18 research outputs found

    Designing Batik Motif with Digital Pattern Method

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    Batik fabric is a traditional cultural form from Indonesia, developed initially solely for as use of the King and his followers. In modern society, batik has spread more widely into everyday wear for Indonesian people. Batik motifs are made following the market needs and must constantly be updated to cater to changing fashions. Therefore, the author provides training to the younger generation in the digital construction of new batik patterns. The methods used in this training are presentation, tutorials, practicums and discussions. Keywords: Batik Motif, Digital, Patter

    The Development of a Flip Book as an Online Learning Media

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    This study aimed to design a flip book as a learning media using the flipbook builder application. The purpose of designing this learning media was to support the online learning process. This study used the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The products were validated by media experts and material experts. The learning media was tested on small groups and large groups. Qualitative data were converted into quantitative data which were then tabulated and analyzed in a quantitative and qualitative descriptive manner to determine the quality of the product being developed. The results showed that the learning media that was developed is good quality. Keywords: Learning media, flip books, online learnin

    3D Animal Illustration Flashcard as a Learning Media Innovation in Early Childhood Education

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to interact with virtual elements in a real-world environment. In the context of early childhood education, AR-based learning media can provide a number of benefits for children learning about animals. With the assistance of parents, children can learn 3-dimensional shapes and animal characters that are integrated with smartpones. The aim of this research is to develope 3D flashcards based on Augmented Reality for learning media in Early Childhood Education. The developed flashcards are also given the distinctive sound of each animal so that the child can easily recognize it. The product was developed using ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develompent, Implementation and Evaluation), and it was then tested on a limited group, and validated to get input for improvements before being mass-produced. The result of this research in AR-based learning media is that it can make learning about animals more engaging and interactive for children. This can make the learning process more fun and interesting for children, and can also help to retain their attention and focus during the learning process. Another benefit of using AR-based learning media is that it can help to make the information more relatable and concrete for children. For instance, instead of just reading about a cow in a flashcard, children can use an AR app to see a 3D model of a cow in front of them and even interact with it. The limitation of this study is that from the results of the trial, the data shows that the use of paper-based flasshcards can be damaging in early childhood, and teachers suggest using sturdier materials such as PVC. Keywords: flashcards, augmented reality, animals, early childhood, education How t

    Optimization of Online Learning With the Development of Video Learning Media for Early Children's Education

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    Since the start of its spread in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on various fields in Indonesia, one of which is education. Because of the pandemic, the Indonesian Government has called for replacing face-to-face learning with online learning. Teachers are required to be more creative in developing learning media that can be used for the online learning process. In this study, teachers developed learning media in the form of videos for early childhood levels. The development of this learning media used the ADDIE approach (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The media developed were validated by material experts and media experts. Then a product trial was conducted at the TK/KB Laboratory of the State University of Malang. The results of the product trial showed that there is student interest in video learning media for online learning. Keywords: online learning, media, vide


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    Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) Culture Art of Malang Regency Junior High School is an organizationwhich facilitates the gathering of Art and Culture teachers in Malang Regency. In this forum Arts and Culture teachersinteract with each other to learn together how to develop quality learning for students. In the academic field, MGMPteachers of art and culture routinely schedule to develop learning tools, learning media and learning materials. In the nonacademicfield this organization also develops the ability to work together which will then be taught to their students.PBNP UM's dedication team on this occasion collaborated with MGMP Arts and Arts of Malang Regency to providePoster Design training for the group. The purpose of this activity is to increase teachers creativity. This dedicationactivity is carried out using lecture, presentation and tutorial methods. As a result of these activities teachers are able tocreate digital poster designs independently

    Exploration of Malang Traditional Art for Junior High School Learning Materials

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    Malang has many kinds of traditional art and music and it is important that young people are aware of their local art and music as part of their cultural identity. The purpose of this research was to explore Malang traditional art and music which could be used as learning materials for junior high school students, especially for art and culture subject matter. This research used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through interviews, field observation and documentation analysis. The results showed that there is traditional art in Malang which can be used for this purpose, namely pottery from Penanggungan sub-district and batik from Celaket sub-district, which both use traditional elements. This research also identified the traditional music called Malangan Macapat which is different to Central Java Macapat. The conclusion was that these forms of Malang traditional art and music can be developed as learning materials for art and culture subject matter for junior high school students.   Keywords: education, art, music, learning materials, traditiona


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    Abstrak: Perkembangan kampung keramik Dinoyo sebagai kawasan wisata edukasi sangat penting. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat kunjungan wisata dan omset menurun drastis, literasi eduwisata virtual dibutuhkan. Penyiapan eduwisata virtual oleh Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Kampung Wisata Keramik Dinoyo (KWKD) strategis untuk menggairahkan kembali wisata kampung keramik Dinoyo di masa pandemi. Oleh karena itulah, pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan penguatan eduwisata virtual pada Pokdarwis KWKD. Penguatan dilakukan dengan sosialisasi dan curah pendapat untuk eksplorasi potensi KWKD, pelatihan pembuatan eduwisata virtual, dan pelatihan pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai media edukasi dan promosi. Sosialisasi eduwisata virtual dan curah pendapat dengan Pokdarwis dan perangkat kelurahan KWKD dilakukan secara luring di kawasan KWKD. Pelatihan penyusunan eduwisata virtual dilakukan secara luring dan dilanjutkan secara daring dalam grup pelatihan. Hasil yang diperoleh melalui pengenalan sejarah keramik Dinoyo, tumbuh antusias di kalangan anggota Pokdarwis dan berharap kermaik Dinoyo dikenal seluk beluknya oleh genaris muda. Pelatihan membuat disain eduwisata virtual dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi yang dapat diunduh dengan mudah di gawai. Hasilnya berupa beragam poster untuk berbagai kepentingan, seperti edukasi tentang keramik dinoyo, promosi produk kermaik dinoyo, informasi program atau event yang melibatkan atau diselenggarakan KWKD. Pelatihan pemanfaatan media sosial sebagai media prosmosi dan edukasi dilakukan dengan menganali algoritma kinerja media sosial sehingga Pokdarwis dapat meningkatkan jumlah pengikut media sosialnya. Eduwisata virtual diharapkan dapat meningkatkan gairah ekonomi kampung keramik Dinoyo. Abstract: It is critical to develop the Dinoyo ceramic village as an educational tourism destination. Tourist visitation and turnover have decreased significantly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, necessitating the development of virtual Edu-Tourism literacy. The Tourism-Literate Group’s (Pokdarwis) development of virtual Edu-Tourism at the Dinoyo Ceramic Village (KWKD) is critical in reviving tourism in the village during the pandemic. Therefore, this community service was carried out to empower virtual Edu-Tourism at KWKD. The group empowerment activities included socialization and brainstorming on KWKD potentials as an educational tourism destination, training on how to create virtual Edu-Tourism, and training on how to utilize social media for educational and advertising purposes. On-site socialization of virtual Edu-Tourism and brainstorming with authorities from Pokdarwis and KWKD took place. The training for virtual Edu-Tourism began offline and continued online in training groups. The introduction of Dinoyo’s ceramics history resulted in increased enthusiasm among Pokdarwis members and the hope that young generations would become more familiar with Dinoyo’s ceramics. The training for creating a virtual Edu-Tourism design was conducted via a smartphone application. Diverse posters for various reasons were successfully developed throughout the training, including instruction about Dinoyo ceramics, promotion of Dinoyo ceramic products, and information on activities or events involving or hosted by KWKD. The group was trained on how to use social media as an advertising and instructional medium by identifying social media performance algorithms in order to boost their social media followers. Virtual Edu-Tourism is anticipated to increase economic interest among members of the Dinoyo ceramic community


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    Kampung Sanan merupakan salah satu kampong iconic di Kota Malang. Kampung Sanan terkenal sebagai penghasil usaha tempe kripik. Lebih dari itu pada saat ini Kampung Sanan telah mengembangkan usaha mereka tidak hanya menghasilkan kripik tempe untuk dijual, tetapi Kampung Sanan juga mengembangkan daerahnya sebagai destinasi wisata edukasi pengolahan kripik tempe, pengolahan biogas, dan lain-lain. Meskipun Kampung Sanan telah mengembangkan beberapa lokasi sebagai destinasi wisata edukasi, namun berdasarkan observasi belum dilengkapi sygn system dan wayfinding yang komunikatif untuk menunjukan lokasi-lokasi tersebut. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut tim pengabdi memberikan solusi berupa pemberian pelatihan perancangan sygn system dan wayfinding bagi Kampung Sanan untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisata

    Stone Tiles: Unique Souvenirs for the Sanan Malang Educational Tourism Destination

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    Malang has several thematic tourist destinations, one of which is the village of Sanan. Sanan is known as an educational tourism destination. As the center of the tempe industry, the people of Sanan are able to process tempe into 50 types of preparations, such as tempeh chips with various flavors, tempeh satay, mendol sticks, tempeh brownies, dry tempeh, and nata de soya. Some Sanan people also use the soybean waste to feed their cattle. Many local tourists visit Sanan Village, including school students, university students, employees from government and private agencies, civilian officials, military officers and businessmen. Unfortunately, this tourist destination does not yet have any unique souvenirs which represent the identity of Sanan, and can be used for promotion and as keepsakes for tourists. Because of this, a group of mothers who are members of the Sanan community were given training to make special souvenirs in the form of decorative stones or painting stones with the medium of andesite stone tiles. Keywords: souvenirs, Sanan, decorative stone


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    Abstrak: Integrasi permainan kepada proses kegiatan pembelajaran sangat penting dilakukan terutama di PAUD, karena untuk menstimulus kognitif anak agar dapat berkembang dengan baik. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan kegiatan bercerita (storytelling). Di lain pihak, karakter dongeng Indonesia dirasa mulai kurang dikenal oleh anak-anak usia dini di Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan karena banyaknya karakter asing yang masuk melalui media televisi, internet, maupun buku cetak. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan pembelajaran di tingkat PAUD dengan cara memanfaatkan clay art karakter dongeng Indonesia sebagai avatar storytelling. Metode yang digunakan adalah memberi guru pengetahuan seputar dongeng fabel anak Indonesia dan gaya desain karakter. Serta memberikan pelatihan pada guru untuk membuat avatar storytelling berupa desain karakter dengan menggunakan clay art. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah guru antusias dalam proses pembuatan karakter menggunakan clay art dan sepakat bahwa anak usia dini perlu mencintai karakter dongeng Indonesia sebagai upaya pelestarian dongeng Indonesia.Abstract: Integration of games into the process of learning activities is very important, especially in early childhood education, because it is to stimulate a child's cognitive to develop properly. One of them is by storytelling. On the other hand, Indonesian fairy tale characters are felt to be less well known by early childhood in Indonesia. This is due to the large number of foreign characters entering through television, internet, and printed books. Community service aims to increase learning activities at PAUD level by utilizing the character of Indonesian clay art as a fairy tale avatar. The method used is to provide teacher knowledge about Indonesian children's fairy tales and character design styles. As well as providing training for teachers to create avatars to tell stories in the form of character designs using clay art. The results obtained are teachers who are enthusiastic in the process of making characters using clay art and agree that young children need to love Indonesian fairy tale characters in an effort to preserve Indonesian tales