Trends in Student\u27s Opinions about the Olympics (B. LIVING SCIENCE)


オリンピック大会参加競技者でない人達とくに大学生のこれらオリンピックに対する態度の傾向からオリンピックについて考察をした。巨大化につれて宜伝の良き場となり, 経済的機能が拡大された, さらに宜伝機能は政治の舞台ともしてしまった。競技する者の側から全く離れて一大イベントに変ってしまったのである。I.O.Cも競技者も, さらにオリンピックを見る側も, すべての人々がオリンピックについて考え直す時であろう。It asked for opinions about the Olympics from those who were not athletes of the games, especially from same university students and then it considered the Olympics from the tendency of the respondent\u27s attitude towards them. The Olympics is a good place for spread of propaganda as the Games become even larger, and the economic functions are magnified. And it is just, this function of propaganda which makes the Olympics a natural sphere for politics. The Olympics are changing and slowly becoming separate from the athletes themselves. This is a time when all people, including the I. O. C., the athletes and every those who watch the Olympics, have to reconsider this wanderful event

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