61 research outputs found

    Aerosols in the central Arctic cryosphere: satellite and model integrated insights during Arctic spring and summer

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    The central Arctic cryosphere is influenced by the Arctic amplification (AA) and is warming faster than the lower latitudes. AA affects the formation, loss, and transport of aerosols. Efforts to assess the underlying processes determining aerosol variability are currently limited due to the lack of ground-based and space-borne aerosol observations with high spatial coverage in this region. This study addresses the observational gap by making use of total aerosol optical depth (AOD) datasets retrieved by the AEROSNOW algorithm over the vast cryospheric region of the central Arctic during Arctic spring and summer. GEOS-Chem (GC) simulations combined with AEROSNOW-retrieved data are used to investigate the processes controlling aerosol loading and distribution at different temporal and spatial scales. For the first time, an integrated study of AOD over the Arctic cryosphere during sunlight conditions was possible with the AEROSNOW retrieval and GC simulations. The results show that the spatial patterns observed by AEROSNOW differ from those simulated by GC. During spring, which is characterized by long-range transport of anthropogenic aerosols in the Arctic, GC underestimates the AOD in the vicinity of Alaska in comparison with AEROSNOW retrieval. At the same time, it overestimates the AOD along the Bering Strait, northern Europe, and the Siberian central Arctic sea-ice regions, with differences of −12.3 % and 21.7 %, respectively. By contrast, GC consistently underestimates AOD compared with AEROSNOW in summer, when transport from lower latitudes is insignificant and local natural processes are the dominant source of aerosol, especially north of 70° N. This underestimation is particularly pronounced over the central Arctic sea-ice region, where it is −10.6 %. Conversely, GC tends to overestimate AOD along the Siberian and Greenland marginal sea-ice zones by 19.5 % but underestimates AOD along the Canadian Archipelago by −9.3 %. The differences in summer AOD between AEROSNOW data products and GC-simulated AOD highlight the need to integrate improved knowledge of the summer aerosol process into existing models in order to constrain its effects on cloud condensation nuclei, on ice nucleating particles, and on the radiation budget over the central Arctic sea ice during the developing AA period.</p

    Impact of the Guinea coast upwelling on atmospheric dynamics, precipitation and pollutant transport over southern West Africa

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    In West Africa, the zonal band of precipitation is generally located around the southern coast in June before migrating northward towards the Sahel in late June/early July. This gives way to a relative dry season for coastal regions from Cîte d'Ivoire to Benin called “little dry season”, which lasts until September–October. Previous studies have noted that the coastal rainfall cessation in early July seems to coincide with the emergence of an upwelling along the Guinea coast. The aim of this study is to investigate the mechanisms by which this upwelling impacts precipitation, using a set of numerical simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecasting regional atmospheric model (WRF v 3.7.1). Sensitivity experiments highlight the response of the atmospheric circulation to an intensification or reduction of the strength of the coastal upwelling. They clearly show that the coastal upwelling emergence is responsible for the cessation of coastal precipitation by weakening the northward humidity transport, thus decreasing the coastal convergence of the humidity transport and inhibiting the deep atmospheric convection. In addition, the diurnal cycle of the low-level circulation plays a critical role: the land breeze controls the seaward convergence of diurnal anomaly of humidity transport, explaining the late night–early morning peak observed in coastal precipitation. The emergence of the coastal upwelling strongly attenuates this peak because of a reduced land–sea temperature gradient in the night and a weaker land breeze. The impact on the inland transport of anthropogenic pollution is also shown with numerical simulations of aerosols using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model: warmer (colder) sea surface temperature (SST) increases (decreases) the inland transport of pollutants, especially during the night, suggesting an influence of the upwelling intensity on the coastal low-level jet. The mechanisms described have important consequences for inland humidity transport and the predictability of the West African monsoon precipitation in summer.</p

    Retrieval of aerosol optical depth over the Arctic cryosphere during spring and summer using satellite observations

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    The climate in the Arctic has warmed much more quickly in the last 2 to 3 decades than at the mid-latitudes, i.e., during the Arctic amplification (AA) period. Radiative forcing in the Arctic is influenced both directly and indirectly by aerosols. However, their observation from ground or airborne instruments is challenging, and thus measurements are sparse. In this study, total aerosol optical depth (AOD) is determined from top-of-atmosphere reflectance measurements by the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) on board ENVISAT over snow and ice in the Arctic using a retrieval called AEROSNOW for the period 2003 to 2011. AEROSNOW incorporates an existing aerosol retrieval algorithm with a cloud-masking algorithm, alongside a novel quality-flagging methodology specifically designed for implementation in the high Arctic region (≄ 72∘ N). We use the dual-viewing capability of the AATSR instrument to accurately determine the contribution of aerosol to the reflection at the top of the atmosphere for observations over the bright surfaces of the cryosphere in the Arctic. The AOD is retrieved assuming that the surface reflectance observed by the satellite can be well parameterized by a bidirectional snow reflectance distribution function (BRDF). The spatial distribution of AOD shows that high values in spring (March, April, May) and lower values in summer (June, July, August) are observed. The AEROSNOW AOD values are consistent with those from collocated Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements, with no systematic bias found as a function of time. The AEROSNOW AOD in the high Arctic was validated by comparison with ground-based measurements at the PEARL, OPAL, Hornsund, and Thule stations. The AEROSNOW AOD value is less than 0.15 on average, and the linear regression of AEROSNOW and AERONET total AOD yields a slope of 0.98, a Pearson correlation coefficient of R=0.86, and a root mean square error (RMSE) of =0.01 for the monthly scale in both spring and summer. The AEROSNOW observation of increased AOD values over the high Arctic cryosphere during spring confirms clearly that Arctic haze events were well captured by this dataset. In addition, the AEROSNOW AOD results provide a novel and unique total AOD data product for the springtime and summertime from 2003 to 2011. These AOD values, retrieved from spaceborne observation, provide a unique insight into the high Arctic cryospheric region at high spatial resolution and temporal coverage.</p

    Assessing the role of anthropogenic and biogenic sources on PM₁ over southern West Africa using aircraft measurements

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    As part of the Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project, an airborne campaign was designed to measure a large range of atmospheric constituents, focusing on the effect of anthropogenic emissions on regional climate. The presented study details results of the French ATR42 research aircraft, which aimed to characterize gas-phase, aerosol and cloud properties in the region during the field campaign carried out in June/July 2016 in combination with the German Falcon 20 and the British Twin Otter aircraft. The aircraft flight paths covered large areas of Benin, Togo, Ghana and CĂŽte d\u27Ivoire, focusing on emissions from large urban conurbations such as Abidjan, Accra and LomĂ©, as well as remote continental areas and the Gulf of Guinea. This paper focuses on aerosol particle measurements within the boundary layer (<  2000 m), in particular their sources and chemical composition in view of the complex mix of both biogenic and anthropogenic emissions, based on measurements from a compact time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (C-ToF-AMS) and ancillary instrumentation. Background concentrations (i.e. outside urban plumes) observed from the ATR42 indicate a fairly polluted region during the time of the campaign, with average concentrations of carbon monoxide of 131 ppb, ozone of 32 ppb, and aerosol particle number concentration ( >  15 nm) of 735 cm−3 stp. Regarding submicron aerosol composition (considering non-refractory species and black carbon, BC), organic aerosol (OA) is the most abundant species contributing 53 %, followed by SO4 (27 %), NH4 (11 %), BC (6 %), NO3 (2 %) and minor contribution of Cl (<  0.5 %). Average background PM1 in the region was 5.9 ”g m−3 stp. During measurements of urban pollution plumes, mainly focusing on the outflow of Abidjan, Accra and LomĂ©, pollutants are significantly enhanced (e.g. average concentration of CO of 176 ppb, and aerosol particle number concentration of 6500 cm−3 stp), as well as PM1 concentration (11.9 ”g m−3 stp). Two classes of organic aerosols were estimated based on C-ToF-AMS: particulate organic nitrates (pONs) and isoprene epoxydiols secondary organic aerosols (IEPOX–SOA). Both classes are usually associated with the formation of particulate matter through complex interactions of anthropogenic and biogenic sources. During DACCIWA, pONs have a fairly small contribution to OA (around 5 %) and are more associated with long-range transport from central Africa than local formation. Conversely, IEPOX–SOA provides a significant contribution to OA (around 24 and 28 % under background and in-plume conditions). Furthermore, the fractional contribution of IEPOX–SOA is largely unaffected by changes in the aerosol composition (particularly the SO4 concentration), which suggests that IEPOX–SOA concentration is mainly driven by pre-existing aerosol surface, instead of aerosol chemical properties. At times of large in-plume SO4 enhancements (above 5 ”g m−3), the fractional contribution of IEPOX–SOA to OA increases above 50 %, suggesting only then a change in the IEPOX–SOA-controlling mechanism. It is important to note that IEPOX–SOA constitutes a lower limit to the contribution of biogenic OA, given that other processes (e.g. non-IEPOX isoprene, monoterpene SOA) are likely in the region. Given the significant contribution to aerosol concentration, it is crucial that such complex biogenic–anthropogenic interactions are taken into account in both present-day and future scenario models of this fast-changing, highly sensitive region

    Assessing the role of anthropogenic and biogenic sources on PM1 over southern West Africa using aircraft measurements

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    As part of the Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project, an airborne campaign was designed to measure a large range of atmospheric constituents, focusing on the effect of anthropogenic emissions on regional climate. The presented study details results of the French ATR42 research aircraft, which aimed to characterize gas-phase, aerosol and cloud properties in the region during the field campaign carried out in June/July 2016 in combination with the German Falcon 20 and the British Twin Otter aircraft. The aircraft flight paths covered large areas of Benin, Togo, Ghana and CĂŽte d'Ivoire, focusing on emissions from large urban conurbations such as Abidjan, Accra and LomĂ©, as well as remote continental areas and the Gulf of Guinea. This paper focuses on aerosol particle measurements within the boundary layer ( 15 nm) of 735 cm-3 stp. Regarding submicron aerosol composition (considering non-refractory species and black carbon, BC), organic aerosol (OA) is the most abundant species contributing 53 %, followed by SO4 (27 %), NH4 (11 %), BC (6 %), NO3 (2 %) and minor contribution of Cl (< 0.5 %). Average background PM1 in the region was 5.9 ÎŒg m-3 stp. During measurements of urban pollution plumes, mainly focusing on the outflow of Abidjan, Accra and LomĂ©, pollutants are significantly enhanced (e.g. average concentration of CO of 176 ppb, and aerosol particle number concentration of 6500 cm-3 stp), as well as PM1 concentration (11.9 ÎŒg m-3 stp). Two classes of organic aerosols were estimated based on C-ToF-AMS: particulate organic nitrates (pONs) and isoprene epoxydiols secondary organic aerosols (IEPOX-SOA). Both classes are usually associated with the formation of particulate matter through complex interactions of anthropogenic and biogenic sources. During DACCIWA, pONs have a fairly small contribution to OA (around 5 %) and are more associated with long-range transport from central Africa than local formation. Conversely, IEPOX-SOA provides a significant contribution to OA (around 24 and 28 % under background and in-plume conditions). Furthermore, the fractional contribution of IEPOX-SOA is largely unaffected by changes in the aerosol composition (particularly the SO4 concentration), which suggests that IEPOX-SOA concentration is mainly driven by pre-existing aerosol surface, instead of aerosol chemical properties. At times of large in-plume SO4 enhancements (above 5 ÎŒg m-3), the fractional contribution of IEPOX-SOA to OA increases above 50 %, suggesting only then a change in the IEPOX-SOA-controlling mechanism. It is important to note that IEPOX-SOA constitutes a lower limit to the contribution of biogenic OA, given that other processes (e.g. non-IEPOX isoprene, monoterpene SOA) are likely in the region. Given the significant contribution to aerosol concentration, it is crucial that such complex biogenic-anthropogenic interactions are taken into account in both present-day and future scenario models of this fast-changing, highly sensitive region

    SolarEV City concept in Paris and Ile-de-France: a promising idea?

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    Since the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015, global societies are increasingly aware of the needs to limit global warming to 1.5 C and reach global carbon neutrality by 2050. However, current commitments of global societies are not sufficient, party owing to the lack of cost-effective decarbonization measures. The SolarEV City concept is proposed for cost-effective urban decarbonization combining rooftop PV with EV through bi-directional charging in a city scale. In this study, we conducted techno-economic analyses to test the concept in Paris and Ile-de-France. PV+EV systems are found to add value to rooftop PV systems raising selfconsumption and self-sufficiency, when the roof coverage by PV is reached to 50-60% for Paris and 20-30% for Ile-de-France, allowing to bypass expensive stand-alone battery storage. The system allows CO2 emissions reduction through accelerated development of EV

    Interactions of atmospheric gases and aerosols with the monsoon dynamics over the Sudano-Guinean region during AMMA

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    International audienceCarbon monoxide, CO, and fine atmospheric particulate matter, PM2.5, are analyzed over the Guinean gulf coastal region using the WRF-CHIMERE modeling system and observations during the beginning of the monsoon 2006 (from May to July), corresponding to the Africa Multidisciplinary Monsoon Analysis (AMMA) campaign period. Along the Guinean gulf coast, the contribution of long-range pollution transport to CO or PM2.5 concentrations is important. For PM2.5, desert dust decreases from ≈38 % in May to ≈5 % in July; biomass burning aerosol from Central Africa increases from ≈10 % in May to ≈52 % in July. The anthropogenic contribution is ≈30 % for CO and ≈10 % for PM2.5. When focusing only on anthropogenic pollution, frequent northward transport events from the coast to the Sahel are associated with periods of low wind and no precipitation. In June, anthropogenic PM2.5 and CO concentrations are higher than in May or July over the Guinean coastal region. Over the Sahel, air masses dynamics concentrate pollutants emitted locally and remotely at the coast due to a meridional atmospheric cell. Refining the analysis on the period 8–15 June, anthropogenic pollutants emitted along the coastline are exported toward the North especially at the beginning of the night (18 UTC to 00 UTC) with the establishment of the nocturnal low level jet. Plumes originating from different cities overlay for some hours at the coast, leading to high pollution level, because of specific disturbed meteorological conditions

    Impact of biomass burning on pollutant surface concentrations in megacities of the Gulf of Guinea

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    In the framework of the Dynamics–Aerosol–Chemistry–Cloud Interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) project, the tropospheric chemical composition in large cities along the Gulf of Guinea is studied using the Weather and Research Forecast and CHIMERE regional models. Simulations are performed for the May–July 2014 period, without and with biomass burning emissions. Model results are compared to satellite data and surface measurements. Using numerical tracer release experiments, it is shown that the biomass burning emissions in Central Africa are impacting the surface aerosol and gaseous species concentrations in Gulf of Guinea cities such as Lagos (Nigeria) and Abidjan (Ivory Coast). Depending on the altitude of the injection of these emissions, the pollutants follow different pathways: directly along the coast or over land towards the Sahel before being vertically mixed in the convective boundary layer and transported to the south-west and over the cities. In July 2014, the maximum increase in surface concentrations due to fires in Central Africa is ≈ 150 ”g m−3 for CO, ≈ 10 to 20 ”g m−3 for O3 and ≈ 5 ”g m−3 for PM10. The analysis of the PM10 chemical composition shows that this increase is mainly related to an increase in particulate primary and organic matter
