50 research outputs found

    Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis of Sandwich Beam With MR Core

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    The present study deals with the buckling and free vibration analysis of sandwich beam with Magneto rheological fluid as a core material. Beam with different boundary conditions such as Fixed-fixed, fixed-pinned, fixed-free and pinned-pinned has been investigated. The beam is modelled with the help of finite element method where each node of sandwich beam contain six degree of freedom. By using Hamilton principle governing equation of motion is derived with a help of FEM. A ten element discretization satisfy the convergence requirement and validation of formulation is done by comparing first three natural frequency with those available in literature. The effect of core thickness parameter, magnetic field strength and shear parameter on buckling load parameter, natural frequency parameter and modal loss factor have been studied

    IoT based Intelligent Fire Escape System

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    This implementation paper is regarding an intelligent system which helps user to get out of the building very safely, thereby reducing human casualties. It helps user by sending appropriate maps which contain navigation that helps user to escape safely. The introduction contains the modules required to implement this intelligent fire escape system. Proposed system contains the system that we have put forth. Results contain the screesnhots and actual images of implementation. This provides flow control by assigning different routes to different users

    Breast hamartoma: An underrecognized entity

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    Hamartoma is a rare benign tumor of the breast. Pathologically, hamartomas are also labeled as lipofibroadenoma, fibroadenolipoma, or adenolipoma. This is due to a benign proliferation of the fibrous, glandular, and fatty component of the breast tissue surrounded by connective tissue capsule. Here, we report the case of a 60-year-old female patient who presented with a lump in the left breast for 4 months. Fine-needle aspiration cytology suggested the entity to be a benign cystic lesion. Lumpectomy was done and the cut surface showed cystic and solid areas. Histopathological examination revealed several irregular tissue fragments showing mammary glandular tissue with a prominent lobular arrangement, fibrous stroma, and fibroadipose tissue with the presence of papillary metaplasia at few places and confirmed it to be the hamartoma of the left breast

    Liver abscess: A retrospective analysis

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    Liver abscess (LA) is defined as a collection of purulent material in the liver parenchyma which can be due to bacterial, parasitic, fungal, or mixed infection. Here, we report a retrospective analysis with an aim to evaluate the clinical presentation, etiology, manifestations, comorbidities, and different treatment options in patients with LA. This retrospective study was conducted to collect and analyze information from patients diagnosed with LA who were admitted to a tertiary care academic hospital


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    The impact of the fuel injection of fuel atoms on engine performance has been investigated to improve fuel efficiency and waste disposal features. The fuel swirl method for injection atomization was evaluated both by the analysis of the fuel flow and the sample test. The goal of the paper is to establish good fuel atomization over the range of engine performance. As a result of our studies, it has been concluded that the desired atomization can be achieved when gasoline is thrown into a circular motion. Fuel spray and atomization features play an important role in the performance of internal combustion engines. An atomization study to evaluate the numerical fuel injection used in the IGC (Inner Guide-vane Combustor) under various combination and performance conditions has been performed to determine the suspension of the proposed fuel injection to be used in the IGC. Additional results have shown that a single-hole fuel injection, forward injection direction, and a splash of

    Ultra Thin White Topping

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    Paper consists of subsistence of highway road and improvement in low cost and increasing the strength and vitality of the pavement. Ultra-Thin White Topping may be defined as a concrete cover with closely spaced joints and bonded to an existing bituminous pavement. It consists of a fine layer of high durability, fibre-reinforced concrete laid over a clean, milled surface of distressed bituminous concrete pavement, to achieve full or partial bonding. From the degradation summary it is identified that even after 10 years, the riding quality of Ultra-Thin White Topping is the most admirable and the most desirable one without any mediation. Structural collapse emerges from the action that contrarily affects the traffic volume carrying capacity of the pavement. This structural collapse can be overcome by using Ultra-Thin White Topping pavement over bituminous pavement. Ultra-Thin White Topping achieves very low End User Cost values thus resulting in the maximization of Gross Economic Benefits than that of ordinary bitumen overlay

    HRI – "In the wild” In Rural India: A Feasibility Study

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    This work was conducted to investigate the technological acceptance and social perception of a robot helper in a rural context. A feasibility study was carried out in a rural village in India with 11 participants with a water carrying task for the robot. A strong cultural influence was found in terms of gender perception of the robot, most participants perceived the robot’s gender as a female despite of the robot having a male’s voice. The overall social perception and usefulness of the robot was observed to be positive. We report some initial results and also some practical and logistical challenges while running such studies “in the wild” with rural subjects in this paper

    Desalination by forward osmosis: Identifying performance limiting parameters through module-scale modeling

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    In this study, we analyze the effects of membrane properties, namely water permeability, solute permeability, and structural parameter, on the overall performance of an FO membrane module to extract water from simulated seawater (0.6 M NaCl). By considering the thermodynamic limit of operation, we demonstrate that the maximum achievable water recovery is practically independent of membrane properties, and higher maximum water recovery is achievable with counter-current compared to co-current mode. Analysis of the module-scale model indicates that reducing the support layer structural parameter offers substantial reductions in the membrane area required to achieve a specified water recovery. For example, a 25% reduction of the structural parameter of a state-of-the-art thin-film composite (TFC) membrane (from 400 to 300 μm) yields a sizable 20% reduction in membrane area. In contrast, quintupling the water permeability coefficient (from 2.0 to 10.0 L m−2 h−1 bar−1) of a modern TFC membrane generates only a modest 10% saving in membrane area. In addition, because of the permeability-selectivity trade-off that governs current polymeric membranes, doubling the water permeability coefficient would cause crippling ~7-fold increases in forward and reverse solute permeation. This quantitative study models the potential performance of a module-scale FO desalination process and firmly highlights the need to prioritize the reduction of support layer mass transport resistances over water permeability increases in membrane development

    Theory-Guided Membrane Design for Efficient Desalination

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    Tackling water scarcity is one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. Current predictions suggest that over half of the global population will live in water stressed regions by 2050. Desalinating saline water sources, such as seawater and brackish water, is one way to alleviate water stress by augmenting freshwater supplies. However, desalination processes can be energy intensive, with the most efficient seawater desalination processes consuming 2.0 kWh of energy per cubic meter of pure water produced. Maximizing the energy efficiency of desalination process is particularly important given the reciprocal interdependence between water production and energy generation, often termed the water-energy nexus. This dissertation focuses on developing analytical and numerical models to understand how membrane properties and process design affect the energy efficiency of membrane-based desalination processes, including reverse osmosis, membrane distillation, and forward osmosis. By improving our understanding of the factors that drive improved desalination performance, this work aims to guide future membrane development and quantify the potential for novel desalination processes to lower energy consumption. Reverse osmosis (RO) is currently the most efficient desalination technology, with the energy efficiency of modern RO systems reaching 50%. In RO, saline water is pressurized elevating before being contacted with a semi-permeable membrane. Driven by its chemical potential gradient, water partitions into and diffuses through the membrane while dissolved solutes such as sodium chloride are rejected. While previous reductions in the specific energy consumption (SEC) of RO have been driven by increasing membrane permeability, the impact of further increases will be minimal as other factors limit performance. Consequently, recent studies have focused on the development of novel batch and semi-batch processes that are capable of lowering the average excess driving hydraulic pressure applied across the membrane. By developing analytical and one-dimensional finite element models this work quantifies the potential for these novel process configurations to improve the SEC of RO. It shows that while batch and semi-batch processes are able to notable reductions in SEC, parasitic losses, such as friction in the membrane modules, will negate most energetic savings compared to deploying conventional multi-stage RO processes. While RO membranes have been highly optimized over the last five decades, some mechanistic aspects of RO membrane formation remain poorly understood. Amongst these is the rough morphology observed in the selective polyamide layer of thin-film composite (TFC) membranes, which can have a root mean squared roughness (~ 100 nm) that is an order of magnitude greater than the film thickness itself (~ 10 nm). Previous studies have suggested that hydrodynamic instabilities may be destabilizing the reaction interface during interfacial polymerization as the polyamide layer forms. In this dissertation, a novel semi-analytical propagator based method is developed to solve linear stability problems in multilayer systems. The propagator formulation is used to perform a linear stability analysis of the Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni instability in a two-layer system accounting for surface deflection in addition to both buoyancy and surface tension based forces. Membrane distillation (MD) is a thermal desalination process that has the potential to treat high salinity waters using low-grade or waste heat. By utilizing a partial vapor pressure difference to drive the evaporation and permeation of water through a hydrophobic membrane from a saline feed stream into a pure permeate stream, MD has the potential to recover high quality water from highly saline brines. However, the low energy efficiency of MD has thus far limited its use. In this dissertation, a numerical model is developed to determine the energetic performance of MD. The analysis presented demonstrates that the exergy efficiency of direct contact membrane distillation is limited to around 10% even in ideal conditions, due to the conduction of heat through the air trapped in the membrane pores. Conductive heat transfer also limits the potential for thinner membranes to improve performance. Furthermore, this work shows that transport through vapor-gap membranes can be limited by interfacial reflection, particularly for thin membranes, severely limiting the water fluxes attainable. Overall, this work presented in this dissertation, identifies key factors that determine the impact of improvements in membrane and process design. By studying mass and heat transport through a wide range of desalination processes, including reverse osmosis, membrane distillation, forward osmosis, and capacitive deionization, this work aims to guide the future development of energy efficient desalination technologies. Ultimately, by identifying the fundamental causes of inefficiencies in a range of desalination processes this work helps optimize future membrane and process design. By developing novel and versatile semi-analytical methods this dissertation also endeavors to provide a platform for the analysis of the impact of Rayleigh-Bénard-Marangoni instabilities in multilayer systems