15 research outputs found

    FedPop: Federated Population-based Hyperparameter Tuning

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning (ML) paradigm, in which multiple clients collaboratively train ML models without centralizing their local data. Similar to conventional ML pipelines, the client local optimization and server aggregation procedure in FL are sensitive to the hyperparameter (HP) selection. Despite extensive research on tuning HPs for centralized ML, these methods yield suboptimal results when employed in FL. This is mainly because their "training-after-tuning" framework is unsuitable for FL with limited client computation power. While some approaches have been proposed for HP-Tuning in FL, they are limited to the HPs for client local updates. In this work, we propose a novel HP-tuning algorithm, called Federated Population-based Hyperparameter Tuning (FedPop), to address this vital yet challenging problem. FedPop employs population-based evolutionary algorithms to optimize the HPs, which accommodates various HP types at both client and server sides. Compared with prior tuning methods, FedPop employs an online "tuning-while-training" framework, offering computational efficiency and enabling the exploration of a broader HP search space. Our empirical validation on the common FL benchmarks and complex real-world FL datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, which substantially outperforms the concurrent state-of-the-art HP tuning methods for FL

    FedDAT: An Approach for Foundation Model Finetuning in Multi-Modal Heterogeneous Federated Learning

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    Recently, foundation models have exhibited remarkable advancements in multi-modal learning. These models, equipped with millions (or billions) of parameters, typically require a substantial amount of data for finetuning. However, collecting and centralizing training data from diverse sectors becomes challenging due to distinct privacy regulations. Federated Learning (FL) emerges as a promising solution, enabling multiple clients to collaboratively train neural networks without centralizing their local data. To alleviate client computation burdens and communication overheads, previous works have adapted Parameter-efficient Finetuning (PEFT) methods for FL. Hereby, only a small fraction of the model parameters are optimized and communicated during federated communications. Nevertheless, most previous works have focused on a single modality and neglected one common phenomenon, i.e., the presence of data heterogeneity across the clients. Therefore, in this work, we propose a finetuning framework tailored to heterogeneous multi-modal FL, called Federated Dual-Aadapter Teacher (FedDAT). Specifically, our approach leverages a Dual-Adapter Teacher (DAT) to address data heterogeneity by regularizing the client local updates and applying Mutual Knowledge Distillation (MKD) for an efficient knowledge transfer. FedDAT is the first approach that enables an efficient distributed finetuning of foundation models for a variety of heterogeneous Vision-Language tasks. To demonstrate its effectiveness, we conduct extensive experiments on four multi-modality FL benchmarks with different types of data heterogeneity, where FedDAT substantially outperforms the existing centralized PEFT methods adapted for FL

    FRAug: Tackling Federated Learning with Non-IID Features via Representation Augmentation

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a decentralized learning paradigm, in which multiple clients collaboratively train deep learning models without centralizing their local data, and hence preserve data privacy. Real-world applications usually involve a distribution shift across the datasets of the different clients, which hurts the generalization ability of the clients to unseen samples from their respective data distributions. In this work, we address the recently proposed feature shift problem where the clients have different feature distributions, while the label distribution is the same. We propose Federated Representation Augmentation (FRAug) to tackle this practical and challenging problem. Our approach generates synthetic client-specific samples in the embedding space to augment the usually small client datasets. For that, we train a shared generative model to fuse the clients knowledge learned from their different feature distributions. This generator synthesizes client-agnostic embeddings, which are then locally transformed into client-specific embeddings by Representation Transformation Networks (RTNets). By transferring knowledge across the clients, the generated embeddings act as a regularizer for the client models and reduce overfitting to the local original datasets, hence improving generalization. Our empirical evaluation on public benchmarks and a real-world medical dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, which substantially outperforms the current state-of-the-art FL methods for non-IID features, including PartialFed and FedBN.Comment: ICCV 202

    CL-CrossVQA: A Continual Learning Benchmark for Cross-Domain Visual Question Answering

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    Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a multi-discipline research task. To produce the right answer, it requires an understanding of the visual content of images, the natural language questions, as well as commonsense reasoning over the information contained in the image and world knowledge. Recently, large-scale Vision-and-Language Pre-trained Models (VLPMs) have been the mainstream approach to VQA tasks due to their superior performance. The standard practice is to fine-tune large-scale VLPMs pre-trained on huge general-domain datasets using the domain-specific VQA datasets. However, in reality, the application domain can change over time, necessitating VLPMs to continually learn and adapt to new domains without forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Most existing continual learning (CL) research concentrates on unimodal tasks, whereas a more practical application scenario, i.e, CL on cross-domain VQA, has not been studied. Motivated by this, we introduce CL-CrossVQA, a rigorous Continual Learning benchmark for Cross-domain Visual Question Answering, through which we conduct extensive experiments on 4 VLPMs, 4 CL approaches, and 5 VQA datasets from different domains. In addition, by probing the forgetting phenomenon of the intermediate layers, we provide insights into how model architecture affects CL performance, why CL approaches can help mitigate forgetting in VLPMs to some extent, and how to design CL approaches suitable for VLPMs in this challenging continual learning environment. To facilitate future work on CL for cross-domain VQA, we will release our datasets and code.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Towards a New Science of a Clinical Data Intelligence

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    In this paper we define Clinical Data Intelligence as the analysis of data generated in the clinical routine with the goal of improving patient care. We define a science of a Clinical Data Intelligence as a data analysis that permits the derivation of scientific, i.e., generalizable and reliable results. We argue that a science of a Clinical Data Intelligence is sensible in the context of a Big Data analysis, i.e., with data from many patients and with complete patient information. We discuss that Clinical Data Intelligence requires the joint efforts of knowledge engineering, information extraction (from textual and other unstructured data), and statistics and statistical machine learning. We describe some of our main results as conjectures and relate them to a recently funded research project involving two major German university hospitals.Comment: NIPS 2013 Workshop: Machine Learning for Clinical Data Analysis and Healthcare, 201

    Performance, Accuracy, and Web Server for Evolutionary Placement of Short Sequence Reads under Maximum Likelihood

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    We present an evolutionary placement algorithm (EPA) and a Web server for the rapid assignment of sequence fragments (short reads) to edges of a given phylogenetic tree under the maximum-likelihood model. The accuracy of the algorithm is evaluated on several real-world data sets and compared with placement by pair-wise sequence comparison, using edit distances and BLAST. We introduce a slow and accurate as well as a fast and less accurate placement algorithm. For the slow algorithm, we develop additional heuristic techniques that yield almost the same run times as the fast version with only a small loss of accuracy. When those additional heuristics are employed, the run time of the more accurate algorithm is comparable with that of a simple BLAST search for data sets with a high number of short query sequences. Moreover, the accuracy of the EPA is significantly higher, in particular when the sample of taxa in the reference topology is sparse or inadequate. Our algorithm, which has been integrated into RAxML, therefore provides an equally fast but more accurate alternative to BLAST for tree-based inference of the evolutionary origin and composition of short sequence reads. We are also actively developing a Web server that offers a freely available service for computing read placements on trees using the EPA

    Homology-based inference sets the bar high for protein function prediction

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    Background: Any method that de novo predicts protein function should do better than random. More challenging, it also ought to outperform simple homology-based inference. Methods: Here, we describe a few methods that predict protein function exclusively through homology. Together, they set the bar or lower limit for future improvements. Results and conclusions: During the development of these methods, we faced two surprises. Firstly, our most successful implementation for the baseline ranked very high at CAFA1. In fact, our best combination of homology-based methods fared only slightly worse than the top-of-the-line prediction method from the Jones group. Secondly, although the concept of homology-based inference is simple, this work revealed that the precise details of the implementation are crucial: not only did the methods span from top to bottom performers at CAFA, but also the reasons for these differences were unexpected. In this work, we also propose a new rigorous measure to compare predicted and experimental annotations. It puts more emphasis on the details of protein function than the other measures employed by CAFA and may best reflect the expectations of users. Clearly, the definition of proper goals remains one major objective for CAFA