48 research outputs found

    Profound peripheral T-lymphocyte depletion and activation in disseminated tuberculosis

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    Three HIV-1-seronegative patients with disseminated tuberculosis presented significant depletion of T-cell counts, in CD4+ and/or CD8+ cells, associated with increased expression of activation marker CD38 on CD8+ T-lymphocytes. This finding raises the question of potential mechanisms involved in the activation or loss of T-cells in disseminated tuberculosis.Federal University of São Paulo Infectious Diseases DivisionUNIFESP, Infectious Diseases DivisionSciEL

    Racismo e Equalização: o Novo Fundeb e o Direito à Educação Escolar Indígena e Quilombola e em Territórios de Vulnerabilidade Social

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    The article draws attention to the challenges posed to financing policies so that they act effectively in favor of equalization in guaranteeing the right to education, based on the necessary recognition of the relationship between equality and differences, a condition for the full confrontation of inequalities in educational policies. It rescues the fight for the rights of indigenous peoples and black and quilombola populations, their legal achievements, and the institutional innovations of the last decades, aiming to overcome the insufficiency of universal policies and the structural racism that makes invisible and denies the condition of subjects of rights to such populations, mostly predominant in territories considered to be of high social vulnerability. In the light of these accumulations and the proposed Additional Cost of Quality Education per Student (CAQ), it is argued that the new Fundeb and the National Education System establish mechanisms that deepen the process of overcoming Brazilian educational inequalities in a perspective of affirmative action policy. At the end, four proposals are presented for the legal regulation of these mechanisms.O artigo aborda os desafios colocados às políticas de financiamento para que atuem efetivamente em prol da equalização na garantia do direito à educação, com base no necessário reconhecimento da relação entre igualdade e diferenças, condição para o pleno enfrentamento das desigualdades nas políticas educacionais. Resgata a luta por direitos dos povos indígenas e populações negras e quilombolas, suas conquistas legais e as inovações institucionais das últimas décadas, visando superar a insuficiência das políticas universais e o racismo estrutural que invisibiliza e nega a condição de sujeitos de direitos a tais populações, majoritariamente predominantes em territórios considerados de alta vulnerabilidade social. À luz desses acúmulos e da proposta de Custo Aluno Qualidade Adicional, defende-se que o novo Fundeb e o Sistema Nacional de Educação estabeleçam mecanismos que aprofundem o processo de superação das desigualdades educacionais brasileiras em uma perspectiva de política de ação afirmativa. Ao final, apresentam-se quatro propostas para a regulamentação legal desses mecanismos

    Apoptosis and cell cycle aberrations in epithelial odontogenic lesions : an evidence by the expression of p53, Bcl-2 and Bax

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    Ameloblastoma (AMB), odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT) are epithelial odontogenic lesions with diverse biologic profiles. Defects in regulation of apoptosis and cell cycle may be involved in the development and progression of those lesions, therefore we aimed to investigate the expression of Bcl-2, Bax and p53 to better understand the possible role of these proteins in AMBs, OKCs and AOTs. The studied sample consisted of 20 AMBs, 20 OKCs and 20 AOTs. Immunohistochemistry technique was performed for the antibodies p53, Bcl-2 and Bax. Immunoreactivity was observed in the epithelial component and positive cells were counted in five fields (100x magnification). Statistical analysis was performed with Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman tests (p<0.05). All lesions exhibited staining for the three studied proteins. There was no statistically significant associations between the expression of proteins and the lesions, however we identified a positive correlation between the expression of p53 and Bcl-2 (r = 0.200) and a negative correlation between p53 and Bax expressions (r = -0.100). In addition, p53 and Bax were similarly expressed between AMBs and OKCs. Bcl-2 was similarly expressed in AMBs and AOTs. Apoptosis regulatory proteins, as well as cell cycle proteins, are differently expressed in epithelial odontogenic lesions and their expression is possibly related to the biological behavior of AMB, OKC and AOT


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    A polícia e/ou os policiais passaram a figurar como atores principais num cenário social em que a violência emerge como um grave problema que aflige grande parte da população brasileira. Mesmo diante dessa centralidade de importância dada a esse ator social, como ‘instrumento’ de segurança pública exercida pelo Estado, constatamos um tensionamento nas construções narrativas jornalísticas, nas quais o discurso sobre a instituição oscila entre heróis e bandidos. A escrita do presente artigo tem como base a seguinte indagação: o que é ou como é representada a polícia e/ou os policiais nas narrativas jornalísticas da mídia impressa paraense? Questão que se ampara no campo das representações sociais, compreendidas nos estudos de Jodelet (1989) sob duas perspectivas: como conhecimento prático, orientado para a compreensão do mundo e para a comunicação; e, por outro, como construções com caráter expressivo, elaborações de sujeitos sociais sobre objetos socialmente valorizados. Logo, as representações sociais são entendidas a partir do contexto que as engendra e da sua funcionalidade nas interações sociais cotidianas, ou seja, no contexto de sua produção. Como recorte da pesquisa, são tomadas quatro edições do jornal paraense Amazônia, editoria de Polícia, do ano de 2013. Ainda como aporte metodológico, recorremos à Análise do Discurso, de van Dijk (2008), em que o discurso é entendido como qualquer evento comunicativo na sociedade. Nas análises, encontramos ideias antagônicas e difusas sobre a instituição polícia e/ou sobre os policiais, que, de acordo com os fatos narrados, adquirem status de importância em conformidade com os interesses da vida social e dos indivíduos neles envolvidos. &nbsp; PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Polícia; Jornal Amazônia; Representações Sociais; Análise Crítica do Discurso. &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRACT The police and / or the police have come to represent as main actors in a social scene in which violence emerges as a serious problem that afflicts great part of the Brazilian population. Even in view of this central importance given to this social actor, as an 'instrument' of public security exercised by the State, we find a tension in the narrative journalistic constructions, in which the discourse on the institution oscillates between heroes and bandits. The writing of this article is based on the following question: what is or how the police and / or police are represented in the journalistic narratives of the print media in Para? A question that fits in the field of social representations, understood in the studies of Jodelet (1989) from two perspectives: as practical knowledge, oriented to the understanding of the world and to communication; and, on the other, as constructions with expressive character, elaborations of social subjects on socially valued objects. Thus, social representations are understood from the context that engenders them and from their functionality in everyday social interactions, that is, in the context of their production. As a cut of the research, four editions of the Amazonia newspaper, the police magazine, are published in 2013. Still as a methodological contribution, we use the Discourse Analysis, by van Dijk (2008), in which the discourse is understood as any event communicative in society. In the analyzes, we find antagonistic and diffuse ideas about the police institution and / or the police, which, according to the facts narrated, acquire importance status in accordance with the interests of social life and the individuals involved in them. &nbsp; KEYWORDS: Police; Journal of the Amazon; Social Representations; Critical Discourse Analysis. &nbsp; &nbsp; RESUMEN La policía y / o los policías pasaron a figurar como actores principales en un escenario social en que la violencia emerge como un grave problema que aflige gran parte de la población brasileña. Incluso ante esta centralidad de importancia dada a ese actor social, como "instrumento" de seguridad pública ejercida por el Estado, constatamos una tensión en las construcciones narrativas periodísticas, en las que el discurso sobre la institución oscila entre héroes y bandidos. La escritura del presente artículo tiene como base la siguiente indagación: ¿qué es o cómo es representada la policía y / o los policías en las narrativas periodísticas de los medios impresos paraense? Cuestión que se ampara en el campo de las representaciones sociales, comprendidas en los estudios de Jodelet (1989) bajo dos perspectivas: como conocimiento práctico, orientado a la comprensión del mundo ya la comunicación; y, por otro, como construcciones con carácter expresivo, elaboraciones de sujetos sociales sobre objetos socialmente valorados. Por lo tanto, las representaciones sociales son entendidas a partir del contexto que las engendra y de su funcionalidad en las interacciones sociales cotidianas, o sea, en el contexto de su producción. En el marco de la investigación, se toman cuatro ediciones del diario paraense Amazonia, editorial de Policía, del año 2013. Aun como aporte metodológico, recurrimos al Análisis del Discurso, de van Dijk (2008), en que el discurso es entendido como cualquier evento comunicativo en la sociedad. En los análisis, encontramos ideas antagónicas y difusas sobre la institución policía y / o sobre los policías, que, de acuerdo con los hechos narrados, adquieren status de importancia de acuerdo con los intereses de la vida social y de los individuos en ellos involucrados. &nbsp; PALABRAS CLAVE: Policía; Diario Amazonia; Representaciones Sociales; Análisis crítico del discurso


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a viabilidade de sementes de Tabebuía ímpetígínosa, Tabebuía ochreceee e Tabebuía avellanedae, após secagem e/ou armazenamento sob temperatura subzero, visando à conservação de seu germoplasma a longo prazo. As sementes foram submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: secagem; secagem e armazenamento a -20°C; e armazenamento a -20°C. Os tratamentos foram aplicados por períodos de 0 a 7 dias, com intervalos de 1 dia entre os períodos. Para avaliar a qualidade das sementes após os tratamentos, foram conduzidos testes de germinação e de grau de umidade. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as sementes destas espécies foram tolerantes à secagem e ao armazenamento a -20°C, indicando a possibilidade de serem conservadas a longo prazo em bancos de germoplasma

    Formação de micorriza em variedades de oliveira (Olea europaea L.) com potencial de cultivo em Minas Gerais

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    The olive tree, due to the high demand for the products olive and oil, is a relevant crop for the global food market. To improve its cultivation, increasing efforts have been invested in studies on biological factors of the soil-plant relationships, mainly with regard to the exploitation of microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In Brazil however, further research is still needed, both under controlled and field conditions. In this sense, this study investigated the formation of extraradical mycelium and spore numbers and diversity of mycorrhiza, on 17 olive tree (Olea europaea L.) varieties. These varieties, considered promising for cultivation in the state of Minas Gerais, are maintained in the olive germplasm bank of the Agricultural Research Institute of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG), at the Experimental Farm Maria da Fé. The response of the olive varieties differed in terms of the level of extraradical mycelium and mycorrhiza formation, since root colonization in the field varied from 0.4% to 3.6%. Under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the study region, no influence of the olive tree varieties on the total number of spores and diversity of AMF was detected, among which the fungal species Glomus ambisporum and Acaulospora scrobiculata were identified most frequently on the roots of the analyzed olive trees.A oliveira, em razão da elevada demanda por produtos como azeitona e azeite de oliva, apresenta posição de destaque no mercado mundial de alimentos. Para o aprimoramento de seu cultivo, pesquisas relacionadas com fatores de ordem biológica da relação solo-planta estão ganhando enfoque, principalmente quanto ao uso de microrganismos como fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs). Contudo, há uma grande escassez de informação nessa área no Brasil, tanto em condições controladas quanto realizadas in situ. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho visou avaliar a formação de propágulos (usando as características micélio extrarradicular, número e diversidade de esporos) de micorrizaem17 variedades de oliveira (Olea europaea L.). Essas variedades, com potencial de cultivo no estado de Minas Gerais, são mantidas no banco de germoplasma da Fazenda Experimental de Maria da Fé – EPAMIG (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais). Houve resposta distinta entre as variedades de oliveira para a formação de micélio extrarradicular e micorriza, sendo a colonização radicular in situ variada entre 0,4% e 3,6%. Nas condições edafoclimáticas da região de pesquisa não foi detectada nenhuma influência das variedades de oliveira sobre o número total de esporos e a diversidade de FMAs, sendo que as espécies Glomus ambisporum e Acaulospora scrobiculata foram identificadas com maior frequência nas raízes das oliveiras analisadas

    Experimental Chemotherapy for Chagas Disease: A Morphological, Biochemical, and Proteomic Overview of Potential Trypanosoma cruzi Targets of Amidines Derivatives and Naphthoquinones

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    Chagas disease (CD), caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, affects approximately eight million individuals in Latin America and is emerging in nonendemic areas due to the globalisation of immigration and nonvectorial transmission routes. Although CD represents an important public health problem, resulting in high morbidity and considerable mortality rates, few investments have been allocated towards developing novel anti-T. cruzi agents. The available therapy for CD is based on two nitro derivatives (benznidazole (Bz) and nifurtimox (Nf)) developed more than four decades ago. Both are far from ideal due to substantial secondary side effects, limited efficacy against different parasite isolates, long-term therapy, and their well-known poor activity in the late chronic phase. These drawbacks justify the urgent need to identify better drugs to treat chagasic patients. Although several classes of natural and synthetic compounds have been reported to act in vitro and in vivo on T. cruzi, since the introduction of Bz and Nf, only a few drugs, such as allopurinol and a few sterol inhibitors, have moved to clinical trials. This reflects, at least in part, the absence of well-established universal protocols to screen and compare drug activity. In addition, a large number of in vitro studies have been conducted using only epimastigotes and trypomastigotes instead of evaluating compounds' activities against intracellular amastigotes, which are the reproductive forms in the vertebrate host and are thus an important determinant in the selection and identification of effective compounds for further in vivo analysis. In addition, due to pharmacokinetics and absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion characteristics, several compounds that were promising in vitro have not been as effective as Nf or Bz in animal models of T. cruzi infection. In the last two decades, our team has collaborated with different medicinal chemistry groups to develop preclinical studies for CD and investigate the in vitro and in vivo efficacy, toxicity, selectivity, and parasite targets of different classes of natural and synthetic compounds. Some of these results will be briefly presented, focusing primarily on diamidines and related compounds and naphthoquinone derivatives that showed the most promising efficacy against T. cruzi

    Behavioral Profile of Children and Adolescents with Prader-Willi Syndrome and Exogenous Obesity

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    The objective of present study was compared the behavioral profile of two different groups of children and adolescents with obesity. Ten subjects presented diagnoses of exogenous obesity and ten Prader-Willi syndrome. The Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disease which the main behavioral symptom is hyperphagia. The samples were paired by sex and age, with mean age of 12 years. In the evaluation of behavioral profile was utilized Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL/6–18). In the most cases children with exogenous obesity have obtained better results than the referred with Prader-Willi Syndrome. Into the comparison by mean of ANOVA univariate identified significant differences between the groups in the scales: school (p = 0.001), social problems (p = 0.012), thought problems (p = 0.001), attention problems (p = 0.048), rule-breaking behavior (p = 0.019); aggressive behavior (p = 0.003) and conduct problems (p = 0.001). The differences suggested the need of counseling psychological strategies in the Prader-Willi syndrome group