19 research outputs found

    Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic

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    Aim: Identify hotspots and areas of high species richness for Arctic marine mammals. Location: Circumpolar Arctic. Methods: A total of 2115 biologging devices were deployed on marine mammals from 13 species in the Arctic from 2005 to 2019. Getis-Ord Gi* hotspots were calculated based on the number of individuals in grid cells for each species and for phyloge-netic groups (nine pinnipeds, three cetaceans, all species) and areas with high spe-cies richness were identified for summer (Jun-Nov), winter (Dec-May) and the entire year. Seasonal habitat differences among species’ hotspots were investigated using Principal Component Analysis. Results: Hotspots and areas with high species richness occurred within the Arctic continental-shelf seas and within the marginal ice zone, particularly in the “Arctic gateways” of the north Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Summer hotspots were generally found further north than winter hotspots, but there were exceptions to this pattern, including bowhead whales in the Greenland-Barents Seas and species with coastal distributions in Svalbard, Norway and East Greenland. Areas with high species rich-ness generally overlapped high-density hotspots. Large regional and seasonal dif-ferences in habitat features of hotspots were found among species but also within species from different regions. Gap analysis (discrepancy between hotspots and IUCN ranges) identified species and regions where more research is required. Main conclusions: This study identified important areas (and habitat types) for Arctic marine mammals using available biotelemetry data. The results herein serve as a benchmark to measure future distributional shifts. Expanded monitoring and teleme-try studies are needed on Arctic species to understand the impacts of climate change and concomitant ecosystem changes (synergistic effects of multiple stressors). While efforts should be made to fill knowledge gaps, including regional gaps and more com-plete sex and age coverage, hotspots identified herein can inform management ef-forts to mitigate the impacts of human activities and ecological changes, including creation of protected areas

    Data from: Migratory culture, population structure and stock identity in North Pacific beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    The annual return of beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, to traditional seasonal locations across the Arctic may involve migratory culture, while the convergence of discrete summering aggregations on common wintering grounds may facilitate outbreeding. Natal philopatry and cultural inheritance, however, has been difficult to assess as earlier studies were of too short a duration, while genetic analyses of breeding patterns, especially across the beluga's Pacific range, have been hampered by inadequate sampling and sparse information on wintering areas. Using a much expanded sample and genetic marker set comprising 1,647 whales, spanning more than two decades and encompassing all major coastal summering aggregations in the Pacific Ocean, we found evolutionary-level divergence among three geographic regions: the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas, and the Sea of Okhotsk (Φst=0.11-0.32, Rst=0.09-0.13), and likely demographic independence of (Fst-mtDNA=0.02-0.66), and in many cases limited gene flow (Fst-nDNA=0.0-0.02; K=5-6) among, summering groups within regions. Assignment tests identified few immigrants within summering aggregations, linked migrating groups to specific summering areas, and found that some migratory corridors comprise whales from multiple subpopulations (PBAYES=0.31:0.69). Further, dispersal is male-biased and substantial numbers of closely related whales congregate together at coastal summering areas. Stable patterns of heterogeneity between areas and consistently high proportions (~20%) of close kin (including parent-offspring) sampled up to 20 years apart within areas (G=0.2-2.9, p>0.5) is the first direct evidence of natal philopatry to migration destinations in belugas. Using recent satellite telemetry findings on belugas we found that the spatial proximity of winter ranges has a greater influence on the degree of both individual and genetic exchange than summer ranges (rwinter-Fst-mtDNA=0.9, rsummer-Fst-nDNA=0.1). These findings indicate widespread natal philopatry to summering aggregation and entire migratory circuits, and provide compelling evidence that migratory culture and kinship helps maintain demographically discrete beluga stocks that can overlap in time and space

    Data from: Migratory culture, population structure and stock identity in North Pacific beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas)

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    The annual return of beluga whales, Delphinapterus leucas, to traditional seasonal locations across the Arctic may involve migratory culture, while the convergence of discrete summering aggregations on common wintering grounds may facilitate outbreeding. Natal philopatry and cultural inheritance, however, has been difficult to assess as earlier studies were of too short a duration, while genetic analyses of breeding patterns, especially across the beluga's Pacific range, have been hampered by inadequate sampling and sparse information on wintering areas. Using a much expanded sample and genetic marker set comprising 1,647 whales, spanning more than two decades and encompassing all major coastal summering aggregations in the Pacific Ocean, we found evolutionary-level divergence among three geographic regions: the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas, and the Sea of Okhotsk (Φst=0.11-0.32, Rst=0.09-0.13), and likely demographic independence of (Fst-mtDNA=0.02-0.66), and in many cases limited gene flow (Fst-nDNA=0.0-0.02; K=5-6) among, summering groups within regions. Assignment tests identified few immigrants within summering aggregations, linked migrating groups to specific summering areas, and found that some migratory corridors comprise whales from multiple subpopulations (PBAYES=0.31:0.69). Further, dispersal is male-biased and substantial numbers of closely related whales congregate together at coastal summering areas. Stable patterns of heterogeneity between areas and consistently high proportions (~20%) of close kin (including parent-offspring) sampled up to 20 years apart within areas (G=0.2-2.9, p>0.5) is the first direct evidence of natal philopatry to migration destinations in belugas. Using recent satellite telemetry findings on belugas we found that the spatial proximity of winter ranges has a greater influence on the degree of both individual and genetic exchange than summer ranges (rwinter-Fst-mtDNA=0.9, rsummer-Fst-nDNA=0.1). These findings indicate widespread natal philopatry to summering aggregation and entire migratory circuits, and provide compelling evidence that migratory culture and kinship helps maintain demographically discrete beluga stocks that can overlap in time and space

    Migratory culture, population structure and stock identity in North Pacific beluga whales <i>(Delphinapterus leucas)</i>

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    <div><p>The annual return of beluga whales, <i>Delphinapterus leucas</i>, to traditional seasonal locations across the Arctic may involve migratory culture, while the convergence of discrete summering aggregations on common wintering grounds may facilitate outbreeding. Natal philopatry and cultural inheritance, however, has been difficult to assess as earlier studies were of too short a duration, while genetic analyses of breeding patterns, especially across the beluga’s Pacific range, have been hampered by inadequate sampling and sparse information on wintering areas. Using a much expanded sample and genetic marker set comprising 1,647 whales, spanning more than two decades and encompassing all major coastal summering aggregations in the Pacific Ocean, we found evolutionary-level divergence among three geographic regions: the Gulf of Alaska, the Bering-Chukchi-Beaufort Seas, and the Sea of Okhotsk (<i>Φ</i><sub>st</sub> = 0.11–0.32, <i>R</i><sub>st</sub> = 0.09–0.13), and likely demographic independence of (<i>F</i><sub>st-mtDNA</sub> = 0.02–0.66), and in many cases limited gene flow (<i>F</i><sub>st-nDNA</sub> = 0.0–0.02; <i>K</i> = 5–6) among, summering groups within regions. Assignment tests identified few immigrants within summering aggregations, linked migrating groups to specific summering areas, and found that some migratory corridors comprise whales from multiple subpopulations (P<sub>BAYES</sub> = 0.31:0.69). Further, dispersal is male-biased and substantial numbers of closely related whales congregate together at coastal summering areas. Stable patterns of heterogeneity between areas and consistently high proportions (~20%) of close kin (including parent-offspring) sampled up to 20 years apart within areas (<i>G</i> = 0.2–2.9, <i>p</i>>0.5) is the first direct evidence of natal philopatry to migration destinations in belugas. Using recent satellite telemetry findings on belugas we found that the spatial proximity of winter ranges has a greater influence on the degree of both individual and genetic exchange than summer ranges (r<sub>winter</sub>-<i>F</i><sub>st-mtDNA</sub> = 0.9, r<sub>summer</sub>-<i>F</i><sub>st-nDNA</sub> = 0.1). These findings indicate widespread natal philopatry to summering aggregation and entire migratory circuits, and provide compelling evidence that migratory culture and kinship helps maintain demographically discrete beluga stocks that can overlap in time and space.</p></div

    Summary plots generated in Clumpak of model-based cluster analysis of population structure in Pacific beluga whales using STRUCTURE 2.3.4.

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    <p>The major modes for <i>K</i> = 4 to 6 (based on five separate runs for each value of <i>K</i>) are presented for the analysis using prior sample group information and no admixture which revealed <i>K</i> = 5 clusters as the most likely (see panel 2). However, in a number of analyses <i>K</i> = 6 was the most or second-most likely resulting in the separation of Anadyr into a discrete cluster (see panel 3). Each genotyped individual is represented by a vertical line with estimated membership, Q, in each cluster denoted by different colors. The analysis was based on using all individuals (n = 1032) scored at 6 or more loci (n<sub>loci</sub>≥6).</p

    The proportion of pairwise genealogical relationships estimated for beluga whales sampled within and between years across two decades near Kasegaluk Lagoon, Alaska.

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    <p>Maximum likelihood estimates of four relationship categories were estimated from genotypic data using the program ml-relate. The stacked bars represent the proportions of distantly/unrelated individuals to closely related individuals (i.e., parent-offspring, full-sib and half-sib or equivalent) for a subset of the 20-year data set comprising the first three years (1988, 1993, 1994) and the last three years (2005, 2006, 2007).</p

    Migratory culture, population structure and stock identity in North Pacific beluga whales <i>(Delphinapterus leucas)</i> - Table 3

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    <p>Population differentiation within mitochondrial DNA (A) and across eight microsatellite loci (B) in Pacific beluga whales. Values for the frequency-based statistic, F<sub>st</sub>, are below the diagonal. Values for the distance-based statistic, Φ<sub>st</sub> (mtDNA) and R<sub>st</sub> (nDNA), are above the diagonal. Corresponding <i>p</i>-values for homogeneity tests, based on 50,000 permutations, are represented by the following shading patterns: dark grey: p≤0.01, light grey: 0.010.05. Only strata with a sample size of n≥10 are reported, and the Beaufort Sea stratum is the Mackenzie and Point Hope strata combined (see text). Reported estimates of heterogeneity comprise the roughly two decade period from 1988–2010. See Table A and B in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0194201#pone.0194201.s012" target="_blank">S7 Table</a> for more details on temporal patterns of heterogeneity.</p

    Distribution (light blue) of beluga whales, <i>Delphinapterus leucas</i>, in the North Pacific Ocean.

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    <p>The ten major nearshore concentration areas during the summer months are highlighted (dark blue). These areas along with a small resident group of beluga whales in the Gulf of Alaska are numbered according to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0194201#pone.0194201.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p

    The likely population of origin of beluga whales on spring migration sampled at four locations in the Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.

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    <p>Maximum likelihood assignments to two candidate populations, the eastern Chukchi Sea (Kasegaluk Lagoon) and the eastern Beaufort Sea (Mackenzie-Amundsen), were conducted in Whichrun and are reported both as likelihood ratios (P(n)/P(max)) and the Log of these ratios (LOD) for each individual. Bayesian assignments, using prior sample group information (i.e., LOCPRIOR models), were made using STRUCTURE and are reported as the estimated ancestry, Q, in Clusters 1 (Chukchi) and 2 (Beaufort). Assignments of individual migrants were also estimated using the stock-mixture method in BAYES, summarized here as the proportion of times, <i>P</i>, an individual was assigned to each baseline population.</p