319 research outputs found

    Fundamental Movement Skills of Preschool Children in Northwest England

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    -This cross-sectional study examined fundamental movement skill competency among deprived preschool children in Northwest England and explored sex differences. A total of 168 preschool children (ages 3-5 yr.) were included in the study. Twelve skills were assessed using the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Motor Skills Protocol and video analysis. Sex differences were explored at the subtest, skill, and component levels. Overall competence was found to be low among both sexes, although it was higher for locomotor skills than for object-control skills. Similar patterns were observed at the component level. Boys had significantly better object-control skills than girls, with greater competence observed for the kick and overarm throw, while girls were more competent at the run, hop, and gallop. The findings of low competency suggest that developmentally appropriate interventions should be implemented in preschool settings to promote movement skills, with targeted activities for boys and girls

    Run, Jump, Throw and Catch: How proficient are children attending English schools at the Fundamental Motor Skills identified as key within the school curriculum?

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    This study examined proficiency levels in fundamental motor skills (FMS) in children within Key Stage 1 and 2 of the English school system. Four hundred and ninety-two children aged 6–9 Years old (245 boys, 247 girls) from school Years Two (n = 130), Three (n = 154) and Four (n = 208) participated in this study. FMS for the run, jump, throw and catch were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development – 2. The proportion of children who achieved mastery or near mastery of the skills was determined. For the whole sample, 18.5% (n = 91) did not achieve mastery in any of the four skills. A similar proportion (18.7%, n = 92) achieved mastery in all four of the FMS examined in this study. The proportion of children achieving mastery of all four skills was lower for Year Two children (0%) compared to children in years Three (24%) and Four (25%). More boys (25.7%) achieved mastery in all four of the FMS compared to girls (11.7%). Individual behavioural components in skill performance were also examined. The results of the present study highlight that less than one-fifth of children aged 6–9 years old have mastered the four key FMS identified by the physical education (PE) curriculum despite having the developmental potential to become fundamentally competent by six years of age. Fostering positive trajectories of FMS development presents a challenge for PE specialists given the association between FMS mastery in childhood and physical activity, weight status and health.N/

    Trends in Student\u27s Opinions about the Olympics (B. LIVING SCIENCE)

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    オリンピック大会参加競技者でない人達とくに大学生のこれらオリンピックに対する態度の傾向からオリンピックについて考察をした。巨大化につれて宜伝の良き場となり, 経済的機能が拡大された, さらに宜伝機能は政治の舞台ともしてしまった。競技する者の側から全く離れて一大イベントに変ってしまったのである。I.O.Cも競技者も, さらにオリンピックを見る側も, すべての人々がオリンピックについて考え直す時であろう。It asked for opinions about the Olympics from those who were not athletes of the games, especially from same university students and then it considered the Olympics from the tendency of the respondent\u27s attitude towards them. The Olympics is a good place for spread of propaganda as the Games become even larger, and the economic functions are magnified. And it is just, this function of propaganda which makes the Olympics a natural sphere for politics. The Olympics are changing and slowly becoming separate from the athletes themselves. This is a time when all people, including the I. O. C., the athletes and every those who watch the Olympics, have to reconsider this wanderful event

    Physical education contributes to total physical activity levels and predominantly in higher intensity physical activity categories

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    Children’s engagement in physical activity of a vigorous intensity or higher is more effective at promoting cardiorespiratory fitness than moderate physical activity. It remains unclear how higher intensity physical activity varies between days when schoolchildren participate in physical education (PE) and non-PE days. The purpose of this study was to assess how PE contributes to sedentary behaviour and the intensity profile of physical activity accumulated on PE days compared to non-PE days. Fifty-three schoolchildren (36 girls, 11.7 ± 0.3 years) completed five-day minute-by-minute habitual physical activity monitoring using triaxial accelerometers to determine time spent sedentary (<1.5 Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks (METs)) and in light (1.5–2.9 METs), moderate (3–5.9 METs), vigorous (6–8.9 METs), hard (9–11.9 METs) and very hard intensity (≥12 METs) physical activity on PE days and non-PE days. Sedentary time was higher on non-PE days than on PE days (mean difference: 62 minutes, p < 0.001). Hard and very hard intensity physical activity was significantly higher on PE days compared with non-PE days (mean total difference: 33 minutes, all significant at p < 0.001). During the PE lesson, boys spent more time in hard (p < 0.01) and very hard (p < 0.01) physical activity compared to girls. Schoolchildren spent significantly more time in higher intensity physical activity and significantly less time sedentary on PE days than on non-PE days. As well as reducing sedentary behaviour, the opportunity to promote such health-promoting higher intensity physical activity in the school setting warrants further investigation

    "Physical education", "health and physical education", "physical literacy" and "health literacy": Global nomenclature confusion.

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    The title “physical education” (PE) is the traditional taxonomy used to represent the education discipline. Health and physical education (HPE) is regarded to be an all-encompassing health-dimensional title that has been recently embraced by various education systems around the world. Hence, it can be argued that PE and HPE are often used interchangeably by educationalists, portraying a similar meaning and understanding. This can be regarded as internationally confusing, as historically PE and HPE have represented different and at times paradoxical discourses and ideologies. Amongst the ambiguity of which title to use, PE or HPE, new terms of branding such as “physical literacy” and “health literacy” have re/emerged. The purpose of this interpretivist study is to identify if associated terms used for the original PE label are a help or hindrance to practitioners? Participants were asked an open-ended question relating to PE nomenclatures. The data gathered were analysed and findings confirmed that practitioner confusion does exist. It is suggested that children are first and foremost “physically educated”; therefore a strong, clear and comprehensive grounding in quality PE is essential for teachers and students

    バスケット・ボールの指導に関する研究 (2) : 国際試合の部(B. 生活科学)

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    台湾の国内的に通用したバスケット・ボールの試合の内容が, 果して国際的な試合にどのように通用したかを前回報告した国内試合での内容と比較し, 検討した。国内試合においては, 相互のスカウティングが行われ研究して対戦が可能である。国際試合の場合は対戦相手のチーム内容が充分に把握されないまま対戦することが多い。したがって, 訓練された内容がどの程度, 自分のチームのペースで対戦できるかが, 重要なポイントになる。今回の国際試合の内容では, 可成り良い成果が得られ, 着実に進歩していると判断される

    バスケット・ボールの指導に関する研究 (I) : 台湾国内試合の部(B. 生活科学)

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    バスケット・ボールのチームづくりや強化のための指導については, 単に技術指導だけではない。チームを構成し, 成果をあげるには指導者と選手, 選手同志の人間関係やチームづくりのための諸環境が配慮されねばならない。今回の試みは, 台湾のコーチと選手への指導助言による強化を5ケ年間にわたって, 通信教育方式で実施した。したがって指導の内容は, 体力と技術の訓練が中心となった。この訓練の成果を台湾国内の二大タイトルの公式試合から考察した。訓練された内容が試合において, かなり良い成果を示したのは, 指導の方向性の的確さにあったと同時にコーチ・選手が地理的条件や言語上の制約を克服した要因を無視はできない

    Non-clinical community interventions: a systematised review of social prescribing schemes

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    Abstract Background: This review focused on evaluation of United Kingdom social prescribing schemes published in peer-reviewed journals and reports. Schemes, including arts, books, education, and exercise ‘on prescription’ refer patients to community sources of non-clinical intervention. Method: A systematised review protocol appraised primary research material evaluating social prescribing schemes published 2000-15. Searches were performed in electronic databases using keywords, and articles were screened for evaluation of patient data, referral process, assessment method and outcomes; non-evaluated articles were excluded. Results: Of 86 schemes located including pilots, 40 evaluated primary research material: 17 used quantitative methods including six randomised controlled trials; 16 qualitative methods, and seven mixed methods; 9 exclusively involved arts on prescription. Conclusions: Outcomes included increase in self-esteem and confidence; improvement in mental wellbeing and positive mood; and reduction in anxiety, depression and negative mood. Despite positive findings, the review identifies a number of gaps in the evidence base and makes recommendations for future evaluation and implementation of referral pathways