2,514 research outputs found

    Movement of Yellow Perch Between East and West Okoboji Lakes, Iowa

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    Movement of yellow perch (Perea flavescens) from Lake East Okoboji into Lake West Okoboji was confirmed. Recapture trends suggested general movements into Lake West Okoboji in autumn and return into Lake East Okoboji before spawning in spring. Thermal gradients occurring due to seasonal differences in direction of interlake flows and differential warming and cooling rates of the two lakes, appeared to be major ecological factors that governed these interlake movements

    Factors Influencing Catches of Drifted Trammel Nets in a Pool of the Upper Mississippi River

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    Catch per unit of effort in drifted trammel nets fished along the bottom in the main channel of Pool 9 was described. Multiple regression analysis indicated that variations in water temperature, current velocity, turbidity, or sampling periods accounted for significant variations in catch of four of the five most abundant species in the samples (Shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus; Quillback, Carpiodes cyprinus; Shorthead redhorse, Moxostoma macrolepidotum; Walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum; and Freshwater drum, Aplodinotus grunniens)

    Factors Influencing Hoop Net Catches in Channel Habitats of Pool 9, Upper Mississippi River

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    The catch per unit of effort and species selectivity of two hoop net types fished in channel habitats of Pool 9 were described. Variation in catch was noted between the two net types, as well as between sampling areas and channel types. The total catch with bait nets was 580 fish in the main channel border and 539 in side channels, while buffalo nets captured 1,213 fish from the main channel border and 1,004 from side channels with the same amount of fishing effort. Six species comprised 93% of the bait net samples: shorthead redhorse, black crappie, freshwater drum, flathead catfish, bluegill, and channel catfish. The six most abundant species in buffalo nets were: shorthead redhorse, freshwater drum, smallmouth buffalo, mooneye, bluegill, and common carp. Species collected in greater numbers in main channel border habitats were: gizzard shad, mooneye, quillback, white sucker, smallmouth buffalo, bigmouth buffalo, channel catfish, flathead catfish, and black crappie. Side channels produced greater numbers of common carp, shorthead redhorse, and bluegill. Multiple regression analysis showed that variation in water temperature, current velocity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, channel type, and sampling area accounted for variation in the catch of several fish species. Turbidity was the most common variable to be related to catch and tended to have a negative relationship

    The effect of digital signage on shoppers' behavior: the role of the evoked experience

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    This paper investigates the role of digital signage as experience provider in retail spaces. The findings of a survey-based field experiment demonstrate that digital signage content high on sensory cues evokes affective experience and strengthens customers’ experiential processing route. In contrast, digital signage messages high on “features and benefits” information evoke intellectual experience and strengthen customers’ deliberative processing route. The affective experience is more strongly associated with the attitude towards the ad and the approach behavior towards the advertiser than the intellectual experience. The effect of an ad high on sensory cues on shoppers’ approach to the advertiser is stronger for first-time shoppers, and therefore important in generating loyalty. The findings indicate that the design of brand-related informational cues broadcast over digital in-store monitors affects shoppers’ information processing. The cues evoke sensory and affective experiences and trigger deliberative processes that lead to attitude construction and finally elicit approach behavior towards the advertisers

    Gluons, tadpoles, and color neutrality in a two-flavor color superconductor

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    Considering cold, dense quark matter with two massless quark flavors, we demonstrate how, in a self-consistent calculation in the framework of QCD, the condensation of Cooper pairs induces a non-vanishing background color field. This background color field has precisely the right magnitude to cancel tadpole contributions and thus ensures overall color neutrality of the two-flavor color superconductor.Comment: 10 pages, contribution to the proceedings of the Erice school "Heavy-Ion Collisions from Nuclear to Quark Matter" 200

    Elephant (Elephas maximus) health and management in Asia: Variations in veterinary perspectives

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    There is a need to identify strategic investments in Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) health that will yield maximal benefits for overall elephant health and conservation. As an exploratory first step, a survey was administered to veterinarians from Asian elephant range countries at a workshop and via email to help prioritize health-related concerns that will mostly benefit elephants. Responses were received from 45 veterinarians from eight countries that had a range of experience with captive and wild elephants. The occurrence of medical conditions and responses to treatment varied among responses. However, injuries, parasitism, and gastrointestinal disease were reported as the most common syndromes responsible for elephant morbidity, whereas injury and infectious disease not due to parasitism were the most commonly reported sources of elephant mortality. Substandard nutrition, water quality and quantity deficiencies, and inadequate or absent shelter were among the factors listed as barriers to optimal elephant health. While this survey\u27s results do not support definitive conclusions, they can be used to identify where and how subsequent investigations should be directed. Rigorous assessment of the relative costs and benefits of available options is required to ensure that investments in individual and population health yield the maximal benefits for elephants
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