative attitudes about ANC. To determine the effect of husband's support, knowledge, and attitudes of pregnant women on Antenatal Care Visits. This study is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. It was conducted in Tandem Hulu I Village, Hamparan Perak Subdistrict, with the research time being February 2020. The population of this study were all third trimester pregnant women in Tandem Hulu I Village, namely 38 people and all of them were taken as the sample. The data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate with chi-square test, and multivariate using multiple logistic regression tests at the 95% confidence level (= 0.05). The study showed that the majority of ANC visits by pregnant women were not according to standards (52.6%), which were according to standards (47.4%). ANC visit of pregnant women in Hamparan Perak Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency was influenced by husband's support (p = 0.033), and knowledge (p = 0.004), while attitudes had no effect (p = 0.156). Knowledge variable was the most dominant variable affecting ANC visits. Pregnant women with good knowledge had a 13.7 times higher chance of making ANC visits according to standards than pregnant women with less knowledge. The probability of pregnant women visiting ANC according to standards was 90.99% if the husband's support was good and the mother's knowledge was good. Husband's support and knowledge of pregnant women affect ANC visit in Tandem Hulu I Village, Hamparan Perak District. Keywords: Husband's Support, Knowledge, Attitude, ANC Visi

    Sistem Informasi Pariwisata Kabupaten Magelang Berbasis Web

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    Magelang is the Regency of Central Java Province. As a tourist destinations, Magelang has a lot of natural resources, culture, and exciting attractions. Tourism sector is one of aspect that can increase local revenue. Currently, the potential development of the tourist area in Magelang is still not widely known by the public, both inside and outside of the country. The tourists will have difficulty in determining travel planning because the information provided is not complete. Travelers need information systems that is more rapid, precise, and complete so that travelers know the description of tourist areas to be visited. The data is being collected by using purposive sampling method. Testing the credibility of the data with source triangulation techniques. The programming language used HTML, PHP, and CSS. Database used MySQL and the XAMPP Control Panel as a server at localhost. The data collected through interviews and observation in Magelang Regency.Tourism Information System Magelang Regency Based Web has been implemented so that visitors can find out information location on tourist attraction, tourist services (hotel, gas station, and restaurant), and directions road using Google Maps. This system also can be used as a means of travel guides for tourist who visit and can help in publicizing tourism potential in the Regency of Magelan

    Pengaruh Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 1 Teras, Boyolali Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Science education is a skill processing science, including product, process, scientific attitudes, facts, concepts, principles, laws, and theories. Science learning is the science process skills of observation, communication, clarification, measure, prediction, and summarize. PBL helping science education through observation, clarification, interpretation, prediction, implementation, planning a research, cooperation, critical thinking, and analytical. This research had purpose to understand the effect of PBL to the result of learning science VIII grade students of SMPN 1 Teras, Boyolali second semester of the 2015/2016 academic year. This research is kind of experimental research. Design of research used true experimental design that is Randomized Posttest Only Control Group by comparing the results of class learning with PBL and without it PBL. Study result of science class that using PBL had average score 81.01 ± 5.14 higher than class without PBL that only had average 77.22 ± 5.41. Based on hypothesis Independent Sample T-Test, the result of science learning had score Asymp.Sig value. 0,005 < constant of 0.05, so H0 rejected and Ha accepted. It is said there are differences in class learning with PBL and without PBL. Thus it can be concluded there was an effect of PBL concern to result of learning science VIII grade students of SMPN 1 Teras, Boyolali second semester of the 2015/2016 academic year

    Analisis Yuridis Tentang Pendirian Yayasan Pendidikan Setelah Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 Tentang Yayasan

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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah normatif bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan undang-undang. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang terdiri dari: Pertama, bahan hukum primer,dan bahan hukum sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan Persepsi dan pengetahuan masyarakat (pengurus yayasan) atas keberadaan Undangundang Yayasan belum berbanding lurus dengan pengetahuannya atas substansi yang dirubah. UU Nomor 28 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Atas UU Nomor 16 Tahun 2001 tentang yayasan menyatakan bahwa setiap yayasan adalah sebuah badan hukum yang mengikuti prosedur dan mekanisme yang sudah diatur dalam undang-undang dimaksud. Salah satunya adalah mewajibkan setiap yayasan untuk mendaftar dan menyesuaikan anggaran dasarnya sekaligus mendapatkan pengesahan dari Kementerian Hukum dan HAM. Sehingga kapasitasnya dapat dianggap sebagai badan hukum dan sebagai salah satu bentuk pertanggung jawaban terhadap publik. Konsekuensinya adalah setiap yayasan pendidikan dan atau melalui notaris yang membuat akta pendiriannya harus menyesuaikan anggaran dasarnya sesuai dengan ketentuan UU Yayasan. Hal inilah tentunya yang harus dipahami oleh setiap satuan penyelengga pendidikan

    Analisis Pengaruh Tax Planning Terhadap Ekuitas Perusahaan

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of tax planning toward equity. The data used in this research is the secondary data obtained from the financial reports of the companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2010-2015. The sampling technique is done by using purposive sampling. From the test, it can be concluded that the percentage of corporate tax payers in Indonesia Stock Exchange which made tax planning was 53,8%. From the test result of panel data regression model coefficients with fixed effect model approach, the probability value is 0,0006 which is smaller than 0,05. This result concludes that the hypothesis is accepted, that tax planning effects significantly towards corporate equity. The R square test results show that tax planning variable can contribute in effecting the equity as much as 91,5%

    perbankan syariah

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