32 research outputs found


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    Nos dias atuais a escola é vista como responsável pelo desenvolvimento integral do aluno nos aspectosfísicos, emocional, cognitivo e social da criança. Sobre o papel da gestão democrática e participativa na geraçãoda qualidade no âmbito escolar, atualmente uma das temáticas mais discutidas na educação é a forma de como asescolas têm se organizado para construírem espaços de relevância nos aspectos administrativos, pedagógicos, degestão de pessoas. Mediante as grandes mudanças nas tecnologias e nos níveis de preferências dos alunos, discutesecomo perseguir a qualidade tão necessária à escola de hoje. Nesse contexto, a partir de pesquisa desenvolvida,pode-se verificar que uma das maiores dificuldades da gestão é justamente estabelecer situações significativasque possam edificar a participação de todos no sentido de gerar a qualidade no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.Assim, acredita-se que uma gestão escolar só poderá contribuir de maneira democrática a partir do momento emque todos, gestores, professores, pais e alunos envolvam-se de forma participativa nos projetos pedagógicos eculturais da unidade escolar

    Adenine-induced hyperphosphatemia in a murine model of renal insufficiency

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    Hyperphosphatemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients is a risk factor for cardiovascular events, progressive kidney failure, and mortality. Improved therapeutic interventions to control hyperphosphatemia depend greatly on robust animal models that recapitulate the CKD disease process. Murine-based models of CKD as compared to rat models present significant advantages due to available genetic knockout lines that permit mechanistic dissection of CKD etiologies. The rat adenine model of renal failure has been extensively studied, and studies are now emerging describing adenine-induced renal failure in murine models. However, these newly developed murine models have not fully described the responses to calcitriol and phosphate binders, and the reported effects of adenine on serum phosphate is often lacking in murine models. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: 1) To induce hyperphosphatemia in mice using adenine with minimal mortality, and 2) Report the influence of calcitriol and phosphate binders on the disease process through measurement of serum phosphate and histology. In one approach, C57BL/6 male mice gavaged with 4 or 6 mg adenine/day, as compared to 0 mg adenine/day developed hyperphosphatemia, with low mortality. In a second approach, calcitriol exacerbated adenine-induced increases in serum phosphate at day 7 of adenine administration (p\u3c0.05). Notably, adenine treated mice had 4-fold increased stomach weights vs. non-adenine treated mice (p\u3c0.0001). The addition of a phosphate binder (experiment 3, sevelamer hydrochloride) was ineffective at preventing an adenine-induced increase in blood phosphate, a finding that likely resulted from adenine’s inhibition of gastric emptying. We report the successful use of adenine to induce hyperphosphatemia, that the hyperphosphatemic status is exacerbated by calcitriol, and a limitation of the model for studying oral therapies for hyperphosphatemia

    Interpretasi Lingkungan Pengendapan Formasi Talang Akar Berdasarkan Data Cutting dan Wireline Log pada Lapangan X Cekungan Sumatera Selatan

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    A sedimentary environment is a part of earth\u27s surface which is physically, chemically and biologically distinct from adjacent terrains (Selley, 1988). The study of the depositional environment is one goal of many studiesconducted for academic purpose and economically purpose in oil and gas exploration. The study of the depositionalenvironment requires a fairly comprehensive analysis as to sequencestratigraphy facies analysis to obtain detailedinterpretations or conclusions. The purpose of this study is to analyze cutting and wireline logs to determinelithology, facies and sedimentation history of theTalang Akar formation field X in South Sumatra basin. The method used to analyze the formation of depositional environment of Talang Akar field X in SouthSumatra basin is the cutting description in order to know the composition of the constituent formations. While theanalysis conducted is cutting analysis to get lithofacies interpretation, second is well log analysis method to getsubsurface data such as physical rock properties then electrofacies analysis based on gamma ray log pattern andthird is stratigraphy sequence analysis method so sea level changed can be known. Stratigraphy sequenceinterpretation did base on facies and gamma ray log pattern changed. Pratama-1 well lithology consists of shale, siltstone, very fine sandstone until medium sandstone andlimestones. While the well lithology Pratama-2 is composed of shale, very fine until medium sandstone and siltstone.Facies found in wells Pratama-1 consists of distributary channel fill, prodelta, distal bar, distributary mouth bar,and marsh. Facies in wells Pratama-2 is a mud flat and mixed flat. In Pratama-1 wells are 2 sets sequence that bounded by 2 sequence boundary, with a stratigraphic unit LST, TST and HST with progradation andretrogradation stacking patterns. While the Pratama-2 wells contained one stratigraphic unit sequence that is onlyTST in progradation and agradation stacking patterns. Based on this analysis the Talang Akar formation field X inSouth Sumatra basin has a transitional depositional environment


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    Mating pair data. Admixture categories are defined in "Materials and Methods.

    Data from: Reduced male fertility is common but highly variable in form and severity in a natural house mouse hybrid zone

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    Barriers to gene flow between naturally hybridizing taxa reveal the initial stages of speciation. Reduced hybrid fertility is a common feature of reproductive barriers separating recently diverged species. In house mice (Mus musculus), hybrid male sterility has been studied extensively using experimental crosses between subspecies. Here, we present the first detailed picture of hybrid male fertility in the European M. m. domesticus – M. m. musculus hybrid zone. Complete sterility appears rare or absent in natural hybrids but a large proportion of males (~30%) have sperm count or relative testis weight below the range in pure subspecies, and likely suffer reduced fertility. Comparison of a suite of traits related to fertility among subfertile males indicates reduced hybrid fertility in the contact zone is highly variable among individuals and ancestry groups in the type, number and severity of spermatogenesis defects present. Taken together, these results suggest multiple underlying genetic incompatibilities are segregating in the hybrid zone, which likely contribute to reproductive isolation between subspecies


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    Reproductive phenotype data. Column headings are defined in "Materials and Methods.


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    Genotype data for lab-bred hybrid males. 1 marker/ ~5 cM, from Mouse Diversity Array